Save The Illegals By Building A Wall

The number of illegals who are dying in the desert while entering the US illegally has risen this year, particularly in a region of Arizona where it has been particularly hot. Illegals who are trying to enter our country by breaking the law are being fried in the hot sun and are dying left and right. There are so many dead illegals that they are being stored in a refrigerated truck.

Personally, I don’t particularly care about illegals frying in the desert. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want these people to die and I have no desire for them to die but I also know that they are responsible for what is happening. They are breaking the law and dying in the process. I have as little concern for this as I do for a bank robber who falls off a ledge and dies while trying to break into a bank or a liquor store robber who gets shot and killed by the owner of the store.

I just do not particularly care that these people dropping dead as a result of illegal activity.

But I know there are plenty of bleeding hearts out here who will say that this is some kind of travesty and that we need immigration reform to help these people.

During the decades we have given blanket amnesties and they came with a promise to secure the border. The border is not secure and people can just walk right in (weather permitting). If the Congress had kept its word and built the wall on the southern border we would not be having all these deaths in the Arizona sun.

Congress, and now Barack Obama, are responsible for these deaths because they refuse to build a wall until they get immigration reform. They are giving hope of amnesty to a lot of people who are setting out on a dangerous trek where many of them die.

We need a wall to keep them out and to keep them alive.

But mostly to keep them out.

My Way News

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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SF Wants Arizona Boycott And Obama Plays The Race Card

There is a big uproar by the morons in this country who seem to think that it is perfectly OK to break the law and that there should be no consequences for doing so. The same people who were apoplectic during the Plame controversy in eager anticipation of some unruly Republican lawbreaker being frogmarched out of the White House are working to help. and actively support, those who are here illegally.

Al Sharpton is organizing his group of rabble rousers to stir up trouble in Arizona. Pat Buchanan makes an interesting point about that. How many blacks will follow Sharpton given that a number of jobs they could be doing are held by the illegals who Sharpton is supporting?

Now San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera is calling for a boycott of Arizona. What kind of moron is this so called attorney? Here is a guy who is an officer of the court who is expected to uphold the law and he is calling for a boycott of Arizona because he does not like the law they passed. If this law is unconstitutional then the courts will sort it out. Is it appropriate for parts of this country to call for boycotts because they happen not to like a particular law in another state?

Suppose California passed a gay marriage law and the rest of the country boycotted that state. Do you suppose people like Herrera (whose name and actions show where his loyalties lie and they are not to his country) would be up in arms?

I say screw San Francisco. Boycott them. California is on the brink of insolvency and it should not take too much more to push it over the edge. Start with San Francisco and see what happens from there. If we can hurt it enough they might need to get rid of Herrera. I have an idea where they can send him.

I like what Arizona did and I will wait to evaluate, on a case by case basis, whether or not there is “racial” profiling going on (can’t happen because Hispanic is not a race). If things turn out badly then they can fix it but it is time that the states started taking an active role in this mess because the federal government has no desire to fix it. The feds want to grant amnesty to all the illegals and be done with it so we can start over again and accumulate another 12 million illegals so they too can receive amnesty in five or ten years.

Arizona decided that this was not satisfactory. I could not agree more. I think that people should have to provide the same documentation to get a home, a loan, a driver’s license, a job, and assistance that I had to in order to join the Army and in order to get the job I currently have. If it is good enough for me it is good enough for them and if they cannot show the proper documentation then they need to get on out of here.

As for me, I think I will take a week and visit Arizona sometime this summer. Maybe they will stop me and ask if I am here legally. That would be fun and I would be happy to comply. I won’t even scream that they racially profiled me.

Don’t “profile” in Arizona but play the race card in DC.

Barack Obama released a new video this weekend and it is a desperate call for votes in the November election. In it he asks young people, women, African-Americans and Latinos to come out once again and vote in November (he ignored you for a while but now he needs you). He is begging for the help that these groups gave him in 2008 because he knows his party is going to get its head handed over on a platter in November. Mr. balls to the walls Obama is working hard to cram as much legislation through because after November he will be a lame duck first termer and Viagra won’t be able to help his impotence.

In his call to arms Obama neglected to ask for help from a group of people who ensured his victory and that would be the millions of white folks who voted for him in the last election. I guess he figures those folks are not that important. Let’s face it though, he needn’t ask blacks to vote for Democrats. Those votes are a lock. The Latinos, those folks supported him and now that he is trying to give them all amnesty they will be real happy. However, the group that overwhelmingly pays the bills in this country was excluded from his request. That is the one group that gave him the election because he could not have won without it.

Not that it matters. All politics are local and the local races are what will matter. Obama will lose a lot of them in November. It will be death by a thousand cuts.

And I will love watching it play out.

Be sure to visit Arizona this year and boycott San Francisco.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Arizona’s Misguided Immigration Law

Barack Obama took the opportunity to call out the state of Arizona yesterday during a White House ceremony where a number of US service members became naturalized citizens. Obama said if we fail to act (he uses that phrase all the time to trump up the urgency) we will get more misguided efforts like the one in Arizona.

Arizona’s Governor responded by signing the legislation into law thus giving her police the tools to fight a problem that is the result of federal inaction. The federal government has had opportunities to stop the flow of people coming here illegally but it refuses to do anything meaningful. The federal government has given amnesty two times in the past and each time the amnesty came with a promise that this would not be necessary ever again and that the border would be closed and immigration laws followed.

Instead, we now have about 12 million people here illegally and their presence is a burden to the financial system of our country and they are a particular burden to the states because the states end up paying for them. They attend schools, they get government (taxpayer) money from social programs and they commit crimes. Those who support the illegals say that they commit no more crime than citizens do. Who cares? If they were NOT here they would be committing NO crime here.

Obama and his Democrats are working up yet another amnesty program that will allow people who broke the law to get here and are in violation of the law each and every day, to become citizens.

This is the only thing misguided here.

The Arizona law allows police to require proof that one is here legally if that person has made contact with police for some other reason. If they are pulled over for speeding or involved in an accident then they can be asked. ANYONE can be asked to prove legal residence.

This law is the direct result of federal inaction and Arizona’s patience running out after a huge influx of illegals, drug related crimes involving illegals, murders caused by illegals and kidnapping at the hands of illegals.

If the federal government had kept its promise after either of the other two amnesties this law would not be necessary but since the federal government has been playing games with the issue, Arizona was forced to act. Arizona is a sovereign state and has a right to protect its borders. It has a right to check to see if people who are there are there legally.

Therefore, all people should be required to prove that they are here legally to (among other things) enroll in school, apply for welfare, buy or rent a place to live, get a driver’s license, and get a job.

Those of us who are citizens are required to prove this for a number of things. It is high time that we applied this to everyone so we can weed out those who do not belong here.

I can understand how Obama would be opposed to Arizona’s law. He has been asked for his papers a number of times and has refused to produce them.

Arizona looks to address that as well.

Cassy Fiano
Washington Post

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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This Is The Amnesty Obama Is Looking For

Obama said that illegals would not get health care. He might be right because the amnesty bill that the Democrats are working on would grant legal status after 24 hours even if the background checks were not completed (none will be). It will also grant amnesty to gang members and all they have to do is say they don’t want to be in a gang any more.

This video is from sometime ago, perhaps around May. I never noticed it and I imagine others failed to see it because it is on CNN and no one watches that show except a few people who would be happy with the amnesty.

Watch the video here and voice your opinion in the comments.

I can think of two commenters who will think this is wonderful.

And these people wonder why there are costumes like this.

Big Dog

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Illegals Won’t Get Health Care

Because Obama will make them legal

Barack Obama gave his speech to a joint session of Congress and in that speech he said that illegals would not get health care, This prompted Joe Wilson to shout “you lie” and led to his being punished by the House. Big fricking deal.

Wilson was correct, Obama lies. Obama has continued to say that illegals will not get health care in his subsequent speeches. After the Wilson episode Democrats rushed to include language in the bill so that illegals would not get health care. If illegals were not going to get it, according to Obama, why did they need to fix the bill?

Stevie Wonder can see that under the original version illegals would get care. Even if they write it in, illegals will still get care because no one is allowed to ask for proof of citizenship before enrollment. If we can’t ask then illegals will get care.

But Obama might be technically correct if he gets his way. He wants to make illegals legal so that they can receive health care. People who are in this country illegally should not be rewarded with a legal status. We should use whatever means we have available to find the illegals and send them packing after they spend some time in the iron bar hotel. This includes proving citizenship for driver’s licenses, health care and work. We should punish any employer who hires illegals (provided the government system to check is functional) and send the illegals home.

The idea that they need to be here to pick fruits and vegetables is not valid. I need more money but I will not rob a bank to get it and if I did, that excuse would not keep me out of jail. There are millions of people on welfare who need a job and picking produce is good work. There are plenty of unemployed who could use a job. Besides, the government turns off water and kills the farming industry to protect a little fish. At this rate there might not be many farms left for our produce.

Barack Obama said he wanted to make these people legal so they could be covered under his health care plan:

“Even though I do not believe we can extend coverage to those who are here illegally, I also don’t simply believe we can simply ignore the fact that our immigration system is broken,” Mr. Obama said Wednesday evening in a speech to the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute. “That’s why I strongly support making sure folks who are here legally have access to affordable, quality health insurance under this plan, just like everybody else.

Mr. Obama added, “If anything, this debate underscores the necessity of passing comprehensive immigration reform and resolving the issue of 12 million undocumented people living and working in this country once and for all.” Washington Times

Obama is telling us that this health care issue has highlighted the fact that immigration is broken and that he wants the 12 million illegals to become legal (resolving the issue does not mean sending them home in Obama speak) so that they can get health care (ensure those who are here legally have access…).

This is a back door amnesty program and is the solution to Obama’s claim that people who are illegal will not get the health care. It is nothing more than rewarding people for breaking the law. They came here illegally and do not belong here. If you want to come to America legally and work to make a better life then we welcome you with open arms. If you come here illegally you should be hunted down, sent to jail and then deported.

I am not surprised that the health care plan does not require proof of citizenship in order to be enrolled. Given Obama’s reluctance to prove his citizenship I can see why he would not want to burden others with that pesky little task.

Big Dog

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