Obama Is Generous With Our Money
Jan 6, 2014 Commentary
Imperial Leader B. Hussein Obama went on vacation to his alleged home of Hawaii (he has a perfectly good home in Chicago, ask Tony Rezko) and a lot of taxpayer money was spent for him and his family to bask in the warm Hawaiian sun while the folks back east suffer the cold.
OK, so leaders deserve vacations. Perhaps though, the millions of people who are looking for work would just like the guy to work on the economy so they can earn money to pay their bills much less take a vacation.
In any event, the amount of money spent and whether it was a wise use of tax dollars can be debated from both sides with little resolve.
One thing is clear though, leaving Michelle Obama back in Hawaii so she can spend her 50th birthday with friends is not appropriate use of taxpayer dollars.
The Imperial Leader gave his wife a birthday present of allowing her to stay in Hawaii. The problem is that part of the cost (her security and travel) will be borne by taxpayers. The last time she traveled separately the estimated cost was between $63,000 and $100,000.
B. Hussein Obama is very generous with OUR money. Seems to me if he took a decision like this and there is no good reason for it (some emergency where he had to leave his family behind) that the Obama family should have to reimburse the government for the additional costs.
Liberals are always generous with other people’s money.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Happy Birthday America
Jul 4, 2008 General

This great nation proclaimed its independence in 1776 and fought the British to gain just that. We became a nation in 1781 with the Articles of Confederation. Our new nation recognized that the form of government needed fine tuning and a Constitutional Convention was called for in 1787. Our Constitution went in effect March 4th 1789 and the Bill of Rights was ratified December 15th 1791.
It took from 1776 to 1791 to establish our government and ratify its governing documents. It took 15 years to get it right but that was time well spent. The United States has accomplished more in its short history than any other nation on this planet including those that have been around for thousands of years.
Keep this in mind when people complain about how long it is taking Iraq to form its government. Remember that it took us a long time to get established and we should not expect any other nation to move at any faster pace than our own country did. For what its worth, our government still moves at an extremely slow pace and we are not fighting a war on our soil.
I thank God for allowing me to be born in the USA thus giving me the gift of freedom.
I thank the US Military for keeping that gift from God safe.
God bless America. Happy birthday USA.
Feel free to trackback with anything you want to promote.
UPDATE: This is from and article in the International Herald Tribune about the troops and the holiday:
For others, the day was a reminder of their duty to their country.
At Camp Victory outside Baghdad, 1,215 troops from the Army, Marines and other services re-enlisted in a mass swearing-in ceremony led by General David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq. At least two husband and wife couples were among those signing up for another military stint.
Before an immense American flag hung in the rotunda of the palace headquarters of the U.S. military in Iraq, the troops saluted Petraeus, then sang “God Bless America.”
What a great military we have. At least these folks believe in their mission. Too bad Obamabi was not there to see this.
Others with interesting posts:
Stop the ACLU, Perri Nelson’s Website, Maggie’s Notebook, Shadowscope, The Amboy Times, Leaning Straight Up, Democrat=Socialist, Pet’s Garden Blog, third world county, McCain Blogs, Woman Honor Thyself, Pirate’s Cove, Rosemary’s News and Ideas, The Pink Flamingo, Dumb Ox Daily News, and Right Voices, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: birthday, constitution, freedom, independence, usa