ACORN Story A Tough Nut To Crack

ACORN is the organization that worked to get Barack Obama elected. The organization is billed as one that helps the under served and they worked hard to register people to vote. Many of the registrations were phony and there were plenty of accusations of fraud. Many offices are under investigation.

Obama taught the people at ACORN when he was a community rabble-rouser.

Recently, two people went into a Baltimore ACORN office and pretended to be a pimp and a prostitute. The stellar employees are on video telling the two how to avoid taxes, how to get a home in which to run a brothel (with under aged girls) and how to hide the prostitutes job. OK a couple of bad people in an office does not make a tainted organization. The two were fired, end of story.

Then a video was released with the same two in a Washington DC ACORN office and they were given the same advice. They were told how to break the law. OK, two instances does not a tainted organization make. Two people were fired.

Now a video with the same scenario and same advice has been released from an encounter in an ACORN office in New York. Two people were fired and ACORN claims the videos were doctored.

We are at three instances of the same advice being given to two people and that advice is how to break the law. This is more than a coincidence. It shows a systemic problem in that organization. It shows just how deeply the corruption runs and yet, the MSM has not reported on it. It has been largely ignored by the MSM. Fox News is practically the only organization giving any time to the story.

Last night Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift as she was giving an acceptance speech for an award that West felt should have gone to someone else.

This has played non stop on the news and West took time in his scheduled appearance on the new Jay Leno show to apologize for his outburst. He has apologized several times since the incident but felt it necessary to do so again. That is all well and good but how much coverage does this warrant? This has gotten a lot more play from the MSM than the corruption that has been exposed in ACORN.

The liberals said there was nothing to the allegations against ACORN when they surfaced last year. Now that the corruption cannot be so easily dismissed the left has found a way to deal with it.

They just ignore it.

Even Obama had more to say about Kanye than he did about ACORN.

Big Dog

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Obama’s Acorn Ties; They Will Help Shape His Agenda

Barack Obama has been downplaying his association with ACORN, the group that he paid to commit voter fraud. He claims only to have represented them in litigation but the evidence shows his ties run deeper. In this video, he tells them that they will help shape his agenda:

The same people who helped bring us the housing crisis and are now committing acts of fraud in states across this country, acts paid for by Obama, will help shape his agenda.


UPDATE: Democrats do steal votes

Big Dog

Petty Larceny Or A Hate Crime And In Your Face Politics

Police in York County South Carolina are reporting that the county Republican headquarters was targeted by vandals. Some of the in your face Obama supporters spray painted “Republican means slavery” on the door and stole (as well as defaced) some McCain signs. The police state that the vandals could face charges of petty larceny (for the stolen signs) and damage to property. The question is, why is it not a hate crime?

This act absolutely has a racial component to it. The criminals mentioned slavery and indicated that Republican [rule] means slavery. This was obviously written by a moron who, if he attended school, was a part of the public school system. Otherwise this person would have known that the Democrats have the long history of opposing civil rights and Republicans have always been in favor of equality. Republicans died to end slavery. Frances Rice of the NBRA details the racist history of the Democratic party here. So, once again, why is this not a hate crime?

If someone had spray painted “KKK” on the doors of a Democratic headquarters and across Obama signs then it would be investigated as a hate crime. Why do you suppose there is this double standard?

At the same time we have in your face Obamamaniacs defacing Republican property we have Representative John Lewis of Georgia saying that the rhetoric coming out of McCain’s camp is incendiary and racist and could cause violence. Lewis compares McCain to George Wallace whose rhetoric Lewis claims led to the church bombing in Birmingham Alabama. I will remind those of you who attended public schools that Wallace was endorsed by the NAACP in his first failed election bid and then he returned to his segregationist roots after complaining of being “outniggered” by his opponent. It is important to keep in mind that Wallace was a Democrat. It is also important to remember that pointing out your opponent’s flaws is not racism and the only people who are playing the race card are Democrats.

Obama and his surrogates like Frank Rich and Maureen Dowd are happy to point out how racist the Republicans are and how they are stoking anger that might be directed against The One. I don’t believe that the rhetoric from the McCain campaign is any more likely to inspire someone to hurt Obama than Obama’s rhetoric is to incite a wacko Obama supporter to off McCain or Palin. There are plenty of people following Obama who hate whites (Obama is one himself) who would be happy to off McCain and if he were in the lead I would not be surprised to see and in your face Obamamaniac give it a try. Obama has a relationship with a known, unrepentant, domestic terrorist and he has the support of terrorists around the world. Leaders of Muslim countries that sponsor terrorism want Obama to win and have expressed those sentiments. If Obama is so worried about ties being made between him and terrorists then he should explain why they see him as so appealing.

Even Fidel Castro has gotten in on the act. He says that racism in the US will cause Obama to lose a lot of votes. I think there are plenty of whites who will not vote for him because he is black. I also believe there are just as many blacks who will vote for him based solely on his color so it is a wash. These reasons are as legitimate as any. People are free to vote for or against someone based on anything they want. Some people vote based solely on the issue of abortion. You will either vote for a person who supports murdering unborn children or you won’t. Not voting for Obama for whatever reason does not make you a racist. You might be one, but not voting for him is not what makes you one.

Perhaps Castro should worry about Cuba’s food crisis instead of American elections. Perhaps Congressman John Lewis should be worried about something important with regard to the elections. Maybe he should be looking into the rampant Democratic voter fraud that is taking place in many states, especially the swing states. ACORN is registering dead people who are actually showing up to vote and there are hundreds of thousands of registrations that are illegal. Obama will benefit from multiple votes from one person and fraud as dead people vote for him. This should not be surprising since Obama paid ACORN nearly 1 million dollars to commit this fraud.

The last few weeks are going to get very ugly and if stupid Americans elect Barack Obama then it will get uglier. There are plenty of examples of people committing voter fraud and this vandalism will get worse. It is time to ensure that America remains whole.

Get rid of ACORN and throw out every registration they have filed. This means all of them whether they are good or not because we can’t be sure. If people want to register they can go to or call the elections office. The people Obama worked for, and eventually paid, at ACORN are breaking the law. We also need to stop all taxpayer money from going to them and we need to put the ones who broke the law in jail.

We need to catch those who vandalize and prosecute them and then put them in jail.

The last thing we need to do is ensure Obama does not get elected. Remember to keep lists of anyone you know who is voting for him so that you can hold them responsible later. After Clinton screwed up you could not find someone who admitted voting for him. This time we will know who to hold accountable.

The funny thing about all this is that Obama said for his people to be in their faces. As soon as the McCain folks got in faces it was deemed incendiary and racist.

Democrats, always the victims….

Big Dog