They Will Feel Right At Home In Baltimore
Sep 22, 2014 General, Immigration
Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake unveiled her plans to lure immigrants to the “Charm City”. There is no indication whether her plan is strictly for those here legally or all comers regardless of status but since Maryland welcomes illegals with open arms and Blake calls these folks New Americans like the moron governor, there is no doubt she will welcome them with open arms.
I don’t know what Blake wants to accomplish with her plan. Baltimore already has a high crime rate, a drug use and trafficking problem and large numbers of people on welfare so it is not like she is looking to actually change the landscape.
Perhaps she just wants to increase population since Baltimore keeps losing people who are tired of the failure of liberalism. There will always be the hangers on who have their hands out and expect gubmint to take care of them but those looking for a better life are fleeing the city (and in many cases the state all together).
Since most parts of Baltimore look and act like third world countries the immigrants, legal or not, will feel right at home and who knows, with a little work (ha ha work) on their part Baltimore might just hit the bottom it has been seeking for decades.
Blake wants 10,000 new families to inhabit her run down city and I am sure there are plenty of immigrants (including lots and lots of illegals) who are looking for a place to call home.
The rest of the counties should realize that while Blake is importing crime, disease and new welfare recipients they will be footing the bill.
Baltimore has two things going for it and those are the Ravens and the Orioles. If those teams played in another part of the state there would be no reason to visit the city.
Oh, it does have a new casino that attracts people from outside the city but it is too new to determine if it will be a plus or a minus for the city.
Of course the casino and stadiums do need people to clean them up and what better way than low wage immigrants.
Perhaps Blake can get her lawn taken care of as well…
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore, disease, illegals, immigrants, liberals, stephanie rawlings blake, welfare
Speed/Red Light Cameras Are About Revenue
Dec 13, 2012 Political
The claim is that they are about safety. Yes, those cameras set up to capture people who are speeding or running red lights. Instead of having a police officer see you commit a wrongful act and ticket you, a camera snaps a photo and you get a ticket a few months later.
Most people get the ticket and pay the fine. They can’t remember the incident or don’t want to deal with the hassle. You see, there are no points assessed and there is no need to go to court to face an accuser because the violation is a civil one.
The system is bad and open to lots and lots of corruption. The very fact that it takes months and most people will not contest the fine can lead to more people being ticketed even if they do not deserve to be. Couple this with incentives (more money for more tickets) to the companies running these things and the table is set.
A lawyer in Baltimore received a ticket for going 38 in a 25 mph zone. That is above the 12 mph required to be issued a ticket. I am willing to bet that in most cases, say 99 out of a 100, the person would pay the fine. This lawyer did not. You see, the picture taken clearly shows that his vehicle was NOT moving at the time the infraction allegedly took place. His brake lights are on and a short video of the incident shows he was not moving. It is also obvious that there is traffic crossing in front of him from a crossing.
How did this happen? Was it a mistake? How many others have been ticketed when they were not moving and how many paid the fines? This was not isolated as at least 7 other cameras in Baltimore have been shown to be issuing incorrect tickets. Millions of dollars in fines have been collected by the city and one must wonder how much of the money was obtained because of a mistake, or worse yet, fraud.
These cameras are only there to generate revenue so it is not beyond reason that they could be manipulated to increase revenue even more. If this was about safety, as those who support the placement of cameras claim, then why are there no points for the infraction? Why are there no other punishments? Why are speed cameras in work zones set to capture people driving at speeds that will most assuredly result in the death of a struck worker as the regular speed limit? I saw one camera placed where the speed limit allowed was the normal speed limit of 65 mph. This means a person could go 77 mph and NOT get a ticket. How is that speed in any way, shape, or form safe for workers?
I remember a red light camera being placed in an area I go through regularly and the newspaper said it was there for safety. They took it down and the reason was that it did not produce enough revenue.
I think not. The fact is they use these things to increase revenue. They don’t have to do much and they get a huge return on investment because most people do not contest the tickets.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: baltimore, corruption, lies, red light cameras, speed cameras
Make The Occupied Cities Pay
Nov 16, 2011 Political
The Occupy [name a city] movement is a display of liberal politics and philosophy. The protesters are generally located in areas that are run by Democrats which means they are places that are bankrupt and feature a dependent class of takers.
The problem is that these protesters are running roughshod over Democrat politicians who are bowing down to them because they are afraid they will lose votes. The same politicians who have no problem attacking the peaceful and respectful TEA Party members cower in fear over these sub human cretins who are destroying property and living like animals.
The Occupy movements are being coddled to and people cite First Amendment rights. Those rights end when the protesters violate the rights of others or break the law. The fact that people have rights does not mean that they do not have to follow rules. If the rules say they can’t camp in the parks then they can’t camp in the parks regardless of what an ACLU puppet judge claims.
This is evident in Baltimore Maryland. Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake is cowering to the Occupy crowd because she does not want to hurt their feelings or some such crap. These cretins are occupying an area that has been permitted for an event since long before Occupy [whatever] started.
The Pancreatic Cancer Action Network applied to use McKeldin Square and received a permit long before the Occupy insanity started. This group did the right thing and applied for a permit. Now it has decided to move its event because the Square is full of Occupy slugs that the city has not removed. Mayor Blake, make the Occupiers MOVE. Another group has a legal right and has been permitted by the City to use the Square so make the ILLEGAL Occupiers move.
The Occupiers claim they are willing to work with other groups on the use of the area. Excuse me? These pigs are in no position to bargain. They are in no position to decide on such things. They are in a place that someone else has a permit to use.
I bet if the TEA Party was the group Blake would have had them removed by now. Of course that is hypothetical since the TEA Party consists of people who obey the law, clean up after themselves and do not spread diseases around.
If I were Mayor of Baltimore I would have given the Occupiers a time to vacate and if they were not out by that time the police would remove them.
But since Baltimore and the other liberal bastions bow to those who are causing problems for the productive members of society it is time for the majority of the 99% to act accordingly.
I recommend that people avoid places like Baltimore. There are plenty of other places to eat and plenty of other venues for entertainment. So there is no need to go to Baltimore or any other occupied place and spend money. Spend your money and spend your time in places where the elected officials respect the rule of law and do not bow down to the terrorists of the Occupy movement.
Let us make these areas feel the pain of their indifference. Let us make them pay for their inability to lead.
CBS Baltimore
FOX 45 News
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: baltimore, law breakers, occupied, permits, stephanie rawlings blake
Margarine = Jail
Oct 29, 2010 Political
Wow. Just, Wow. I know, I shouldn’t be amazed. But still. I’m really almost beyond words when I read that simply eating margarine can get you jailed in Baltimore.
And yes, there are sadly tons of people who are running around, saying what a wonderful thing this is. They’re “helping people.” I’m having a hard time not thinking really bad things about people like Baltimore Health Department agent Juan Gutierrez. Mr. Gutierrez, you seriously suck. Oh sure, you’re “just doing your job.” You still absolutely suck.
Baltimore Commissioner of Health, Dr. Oxiris Barbot, you’re an ass. I’m sorry, but he is. And sadly, I would tell that to him to his face. I wish I didn’t need to. There’s a time when simple words don’t do enough. This isn’t about taking “the other side.” This is about a number of people who want to THROW YOU IN JAIL or kill you if you serve the “wrong” margarine.
Just think about that — if you serve the wrong food, THEY WILL KILL YOU. Oh, of course, Mr. Barbot and Mr. Gutierrez won’t — but they won’t have any qualms about sending someone else to (that would be the police).
See — now this is why I don’t believe that the people left in this country will ever rise up against this government. To see how well we, the servants of government, are trained, one need look no further than the person who was deemed to be selling the “wrong” margarine:
I think they’re doing it right. They’re doing what they have to do.
So when government threatens you for selling the wrong margarine, just bow down and lick their boots. Because if you don’t, government will jail or kill you because they’re “just doing their job.”
I’m glad I know this world is not the end — because freedom in this world, and especially in this country, is completely and totally gone. I hate war. I really do. But I really hope there’s a revolution in this country soon.
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The Racist NAACP
Oct 14, 2009 Political
Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon is in some legal trouble. She has been indicted on 9 counts relating to theft and perjury. The mayor maintains her innocence and it is up to the legal system to sort it out. If they find her guilty then she must pay and if they find her not guilty then she can move on. But if she is found guilty she will need to be replaced.
This is where the NAACP has concerns. The Baltimore Chapter is concerned that if Dixon is convicted the Governor might appoint a white person to fill her seat.They also have concerns that she might be replaced by a Republican though that is unlikely since the current Governor is a Democrat. Of course, if he loses next year then that might be a different story.
Except, the Governor does not have the authority to replace the Baltimore Mayor. The state law leaves it up to Baltimore charter which states the City Council President will fill the vacancy (as far as I know that person is black). This is how Dixon originally got the job. Current Governor Martin O’Malley was Baltimore Mayor before being elected Governor and Dixon was City Council President. Incidentally, O’Malley is white and the NAACP did not have a problem with him being mayor.
Imagine how it would have played out if a group publicly stated that they were concerned that an indicted white mayor might be replaced with a black person. The very NAACP that made the racist statement regarding Dixon’s possible replacement would be the same organization shouting from the mountain tops about racism.
Marvin L. Cheatham, the president of the Baltimore Chapter of the NAACP, introduced the resolution because he heard an attorney on a radio program discussing a lack of clarity on succession if Dixon were to be convicted and sentenced.
“Our concern is who would the governor appoint?” Cheatham said. “Here you have a predominantly African-American city. What if the governor appointed somebody white? … Would he appoint someone Irish to be the mayor?” Baltimore Sun
Does Cheatham even realize how racist that statement is? Is he suggesting that any city that is predominantly white but has a black mayor would be justified in asking the black person to step down?
The elected official in any jurisdiction is in office to represent EVERY person living there regardless of color. For Cheatham and the NAACP to suggest that a predominantly black city needs a black mayor is racist and demeans the entire system of government.
Let’s take Cheatham’s statement to the next level. The United States is predominantly white. Barack Obama is black. Is it Cheatham’s contention that Obama should not be the leader of this country because he does not fully represent the majority white population of the country? This is his worry in the case of Baltimore.
It amazes me that every person who opposes the positions of Barack Obama is labeled racist but Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton as well as the NAACP have made careers (and lots of money) peddling racism in this country and their statements smack of their own racist attitudes. And then they have the gall to label whites (particularly Republicans and Conservatives) as racist.
I imagine if McCain supporters (or Hillary supporters in the primary) had made the claim that Obama should not be elected because he is black and does not fully represent the majority white population the NAACP would be condemning the claim (and rightly so) and Cheatham would be in front of the crowd calling for the head of the racist who dared to say such a thing.
I believe that the people who are elected are put in office to represent every constituent regardless of color (or any other demographic). For some reason I figured this was common knowledge (though we could argue whether they actually represent us, color is not an issue in that debate). I also believe that people in a job can succeed or fail at the job regardless of color and that color is not a qualification for a job (affirmative action be damned).
I thought we settled that separate but equal nonsense a long time ago.
Maybe Cheatham didn’t get the memo.
Big Dog Salute to Flopping Aces
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Tags: baltimore, marvin cheatham, naacp, O'Malley, racism, sheila dixon