More Proof Obama And Holder Are Murderers
Oct 3, 2012 Political
Mr Obama, YOU did build this…
We did not need much proof that Obama is a murderer. He supports allowing babies born after an unsuccessful abortion to be left to die. He supports abortion on demand and at any time during the pregnancy. He supports murder whether the decision is above his pay grade or not.
Obama and his Attorney general are also complicit in the murder of Mexicans and at least one (and possibly a few more) Border Patrol Agents. When the Mexican drug cartel enforcer, Jose Antonio Acosta Hernandez (El Diego), was captured in Mexico he had weapons from fast and Furious in his possession. Yes, the man who was responsible for the mass murder of school children and rival drug cartel members in Mexico committed his murders with guns that Eric Holder and Barack Obama allowed to walk into Mexico.
Obama and Holder have broken the law, acted with reckless abandon, and allowed guns to illegally walk into Mexico where they were used to murder people.
To top it off they have both lied about their involvement and Obama has taken proactive steps to cover up the illegal activities by sealing documents relevant to the case.
Obama and Holder lied and people died.
Imagine how up in arms (pun intended) the liberals and their sock puppets in the media would be if George Bush had allowed firearms to be illegally walked into a country where they were used to murder people. Imagine how the left would suddenly love and care about Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry if he was murdered with a weapon provided by George Bush. Since Barack Obama and Eric Holder were involved in the murder the media are silent.
It is disgusting that this happened and it is disgusting that Americans and Mexicans were murdered as a result of illegal activities by Barack Obama and Eric Holder.
It is just as disgusting that this was all done as a ruse to convince people that American gun laws needed to be stricter. This was done to arm Obama with plenty of ammunition (pun intended again) so he could go after more gun control.
Obama and Holder broke the law in an effort to force more gun control (and to eventually outlaw guns) and people ended up dead.
Now they are covering up the crimes they committed.
We need to remove them from office and November 6th is our chance to do so.
In a just world they would both be serving time in a federal prison.
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: brian terry, fast and furious, gun running, holder, lies, murder, Obama
Media Matters At Holder’s Department Of Sharia
Sep 18, 2012 Political
The Department of Justice, led by racist Eric Holder, has had a remake of its website and gone are the Red, White, and Blue. Yes, the waving American flag has been replaced with the Black and Gold similar to that seen in the Muslim flag. It is interesting that as Muslims attack American Embassies and burn our flag while raising the al-Qaeda flag, Holder has abandoned the American flag for what looks like association with the Muslim flag.
Was this a not so subtle change to appease the Muslims or was it a more concentrated effort to remove America from AMERICAN Justice?
I don’t know and we may never either because no matter what the reason for the change, the Department of Sharia run by Holder will use Media Matters to put out the appropriate narrative.
Internal DOJ emails indicate that the communications staff there collaborated with Media Matters for America (a left wing propaganda firm) to stop or spin stories about various scandals in the Holder Department.
The scandals there are many. Fast and Furious and the cover-up. The death of Brian Terry and the cover-up. The New Black Panther voter intimidation case and dismissal by Holder. All these things are criminal and involve Holder but he has been happy to use Media Matters as a research arm and propaganda distributor.
[note]Was it not the left who claimed Paul Ryan’s tactics were like the Nazi propagandists?[/note]
So we might never know if the Sharia Department under Holder changed the website to be Muslim compliant or if this was something that was planned for some other reason because no matter what, Media Matters will ensue the proper propaganda is distributed.
We need criminals in jail and adults running the country and we need it soon.
If these amateurs get a second term running this nation we will surely fall.
End the Obamanation in November!
Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Tags: brian terry, eric holder, lies, Media Matters, nbpp, propaganda, sharia