Any Wonder They Question Our Motives?

Vice President Joe Biden is the gift that keeps on giving. He is a gaffe a minute and every time he opens his mouth there is a great probability that something stupid will come out. People target Sarah Palin and call her stupid and if she made the same number and types of gaffes as Biden we would hear it non stop. Biden is a Democrat so he gets a pass.

Biden was selected by Barack Obama because of Biden’s foreign policy experience which is one of the many things that Obama has no experience in. Remember, Obama is the least experienced guy in any room he enters.

So if Biden is such a genius in foreign policy why would he insult the government of Afghanistan and at the same time feed the belief that we are imperialists who believe we are rulers of everyone? The people of Afghanistan (and Iraq) see us as occupiers who will force our ways on people because we know best. We have spent a lot of time on public relations trying to convince those concerned that we are not the bad people we are made out to be.

Biden basically insulted the Afghanistan government by saying that daddy was going to take the training wheels off and they had better practice. This was stated in regard to the transfer of security to the Afghan government by 2014:

“Daddy is going to start to take the training wheels off in October — I mean in next July, so you’d better practice riding.” ABC

Could this jackass have been any more condescending? Using the word Daddy makes it sound as if we believe the Afghan government to be a bunch of children who are being looked after by big daddy America. It is an insult. Since training wheels are used on CHILDREN’S Bicycles, the analogy reinforces his assertion that they are children being looked after by “daddy.”

Yeah, the genius on foreign policy. This moron should keep his mouth shut and let the real adults run the place though finding a real adult in the Obama administration might be a hard thing to do.

Regardless, someone needs to put a muzzle on Biden before he sets foreign relations back 50 years.

One has to wonder if his brain is in gear before he engages his mouth.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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McChrystal Learns His Fate Today

Though the outcome is in little doubt…

General Stanley McChrystal, the man Barack Obama hand picked to lead the war effort in Afghanistan, is on his way to the White House. He was summoned there by a very angry Barack Obama who was blindsided by a Rolling Stone article given to him late Monday evening by Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

In the article, McChrystal and unnamed aides are quoted saying disparaging things about Obama, Biden and host of regime characters who are involved in the Afghanistan conflict.

McChrystal evidently allowed a Rolling Stone reporter to shadow him and his staff for about a month. The result was a story with quotes that are less than flattering.

What was the General thinking?

The reporter’s ideologies are left wing so it was unlikely that he would overlook anything that might be disparaging to Obama and his regime. Regardless, no reporter should have been allowed in because that is asking for trouble. Some of the things quoted could have context that is less disparaging and been made in a joking manner but that would not be accurately portrayed in any article. The things said are best left behind closed doors and kept among those who serve, joking or not.

McChrystal is a professional soldier and he should have known better. He and his people were wrong for publicly saying what they did and unfortunately this will end up costing the General his job. The rumor mill already indicates that he has tendered his resignation and though Obama does not have to accept it, the writing is on the wall.

Perhaps Obama called him back to DC to discuss this face to face but I think the fact that he was called back is a pretty good indication that he is not returning. If McChrystal is prudent, he brought all his gear back with him.

I can’t excuse what took place and what was said because it was said publicly and the entire incident undermines the command structure and the confidence in our military and civilian leaders. It was unprofessional and it commands a severe response. It pains me to say that because McChrystal is a smart guy who is needed in the war effort but he stepped on it big time.

There is an outside chance that Barack Obama will censure McChrystal, not accept his resignation and send him back to Afghanistan but I see this as very unlikely. That same rumor mill indicates that possible replacements are already being discussed.

Military people have all kinds of things to say about various leaders among themselves and that is where their comments should stay. In public the professionals in our military need to support the chain of command and ensure that the orders of their leaders, military and civilian alike, are carried out and that they project the appearance that they support those in charge of them. If they cannot support their leaders then they should resign (if they are officers) or not reenlist when their time is up (for enlisted).

McChrystal and his staff failed the test when they decided to make disparaging comments to a reporter.

General McChrystal has not denied anything reported in the article and I can’t find anything that was said that is untrue. The problem is he and his staff made the information public.

Not a smart move and one that will likely cost him his career.

I would like to give McChrystal and his staff the benefit of the doubt and see what he has to say about the article when he meets with Obama. I am sure he has been silent about the issue because he was ordered to keep his mouth shut but I doubt anything he can say now will change the course of events that will take place later today.

Related articles:
Telegraph UK

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Can Take Care Of John Murtha

A report from yesterday indicated that some Democrats were concerned about Obama’s plan for Afghanistan (which he disclosed tonight) and the report cites John Murtha who indicated that he never got a clear indication of what an achievable victory would be. Murtha is just back from Afghanistan and is nervous about Obama’s plan.

“I am still very nervous about this whole thing,” Murtha told POLITICO. “If you had 10 years, it might work; if you had five, you could make a difference. But you don’t have that long.”

OK, so Murtha is nervous. What does this guy know anyway? He accused our Marines of cold blooded murder and has not apologized for that statement even though they have been exonerated.

The concern among the party is how to get the base to go along with a plan that calls for more troops and more fighting. People like Michael Moore are beside themselves (that would be an ugly sight) because they believe that Obama is going in a different direction than he indicated during the campaign. This is hogwash as I demonstrated yesterday but the delusional in the Democrat base did not pay attention. That is not unusual for an Obama supporter.

The concern among politicians is how to get broad support among House Democrats:

But it will be next to impossible for Obama to build broad support among Democrats in the House without bringing Murtha along.

I don’t care about support from Democrats because they have a hard time supporting our troops but people seem to think Obama needs their support and that he can’t get it without Murtha so I want to give Obama some advice.

Mr. Obama, if you really think you need Murtha on board and that having him on board will bring other Democrats to the table then here is how you get him. Wrap some money up in a newspaper and give it to him. Murtha will do anything for money. He is a man whore and has been one for as long as he has been in Congress. Murtha will do anything if the price is right. He thinks America is an ATM machine designed to dispense cash for him. He is even willing to accept illegal money (and has funneled it illegally as well) so all you have to do is pass him some cash and he will be on board.

Murtha would give Satan a Lewinsky if the price was right so he will climb in bed with you for a little scratch.

It should not matter much to you Mr. Obama because payola is the Chicago way. You get to practice Chicago politics and Murtha gets his palm greased.

Murtha will do anything for money. I will pay him a thousand dollars if he jumps off the Empire State building.

I’ll be waiting with it when he lands…


Big Dog


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Note To Michael Moore; You Got What You Voted For

One thing I can appreciate about Michael Moore is that he is consistent. He is consistently wrong about things but that does not stop him. He makes “documentaries” that are incorrect and in which he uses out of context information to paint inaccurate portrayals of things taking place. In some of them his hypocrisy is unbelievable. His anti capitalism movie flies in the face of the fact that he is very rich and got that way because of, with for it, CAPITALISM.

Looks like Michael Moore, who licks the boots of liberals, is not so happy with the person he voted for to occupy the White House. Moore wrote an open letter to Obama begging him not to send more troops to Afghanistan. This is how the letter opens:

Do you really want to be the new “war president”? If you go to West Point tomorrow night (Tuesday, 8pm) and announce that you are increasing, rather than withdrawing, the troops in Afghanistan, you are the new war president. Pure and simple. And with that you will do the worst possible thing you could do — destroy the hopes and dreams so many millions have placed in you. With just one speech tomorrow night you will turn a multitude of young people who were the backbone of your campaign into disillusioned cynics. You will teach them what they’ve always heard is true — that all politicians are alike. I simply can’t believe you’re about to do what they say you are going to do. Please say it isn’t so. Michael Moore

Moore is a talented writer and he writes a well reasoned letter. Regardless of what any one person might think about the war in Afghanistan, Moore is entitled to his opinion and he expresses it very well.

There is one big problem though. Moore is using his well honed skill of painting a picture that is not accurate. Moore’s letter is based upon the premise that Obama campaigned on a platform of ending the war in Afghanistan and bringing our troops home. If Obama had actually campaigned on that then Moore would have a case and his open letter would make sense. The problem is, Obama campaigned on the exact opposite of that and he was very clear about it.

Barack Obama told us that the war in Iraq was a mistake but the war in Afghanistan was the war of necessity. Obama said he would send more troops to Afghanistan. An article at from July 2008 discusses the candidates’ stances on the wars and this is what it reports:

While Obama called for sending two more brigades to Afghanistan, McCain called for sending three. [emphasis mine]

CNN reports this (also from July 2008):

“I think one of the biggest mistakes we’ve made strategically after 9/11 was to fail to finish the job here, focus our attention here. We got distracted by Iraq,” he said.

Obama said troop levels must increase in Afghanistan.

“For at least a year now, I have called for two additional brigades, perhaps three,” he told CBS. “I think it’s very important that we unify command more effectively to coordinate our military activities. But military alone is not going to be enough.” [emphasis mine]

I could continue to find where Obama called Afghanistan the war of necessity, claimed that al-Qaeda and the Taliban must be defeated, and stated his intent to increase troop strength but these two examples make it clear that Obama was upfront about his plans and that Moore has no basis for the impression he paints in his open letter.

In other words, quit crying Michael, you knew what you were getting when you voted for him.

That’s right Michael, Obama told you what he was going to do and you still voted for him. Therefore, you have no standing when you whine and complain about Obama actually doing what he said he would do. I know that it might be surprising that Obama is doing what he said (and that is likely more to do with his desire not to be perceived as weak) but the reality is, you Michael (and millions like you), believed every word Obama said and you worshiped him. You should not now cry when he is doing exactly what he told you and the rest of kool aid drinkers he was going to do.

Your letter claims that the hopes and dreams of millions of young people who voted for Obama will be destroyed if he sends more troops. Since they voted for him knowing full well that he said he was going to send more troops then sending those troops MUST have been their hopes and dreams. You cannot destroy something that did not exist and the hopes and dreams of the youth that Obama would bring our troops home from Afghanistan DID NOT EXIST because he did not tell them he would do that.

He told them quite the opposite.

This is classic Michael Moore. Paint a picture that is untrue and then attack that picture.

Michael, you got exactly what you voted for.

If you are having buyer’s remorse then just say so but do so without the lies and deception. I know that is hard for you but give it a try.

Big Dog

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The Troops Are A Good Photo Op For Obama

While Obama dithers on making a troop decision he has taken the time to visit some of them at various bases. One was in Alaska and another in South Korea. Obama told the troops that they made a pretty good photo op.

This is what the Resident thinks of the troops, they are a good photo op. While he is playing games there are men and women in harm’s way who need more support. The request for that support has been on his desk since August but Obama has failed to take a decision on sending the help their commander says they need. Aides say it is unlikely a decision will be taken before Thanksgiving.

While the rest of the nation gives thanks our troops will be praying that they get help sometime within Obama’s first term.

Let’s see. Stimulus, we have to do it NOW. Health care takeover, we have to do it NOW, Cap and Trade, well he wanted it NOW but has to wait until after the next election. Everything is NOW, NOW, NOW with this guy except when it comes to sending help to the troops. That can wait until Obama is good and ready.

How many times have we heard about people dying in the streets because health care is screwed up? This is a blatant lie but it plays on emotions. The only people I have seen die in the streets were involved in accidents or victims of violence.

Health care is a matter of life or death, or so we are led to believe but sending help to our troops is not such a matter of life or death, except to those on the battlefield.

My liberal friends tell me (and I read liberal commenters at other sites) that they like the idea that Obama is taking his time and carefully weighing options with regard to the troops. It shows how deliberative he is.

But the same people are pushing for health care reform right NOW and want no delays. Our troops are getting shot at and some are dying on the battlefield while Obama deliberates. On the other hand Obama is balls to the wall for health care reform. He wants that by the end of the year but when he gets to helping the troops is anyone’s guess.

This is nothing more than dereliction of duty. Just like a Democrat to abandon our troops.

During the campaign Obama said he would have to earn the trust of the troops. I said then that he did not have the experience to be Commander in Chief and he is showing that each and every day.

As for earning trust. Good luck with that.

At least they provide his ego with a good photo op.

Big Dog

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