ABC News Has It Backwards On Palin

Shortly after the tragedy in Arizona the main stream media and the liberal world (but I repeat myself) were throwing accusations and blaming conservatives for the shootings that took place. To be clear, only one person is to blame and that is the nut who pulled the trigger but this reality does not sit well with the morons who would politicize it for political gain and for profit. From fund raising to overreaching bills designed to further inhibit freedom, the left has come out in full force. The right is not blameless as politicians on that side look to enact legislation to assist in the freedom grab.

The favorite target of the left when anything happens is Sarah Palin. The left is so afraid of her that it must, at all costs, smear her. The cretins on the left immediately dragged her into this tragedy and blamed her for it. The left took issue with a map that had cross hairs on it that was published nearly a year ago and was part of political speech. It was no different from any of the political imagery used by the left but pointing that out would not fit the agenda. No, Palin was to blame and that was that.

Keep this in mind, Plain was dragged into this issue by the left hellbent on smearing her and pinning it on her. She did not inject herself into this issue, she was brought into it and of that there can be no doubt.

But ABC News sees it differently. Palin, after five days of being skewered, released a video condemning those who are pointing fingers of blame when the only blame for this rests on the shoulders of the deranged nut who shot those people. ABC News reported this and then said that Palin injected herself into the issue:

BOTTOM LINE: Sarah Palin, once again, has found a way to become part of the story. And she may well face further criticism for the timing and scope of her remarks.

How in the name of all that is sacred did Palin find a way to make herself part of the story. The lowlife cretins on the left made Palin part of this story. After being beaten around for five days she responded with dignity and facts to clearly lay the blame where it belongs, on the gunman. She also condemned those who would use such a tragedy to push a political agenda.

Somehow, in the twisted world of ABC News, Palin was the one who injected herself into this.

I wonder when ABC will start blaming rape victims for what someone else did to them…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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