Union Thug Ups The “Anti” Against The VP’s Barbarians

We already know that Barack Obama’s call for civility was aimed only at the right. In his mind and the minds of his party it is the right that causes violence and that violence is the result of right wing talk. Of course this is pure bunk. The acts of violence we have seen have come from liberals as union thugs beat people. One liberal bit the finger off a TEA Party member and the whack job who shot Gabby Giffords was a liberal.

The violence on the left does not stop them from pointing fingers to the right and accusing peaceful people of committing violence. When one calls for civility it is expected that the call is for everyone to be civil. That is obviously not the case as Barack Obama ignores the violent rhetoric from the left.

Maxine Waters said the TEA Party could go straight to hell and Andre Carson said that TEA Party members of Congress would like to lynch black people.

One hears crickets chirp waiting for Barack Obama to ask these people to be civil.

This past weekend came with more uncivil talk and calls for violence against the TEA Party. Union thug and Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa called the TEA Party “sons of bitches” and said that working America was at war with them. He told Barack Obama, who spoke later at the event, that the union thugs stood at the ready to take the TEA Party out. Never mind that the TEA Party represents working America. Unions represent about 14% of the workforce and unions are a dying breed. This does not stop thugs like Hoffa from calling for violence against fellow Americans. Hoffa is anti TEA Party and anti American.

Did Obama denounce the violent rhetoric? No and he probably won’t. If union thugs get violent and harm TEA Party members Obama would remain quiet unless he could find a way to blame the violence on the right. In his world, the ends justify the means so long as the left is getting what it wants. To Obama violence is OK as long as it is perpetrated against the right. Perceived violence against the left demands a speech on civility.

Obama’s own Vice President, the brain damaged Joe Biden, gave a speech and he said that labor was under attack. He said that the other side has declared war on labor’s house and they are the only ones keeping the “barbarians at the gate.” The Vice President called the opposition barbarians while one of the union thugs called the TEA Party sons of bitches.

This is the idea of civility on the left. These people are stirring the pot. They are poking a stick in a hornet’s nest and they are provoking millions of hard working, concerned Americans. They want civil unrest to drum up another emergency so they can play it up and win the next election. They want violence from the right and they are well aware that the right does not start the violence so they are in overdrive trying to provoke a response.

While all this is going on Barack Obama ignores it. He is ignoring the violent rhetoric of his own party and supporters because he wants civil unrest.

They had better be careful what they ask for. The right will not start the violence but there are millions of us who will not sit back and be physically attacked. Throw all the verbal insults you want but do us a favor and quit with the faux concern over civility. Quit with the speeches calling for civil behavior when you have no intention of abiding by that for which you call. If you want to use violent rhetoric, go ahead but quit whining when you hear rhetoric you don’t like.

But be forewarned, while we will not start the violence we will not sit back and allow acts of violence to be committed against us. If you want to try to take the “sons of bitches” out you go right ahead but be prepared for backlash like you have never seen.

Mr. Hoffa, you sure talk a tough game. Your old man talked tough a long time ago. Have they found him yet?

The mob that is known as the liberal left is working its people into a frenzy in order to cause civil unrest. Make no mistake about it, this is the game plan. They want civil unrest and uncertainty before the next election. They want chaos and they have no problem with using violence to get what they want.

The right to self defense is never denied and in the struggle for survival against the violent left We the People will do what is necessary to protect our homes, our property, our families and our lives. The left kept poking in the 1960s until it got Kent State. That pretty much ended the violence from the left and made the country safer.

Try to take the sons of bitches out at your own risk. The gates you man have not the strength or the people power to keep the “barbarians” out should you decide to act.

Be careful. Be very, very careful.

DNC Chair avoids, deflects.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Looks Like It Runs In Obama’s Family

I am back online after intermittent internet outages related to Hurricane Irene.

Perhaps the reason so many people have a problem with Barack Obama’s eligibility to hold office**, besides the forged birth certificate and phony Social Security number, is that being in this country illegally is something that runs in his family. First we had Auntie Zeituni Onyango who was here illegally and mooching off the US taxpayer by living in subsidized housing and receiving welfare and now we have Obama’s uncle Onyango Obama who is here illegally.

He was arrested for drunk driving and is in the custody of ICE. He has retained the same lawyer Auntie Zeituni had because Auntie was able to get asylum and remain here in the US so she can continue to sponge off the hard working taxpayers. Looks like Uncle Onyango is looking for a piece of that for himself. Having a relative who occupies the White House is a plus (look how well it worked out for Auntie) so before long Uncle Onyango might be given legal status.

He only drove while intoxicated and that is a misdemeanor so under Barack Obama’s new back door amnesty plan, Uncle Onyango won’t need to be deported. Isn’t that nice? I mean, what kind of danger could a drunk driving illegal pose to society? Well, this one killed a family of four. He was arrested for drunk driving and released back into society. He drove drunk again and killed a family of four.

Yes, I know that there are citizens who drive drunk and kill people. I also know that if the illegals were deported when they were captured then they would not be here to commit further crime. In other words, if the drunk driving illegal had been deported the family would still be alive.

Not to worry though, Obama’s uncle is a responsible man who would never break the law, other than drunk driving and being here illegally but why hold that against him?

He can’t be too bad, he has a real Social Security number which is more than we can say for his well placed nephew.

It seems to be in the blood of the Obama clan to break the law, come to America illegally and to mooch off the taxpayer. Look out or Auntie and Uncle will be taking 10 million dollar vacations on the taxpayer dime…

**Obama admitted he was not natural born when he released the forged birth certificate. His father was not a US citizen and therefore he was not born to two US citizen parents, the definition of natural born citizen under natural law. That is what the Founders were familiar with and used when they referred to “natural born.” Obama voted in favor of the Senate Resolution that agreed that John McCain was natural born based on the definition of the First Congress (though they probably got it wrong). Natural born then meant born to two citizen parents. It means that to this day and it means Obama agreed to the meaning. It also means he is ineligible for the job he has.

More on natural born (history after the image about half way down).

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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If Only He Had

Barack Obama’s alien (and British subject) father was here on a student visa and managed to game the system long enough to stay here though he attracted the attention of Immigration officials who were worried about his multiple marriages and “playboy ways.” Obama, possibly to avoid deportation, stated that he intended to put his son up for adoption once he was born.

When he was questioned by the school’s foreign student adviser, the 24-year-old Obama insisted that he had divorced his wife in his native Kenya. Although his new wife, Ann Dunham, was five months pregnant with their child – who would be called Barack Obama II – Obama declared that they intended to put their child up for adoption. Boston.com

No one in the family and none of the friends of Obama Sr’s wife recall any such talk so the speculation is that Obama Sr. stated this to game the system and avoid deportation.

Imagine how much better the country would be had the elder Obama actually carried through with his words. Obama the younger would have made his way to a family and lived a life of relative obscurity and he would likely NOT have been elected.

But, daddy Obama was probably lying to keep his status.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Pelosi Is Delusional

Nancy Pelosi is using the favorite tactic of the left, the method of leadership that defines the morons residing in liberal land and that is to blame George Bush. Pelosi has blamed the Gulf oil spill on Bush (I bet he blew up the oil rig like he did the levees in New Orleans) and says it is the people he put in the positions of oversight who botched this.

“Many of the people appointed in the Bush administration are still burrowed in the agencies that are supposed to oversee the [oil] industry,” Pelosi said when asked if Democrats could have prevented or mitigated the crisis by keeping a closer watch on the industry.

Added the Speaker, “the cozy relationships between the Bush administration’s agency leadership and the industry is clear…I’ve heard no complaints from my members about the way the president has handled it,” Pelosi stated. Washington Examiner

The Examiner asked for the names of these people to whom Pelosi refers but no response was received. Don’t hold your breath waiting for Pelosi to provide them.

No matter who put these people in their jobs (and the one Obama put in was fired or resigned) they work for Obama and the oil spill happened on his watch. If there was no oversight then this too happened on his watch.

He has had 18 months to make changes and get things right (if he thought they were wrong) but he has allowed his point person to botch things, skip inspections, and give awards to oil rigs for the safety displayed.

And if Pelosi has had no complaints from her members then she has not been paying attention. There are some House Democrats who are not happy with Obama and the response. If they did not complain to her directly then she should turn on the news.

Rewriting history is a tactic the left loves.

Here is a newsflash. The public is tired of hearing everything blamed on Bush. There comes a time when the people in power have to accept responsibility and that time has long passed. The public knows who is in charge and who is responsible.

Let us band together to fire Nancy Pelosi from her job as Speaker.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Two Senate Democrats In Trouble

The first, Harry Reid, is no surprise. This lame moron is well past his expiration date:

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid must pick up far more support from crossover Republicans and independents to win re-election, according to a new poll that shows him losing to the GOP front-runner in a full-ballot election with eight contenders and a “none of these candidates” option.

The survey of Nevada voters commissioned by the Review-Journal shows Reid getting 37 percent of the vote compared with 47 percent for Republican Sue Lowden, who would win if the election were today, while the slate of third-party and nonpartisan candidates would get slim to no backing. Las Vegas Review Journal

Reid needs to go and unless something drastic happens, he will be unemployed when the next Congress convenes.

The one that might surprise people is Barbara Boxer of California. There are more Democrats in the state and it leans way left thanks to the heavily populated big liberal cities and the folks from Hollywood. Still Boxer is in trouble:

Hints of re-election trouble for U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer come from a 65-year-old travel agent from this leafy Los Angeles suburb who’s a fellow Democrat.

To Helen Sargent, taxes and the national debt are too high, President Barack Obama has proved a disappointment and the Democratic Party needs new faces.

Boxer, who’s seeking a fourth term this fall, “has been there too long,” Sargent said. “All politicians have a shelf life.”


In a clear sign of her difficulties, President Barack Obama heads to Los Angeles on Monday to help raise money for Boxer, who is running about even with several potential Republican challengers, an alarming sign in the Democratic-leaning state. My Way News

Given that the three politicians Obama campaigned for lost, two in heavily Democrat areas, I am not sure this is good for Boxer.

And that is just the way I like it.

She might end up winning but right now things look good.

It would be good to see her join Reid at the unemployment office.

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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