Obama learns what a counter punch is

Barack Hussein Obama woke up this morning and found himself five points behind John Sidney McCain. This after he suffered a serious blow at the Saddleback forum that saw all but the most seriously mentally ill calling it a big win for McCain. Obama attacked McCain after that forum and he came out swinging at the beginning of this week. I wrote earlier about Obama going on the attack, something I knew he would do as soon as he started to fade.

Obama put out an attack video which ties McCain to disgraced lobbyist (they call him a Republican lobbyist but he gave nearly as much money to Democrats) Jack Abramoff. The ad implies that John McCain made sure that one of the people involved, Ralph Reed, did not have problems and now that person is raising money for McCain. It appears that Reed did not receive special treatment and that the fund raising is, according to him, as a private citizen.

The Obama ad ignores the fact that Barack Obama received money from Abramoff and his associates. The Obama ad also ignores the fact that McCain was responsible for the investigation of the corruption and Abramoff’s demise. McCain exposed the issue but the ad does not let the viewer in on that little secret.

The ad tries to make McCain guilty by association, something Obama chided Hillary for in the primaries. Guilt by association was an issue that was hard for Republicans to bring up (even though Obama has a lot of associates that are shady) because they did not stick in the primaries and the first thing out of their mouths would be racism. Desperate times call for desperate measures and in today’s political climate Obama should be 15 points ahead instead of 5 behind. He has been shown as a weakling and he has decided to start getting mean. It appears though, that Obama made a tactical error. By trying to make McCain guilty by association he opened the door for John McCain to do the very same and there is not a thing the Obama-bots can do about it. Their guy opened the door and invited McCain in.

And in he walked. Big John carrying a big stick and he used it quite effectively:

“Barack Obama’s ad is ridiculous. Because of John McCain, corruption was exposed and people like Jack Abramoff went to jail.

“However, if Barack Obama wants to have a discussion about truly questionable associations, let’s start with his relationship with the unrepentant terrorist William Ayers, at whose home Obama’s political career was reportedly launched. Mr. Ayers was a leader of the Weather Underground, a terrorist group responsible for countless bombings against targets including the U.S. Capitol, the Pentagon and numerous police stations, courthouses and banks. In recent years, Mr. Ayers has stated, ‘I don’t regret setting bombs … I feel we didn’t do enough.’

“The question now is, will Barack Obama immediately call on the University of Illinois to release all of the records they are currently withholding to shed further light on Senator Obama’s relationship with this unrepentant terrorist?” —McCain spokesman Brian Rogers via STACLU

Game, set, match. The kid took a swing at John McCain while trying to act tough and the counter punch hit him square in his glass jaw. Now the McCain camp can air ads with pictures of all the things that Ayers blew up and sound bites of him saying they did not do enough. They can top that off with pictures of Barry and Ayers together. There is not a thing that Barry or any of his minions can do about this. You see, Barry could shrug it off in the primaries by claiming that he was a kid when Ayers bombed but Barry was an adult when he became an associate of Ayers. Ayers made his statements in the recent past so Obama is associated with a known terrorist. Obama had to know about Ayers’ past and his current feelings and yet he continued to associate with him. Obama, for such a smart man, led with his chin on this one.

It was good to see the McCain camp shoot back quickly and forcefully. This was not only a shot to the chin, it was also a shot across the bow. The McCain camp sent a warning that basically said; “If you want to play this game you go right ahead but we are good at it and we are not afraid to hit you very hard when we punch back. I bet this will give Obama a bit of a pause.

Might be too late. Now McCain is free to exploit the past associations of Obama and to use them without worry.

Barry played Carlton the doorman on this one.

Will MSM Give Hillary Same Treatment as Bush?

Drudge is displaying a picture that has surfaced of Tony Rezko with the smiling Clintons, one on each side. This is important because Hillary Clinton mentioned Rezko in the last Democratic debate when she said to Senator Obama; “I was fighting against those ideas when you were practicing law and representing your contributor, Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.” The photograph looks like one of the many that presidents and their wives have taken, photos that are often with people they do not know and have never met. Often though, these pictures are taken with people who have donated money to the president’s campaign. So the question now becomes, how did Tony Rezko get invited to whatever event this was and how did he get his picture taken with the Clintons? Another question would have to be did this “slumlord” donate money to them?

On the surface this might not seem like a big deal and many Hillary supporters will say that she has taken many photos with people that she does not know. Hillary was making that very case this morning on the Today show. In the glory days of the Clintons the media would be tucking this under the bed and if she were running against a Republican they would certainly make no big deal out of it. The media are not treating the Clintons unfairly as Bill claims, they are just giving Hillary the same scrutiny as other candidates. In other words, the playing field has been leveled and the Clintons are not used to that. Remember, it was Drudge who expose the Lewinsky affair when the media was keeping it under wraps.

As I stated though, the photo looks like one of many except the person in the middle is different so why is this important and why should Hillary be taken to task for this photo? There was a guy named Jack Abramoff who was a lobbyist. He ended up in jail and several Republicans ended up in legal trouble because of illegal dealings with Abramoff (Democrats ignored their dealings with Abramoff as did their partners in the MSM). After the Abramoff scandal broke there was word that the disgraced lobbyist had been tot he White House and that there were photos of him with President and Mrs. Bush. The Democrats and the media went nuts over this and said it proved that Bush was doing illegal things. The Chicago Tribune said that Mr. Bush had some explaining to do even as the President was saying that he took thousands of photos with people he did not know and that he did not know Abramoff (sound familiar?). Here is the Tribune take on it:

“However, now we know there are at least two visits by admitted felon Jack Abramoff that the White House must explain,’’ Fitton said. “What was Jack Abramoff doing at the White House? With whom did he meet? The public deserves to know answers to these questions.” Chicago Tribune

Since Rezko is from Chicago, let’s wait and see how long the Tribune waits to tell us that the public deserves to know about Rezko’s visit with the Clintons.

There is no doubt that Abramoff raised money for President Bush as he did for many politicians from both parties. Many of those politicians, including the President, have donated that money to charity. The point being, if Abramoff was able to get his picture with the President because of fund raising, what did Rezko do to get his picture taken with the Clintons?

This photo, which has to be an embarrassment to Hillary, is probably nothing more than a photo with someone they really do not know, as are the Abramoff/Bush photos. However, the media and the Democratic Party went absolutely nuts over the Bush photos and the words corruption and scandal were thrown around quite often. Therefore, the Clinton photo with Rezko demands the same attention and scrutiny as the Bush/Abramoff photos and that attention needs to be now, not six months after she is elected to the Presidency.

The media cannot drag its feet on this and they must start digging to see if Rezko gave the Clintons money or if there is another relationship between the parties. The media must start using words like scandal and corruption and the Clintons must allow access to all their records so a federal probe can begin.

While the investigators and the media are at it, they can look into Hillary’s ties to Abramoff as well. If she wants to be President then she should be held to the same standard that the Democrats hold President Bush to.


Of course, this could be photoshopped…

Big Dog

Others items of interest:
Outside the Beltway, Blog @ MoreWhat.com, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Right Truth, The Pet Haven Blog, Shadowscope, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Conservative Cat, Pursuing Holiness, Adeline and Hazel, A Newt One- The Truth Surge, Pet’s Garden Blog, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, A Newt One, CORSARI D’ITALIA, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.