The Federal Government Looking Out For You

The fact that Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) refuses to secure the border and has chosen to sue Arizona rather than do his job clearly demonstrates his contempt for America. He is working on a plan for backdoor amnesty and his Immigration services are not aggressively tackling the illegal immigrant issue.

If the government took the illegal alien problem seriously then one nun would not be dead and two in critical condition. An illegal who had been released on his own recognizance by immigration services, following his third drunk driving incident, hit a car carrying the nuns.

The man suspected of drunken driving and killing a Catholic nun in Prince William County this weekend is an illegal immigrant who was awaiting deportation and who federal immigration authorities had released pending further proceedings, police said Monday. Washington Times

One function of the federal government is to protect the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, Obama and his Democrats are more interested in increasing their voter base than ensuring the citizens of this country are safe.

Jan Brewer of Arizona has the right idea. Unfortunately the guy who rides around in an armored vehicle surrounded by a plethora of armed guards cares little about those of us who have no such protection.

And yes, I know that the nuns could have been hurt by a citizen but the fact is if the government were doing its job then this accident would not have happened.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We’ll Get Amnesty Like We Get Our Illegal Aliens…

…Through the Back Door…

Each year millions of illegals sneak into this country through the back door. They walk across the porous southern border because the federal government refuses to do its job. When the states try to do the job the feds won’t do, Democrat appointed judges apply social justice rather than legal justice and the illegals just keep coming.

There have been several amnesties over the years and each time one was granted the American people were promised that there would not be a need for another amnesty and that the border would be secured. After the first amnesty more illegals arrived here and waited. They were granted amnesty and now even more have arrived. The illegals keep showing up because they know they will eventually get amnesty.

The American public knows that the federal government will NOT secure the border. Republicans like illegals as cheap labor and Democrats like them as voters. The Democrats pursuit of illegals is nothing more than a Democrat voter registration drive.

And it has to stop.

But it won’t. In fact, we are likely to get an amnesty without any act of Congress whatsoever. This is because the Obama regime is looking at options that will grant a de facto amnesty without the need for the pesky legislative process.

The internal draft written by officials at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services outlines ways the government could provide “relief” to illegal immigrants — including delaying deportation for some, perhaps indefinitely, or granting green cards to others — in the absence of legislation revamping the system. Yahoo News

This internal draft memo was made public by Senator Grassley of Iowa who stated that the memo confirms that the Obama regime is trying to do an end run around Congress and the legislative process.

The pro illegal immigrant groups are happy and state that this shows that someone is trying to fix the broken system.

Let me make this clear, the system is not broken. The way we enforce the existing laws is broken. We have an immigration system that has clearly defined methods to obtain a legal status in this country up to and including becoming a citizen. None of those methods involve allowing people to sneak into the country and then rewarding their criminal act with amnesty. No one can find that particular method in any law that is on the books.

The system is in place and it functions quite well when it is used properly (and enforced by the feds). People apply for a status (work visa, visitor visa, citizenship, etc) and they are evaluated. If there are no reasons they should be barred from entry then they are allowed in. If not then they are denied.

The broken part is the enforcement of our current laws. People who walk across the border without permission are invaders. They are breaking the law. There is no denying it. These people are lawbreakers and it does not matter why they did it, they are still lawbreakers.

I do not care if they need a better life, are not making it in their home country, their feet hurt, they need medical care, their Frosted Flakes got soggy, or any other excuse that might come up with for their presence here, THEY ARE LAW BREAKERS AND SHOULD NOT BE REWARDED.

But this is not how things are framed by Democrats who need more voters. They claim the system is broken. I would be happy to debate Obama or any other member of his regime on this issue because the system is not broken. The people who are not enforcing the law (and their judicial activists) are broken.

Obama knows that he will not get the amnesty he wants this session of Congress and he is pretty certain that he will not have the majority when the next Congress convenes in January 2011 so he is working on something now.

That something is backdoor amnesty and it is plain wrong.

The Executive Branch and its leader are also part of the system that is broken.

They refuse to do their jobs and for that we should hold them accountable.

Addition Source:
Washington Times

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Regime Files Suit Against Arizona

The Obama regime has filed a lawsuit against the state of Arizona declaring that its immigration law is unconstitutional. The suit claims that under the supremacy clause of the Constitution, the federal government is responsible for immigration and the states cannot have their own immigration policies.

The Arizona law mirrors the federal law but the Justice Department claims the Arizona law will cause problems for people who do not follow federal law:

The legal action represents a thorough denunciation by the government of Arizona’s action, declaring that the law will “cause the detention and harassment of authorized visitors, immigrants and citizens who do not have or carry identification documents” while altogether ignoring “humanitarian concerns” and harming diplomatic relations. Yahoo News

Federal law already requires non citizens to carry their documents so how could any of them be harassed by the Arizona law?

The federal government is responsible for immigration and it is failing miserably. Obama refuses to secure the border until he gets immigration reform and while he dithers, people cross the border. His idea of security is to post signs telling Americans that it is not safe to travel in parts of Arizona because of illegals. This is not leadership.

If the feds have the Constitutional authority for immigration what is to stop a state from determining if you are in the state illegally? States should have the right to arrest people if they are in the state illegally. It would just so happen that the people are in the country illegally but Arizona is not trying to capture people in the country illegally, just those in the state illegally.

Why is it that Arizona is under attack from illegals and from our federal government? If the government was doing its job then the Arizona law would be unnecessary. Instead, American citizens are under siege from criminals, drug traffickers, and other illegals who drain us of our resources.

As for the concern over diplomatic relations, who cares? Mexico encourages its people to come here illegally and helps them do it and there is little concern from them when Americans are attacked or murdered at the hands of the illegals. That country certainly has no regard for our laws and no concern for diplomatic relations.

Good fences make good neighbors and we can solve most of the issue by putting up a wall that keeps them OUT.

Obama refuses to do his job because he wants immigration reform before he secures the border. He is concerned that closing the border will take pressure off the immigration reform issue. We have played this game before. Each time this country has granted amnesty it came with a promise of securing the border. Each time we ended up with more illegals waiting for the next amnesty program and an unsecured border.

NO immigration reform until we close the border.

And Arizona should keep right on going regardless of what the feds do. It is their state and they have a right to preserve their sovereignty.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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We Are Losing Territory In The Invasion From The South

About 3500 acres of Arizona have been declared off limits to US citizens because of ongoing violence from illegal entry into our country by drug smugglers, The area is also a path into the US for illegals who sneak in. Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said that the violence is out of control as law enforcement officers and citizens are attacked by the invaders.

The border is the responsibility of the federal government and the feds are failing miserably in their duties.

Arizona called for 3000 national guard troops to be deployed and the regime responded with 1200. As federalized military, the soldiers will not be allowed to perform law enforcement duties and there is question as to whether they will even have weapons.

We are giving away our territory by allowing the illegal thugs to cross into our country unabated. Instead of any meaningful action Obama spends his time assuring Mexican President Calderon that the guardsmen will not cause problems for poor little Mexicans looking for a better way of life.

Why are these troops federalized? The National Guard belongs to the governors of each state until called to active duty by the president. Arizona Governor Jan Brewer should stop waiting for the federal government to do its duty and call her guardsmen to duty and give them the responsibility of securing the border. She should send soldiers to the border area where the problems exist, arm them to the teeth and give them instructions to keep the invaders out of her state. Of course Obama could call them all to active duty (as Eisenhower did in Arkansas) to keep her from using them but this would be a risky move that would show where his allegiances actually lie.

We cannot allow the criminals from Mexico to dictate where we are and are not allowed to travel in our country and this is exactly what is happening as Obama dithers.

Brewer needs to declare a state of emergency and call her heavily armed guard to duty to defend our country against the invaders. They can post notices that anyone trespassing will be shot on sight and then start taking out the invaders. It will not be long before they stop crossing because they will either decide it is too dangerous or they will all be dead.

Either way is OK with me.

And so it should be with Governor Brewer and the state of Arizona.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Arizona Law Is Working Already

And it is not even in effect yet.

Hispanics are leaving Arizona in droves ahead of the new Immigration Law. There is no way to determine the exact numbers but schools are reporting that Hispanic students have stopped showing up as their parents have withdrawn them in order to move to a state where they will “feel more welcome.”

There is no way of knowing whether the people leaving are legal or illegal but it is fairly safe to say that the legal aliens are not worried about having to prove they are here legally because they can do just that. The most likely scenario is that those who are here illegally and are worried about being caught are leaving.

The linked article describes such people and it only makes sense.

The Arizona law is already working because those who are breaking the immigration law are leaving before they get caught. The purpose of any law is to control behavior and make sure people are doing what is right. Since the illegals are leaving the number of lawbreakers in Arizona is decreasing then the law is working. The law is controlling illegal behavior.

I suggest that those looking for a place where they are welcome concentrate on California. That state has many sanctuary cities that are happy to have illegals there.

If the federal government were doing its job then the illegal population would decrease dramatically just as it is in Arizona.

USA Today

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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