Brokeback Mad About Saddleback

Barack Hussein Obama selected Rick Warren, the founder of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, to give the invocation at his inauguration. To his credit, Warren accepted the honor and put aside the huge differences he has with Obama’s interpretation of Christianity.

The homosexual community is up in arms because Rick Warren opposes gay marriage and was in favor of Proposition 8. The brokeback community is beside itself because their anointed one has selected an anti gay to say a prayer at his inauguration. I suppose Obama could have had Reverend Wright give the invocation because, after all, he is not controversial or anything.

Barney Frank, the Congressman who is directly responsible for the mortgage crisis and resulting financial meltdown this nation is facing, has stated that Obama made a mistake in selecting Warren. This is the openly gay Congressman who was sleeping with an executive at one of the Government Sponsored Entities while he was supposed to be overseeing what was going on. Because of Frank’s malfeasance the rest of us took it up the rear as well.

I guess it is fitting that someone protest this but I would have thought the ACLU would have been protesting the whole “praying” thing because of the myth about separation of church and state.

I give credit to Obama for selecting Warren though I am sure that his selection was, in part, politically motivated. He stuck by his choice even though the homos are losing their minds and for that I give him credit.

Barney Frank can say it was a mistake for Obama to select Warren. That is, after all, his right.

I happen to think that America made a mistake by selecting Obama so I can understand how Frank views the issue.

Big Dog

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Barney Frank: Plenty Of Rich People We Can Tax

Barney Frank (who looks and sounds more like Barney Rubble), the Congressman who had a sexual relationship with one of the guys in charge of one of the GSEs (extreme conflict of interest) and who bears a great deal of responsibility for the financial woes of this country is out with his next great idea to fix the economy. Frank says it is time for the government to start spending money in order to get things moving and then he said we should not worry about the deficits which should be put on the back burner. Deficit spending is one of the major problems we have in this country. Barney Frank is a typical liberal who ignores his role in causing economic troubles and then decides the way to fix the problem is to spend even more money that we do not have.

Don’t worry though, he has a way to pay for that spending. Barney Frank said that down the road we need to increase taxes and that there are plenty of rich people we can tax to get some of the money back. A tax and spend liberal, as if that should be a surprise. It is amazing that he caused the problem and then he wants to add to it but will fix it by confiscating even more money from rich people.

Watch the jackass:

I have news for you folks, the rich pay most of the taxes in this country. The fact is, there are not enough rich people to pay the IOUs that Congress has written. There are far more people in the middle class and these are the people who will ultimately end up paying for this mess.

Parkway Rest Stop

Big Dog

Who Is Responsible For This Financial Mess?

Barack Obama and his fellow Democrats have been putting the blame for the current financial crisis on the back of the president and the Republican Party who Democrats claim failed to address the issue. The Democrat’s parrots in the media have been shouting to anyone who will listen trying to make the accusations stick. This is a coordinated attack to take the focus off all the Democrats who have been bought and paid for by the greedy people on Wall Street. Fox News had a story and this should provide documented proof, with audio and video, as to whom the blame lies. In reality, this news story shows the efforts of the Bush Administration in trying to reign in the mortgage giants, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The complete history goes back decades and involves Democratic plans that allowed people to buy things they had no hope of ever affording.

I doubt this will do any good because too many people have overdosed on the moonbat Kool Aid, but it clearly shows that there were a number of people, including President Bush, on multiple occasions who tried to reign in Fannie and Freddie. Pay attention to Barney Frank and see how his assessment squares with the reality we’re facing. Listen to the people who said that we were heading for trouble and see how Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer had a hand in preventing any regulation.

Then take heart in the knowledge that Nancy Pelosi assigned Barney Frank the job of fixing the problem.

How can one fix something if one does not recognize the problem?

You should also keep in mind that these are the people who want to lead you. While John McCain headed back to DC, Barack Obama prepared for a debate and fund raising (he was left with little option than to return after a call from the President).

Who puts the country first?

Riehl World View says that Palin should debate Obama while McCain is TCB in DC. Not a bad idea. Could be risky but she is not a member of Congress so she does not have to be there and Obama has no intention of staying in DC.

Big Dog

Barney Frank Says Economy Fundamentally Sound

OK, he did not use those exact words but he did basically say that even with this turmoil the place to invest is the United States.

There are good sovereign wealth funds and bad sovereign wealth funds because there are bad and good countries. They’re buying because of the security in the United States. Even with volatility this is still a place people want to put their money. This is a very stable democracy with a fundamental economy which has been damaged now but which we expect to come back. Rush Limbaugh

First thing to know is that I do not cite Frank as an expert or because I agree with him (though I think this turmoil presents great buying opportunities). He is certainly no genius when it comes to this crisis. This was the guy who, in 2003, said that there were no problems with Fannie and Freddie. He said this as President Bush was trying to impose tighter control over these entities. We see where Frank’s expert opinion got us.

No, I cite this because Barack Obama has been all over John McCain for saying that our economy is fundamentally sound and Frank is alluding to the very same thing. Notice that Obama is not jumping all over Frank (ahem).

The Democrats own this mess. They are the ones responsible and they ignored George Bush and later John McCain when they raised concerns. We need to keep force feeding this to the public because they all believe that this is the fault of George Bush. It is obvious that Democrats did not want the tighter controls because they benefited from cozy relationships with the heads of these entities.

Democrat’s Failed Financial Policies Led To Meltdown

Barack Obama has been on the campaign trail telling everyone that the failed policies of George Bush and his the Republicans are the reason for the economic problems and the financial meltdown of major investment companies. Nancy Pelosi is calling for an investigation into the crisis and she wants administration officials questioned to see why this happened and see if new regulation is needed. Pelosi is trying to make political hay with this but it will be a welcomed investigation because the Democrats are responsible for this. When she digs into which members of Congress are in the hip pockets of these companies she will see some familiar names at the top of the lists; names like Barack Obama, Christopher Dodd, and Hillary Clinton.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has ordered a broad, swift investigation of Wall Street and will demand testimony from Bush administration officials and captains of finance, congressional officials said.

House Democrats plan an aggressive look at the administration’s role in this weekend’s meltdown, and explore further regulation and government structures that would be taken up under the new president. Politico

Let’s be clear here. Nancy Pelosi wants Henry Waxman and Barney Frank to investigate this matter. She is trying to pin these problems on the Bush administration but the truth is the Democrats have caused this problem. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were run by Clinton cronies who received millions of dollars from the organizations. Democrats were in bed with these companies and refused to listen to George Bush when, in 2003, he “recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.” [New York Times]

The same Times article states:

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

”There is a general recognition that the supervisory system for housing-related government-sponsored enterprises neither has the tools, nor the stature, to deal effectively with the current size, complexity and importance of these enterprises,” Treasury Secretary John W. Snow told the House Financial Services Committee in an appearance with Housing Secretary Mel Martinez, who also backed the plan.

The administration recognized the problems in this industry and tried to take action to keep problems from arising. This story is from 11 September 2003 which indicates that the President was on top of this more than five years ago. Instead of working with President Bush to make this happen and provide better oversight, the issue was OPPOSED by Congressional Democrats.

Significant details must still be worked out before Congress can approve a bill. Among the groups denouncing the proposal today were the National Association of Home Builders and Congressional Democrats who fear that tighter regulation of the companies could sharply reduce their commitment to financing low-income and affordable housing.

‘These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis,” said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ”The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.”

Representative Melvin L. Watt, Democrat of North Carolina, agreed.

”I don’t see much other than a shell game going on here, moving something from one agency to another and in the process weakening the bargaining power of poorer families and their ability to get affordable housing,” Mr. Watt said. [emphasis mine]

Let us take a look at this. Congressional Democrats opposed the plan and they were worried that it would reduce the commitment to low income, affordable housing. The problem is, this morphed into no income you can have a house anyway. The Democrats came up with plans that allowed people to buy houses they could not afford and this is why there are so many foreclosures. Add the greed of companies who wanted to make a buck (and were afraid of penalties if they denied loans) and you have a recipe for disaster.

Look at who said that the companies were not facing any kind of financial crisis. Barney Frank, the same guy Pelosi wants to look into this mess (I guess it would be wrong to say Frank will get to the bottom of it). This guy could not find his ass if his hands were in his back pockets and she wants him to investigate. I guess we know how that financial crisis issue turned out.

The last part discusses the whole poor family/affordable housing issue. I have no issue with people buying a house. I think that is a great thing to do but people should never buy more than they can afford. Democrats were so worried about helping out poor people that they failed to enact regulation (that Pelosi now calls for) that would have helped keep this meltdown from happening.

Nancy Pelosi was asked today if Democrats have any responsibility in this mess and she quickly answered “NO.” The mantra of the left is “don’t blame us for this.” Well the fact of the matter is, it is all their faults. They have been using Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as ATM machines for their friends for a long time and they have been reaping the benefits of large cash donations from those very friends who controlled the companies. The Democrats opposed tighter control because they wanted to allow anyone, credit worthy or not, to buy a house and they wanted the money to flow to them and their friends.

Keep this in mind when Barack Obama (the second biggest recipient of Lehman Brothers and Fannie/Freddie money1) tells you that it is failed Republican policies that led to this. It was the Democrats who caused this problem because they refused to work with President Bush to get it solved. The President saw it and tried to put a plan in place and the Democrats decided that they would rather keep their friends and themselves rolling in dough rather than address the problem.

Now, they want you to put them in charge of everything.

Nancy Pelosi is a liar. She and her Democrats bear most of the responsibility for this. They are all squawking now and they are saying the same things over and over. They are all blaming this on the Republicans because if they say it often enough, people will believe it. They are trying to cover their tracks because they are neck deep in this mess. This could, and should, cost them the election.

Here is an idea. Instead of wasting time and money investigating this why doesn’t the Speaker launch a full scale investigation into the tax evasion of Charlie Rangel. There is some real corruption to handle. I already solved the who caused the financial problem mystery (and saved the taxpayer millions of dollars) so let’s get busy and investigate Rangel. Anyone want to bet that this jackass criminal gets reelected?

1 The figures are from 1989. John McCain has received $117,500 ($13,055/year) from Lehman Brothers since then. Barack Obama has been in the Senate for just under four years and he has received $395,600 ($98,900/year).

Big Dog