A Glimmer Of Hope From McConnell?

Mitch McConnell addressed the looming debt ceiling and said there would be no government shutdown and that the ceiling would be raised. Anyone who reads this blog regularly (and I know all three of you) know how I feel about the debt ceiling. We need to stop raising it and start lowering the amount of debt we have by cutting spending.

It is as simple as that even though liberals and big government RINOs will tell you that it is not easy and there is too much to pay for. The only reason there is too much to pay for is because they keep spending too much.

If your pipes in the house break and you have sewage piling up you don’t go to the top of the house and keep raising the ceiling. If you do you just end up with more crap. The sensible solution is to stop the crap from piling up and then get rid of it as quickly as possible.

In Obama’s time in office the national debt has doubled from 9 TRILLION dollars to 18 TRILLION dollars. Obama has accumulated more debt than all other presidents COMBINED. What do we have to show for this? Nearly 100 million people no longer participating in the labor force and around 50 million people on food stamps. We have an entitlement society full of people encouraged to live off the government (read the taxpayer) as a way of life.

Democrats built that (Obama made it worse).

McConnell gave a glimmer of hope with the debt ceiling issue. He said that they would likely attach legislation they want to pass to the debt ceiling bill. This is an action I suggested in an earlier post.

Here is what McConnell had to say:

Mr. McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said on the CBS program “Face the Nation” on Sunday that Republicans may try to attach some of their priorities to the debate but won’t force another shutdown showdown as it has in the past. Washington Times

The issue I have is he already gave in by stating there would be no showdown. He will likely push something they all agree on, pass it and slap themselves on the back while telling us what a great job they did. In reality the spineless will fold.

I think McConnell and Boehner need to put out what they want and start NOW to tell the public that they are going to do it and if Democrats block it THEY will be responsible for the shutdown. If he has to, since this is a BUDGET item he can make it so only 51 votes are needed. Then he can pass it and force Obama to veto.

Then the shutdown will be on Obama’s head.

This is what I would like to see but I lack confidence that these two so called leaders can muster the testosterone needed to do it. They can’t sack up because they lack a ball sack.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Time For Boehner And McConnell To Redeem Themselves

Treasury Secretary Lew has informed Speaker John Boehner that the US will hit the debt ceiling on 16 March. Treasury would then be required to take extraordinary measures to keep government running and those measures would be exhausted by the final Quarter of the calendar year.

I am not a fan of raising the debt ceiling. I think that instead of raising the limit the amount we are spending should be reduced. The government is taking in record amounts of revenue from taxes but continues to spend more than it gets. Raising the ceiling would not (allegedly) involve new spending. Lew says that it would make sure that money is available to pay for things we have already obligated to. That just means we spent more than we had and now we need more to pay the bills.

This is the time for Boehner and McConnell to step up and redeem themselves over their poor performance regarding funding the DHS and Obama’s illegal executive action.

Boehner and McConnell should insist that getting rid of the illegal executive action (on immigration) by Obama is part of the deal. In fact, they should try to get everything they can as part of the deal. Democrats will balk and scream for a “clean” bill but they got a clean bill for DHS. Now it is time for them to step up.

The thing is these two spineless “leaders” will need to stand fast on their demands or the Democrats will own them once again. They need to be out forming the narrative NOW by telling people what they will do and that if Democrats do not go along they and ONLY THEY will be responsible for the government defaulting.

Put the onus on the Democrats and keep hammering them. Make it all about their unwillingness to compromise. Show them as the bad guys and associate all bad things that might come as being their fault.

I don’t want to see the ceiling raised. We keep adding to the mountain of debt we already have and it will not get better if they refuse to fix the problems that require them to spend more (ie out of control spending, unconstitutional programs, out of control welfare). If we can get a number of concessions for raising the ceiling then it will be worth it this time though if Boehner and McConnell had any guts it would not be necessary.

While I would like to see these two play hardball and ram this down the throats of the Democrats I am pretty sure they will end up looking like dumb and dumber when all is said and done.

It is likely they will raise the limit, give the Democrats everything they want, screw conservatives and the nation and end up telling us it was the best they could do and we should just sit back and take it.

These two could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so it is very unlikely they will actually do anything worthwhile on this issue.

Obama once said adding to the debt and burdening future generations with debt was unpatriotic. Obama and his Democrats, by that definition, are unpatriotic.

Unfortunately, a number of Republicans are unpatriotic as well.

One day we will be led by people who are not part of the establishment and who will get things under control.

Unless, of course, the current crop of morons kills the nation off before then…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Boehner And McConnell Are Ineffective Cowards

Give us control and we will stop Obama and his illegal orders on immigration. We will take the fight to him for you. We have the House but we need the Senate or we can’t do anything. Give us the Senate and things will be different.

Yes, the lip service John Boehner and Mitch McConnell gave us before the election was right on and they said all the right things. There were many of us who pushed for both of them to face a primary opponent to get rid of them. But folks like Ann Coulter (who I happen to love) said we can’t do that because getting control was most important and if we lost McConnell’s seat then we might not get the Senate and that is what we needed.

Well, we gave them the Senate and they are doing the same thing they did when they were in the minority. They are bending over and letting the Democrats have their way with them. The Republicans in the Senate are acting like they are in the minority by letting Reid and the Democrats run all over them and Boehner is caving to the Senate and giving them what they want.

But Big Dog, the Democrats are blocking the Senate with tactics and it is hard work.

Yes, I know the Democrats are doing all the very things they screamed and threw fits about when they were in the majority. They hated when Republicans did these things but they found ways around them. McConnell is not quite bright enough to do it the way Reid did.

So he will just bend over and take it like a jailhouse punk.

Here is what McConnell should have done. He should have changed the rules so that only 51 votes were needed to pass the legislation. Then it would pass and be sent to Obama who would have to sign it or veto it. If he vetoed it he AND HE ALONE would have been responsible for shutting down the DHS (which would not really shut down because they are mission essential). McConnell did not have the guts to do that even though Harry Reid did it and it was accepted by Democrats. They would have to accept it if McConnell did it and anyone who screamed could be reminded that they were warned that it would one day come back to bite them in their large asses.

Boehner could have slid his wretched self out of the bottom of a bourbon glass long enough to make it clear he would not change his position. He could have coached McConnell to use the Reid option and get it done. These two could have had a united front.

Instead they were both too busy worrying about what people might think of the process.

Screw how people feel. There is an out of control Executive who is ignoring the Constitution. He has become a tyrant and the supposed leaders of the Republicans in Congress are letting him get away with it.

It leads me to believe that they want this illegal action on immigration to go through. Yes, they say it is in the court but there is no guarantee the court will uphold the law. The tyrants in the black robes are as bad as the tyrant in the White House. They are all part of the downfall and they need to be stopped.

But Boehner and McConnell are not up to the job. They said they were. They begged us to give them the job. They promised they would do these things.

And in the end all we have are two ineffective cowards who are too busy applying Vasoline to do their jobs.

Obama will not stop here. He is already working on ways to use Executive Orders to raise taxes (first on corporations but it will not stop there). This will be a blatant violation of the Constitution but Boehner and McConnell have already shown they are not up to the task. They will not stop the tyrant Obama.

We will be taxed without representation. Does that sound familiar? It should. That is what led 3% of this nation to fight the Brits for Independence.

A hell of a lot more that 3% are fed up in this country and it is now quite obvious that Boehner and McConnell are impotent. We gave them a chance and they failed.

The only solution to the tyranny lies in the hands of the patriots.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, —That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security ~ from the US Declaration of Independence [emphasis added]

It is our birthright, it is our duty and it is our destiny to unshackle the bonds placed by an oppressive and tyrannical government and to form new one. Our Founders did just that and they did it over a lot less than what is going on now.

The time is coming because Obama and the rest of the lawbreakers have put us on a collision course. I pray to God that we avoid such a situation but Boehner and McConnell have shown us they are nothing more than different wings of the same bird and they do not have the interest of the American people at heart.

They are cowards who lack the ability to stand up for what is right. We need some real leadership to step forward or I fear this nation is headed for major unrest.

For now we are stuck with these two impotent twerps who have betrayed us. My friends, please do not donate to the Republican party. Screw them. Keep your money and do something useful with it. These pricks will just take you for a ride and dump you in the desert.

Starve the beast and the next time pundits tell you it is more important to gain control than to get rid of bad politicians remind them of these two and how ineffective they are even with the majority.

Dear John and Mitch, my contact form is on this page. Reach out if you want some pointers on how to man up

Democrats, you are not off the hook. You criminals backed the illegal action and you put party before country. In a just world you would hang for your treason. Fear not, if the world were just many Republicans would be swinging next to you.

The Corner
My Way News

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Darth Boehner And The RINO Empire Strike Back

John Boehner was reelected as Speaker of the House even though he faced the strongest revolt since about the time of the Civil War. More than twenty Republicans cast a vote for someone else as Speaker. This is supposed to be their vote and they can do with it as they wish. These folks were upset that Boehner continually gives in to Barack Obama and the Democrats and they were particularly upset with the most recent budget deal that fully funds Obamacare and does not stop Obama’s illegal actions on immigration.

After Boehner won he started exacting revenge on those who voted against him. Two members have been removed from the Rules Committee and one has been removed as the sponsor (or cosponsor) of a bill.

According to a recent poll 60% of Republicans who voted wanted John Boehner replaced as Speaker. I am one of those people. Boehner has shown no backbone and his tear filled emotions do not portray an image of a strong leader. Certainly there are appropriate times to cry but this man blubbers when the lights get turned on.

Republicans who opposed Boehner knew there would be hell to pay despite assurances from the Speaker that this would not happen. Here is a shocker, Boehner lied. Of course he is not doing it directly. His surrogates are doing it to keep him from being the one pulling the trigger. It is a cowardly way to do business.

Boehner and the Republicans run around telling us how they plan to turn things around and govern as conservatives but it is all smoke and mirrors. Representatives were more concerned with committee assignments and office space than they were the well being of the Republic. They turned their backs on the people who put them in office.

Boehner now has a larger majority and will rarely need the votes of the small group of actual conservative members but I am willing to bet that things are going to get real nasty real fast.

It is a shame that Boehner, who ridiculed Pelosi’s and Obama’s leadership, has turned out to be quite like them. He is mean spirited and petulant and punishes those who disagree with him.

I remain a registered Republican because you have to have party affiliation to vote in my state’s primaries but I am done with the party.

I am a conservative and will support politicians who espouse conservative values.

On the plus side, this vote and the childish behavior of the crybaby Speaker will allow me to have quite a bit of fun the next time some Republican group calls to beg for my money.

Republicans, enjoy what you have right now because the way you act and govern you will not be in power very long. I would not be surprised to see the Senate flip back in 2016 as the nation gets a new Democrat/Socialist as President and it will all be due to your lack of conservative values.

Mitt Romney lost the 2012 election because millions of Republicans stayed home out of disgust. How many do you think will stay home in 2016?

I won’t stay home because I see voting as a civic obligation BUT I will not be voting for my Representative. I imagine there will be plenty of folks who feel the same way.

The Republicans and the Democrats in Congress are not very different. They are different wings of the same bird and they are taking us in the same direction to the same place.

The biggest difference is Democrats are taking us there on a jetliner and the Republicans are on a freight train.

The end result is the same and with Boehner as the conductor there will be no switching tracks though he might upgrade to the express train.

I might be wrong and the reality is only time will tell but I doubt Boehner will get tough on Democrats after he has been working with them for so long. I would like to see him be as tough on them as he is on the real conservatives (particularly the Tea Party types) in Congress but that is unlikely to happen. He might surprise me but with rumors flying that he will help with amnesty for the law breakers here illegally and with his actions to push a spending bill until the end of the fiscal year I doubt we will see much to be happy with from him.

This country is in decline and the list names leading the charge starts with Obama and includes Boehner…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Did Democrats Overplay Tax Hand?

In 2011 Barack Obama came up with the idea of the sequester. The plan was to force Congress to come up with a financial plan or each side’s top programs would get cuts. The idea was that Republicans would not want to see cuts to Defense and Democrats would not want to see cuts to social programs and other non defense agencies so they would all come together, sing Kumbaya and come up with a plan.

The election fell in between and Obama and his Democrats could not address the issue because they wanted tax increases that they could not tout if they wanted to keep their positions. Obama wanted to win a second term so he could not talk about his radical plans or he would lose.

Republicans felt sure that Romney would win and they would take the Senate so they could undo the damage caused by years of stupidity from both sides.

Romney did not win and the time for the sequestration cuts was rapidly approaching. Both sides worked against each other in an effort to fix the mess they created. At the last minute a deal was struck that increased taxes immediately for high income earners and pushed the sequestration cuts off until March First. John Boehner took heat for allowing the tax increases and he should but looking at it now his move might have been a good one.

If sequestration had taken place at the beginning of the year then ALL of the Bush era tax cuts would have gone away. This means there would be tax increases on everyone. Yes, even though Democrats have been screaming that the Bush tax cuts were for the rich they were forced to admit that everyone would be affected if the tax cuts went away.

The reality that the tax increase would hit the middle class and that Republicans would be blamed forced Boehner and Republicans to allow taxes to increase on about 2% of wage earners. At the same time, the deal made the Bush tax cuts for the other 98% permanent. This means that a tax increase on the middle class cannot be held over the heads of the Republicans. They are now in a stronger position to bargain because only a direct act to raise taxes on the middle class can make that happen. No matter what happens, inactivity or allowing the sequester to proceed will not cause taxes on the middle class to go up.

Sure, hundreds of thousands of the middle class will be affected by the sequester but that is by design. The White House came up with sequester and the cuts associated and the White House is ensuring that those cuts directly harm people so that those people will get upset with Republicans and hold them accountable. The Democrats need people to be miserable or they will realize that government is too big and cuts are not a bad thing.

This is why the cuts are taking place in a fashion that will cause direct harm to people and programs that directly involve people.

There is a lot that can be cut that would not harm people but that would not accomplish what Democrats want, direct dependence on government.

In any event, the average person will feel little affect from the cuts. Many federal employees will as will those who depend on services like meals on wheels. But, for the most part, the average person will notice little disruption in their lives.

Other than, of course, the disruption that has been with us since Obama first took office.

Democrats got their tax increase and were to bargain in good faith for spending cuts. They did not (which is not a surprise). Now they are screaming for more tax increases on the wealthy. They talk about closing loopholes (government speak for parts of the tax code people use to pay less in taxes, parts that Congress put there in the first place) and increasing rates on an even larger pool of wealthy taxpayers but refuse to discuss cutting. They want tax increases NOW and cuts sometime in the future.

Republicans are having none of that and are, so far, standing firm on their stance that there will be no more revenue (government speak for taxes). The Republicans do not have to worry now about an automatic tax increase on the middle class because the Bush cuts were made permanent so they have the upper hand.

Democrats might have overplayed their hand because they thought once Republicans allowed a tax increase in December they set a precedent and would cave again.

It is possible that Boehner gave his party a stronger position by allowing a tax increase on the top 2%. Democrats cannot hold that ax over the heads of the Republicans and must now gin up anger within the base in order to get things done.

So far the public has not been in much of an uproar and it looks like Democrats are scratching and clawing in order to get tax increases.

The sequester will begin to hit harder in the next few weeks and then we hit the end of the last continuing resolution. Boehner and his party might be in the driver’s seat because he took the wild card, tax cuts on the middle class, away from the Democrats.

It is time for Boehner to step up and rule with an iron fist. It is time for tax reform and spending cuts. He has the weapons at his disposal.

Because no matter what, Obama will ultimately be held responsible for any disaster that takes place in the coming months.

His stenographers in the media will try to deflect the blame but many Americans are paying attention each day (though we will never be rid of the low information voters).

Democrats toasted the tax increase while bringing in the New Year but they might have given away their bargaining chips in the process.


Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog

