In Haste To Slam Brown Coakley Makes A Big Mistake

After the debate last night in Massachusetts, where Scott Brown beat Martha Coakley very soundly, Coakley rushed an attack ad out to stem the tide that is now going against her. In her haste, she made a big mistake. The wording at the bottom of the add misspells the name of the state.

Jammie Wearing Fool has a screen shot of the ad and the state is spelled “Massachusettes.”

One would expect a person to be able to spell the name of her state especially if that one is running for the US Senate. But Martha was in such a rush to get this out that she approved this message, misspelled state and all.

This is the kind of attention to detail one expects from a person who will march in lockstep with her party regardless of the details and who is now in panic mode.

The add was pulled for a bit of time and when it went back up the state name was spelled correctly. I guess she took a lot of heat over the error.

Brown said he was not going to go negative and that he did not want big name Republicans coming to the state on his behalf (not that he could stop them). He is busy running around the state campaigning after he received around 1.3 million dollars in 24 hours after an internet money bomb. His donations are small ones from every day people.

Coakley is in DC at a fundraiser that has 22 registered lobbyists, 17 of whom are directly involved in health care.

This should tell the people of Massachusetts where her priorities are.

Scott Brown might just pull this off. A lot will depend on the weather, voter enthusiasm after a three day weekend and what groups actually turn out.

If he wins this will be the second shot heard round the world. He will make a number of vulnerable Democrats very uneasy.

If a Republican can win in Massachusetts then a Republican can win anywhere.

And the Democrats know that which is why SEIU is kicking in a lot of money and some heavy hitters are making their way to Massachusetts.

Ace has a video of a union steel worker who is carrying a Coakley sign. The guy says they paid him $50 to stand there holding the sign but he is voting for Brown.


Big Dog


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Cold Shoulder vs In From The Cold

Barack Obama gave the Prime Minister of The United Kingdom, Gordon Brown, the cold shoulder last week when the leader arrived in DC for his first visit to the Obama White House. Obama did not have the usual full blown press conference or state dinner and reluctantly held a small press conference and it looked like he was less than happy to be there. Brown gave Obama some well thought out gifts and his wife gave the Obama girls expensive clothing.

ME-chelle and the ME-ssiah gave less than stellar gifts. Barack gave the PM a 25 CD collection of American movies (were they in the format that will play in Britain) and his wife gave the boys model helicopters of Marine One (the kind you get in the White House gift shop). This is the way to treat the Prime Minister of our strongest ally?

The chattering class says that Brown is a big boy and will have to just get over it but it does beg a few questions. Did not the Democrats say that Bush ruined our standing in the world? Did not they tell us that they were going to improve our image and make us all friends once again? They claimed they would improve our image in the world but it seems to me they did more to harm our image than Bush ever did. At least George and Laura Bush knew how to be gracious hosts.

The Evil One claimed he was just too darn tired from the exhausting economic problems. The man who is young and full of life is too tired to be a proper leader and host? I guess Hillary was right. She should be the one to answer the phone at 3 am because Obama is too tired to get up to attend to it.

While Obama is wrecking our image in Europe he is working to improve it in Latin America by easing some of the travel and trade restrictions with Cuba. The efforts are seen as a first move in the eventual lifting of a trade embargo that has been in place for decades.

Barack Obama is shunning our free and democratic ally in Europe and at the same time working for closer ties with a Communist country led by a murderous dictator. Yeah, that makes sense.

I guess it won’t be long before Obama is hosting Castro (one of them) or is being hosted by them. I wonder what gifts he will shower them with. As an aside, it will be real interesting to see what kind of press conference he holds with Ahmadinejad when (not if) he is invited to the White House. I suggest a .45 caliber bullet but Obama will probably give him nuclear technology. Perhaps a few real helicopters.

The Brits are up in arms about the way their PM was snubbed (I guess they will have to get over it) and they are not too happy with Hopey Obama and his Klingon wife. They will be paying very close attention to see how people like Castro and Ahmadinejad are received at the White House (if in fact Castro is invited).

I was going to write that this is what happens when you send a boy to do a man’s job but then the race baiters would cry that it was a racist remark even though it is a common saying.

So I will just end by writing that Obama is an empty suit who has NO leadership experience and he is caught up in all the hype about him. He believes the stories of his greatness. The reality is, he is way out of his league.

He should have stuck with community organizing. Then again, he was a disaster at that as well.

Joe Biden, God love him, was the one who said that the White House was no place for on the job training.

That was when he wanted to be president. Now he is Obama’s dutiful lap dog.

Big Dog

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The Two Minute Drill

A quick look around.

Obama can’t get over British Treatment of grandfather

When Kenya was under British rule the Brits evidently treated Obama’s granddaddy rather rudely. To return the favor Obama has treated the British PM the same way. Obama snubbed PM Brown by cancelling a press conference and then by having a half-hearted meeting. Brown gave The Evil Won some very nice, thoughtful gifts. Obama gave the PM a gift box of DVDs. They were American movie classics. As if Brown could not get them from about any source.

The Klingon First Lady saw her two daughters get nice clothing from the PM’s wife. She gave the Brown’s boys helicopter models of Marine One. Is there any doubt that the Obama’s hit the White House gift shop for these gifts?

It is one thing to hold a grudge. It is quite another to treat an ally badly while representing the country. I hope the Brits realize that the Obama’s attitudes do not reflect the attitudes of the entire nation.

Couple faces life in prison for tax evasion and police standoff

The Browns (not the visiting Brits) refused to pay taxes stating that they were unconstitutional. They then had a long standoff with police because they refused to surrender. They are now in jail and face life in prison:

The Browns virtually face life sentences if they are convicted of all of the charges against them. Ed Brown, 66, and Elaine Brown, 68, are serving 63-month sentences for tax-related crimes. One of the new charges – of possessing destructive devices – carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 30 years in prison, on top of any penalties from the other charges. Concord Monitor

Meanwhile, Timothy Geithner heads the US Treasury even though he deliberately did not pay his taxes. Charlie Rangel and Tom Daschle are also not in jail though they, like others who Obama wanted to serve him, did not pay their taxes. What a country.

More on small businesses

There are many who think that the tax increases on those who make over $250,000 will not affect small businesses to any large degree. Time will tell but the Gateway Pundit has some interesting information on the issue.

Most people who have no problems with increasing taxes on the evil rich are those who think others should pay their way or the way of others. These are the folks who think it is OK for those of us who pay our mortgages on time to also pay for the homes of people who could never afford what they bought. There is something wrong with the psyche of a person who thinks it is OK to take the money that one person has earned and give it to others.

There are 5 computers in my house. Should I be forced to give a few of them to people who have no computers? We have two cars and there are people who have none. Maybe we should have to give them one of ours.

Where does it stop? How is it fair? Why should one part of society be compelled to provide for another part?

Why did we let liberals create a dependent class of people?

Will California Judges legislate from the bench, again?

Californians passed a law a few years back banning same sex marriage. The court struck it down because, they claim, it went against California’s Constitution. So, the voters went to the polls to vote on Proposition 8 which amended the Constitution to define marriage as between one man and one woman.

Now there is another lawsuit and the court will decide if the change to the Constitution was legal, at least according to their rules. The state and its voters did it correctly but the outcome was not what a special aggrieved unit of victims wanted so off to court it goes.

Regardless of how one falls on this issue, the people of California expressed their will and they did it within the framework of their laws.

No court should undo that. Just because we don’t like the outcome does not mean it was illegal. Yahoo News

Joe the Plumber sues Ohio

Joe the Plumber is suing three Ohio officials for invasion of privacy after they went through his records illegally. Joe caught Obama exposing his radical Socialist agenda and that set off a firestorm of invasion of privacy and cover up.

The media went after Joe instead of the law breakers when this happened. If it had been some liberal who was wiretapped talking to Osama bin Laden the ACLU and every other victim enabling group would be having conniptions over the privacy issue.

Not so much with Joe. He exposed the Emperor as having no clothes.

The media also went after Joe because he owed back taxes. They treated him more harshly than all the tax cheats Obama has on the government dole.

I hope he gets a gazillion dollars.

Joe, if you do make sure you pay your taxes. Otherwise you might be selected to be in the Obama administration. AP

That is all for now. Feel free to comment or trackback.

Big Dog

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