Why Worry About The Fiscal Cliff?

It is billed as Taxmageddon, the first day of the New Year when all the Bush tax cuts expire and certain budget measures kick in. These were designed to force lawmakers to get off their butts and actually do something constructive but that never came to pass. They were too busy running for reelection or working to get their messiah reelected. Now that has happened and there is some movement toward fixing the problem that lies ahead.

But why should they worry about fixing it? When Democrats took control of the Congress in the last two years of the Bush Administration they ran on a platform of eliminating the Bush tax cuts. Remember, Democrats have LONG declared that the Bush tax cuts were ONLY for the rich. They never referred to them as just tax cuts as they always added “for the rich.” Democrats claimed that Bush only cut taxes for wealthy people and that the middle class got screwed despite the fact that the middle class made out better than anyone with regard to the cuts.

Be that as it may, the reality is that Democrats said these tax cuts were only for the wealthy and they said they would eliminate the Bush tax cuts in total, not in some piecemeal fashion.

So let them expire.

Once Democrats won they had to back off their claims that these tax cuts were solely for the rich because they knew otherwise and eliminating them in their entirety would hurt the middle class but that is NOT how they portrayed it when they wanted the lesser minds in society to vote for them.

We should give them no quarter. They ran on eliminating them so let them expire and let everyone suffer the consequences (elections do have consequences). Obama and his minions all think that raising taxes is a good thing and will help the economy. If that is what they believe then they should let the Bush tax cuts expire completely and reap the benefit of increased tax revenue. It is unlikely the Treasury will actually receive increased revenue as tax increases tend to keep that from happening but that is not what Democrats believe.

So why not let them expire completely and see what happens? If Democrats are right then the increase in revenue will catapult the economy into prosperity and we will be on the track to salvation. Hell, if raising the taxes on the rich is wonderful then raising taxes on everyone should be even better.

Besides, the expiration of the tax cuts will only affect the wealthy because that is what the Democrats have told us.

So there should be no worries about the first day of next year. There should be no fiscal or political worries because we are only going to do what Democrats promised all along, end the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.

Hell, let us take it a little further. Let’s actually raise the taxes on millionaires (real ones who make a million dollars or more) to 90%. Everything above a million dollars will be taxed at 90%. They don’t need that money. Barack Obama already told them that at a certain point he thinks they have made enough so let’s just take it from them. Many of the millionaires who live in this country voted for Obama so they should be perfectly willing to have some skin in the game. Imagine if Brad Pitt was paid 5 million dollars for a movie. He would get 400 thousand dollars of the amount over a million and the government would get 3.6 million dollars. What a deal and Pitt will be more than happy because he supported Obama and Obama’s plans.

Think of how rich liberals would be overjoyed at this. Warren Buffett, Michael Moore, Cher, and all the other rich liberals who supported Obama and his plans could pay their fair share to help the poor folks.

Now it is an absolute fact that if the government confiscated ALL the money rich people make it would only run the government for about 90 days but that should not matter. It is all about fair play and these rich folks, many of whom live in California and New York, have put their trust in Obama.

Let the Bush tax cuts expire in their entirety so Democrats can fulfill their promise to do so and then raise taxes on people who make more than a million dollars so they can pay their fair share.

The reality is that none of this will help but the Democrats promised it so they should go through with it. It will crash the economy, force the wealthy liberals to find ways to keep from paying taxes (you KNOW they don’t really want to pay more) and show America how deadly liberal tax policies are.

Who cares if it leads to the demise of this once great nation? If people actually cared about that they would not be standing around with their hands out for Obamaphones, food stamps and other forms of welfare. They would be working instead of mooching.

Let’s give the liberals what they want by letting the Bush tax cuts expire and raising taxes on the wealthy. No exceptions so all the rich guys in Congress have to pay. Hell, Obama will have to pay 90% on all his income above a million so he will have skin in the game. And while we are at it we need to tax him on his employer provided transportation. His employer gives him a car, a plane and a helicopter. He needs to pay taxes on these as well just like a guy in the private sector.

Obama needs to have skin in the game as well.

Once the policies have taken effect it won’t be long before our economy completely crashes. Some will survive and some will not but once we come through the other side those who caused this will be long gone and we can rebuild the Republic.

The ball is in your court Congress. You liberals wanted to end those tax cuts so do it and quit crying about how they will hurt everyone.

You were not worried about that when you were running to cut them so don’t worry now.

Man up and do what you said you were going to do and live with the consequences.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Why Not Just End The Bush Tax Cuts?

In the last decade or so since the “Bush Tax Cuts” were enacted the Democrats and their media wing have portrayed those cuts as tax cuts for the rich. During the campaigns and throughout the years whenever there was a debate about the budget and the deficit the Democrats would say that George Bush gave tax cuts to the rich and that those tax cuts for the rich were hurting the economy.

I, as well as many others, tried to explain that the Bush Cuts helped the middle class and the poor much more than the rich. The rich ended up with more of the burden as the middle class and poor had their taxes lowered by much greater percentages and that the cuts ended up increasing revenue to the Treasury. This is not a matter for debate here and anyone who is willing to invest time can look at the government’s own numbers to see that it is true.

[note]The reason that tax cuts end up costing us more is not because of a decrease in revenue. It is always because politicians spend even more when revenues increase.[/note]

The bottom line is that Democrats always rejected the idea that the Tax Cuts helped those who are not rich. No, they were ALWAYS Bush’s tax cuts for the rich. Listen to any debate and read any transcript and you will see how these tax cuts were defined by the left. For the rich, period…

So if these tax cuts were only for the rich and since Obama and the Democrats want to raise taxes on the rich, why not just let the tax cuts expire and the net effect will be a tax increase on the rich?

Sounds perfectly logical since the tax cuts were ONLY (according to the left of years gone by) for the rich, letting them expire will only affect the rich.

Except it won’t. You see, the Democrats are now forced to admit that the Bush Tax Cuts were not tax cuts solely for the rich and that they were for everyone across the board. Democrats are fighting tooth and nail to remove the wealthy from any extension of the cuts thereby preserving the part that applies to those who are not rich.

You see, if they had been honest back then they might have credibility now but they were not. They played their second favorite game of class warfare (first favorite is using the race card) in order to demonize George Bush and the rest of the Republicans as the party of rich people.

By now recognizing and fighting for the tax cuts that apply to those who are not rich the left has admitted that they were wrong. It has admitted that the Republicans cut taxes for everyone and it has admitted that they were lying in order to win.

If what they said in the past was actually true they would just let the taxes expire but they can’t.

They are caught up in their web of lies regarding taxes and tax cuts.

The Democrats have shown us that they are lairs and that they cannot be trusted with regard to this issue (or any other for that matter) so why should we even listen to what they have to say on the matter?

They lied then and because they did those who are not wealthy are about to see a huge increase in their taxes.

And please, don’t let some liberal tell you that they always meant the part that applied to the rich. They never acknowledged any tax cuts for those who were not rich and always portrayed the cuts as cuts for the rich. They don’t get to change that now just because they got caught up in their lies.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Bill Clinton Knows What He Is Doing

There is a lot of buzz about what Bill Clinton (the Nation’s first black president) has been saying because what he says is the opposite of what Obama wants to do. Obama wants to end the Bush tax cuts and he wants to portray Mitt Romney as a vulture who wrecked businesses.

Bill Clinton said that the tax cuts should be extended at least into next year and that Romney was a sterling business guy who passes the needed qualifications to be president (which he did according to the Constitution no matter what his record was).

Clinton was called into the Corey Booker (who is now dead to the Obama campaign) woodshed where he was reeducated by the Obama brown shirts and he readjusted what he said. He now says that the rich should pay more and that he did not realize he was going off message.

Clinton is not stupid. He might be dialing it back to look like he is on board with the program but he already did the damage he intended to do. You see, Clinton is not happy with Obama and wants him to lose. Clinton believed his wife would have been a better president (I think she would have been better than Obama as well) and should have won the nomination. He now knows that Obama is a hack who is ruining the country but Clinton can’t very well come right out and say that or the Democrats will disown him (even though a lot of them probably feel the same way). To top it off, Clinton has never forgotten that Obama played the race card on him.

There is no doubt that Clinton wants him to lose.

So Clinton goes out and says things that are damaging to Obama and then feigns ignorance and “changes” his tune. But Clinton did the damage. He gave the Romney folks great soundbites to use against the messiah. When ads play about Romney’s time at Bain then Romney can have ads using Clinton’s words about Romney having a sterling business record. They can add in Booker’s words and really kill the Obama message.

An ad with Clinton talking about how the tax cuts should be extended will play well in the fight over the next debt ceiling issue (if it hits before the election) and it will play well as a Romney ad.

Clinton is a skilled politician. He knows you cannot unring a bell and that he has provided the needed soundbites to help defeat Obama.

He is on a stealth mission to unseat the man who insulted him and who beat his wife.

And so far, he is doing a good job of it.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Well, We Ensured Our Demise

The Senate passed the bill to raise the debt limit by 2.4 TRILLION dollars an unprecedented amount that tops the previous high, also set by Obama just last year. The deal is supposed to be the best we could get and with only a portion of government controlled by conservatives that is likely true. Too much wheeling and dealing took place to resolve this phony crisis drummed up by Obama and his minions. Instead of something responsible we got a bill, that Obama promptly signed into law, that will raise our taxes and all but guarantees we will see our credit rating lowered and interest rates rise.

The deal allows the government to borrow 2.4 TRILLION dollars raising our debt to over 16 TRILLION dollars. The debt of the US did not hit 2.4 TRILLION dollars until 1987. Yes, it took from our founding until 1987 to hit a total debt, as a country, of 2.4 TRILLION and the government just raised the limit by that amount. It is absolutely amazing that the pinheads in DC don’t understand what they are doing to us as a country.

The total debt of the federal government did not hit $2.4 trillion until November 1987, according to the U.S. Treasury Department. According to Treasury’s Monthly Statements of the Public Debt, the national debt equaled $2.3848 trillion at the end of October 1987 and $2.409572 trillion by the end of November 1987. CNS News

So we added 2.4 TRILLION to our debt and when the Bush tax cuts expire we will all be hit with a tax increase. There is no way that Obama will allow them to continue because he is foaming at the mouth to get the chance to raise taxes. Whether he wins in 2012 or not he will still be in office and there is no way he will allow the tax cuts to continue. We will get socked.

To top that off Obama and Congress ensured we will get hit with another tax increase. Once our credit rating is lowered we will all get hit with higher interest rates and this amounts to a tax on all of us, Obama said so himself. So we will get taxed twice, will have more debt and the alleged cuts will actually add 7 TRILLION dollars to our debt over the next ten years.

This is fiscal suicide and it amounts to malfeasance by every elected official who voted for this.

The former comptroller general is predicting we are three years away from being like Greece.

With this deal and the out of control spending it is only a matter of time before drastic cuts to (and possibly the elimination of) social programs will take place. We will have to put draconian austerity measures in place and those who were fighting for their piece of someone else’s pie today are going to be without in the future.

And I doubt the government is going to like our response.

Remember today and remember in November 2012. We need to get rid of everyone who voted for this.

And we can start with the guy at the top. One and done.


As an aside, the stock market took a beating today. So much for saving the country…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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