How Hillary Will Leave Our Country

Hillary Clinton claims that she has the most experience is the best qualified person for the job. If John McCain wins the Republican nomination then that is out the door because he has been there a lot longer and has more qualifications. Make no mistake, I am no McCain fan but I felt a comparison, based on Hillary’s claims, was warranted. In any event, she claims that she will lead us to prosperity and that she will give everyone everything (mostly by coercion) by taxing rich people to pay the poor. A genuine Robbing Hood, she is.

I believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency will leave this country weaker and in economic ruin. Sure, she will lob a few missiles around to show she is tough but eventually she will be cutting the defense budget to increase social programs. She learned from the best though he lobbed missiles to keep the focus away from his various transgressions.

If you want to know how Hillary will leave this country you only need to look at how her campaign left a rented office in New Hampshire. The office was rented for $100 a day for five days. The place had a warehouse and office space as well as a full kitchen and shower. Keep in mind, it was only rented for five days.

The man who rented it out to the campaign stated that he has not been paid the rent for the use of the property (I guess Hillary’s staffers are not the only ones not getting paid). Dr. Terry Bennett rented the property out but the campaign did not pay the money due when they turned the keys into the rental agent. In addition, the place was left a filthy mess. The place was trashed and there were campaign signs all over. Trashed is how the Clintons left the White House. The Clintons and their supporters believe that cleaning up is best left to the minions (or the ILLEGALS) because they are far too important to clean up after themselves.

This building represents a microcosm of a Hillary Clinton presidency. She will leave us trashed and unpaid for. To think, Hillary said it would take a Clinton to clean up after a Bush (at least there will not be stains on the rug). How interesting that the Clinton folks can’t clean up after themselves.

First they don’t leave a tip and now they don’t pay the rent.

She couldn’t keep her own house in order and she can’t keep her campaign in order. How in the name of God is she going to keep the country in order?


Big Dog

Others with interesting items:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Midnight Sun, The Random Yak, Right Truth, Shadowscope, A Newt One- BIG THURSDAY GUEST!, , Cao’s Blog,, , Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, , The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Some of Hillary’s Staff Working for Free

With Barack Obama collecting $32 million in January and on pace to collect another $30 million in February, Senator Clinton is feeling a bit cash strapped. The heir apparent to the throne has evidently run low on cash and has taken two measures to try and remain competitive. She loaned her campaign $5 million of her own money. Clinton also has several staffers working for free. Seems to me with a net worth of about $41 million (not including the $20 million Bill is set to get from a deal) she could have loaned her campaign a bit more so she could pay her workers.

When the presidential race started out Clinton raised millions of dollars with relative ease from the collection of friends she and Bill made over the years. Then, Barack Obama started raising cash and people started giving even more to him. He has been able to raise astronomical amounts of money while it appears as if the Clinton machine is sputtering along.

This season we are sure to see the first $1 billion dollar president. Imagine that, 1 billion dollars to become president. That is absolutely obscene and only reinforces the idea that the average person could never hope to run for that high office. Amazingly, the money is being raised while we are supposed to be heading for recession.

I imagine the economy is not as bad as the media makes it out to be though it is having troubles. However, just like when Bill ran, the media is ginning up a bad economy to help a Democrat win. Let’s face it, if it were as bad as they say, people worried about gas, food, and electric bills then they would not be able to donate the huge amounts of money they are giving.

As for Hillary, she had millions of dollars and now she is running low on cash. She does have a history of spending as she did on her last Senate race. She spent 10 million dollars on a race she was going to win handily in order to get an even larger margin of victory so she would appear more appealing as a presidential candidate. Now she has spent so much that she loaned her own money to the campaign.

But why only $5 million? Why not more? I mean, if she is the best thing for this country and ready to lead from day one then wouldn’t she want to get as much money out there so she could win? Id she truly only cares about the American people (and don’t forget the children) then why does she not spend her entire fortune to get elected?

Of course, she will get a bump in donations after yesterday’s primary but it will not match what Obama raises. He won more states and he won more delegates and she only won the popular vote total by a little more than 53,000. Obama is on a roll and it is possible he will beat her for the nomination. If he leads in the delegate count (not including Super Delegates) going into a brokered convention the DNC is going to have one hell of a time if they decide to go with Hillary.

This campaign was supposed to be a cake walk for Hillary. She was the front runner for quite some time and she raised a lot of money. This was all supposed to be wrapped up after yesterday’s multi state primary and yet she is locked in a virtual dead heat with an opponent who has much more money on hand and is getting even more. After watching the supposed next president blow millions of dollars for a dead heat, after watching her get little bang for the buck, one needs to ask:

Is this the person we want managing our money at the federal level? Imagine the damage she could do if she got her hands on the huge budget of the United States…

I guess her 35 years of experience did not teach her how to manage money. That is what happens when nearly all your life you spend other people’s money.

But hell, the least she could do is dig into her bank account and pay her staff.

Big Dog