Ann Coulter Meets The View

Ann Coulter was on The View and the sparks were flying. Ms Underestimated captured the video.

Be sure to visit her site for the full scoop and while you are at it go vote for her in the weblog awards.

Big Dog

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Ann Coulter Banned From NBC

Ann Coulter is a feisty conservative who believes in no holds barred politics and she is spot on in her analysis nearly every time she speaks. She understands the liberal mind and she knows what makes it tick as well as how to pluck its last string. She has more testicular fortitude than some of the so called men in the Republican party and she is fearless. I admire her intelligence and her talent to tweak the left. The fact that she is nice looking is a plus as well.

Coulter was supposed to go on the NBC Today show tomorrow to discuss her new book; Guilty: Liberal “Victims” and Their Assault on America. She was unceremoniously dropped from the show with the cowardly claim that it was overbooked (though they booked her months ago). The overbooked show then went out and got Perez Hilton who will appear and hawk his new book. Hilton is openly homosexual and true to his pansy ways, he once offered $1000 to anyone who would throw a pie at Ann Coulter (according to Drudge). A real man would have thrown the pie himself but I guess it is hard to keep from dropping the pie when one has a limp wrist.

Insiders at NBC say that Coulter has been banned from the network permanently because:

“We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now,” a TODAY insider reveals. “It’s such a downer. It’s just not the time, and it’s not what our audience wants, either.”

They are not interested in someone critical of Obama? This makes sense since none of the MSM has been critical of him since he walked across a pond to become the messiah. God forbid anyone should be critical of Obama.

This is, of course, the same network that had no problem in bringing people on who were critical of George Bush. For the past eight years NBC has had one Bush basher after another on to be “highly critical” of him. This is the network that employs tingly leg Chris Matthews who I don’t believe has ever had a kind word about President Bush and Keith Olberman who is nothing more than a rabid idiot who spews vile from his mouth every time he opens it. He has insulted President Bush every time he has been on the air and he makes no bones about his hatred for the president. So NBC has no moral high ground when it comes to talking critical of a president (or in this case the president elect).

Now NBC did say that it is not what its audience wants. I imagine that is correct. The people who watch NBC are a bunch of losers who sit around all day eating bon bons. The only exercise they get is walking to the mailbox to see if their welfare check has arrived. The people who watch Matthews or Olberman are mental midgets who could not empty a bucket if the directions were written on the bottom. These are the kind of people who are so slow it would take them an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes. Anyone who gives Olberman any credibility is not mentally capable of being out in public alone. He is a moonbat on acid and should be thrown in a room with Perez Hilton on a Viagra overdose.

Ann Coulter has six New York Times best sellers. If NBC wants to exclude her from appearing it will not affect sales. In fact, the publicity will probably help them.

However, NBC has demonstrated why most people (except the morons who drool while watching NBC) do not trust the MSM.

I don’t watch much, if anything on NBC. I will continue to avoid that network. If we are fortunate it will go bankrupt and disappear. Just say no to NBC.

I will, however, be buying Coulter’s new book.

Big Dog

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Ann Coulter Mentions the Dog

I have always enjoyed reading Ann Coulter’s work. I think she is witty and relevant and her items are well reasoned. I particularly like what she wrote this week because she gives this blog a mention right up in the first sentence:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, or as she is called on the Big Dogs blog, “the worst speaker in the history of Congress,” explained the cause of high oil prices back in 2006: “We have two oilmen in the White House. The logical follow-up from that is $3-a-gallon gasoline. It is no accident. It is a cause and effect. A cause and effect.”Townhall [emphasis mine]

So, if any of you folks reading this blog made your way here from Ann’s post, welcome. If you are a regular reader and have not seen her post yet, head on over and give it a look-see. It is very good, as usual.

The Holy Trinity; In the Name of the Father…

Something is absolutely wrong at Trinity United Church, the church where Obama spent 20 years oblivious to the racial hatred spewed from the mouth of Pastor Wright. It might be something in the Holy Water or maybe they put crack in the wine but whatever it is it seems to affect those in the pulpit. The newest inflammatory (and non religious) remarks came from Father Michael Pfleger who used his time in front of the congregation to make a political statement about Hillary Clinton and her feeling of entitlement. Not entitled because she is Hillary but entitled because she is white. Hillary was the white person who looked up and saw that a black man was stealing her rightful position as the next Democratic presidential nominee. As Michelle Malkin said:

It’s one thing to ridicule Hillary’s sense of political and ideological entitlement as part of the Clinton dynasty. But the demagogic emphasis on her race from this hate preacher on the pulpit is quite another thing.

The You Tube video at Malkin’s site states it is no longer available but you can still see it (at least for now) at Political Kudzu.

Father Pfleger is introduced as a friend of the church who needs no introduction. Immediately he goes into a rant about the past and how if we white folks reap the benefits of what our ancestors did for us then we must also accept responsibility for what they did (presumably to black people). This is an illogical argument and compares to unlike things. People are able to enjoy the fruits of labor of their ancestors (as in inherited wealth) without being responsible for what people did to others a century and a half ago. If Pfleger wants to take this route it might have been nice if he would have stated that we whites also get the benefit of all those in our families who died in the Civil War.

The issue I have is his political statements from the pulpit. He is a supporter of Obama and has endorsed him. Until recently, he was listed as a spiritual endorser of Obama. It is amazing how many of these kinds of people keep popping out of the woodwork and it is amazing that Obama is just now realizing how racist and inflammatory they are. The more these kinds of people appear the more disingenuous Obama appears when he says he had no idea what they were about and says their views are not his own. Birds of a feather and all that.

Does the Trinity United Church enjoy tax exempt status? If so then the IRS needs to look at the tape of this sermon and determine if Father Pfleger violated the law. It certainly seems to me that he did especially when one considers he endorsed Obama, is in a church in Obama’s home town, is preaching to a congregation that supports Obama, and he made it appear that Obama was the best choice over white entitlement.

The IRS really needs to look into this church and see about taking away any exemptions it enjoys. How many more lunatic preachers have to appear before someone takes notice?

While the government is at it, the DEA might want to check to see if the preachers are using drugs before the sermons. The Pope might want to look at this guy as well. He has child molester written all over him.

Ann Coulter was on Hannity and Colmes last night and they asked her about Pfleger. She said he was the white pastor Wright, that he was Eminem. I thought that was hysterical.

Big Dog