My Plan To Help Special Olympian Obama
Mar 20, 2009 Political
Barack Obama insulted millions of special needs people when he made a comment equating his bowling skills to the Special Olympics. I know that Obama did not mean to insult people but he could not help himself because he is a Democrat and they say things without thinking. The only thing that I have supported with Obama is his scrapping of a plan to charge the private insurance of veterans for service related injuries. That idea should never have been considered. As an aside, I think General Shinseki was smart to float it early. I originally thought he was advocating it but it now appears as if he let it out to build opposition.
I know that the liberals have been upset calling the Republicans the party of NO and saying that we do not support The Evil Won. I am going to rectify this now by, to use an overused phrase, extending an olive branch to Obama.
Here is how The MEssiah can make it up. There is a Special Olympian who says that he can beat Obama at bowling. I have no doubt of that because the Olympian, Kolan McConiughey, has thrown 5 perfect games. Kolan McConiughey has challenged Obama to a bowling match.
Here is where the olive branch comes in. Barack Obama should accept the challenge and they should set it up as a pay per view event. They could set a date for August when Congress is in recess (the time of the year when we are the safest) and promote the event.
These two can meet to bowl the match, a 3 game event, to see who is the best. The proceeds from the event can go to the Special Olympics. This is a win-win for everyone. Obama will save face, McConiughey will get the chance of a lifetime and the Special Olympics will get a lot of money.
This is a perfect way for Obama to turn lemons into lemonade.
There, don’t say I never tried to help the guy.
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Tags: bowling, insult, mcconiughey, Obama, olive branch, special olympics
Has Obama Been Around Biden Too Long?
Mar 20, 2009 Political, Stop the ACLU
The sainted one has made a gaffe. The messiah, the evil won, has said something offensive that insults the entire population of people with special needs. On the Tonight Show Obama and Jay Leno discussed Obama’s bowling skills:
Toward the end of his approximately 40-minute taping on the “The Tonight Show With Jay Leno,” Obama talked about how he’d gotten better at bowling and had been practicing in the White House bowling alley.
“I bowled a 129,” he told Leno.
“That’s very good, Mr. President,” Leno said sarcastically.
But then came the foot-in-mouth moment: “It’s like the Special Olympics or something,” the president said. ABC News [emphasis mine]

This is a gaffe one would expect from Joe Biden. He is the gaffe master and says stupid things so frequently that his gaffes are often ignored or excused as “just Joe being Joe.”
Barack Obama knew he stepped in the donkey doo because he started damage control as soon as he boarded Air Force One. There is some outrage but not as much as when Don Imus called a girls basketball team nappy headed ho’s. Why is it that he lost his job because of ginned up outrage and Obama receives relatively little scorn?
Democrats have a history of offending different groups and are generally given a pass. All they have to do is apologize and all is forgiven. Let a Republican make an off the wall remark and the next thing you know there are boycotts and protests.
The picture in this post is what Democrats put out when George Bush was running against John Kerry. The story is here.
The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler
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Tags: bowling, don imus, insult, Obama, special olympics