The Government Will Protect Your Information
Nov 28, 2009 Political
The US government is moving to impose health care reform on citizens against their will. People will be forced to buy health insurance, the first time in history a person had to purchase something to be a legal citizen. The 60% of us who pay income taxes will end up paying for the health care of the 40% that do not until government realizes that it must start taxing down the line in order to afford the albatross it is imposing.
Government will also make our medical records electronic so that they can be accessed by health care professionals all around. The government will also allow the IRS and other federal agencies to access our records to verify our eligibility. Don’t worry, the government assures us that our records will be safe and that certain things like whether one had an abortion will be left out of the records (because they know the records will be infiltrated).
The government is able to keep us secure. We will be given the same security as Obama himself who is guarded by thousands of armed agents and security professionals who ensure that he is always safe. So remember, the same government that allowed Obama’s security to be breached will be in charge of securing your medical records.
Michaele and Tareq Salahi posed as guests to the State Dinner honoring India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held at the White House. The Salahi’s were able to gain entry to the event even though they did not have an invitation, were not on the guest list, and were not in the data base of people cleared to enter such events. Basically, these two were able to get past all the security designed to keep Obama safe and they were able to have their pictures taken with Obama and Biden. Don’t you feel safe knowing your medical records will be protected by the same level of scrutiny that protects Obama?
Obama wants an investigation into the event to see how they were allowed to enter. No doubt their name played some part of this. There is no doubt that Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones would never have been allowed to enter. The diversity police had to let the exotically named Salahi’s in to the event. If they had meant to do harm to Obama and Biden there is little the Secret Service could have done to prevent it. This government is the same group of people responsible for our national security. Is there any question as to why these people were able to enter so easily?
It is possible that this couple will face prosecution for what they did. I ask, is what they did any different than illegals crossing our border? Why should this couple be prosecuted for entering a house that belongs to the American citizen when our government allows that to happen on a larger scale each and every day? Why should we punish the Salahis when we will not punish those who enter this country illegally? Since Obama and the Democrats want to reward illegals with citizenship then we should give the Salahis some kind of reward as well. All they did was get past security to enter a house that belongs to Americans. So they slipped past security, people do that every day on our southern border.
But not to worry, this same security minded government will protect your medical information with the same diligence that it protects Obama. But keep in mind that our government has people like Patrick Leahy who leak secrets to the media. The New York Times routinely published our secrets and helped our enemies in the war on terror. The information came from somewhere inside the government.
If you run for office and have some medical condition that could be embarrassing to you as a candidate there is no doubt it will be leaked to the papers. Obama had court records unsealed in order to embarrass and beat his opponents in Illinois. Is there any doubt that medical records will be part of any opposition research?
The only way to ensure that our records are safe is not to give them the same security as Obama, but to give them the same security as Obama’s long form birth certificate.
Or, scrap this health care overhaul and start fresh to enact common sense reform.
In November of 2010 we need to purge the government of those who are working against our desires.
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Tags: birth certificate, medical records, Obama, party crasher, salahi
Joe Biden Will Hide At A Disclosed Location
May 19, 2009 Political
After 9/11 a special, secure place was built for the Vice President to go to in the event of an emergency so that if something happened to the President he would be safe and ready to take over. The MSM frequently stated that VP Cheney was at an undisclosed location. That was a big joke with the liberals.
Jow Biden is now the VP and if there is ever an emergency and he is whisked off he will not be taken to an undisclosed location, he will be taken to a disclosed one. This is not because anyone wants him to be exposed to harm, it is because Biden is a moron who cannot keep his mouth shut.
When Biden attended the Gridiron Club dinner in DC he told people about the secret place.
According to Clift’s report on the Newsweek blog, Biden “said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.”
Clift continued: “The officer explained that when Cheney was in lock down, this was where his most trusted aides were stationed, an image that Biden conveyed in a way that suggested we shouldn’t be surprised that the policies that emerged were off the wall.” Fox News
Biden’s office is denying the story and saying that Big Mouth Joe was talking about an upstairs room that is believed to have been used by Cheney as an office. How many upstairs offices have huge steel doors? Biden’s description does not sound like any upstairs room I have ever seen.
Neighbors complained sometime after 9/11 about construction (at the VP residence) that included digging deep into the ground which would be more in line with what Biden said than the spin coming out of his office. Why would a second story room have a huge steel door with an elaborate lock, a connecting narrow hallway and shelves of communications equipment?
Biden is so full of himself and thinks he is so wonderful that he feels the need to go around and describe his importance. He makes claims that come from a deeply troubled mind. He is a scatter brain and he cannot keep his yap shut.
Disclosing secrets seems to be a common theme in this administration. Obama releases classified memos and Biden discloses his secret shelter’s location. If something bad happens the enemy will know where to find this moron. Fortunately for Biden if the enemy ever captures him they will pay us to take him back. A half an hour with his yap running would make the most hardened terrorist cry.
Here is a little hint that can help Obama and his peeps keep secrets.
Pretend they are all his birth certificate.
That is one document he has successfully kept under wraps.
What kind of country is this where classified information is freely released and a birth certificate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox?
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Tags: birth certificate, classified information, joe biden, Obama, secrets
This Would End Birth Certificate Debate
Mar 27, 2009 Political
The North Koreans are planning on launching a rocket ostensibly to put a satellite into space but analysts believe this is a test for a ballistic weapon. The NORKS have already played around with nuclear bombs. If they come up with a rocket that could deliver a nuclear payload they would be more trouble than they already are.
One US offical believes that the North Korean rocket could reach the state of Hawaii.
Asked if the North Korean rocket could reach the US states of [sic] Hawaii or Alaska, Admiral Mike Mullen told CNN: “In some cases, yes, they could probably get down to Hawaii.” Breitbart
Well, if it hit the Bureau of Records it would destroy Obama’s birth certificate (the real one, not the COLB they have been passing around) and end any hope of ever seeing it.
Then again, it is under lock and key and probably in a safe. Perhaps rescue workers could dig it out…
I wonder if this is the test Joe Biden told us about…
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Tags: birth certificate, hawaii, morth korea, nuclear weapons, Obama, rocket
Does The Soldier Have Standing In The Court?
Feb 25, 2009 Political
There have been many lawsuits regarding Barack Obama and his eligibility to be the president. Most of them have been dismissed with the claim that the person filing the suit had no standing in the court, that is the person could not show how he was directly harmed by Obama not being eligible. I think every American has standing because the president does things that affect us all. The courts see it differently though I think some of it has to do with cowardice. They are afraid what they might find.
A soldier has joined in a lawsuit demanding proof that Obama is eligible. The Certificate of Live Birth he presented was a computer generated form that listed some pieces of the information in the database but it was not his actual Birth Certificate that would show many more things including where he was actually born. Under the laws in Hawaii at the time Obama could have been registered in Hawaii even if he were born elsewhere.
The soldier alleges that Obama is not eligible and therefore is not his leader. Soldiers take an oath to uphold the Constitution and to protect it from all enemies foreign and domestic. They also take an oath to obey the orders of the president. If the soldier believes that Obama is not eligible then it is his duty to raise the question. Doing so upholds the Constitution and protects it. In addition, the soldier needs to know that the orders he is obeying are from a person who is eligible to give them.
I would think that there is no way the court could say that the soldier has no standing. He took an oath, an oath required of him, and his lawsuit is nothing more than fulfillment of that oath. How can the court say the soldier has no standing when the very issue affects every aspect of his professional career?
For me the red flag was raised when Obama spent nearly a million dollars to keep his birth certificate under lock and key. It was even more telling when the guy in charge of birth certificates said that a legal certificate was on file. He did not say that Obama was a citizen and since Hawaii had the funny rules about foreign births being registered there, the statement seemed to say, “yeah we have a legal paper but that is all we have.” He left wiggle room should the thing ever see the light of day.
It is quite telling that Obama’s legal folks are threatening Alan Keyes and filing suit to dismiss his case and to force him to pay the legal fees. This is just as telling as Obama hiding his birth certificate and the non statement of affirmation by the records guru in Hawaii.
I don’t know if Obama is eligible to be the president because he does not want me to know. For a guy who said he would have the most transparent administration in history his acts with regard to his birth certificate have been anything but transparent.
This soldier is doing the right thing. He is upholding his oath.
Obama could end all this by being transparent and spending the $10 it would cost for a certified copy of the birth certificate.
To the soldier I say HOOAH.
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Tags: birth certificate, lies, Obama, soldier, transparency
Politics As Usual For President Elect Hope And Change
Dec 23, 2008 Political
Change is on the way. You are the change we need. We need hope and change. This is our time and the time for change is now. With this mantra Barack Obama waltzed into the national scene. He portrayed himself as a regular guy, an outsider to DC politics as usual. The unfortunate reality is that Obama is a typical politician and there is no change in the future.
This guy touts the public education system and is beholden to the teacher’s union. However, he sends his daughters to private school and he did this long before he was elected on 4 November. Then he tapped the leader of public schools in Chicago (a basketball buddy) to be his head of education. The leader of the same school system he would not send his own children to.
Obama made sure he parlayed his Senate seat into a job for his wife where her salary more than doubled. He used questionable methods to have opponents removed from ballots so that he faced no opposition and he has nuanced his answers so that there would be no gotcha moment. Even people who cover for him have learned the Obama nuance as did Hawaii’s director of health, Dr. Chiyome Fukino:
“Therefore, I as Director of Health for the State of Hawai‘i, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawai‘i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” KITV-ABC
Notice he never said Obama was born here, or that he is a citizen. He only states that the birth certificate is on file in accordance with state policies and procedures. This could mean that it is filed properly but more likely means that it is there in accordance with Hawaii policies that allowed foreign births to be registered in that state. This is nuance that the left has used as official word that Obama is indeed a citizen. Nowhere in that sentence does Dr. Fukina say that he affirms Obama is a citizen. Smart move because if it is discovered later that he is not, well that could mean jail time.
In any event, the average guy Obama and his change from the norm is on vacation in Hawaii. He is staying at a place that costs more to rent for one night than the monthly mortgage of most people (well most responsible people. Those who benefited from the Community Reinvestment Act might have mortgages that high).
The place where Obama is staying rents for $2500-$3500 a night and features 5 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, a pool and a spa. Now this might not seem like much. I mean, he is going to be the president of the US and he needs his Kennebunkport. Or, as his followers might suggest, a fortress of solitude.
What makes this a situation of politics as usual is that the listing for the place has been removed after the AP reported the details of it. Now it might be a matter of security but one would assume that if this were the case it would have been removed before he got there. Also, Oahu is an island and it is not too terribly difficult to guard a man who is staying on a private estate.
It is more likely that Obama did not want the unwashed masses who are losing their jobs because of Democratic failure to see him living the life of luxury. It would not be proper to have the people see The One living high on the hog in such bad economic times.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing but typical political maneuvering. There is no change in that and this is nothing more than politics as usual.
But hey, they got a great shot of of Obama with his shirt off. That should give the left something to fawn over for a while. I can see Chris Matthews’ leg getting all tingly over this.
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Tags: birth certificate, change, hawaii, Obama, peasants, politics