Obamacare Strikes Again
Oct 16, 2010 Political
The state of Connecticut has some bad news for its citizens. Those who have policies with Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield and Aetna will see rate increases as high as 47%. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, who is running for the US Senate, sent a letter demanding to know why this excessive increase was approved without “full consideration of the facts.”
The response to Blumenthal clearly lays out how the facts were fully considered. The changes that the insurance companies made will not result in an increase. ALL increases are a result of Obamacare:
Sullivan responded to Blumenthal saying the new rates included “very rich benefits” mandated by federal law.
“There is not one person in the state of Connecticut who will see an increase in their current premiums based on what the department approved for Anthem and Aetna,” Sullivan said in a release. “The rates that were filed and approved reflect the current cost to deliver care and the impact of more comprehensive benefit designs required under the federal healthcare reform law. If the attorney general wants to complain to someone, he should complain to Congress.” NBC Connecticut
The response makes it perfectly clear that the increase is a result of adding the mandates under Obamacare. The insurance companies did what was required under the law and it cost more money. Everyone who has a brain knew this would happen because you cannot get more for the same price.
Democrats though, do not see it that way because they think it is free.
This is all part of the con being perpetrated upon us. The Democrats want a single payer system and they designed a law that would force companies to drop people and insurance companies to increase rates. THIS IS BY DESIGN.
They want people to drop their care and go into exchanges. They want businesses to drop employees so those employees will be forced to go into the exchanges. They know that when they get enough of this they can implement single payer health care.
They have all said the want single payer. Obama has stated that this is his desire. They are just smart enough to know they will not get it all at once so they designed a plan that will eventually give them what they want.
They are pulling a con on us. We are the marks and the health care bill is the set-up. They will let the set-up do its thing until they are in position to pull the off the con.
Perhaps they should have named the health care law “The Sting”…
Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
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Tags: aetna, blue cross, con game, lies, obamacare, rate increases