Is Barney Frank A Racist?

I have to ask the question because he is doing the same thing that resulted in many conservatives being labeled as such. Conservatives have said that Barack Hussein Obama lied to us about Obamacare. He lied when he said it would save money, that it would result in lower premiums and that you could keep your doctor (or health plan) if you liked your doctor (or health plan).

None of these things Obama said would happen did and those who called him out on it have been labeled as racist.

Barney Frank was a big cheerleader for Obamacare and he helped shove this monstrosity down the collective throats of Americans. Now he is saying that Obama lied to the people and implied that those who supported the lies knew they were doing so. His reference was specifically to the keep your health plan claim.

“I don’t understand how the president could have sat there and not been checking on that on a weekly basis. But, frankly, he should never have said as much as he did, that if you like your current health care plan, you can keep it. That wasn’t true. And you shouldn’t lie to people. And they just lied to people.” Chicks on the Right

In order for someone to lie that person has to know what he is saying is not true and there has to be an intent to deceive. Otherwise one is only guilty of being incorrect. In other words, if Obama were not lying he would be able to say that he did not know these things would turn out differently. Since Frank is telling us that THAT wasn’t true (past tense indicates it was known not to be true) and THEY (more than just Obama) just lied to people it is obvious from the context the real facts were known and were lied about.

This has been discussed in more detail in the past and it has been pointed out with more specific words that they knew it was not true while still telling the lie (kind of like a video caused Benghazi).

It is amazing to me that Frank is admitting this but since he is no longer in office he really has nothing to worry about. He can fess up and tell us the truth which is a miracle in and of itself.

Frank was a big supporter of Obamacare and he helped push it through so the only real issue I have with his epiphany is that he used the word THEY instead of WE.

You see, Frank was part of Congress and he knew the lie. He still pushed it on us so a more accurate version of what he said would be.

…And you shouldn’t lie to people. And WE just lied to people (just meaning simply and not in the immediate past).

All Democrats voted for this. Those who are still in Congress should be voted out of office this November. They forced us into something the majority did not want and they lied to us in the process.

They were not there for us so we should not be there for them.

One other thing. The idea of rationed care was part of the debate and the Democrats assured us this would not happen. They claimed we would have choices and that everything would be OK. We could all get doctors and care would not be rationed.

Those with Obamacare have limited choices to begin with and it looks like they will be worse off soon. Many doctors have begun to refuse Obamacare patients because the payment for services is too low. In other words, there will be too many patients and too few doctors willing to see them for Obamacare reimbursement. That means their care will be rationed.

The good news is those not on Obamacare will not have to wait as long to get appointments…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bawney Fwank Is Weaving Congwess

Congressman Barney Frank of Massachusetts is not going to run for reelection because redistricting has left him with a district that is not as liberal as it once was. Frank has decided that he would not have it as easy as he has in the past and might end up losing. He figures that after 32 years in Congress it is time to move on so he can make even more money as a lobbyist or some other kind of blood sucker.

I am glad Frank is not running for reelection though I would love to see him get beat in an election. He is a disgusting, lying, condescending, smug, jerk who thinks he is above everyone else. He has told lies and denied involvement in things EVEN after being shown video evidence of him saying the things of which he was accused. He is one of the people who is primarily responsible for the housing market collapse that resulted in the current economic downturn.

He is a typical liberal elitist who thinks he knows what is good for all of us.

To Barney Frank, you are not smart enough to run your own life so you need him and others in government to tell you what to do and how and when to do it.

Frank however, allowed a homosexual prostitution ring to be run out of HIS home but he knows what is best for you. Frank claims not to know what was taking place in his home. If this is the case is he competent enough to decide what should go on in yours?

Many liberals think so and they will surely have many nice things to say about this moron. DNC Chairwoman, Debbie Washer-Woman Schultz, is already expressing how sad she is that Frank is leaving. Washer-Woman Schultz might not understand that Frank is a coward who is afraid of being beaten in the next election and who does not want to actually have to campaign. While he might enjoy being spanked he does not want to lose his election and he does not want to actually have to work to keep his seat (though he might enjoy giving that away as well).

In any event, this low life cretin who is nothing more than a waste of flesh is leaving office. That is great news as we begin the process of getting rid of the trash.

Goodbye you good for nothing liberal twit. If we never hear from you again it will be far too soon.

The Hill
The Boston Globe

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Obama Supports This Movement

The Occupy crowd around the country is full of filthy people who are disrupting life for those who work and pay taxes to support this country. They have had a number of crimes including rape occur at their camps and there are outbreaks of communicable diseases including sexually transmitted diseases and drug resistant Tuberculosis.

We have already seen pictures of people who have defecated on police cars and we know these “people” are using public places to relieve themselves. Breitbart has posted a video of a protester who squats and defecates on the sidewalk.

This is the movement that Obama and the Democrats support.

Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin and a slew of other liberals (many of them wealthy and who have made money off Wall Street or through capitalism) have publicly expressed their support for these people.

The occupy protests have been going on for about two months and police around the country are starting to clear these people out.

Unfortunately, they are about two months too late.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Did Barney Frank Allocate This Money?

The federal government has spent $1.44 million of taxpayer money to study, among other things, male prostitutes in South East Asia.

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), has so far awarded $1.44 million in federal funds to a project that, among other things, is estimating the size of the population and examining the “social milieu” of male prostitutes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. CNS News

The study will look at HIV rate in men who have sex with men.

Who cares about their male prostitutes (or any of their prostitutes) and who cares about their HIV rate? That is not our concern and is for their government to look at. One thing is for sure is that taxpayer money should not be spent for this folly.

Did Barney Frank allocate the money for this?

If anyone knows about male prostitutes, he would be the guy…

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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The New Obama Crisis

Rahm Emanuel said that they should never let a crisis go to waste. Since that time the Obama regime has been manufacturing one crisis after another in order to scare Americans into following the agenda put forward by the Dear Leader Obama. In other words, the fear mongering that Obama accused George Bush of is exactly what Obama and his regime are doing in order to get what they want. I don’t know why they bother because even when the majority of Americans do not buy their song and dance they still push forward and pass what they want.

The financial crisis was one that had to be addressed immediately or the world would end. We must act or now and pass the stimulus. While the administration claims that the stimulus did what it was expected to do (the goal is a moving target) the evidence is that we spent nearly a trillion dollars and got little. Unemployment remains above the number promised if we passed the stimulus and the economy, while slowing showing signs of improvement, is set to experience a second recession and inflation. The stock market is up based on the activity of a few stocks and projections for a year and a half away. Right now, we are still in trouble.

The health care takeover bill that was recently signed into law was one that had to be passed or we faced crisis. The major portions of the law do not take effect until well after the 2012 election but the taxes and other revenue generating gimmicks take place right now. If we had to act NOW then why do major portions not take effect for years to come? This crisis was manufactured to get Obama’s signature legislation passed and allow the government to sink its teeth even deeper into our necks.

Now we have a new crisis being manufactured. The regime has blamed the financial collapse on Wall Street and while that entity deserves some of the blame, it is not the only reason that we have this problem. The housing market, pumped up by government regulation requiring banks to lend to people who could not afford homes, is another key player in the mess. George Bush gets a lot of the blame from the Obama regime but it was he who said that we needed to reign in Fannie and Freddie. People like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd said there were no problems and that these entities were sound. They were only sound for the friends of Democrats who received millions in compensation for running them into the ground.

Obama told us recently, using the words he always uses in a crisis (if we don’t act now), that we must pass the financial reform bill. The financial system, like the health care system, needs some reform but it does not need massive government intervention and takeover. But this is what the government wants. It has control of two of the three major auto makers, the banks, student loans, and now the health care system. It wants to control every aspect of our lives.

But ask yourselves, do you trust the people who ran up a 12 TRILLION dollar deficit to run anything else? Do you trust that government can run the auto industry? GM is still taking big losses. Do you trust the people who run the Post Office to run your health care? Government spends OUR money. It has no concept of what a budget is or how to live within the constraints of one. Government has no business being in business even if it were actually capable of balancing a budget and living within its means.

This regime has usurped the Constitution and is moving us steadily along into a world of Socialism where playing fields are leveled, where income is redistributed and where government runs everything.

This November we have a chance to elect conservatives (notice I did not say Republicans). We have a chance to elect people who will follow the Constitution and who will make Obama a lame duck for his first (and God willing, only) term.

Get energized. There are 435 job openings in the House and about 33 job openings in the Senate.

Let’s fill them with people who have actually worked in the real world and who will follow the Constitution as it was written and as it was intended.

The only real crisis in this country is the crisis that exists as our elected government. Let’s not let this crisis go to waste.

Make Rahm Emanuel and the Obama regime eat those words this November.

My Way News
Was this a deliberate stunt to garner support for the reform bill? This is how dictatorships run…
The financial bill would reward Goldman Sachs and others by providing perpetual bail-outs. Once again Dodd’s name appears.
More on Dodd (or is it moron Dodd?)

Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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