Barack Obama Hates Black People

There is a terrible hurricane beating the hell out of New Orleans while Barack Obama is out holding campaign events. His FEMA is not on the ground and they are not in route. People are stranded and are being rescued by local responders in boats as 18 or more inches of rain causes flooding in the streets. Nearly 650,000 people are without power and Barack Obama has yet to go down there and turn the power back on.

Silly, you say? Definitely but isn’t this the kind of stuff we heard about Bush when Katrina hit seven years ago to the day?

George Bush was not doing anything. He hated black people. He was allowing them to die. FEMA was not on the ground and on and on.

The topper was that Bush caused the storm and blew up the levees to flood the place. Yes, some of the loony liberals actually said this.

Maybe we should blame Obama for bringing this hurricane to the mainland. We all know he did it to disrupt the Republican Convention. /sarc

The truth of the matter is that a hurricane is making its way across that region and there is not a lot anyone, even the great and powerful Ozbama, can do about it. If the people there were not prepared prior to landfall then they are going to be riding out a storm and getting help when it is able to arrive. The same doctrine that was in place during Katrina is in place now and that is the 72 hour YOYO. In other words, you’re on your own for about 72 hours while emergency responders and people from other agencies make their way in. They will arrive when it is possible AND SAFE to do so.

From all reports it looks like the folks in that region of Louisiana are better prepared than they were when Katrina hit. A Republican governor is in place and things are running smoother.

It is fairly ironic that a storm like this is hitting the same region that left an undeserved mark on George Bush (while leaving local Democrats unscathed). It is happening during Obama’s reign and while the place is being flooded he is out raising money for his reelection campaign.

I wonder how many of the Democrat media will take him to task for this…

I hope and pray the folks in that region are OK and that the storm does not cause the disruption that Katrina did.

I know that no matter what happens the media will make it appear as if Obama walked across the water to save those poor folks (though he would really only go there for campaign donations or to get a prime tee time). It just might be possible that this entire mess will give Obama the same opportunity Bush had.

The opportunity to get blasted for things that are not in his lane of responsibility (state issue), the opportunity to get blamed for any federal response that is deemed too slow regardless of the actual response and the opportunity to get painted with a broad brush that does not accurately reflect the situation.

I know I blame him for it all as a matter of fair play (Obama always wants a level playing field and equal outcomes). George Bush was accused of hating black people because of Katrina. I guess Isaac will prove the same about Obama.

You know what they say about karma…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Forever Ends In November

Former Clinton Secretary of State Madeleine Albright was out campaigning for Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) and she told a story about being asked by someone as to how long Obama and the Democrats were going to keep blaming the previous administration for all the current administration’s failures.

Her answer was quite simple and to the point:


Yes, Albright will blame Bush forever but she might be surprised to know that forever, in this case, is not an indefinite period of time. Forever will start its end this November when Obama loses his reelection bid and will officially end in January when Obama is replaced by Mitt Romney.

I know that Romney will not spend time blaming Obama for the troubles that he will inherit because that does not appear to be his style. Real leaders do not blame others for every failure. The American public will know who was to blame and Obama is just one name that will answer that question. There are a number of Democrats in Congress who are also to blame for the mess we are in. Hell, some of the Republicans are to blame as well.

Regardless, Romney will not blame Obama for the high unemployment, the loss of jobs, the record numbers of people who have quit looking or the loss of our AAA rating though all would be appropriate. Instead he will get to work fixing the mess that the children made while they were in charge.

Now it is possible that Obama will win the election. If he does, think of the mess he will inherit.

I wonder if he will blame himself…

This will not help Obama.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


So Bush’s Tax Cuts Were For The Middle Class

I knew this all along but now Barack Obama has confirmed it. The Senate passed his version of the tax cut extension and that version stripped out the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans. The so called millionaires who make more than $250,000. Barack Obama said that he wants the House to pass this as it keeps tax cuts in place for 98% of the people.

So let’s work this out. The tax cuts Obama wants to keep in place are for the middle class. Doing what Obama wants will keep tax cuts in place for 98% of the people, therefore Bush’s tax cuts were for the middle class (or 98% of Bush’s tax cuts were for the middle class).

You see, for ten years or so the Democrats have been screaming that Bush’s tax cuts were for the rich. They denied that the middle class benefited from the cuts and they always portrayed it as if the lion’s share went to the wealthy folks. Obama has now confirmed that 98% of the cuts that George W Bush enacted went to the middle class and only 2% went to the wealthy. So Bush’s tax cuts were not tax cuts for the rich.

I know it is hard to believe given how every Democrat was bleating something different for the last decade but now they are confronted with the issue and have to actually tell the truth. They cannot end the taxes or it will hurt the middle class and that would spell disaster in November. So they had to come clean with their story and had to admit that they lied and deliberately misled people for a decade in order to gain political favor.

Joe Biden did not yet get the memo because he is still talking about how Republicans and George Bush gave rich people tax cuts. His booze addled brain cannot comprehend that his boss is saying the exact opposite.

The tax cuts should be made permanent for everyone. In fact, they should be cut even more to stimulate growth. The Bush tax cuts did not cost the government money (government has no money) because more money flowed into the Treasury after the cuts. The problem is that Congress has no control and it spent the increased money and then some. They did that when Reagan cut taxes and the Treasury got more money. Then they blamed the tax cuts on the deficit. They cannot control themselves and that is why we have money troubles.

[note]Government does things that cause problems and then screams about the problems and the need for more government intervention to fix those problems. This is insanity and yet they do it all the time.[/note]

The next time some liberal moron tells you that Bush cut taxes for the rich make sure to point out that their messiah Barry said otherwise.

Then have them look at the government’s own numbers.

Nah, forget that. Liberals do not like the truth because it makes them apoplectic.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Media In Tank For Obama On Gas Prices

Richard Thaler, who has informally advised the Obama Regime, has a piece up at The New York Times where he discusses gas prices and tells us why they are out of any president’s control. He discusses the market and the supply and demand aspects and he even throws out the inaccurate claim about us having 2% of the world’s oil but using 20%.

He is doing something now that he and the rest of the Democrat controlled media refused to do under George Bush, and that is to defend the leader over higher gas prices. The major reason is that a Democrat is in the White House.

When George Bush was in the White House and gas prices went up the Democrats and their media allies blamed it all on Bush, or as the talking points from the Democrats called them, the two oil men in the White House. Here is a video of Democrats blaming George Bush. If you look closely one of them is Barack Obama (he remains pretty good at blaming Bush).

The New York Times did not write any articles claiming that no president controls gas prices. None of the Democrat media rushed in to point out the items Thaler claims in his article. No, the media were more than happy to pile on and Blame Bush. It was the two oil men in the White House and their policies that caused the high gas prices.

Now that poor little Barry Obama is in there and prices are rising they all have to come to his defense. While doing so, they also point out that higher prices will mean little in the next election (but just in case they need to point out that no president is to blame).

The same media were busy during the Bush years pointing out how higher gas prices would hurt him in the midterm election.

This is what happens when the media are part of the political party.

Let’s help Thaler out a bit. This article discusses the lies that Obama has told (one of which Thaler repeated) regarding our energy. Note the numbers reported by folks in the business.

Let us also tackle the claim that gas prices are out of president’s control. Barack Obama prefers higher gas prices. He can claim that he is working for the little guy and that he wants gas prices to drop but if he does it is only short term and that term is until Election Day. If he gets reelected then prices will go up and he will not mind a bit. He will not have to answer to voters and he can go all in on his energy desires. How did he put it? Oh yeah, he will have more flexibility.

Obama does not have a problem with higher prices. He just wishes they had risen more gradually. His policies are designed to have an increase in prices so people will want more of the failed green energies he is pushing and so that more will buy the failed Chevy Volt, the car produced by Government Motors.

Obama’s EPA is pushing policies that will cause all energy prices to skyrocket (something Obama admitted would happen under his policies) and this is one reason we have higher gas prices. Another is the moratorium on drilling. Obama and his toadies claim there is more drilling going on but any drilling is under items approved under George Bush and is being done on private land, something over which Obama has little control.

Gas is a global commodity over which presidents have little control. However, policies can affect the domestic cost of it and Obama is more than happy to see the cost of gasoline increase though he prefers it to be gradual. He might also like to see it come down before the election but once he has more flexibility he will work to force us into smaller cars or alternate energies by working to increase the price of fossil fuels.

That is what he has said, that is what he wants, and that is what he will do.

No matter how much Richard Thaler and the rest of the Obama media claim to the contrary, Obama is affecting prices and there is no doubt the media are covering for him.

Just ask George Bush, one of the oil men who lived in the White House.

More on the double standard.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


When Gas Was High Under Bush He Was A Big Oil Man

Gas prices went up under George Bush’s presidency and the left went nuts. They blamed it on Bush and Cheney because, as Nancy Pelosi attributed it, two oil men were in the White House. Yes, Pelosi and the rest of the brain dead liberals (but I repeat myself) blamed the high prices on Bush, Cheney and oil companies gouging consumers. The left initiated a few investigations into this so called gouging only to find out that it never took place.

As an aside, I made the point then and I make it again now, the only one gouging in all this is the government. State and federal government get many multiples of oil company profits in gasoline taxes. We pay them a lot of money and they do nothing to earn it. Martin O’Malley of Maryland is looking to raise gas taxes even higher to fuel (pun intended) his welfare state initiatives and big spending programs.

Bush has been out of office for more than three years but the left continues to blame him for everything. No matter the problem, to the left it is Bush’s fault.

Ironically, the left never gives him credit for anything he put in place that worked out well for them (like getting Bin Laden).

Gas prices are at an all time high for the month of March. The average is near $4.00 a gallon and the price has topped five (and is close to six) dollars in some places in the country.

Now the left, which was quick to blame Bush for the high prices under his tenure, is just as quick to tell us that presidents have little control over the cost of gasoline. It is amazing how quickly their tune changed when a Democrat suffers high prices.

As another aside, the high prices under Bush took place when Democrats controlled Congress.

The price people pay for gas is skyrocketing (something Obama and his regime want) and it is now an anchor around his neck. He keeps claiming that things are getting better and he saved the world from collapse but people on the ground, those whose children can’t jet off to a holiday in Mexico on taxpayer money, can see what things cost and how the cost is impacting their lives.

Obama falsely claims that drilling is up during his watch. The drilling is taking place on private lands as a result of what Bush did. Obama banned drilling in the Gulf, refused a pipeline, and has kept our oil rich lands off limits to oil drilling.

Obama’s policies have hampered our efforts to get more of our oil on the market.

He is doing it to force us into the green energies that he keeps wasting taxpayer money on.

Who will the left blame for the rising gasoline prices? It is not Bush’s fault and the left insists that presidents (at least Democrat presidents) can’t control gas prices so who will the left blame?

The left can set its sights on speculators but it loses credibility when one considers that the left discounted them and continued to blame Bush during his time in office.

Obama and his dim witted Democrats are playing politics at a time when the price of gas is hitting all time highs. They are desperately looking for scapegoats so they can keep Obama in office.

But the reality is that Obama is to blame. His policies have damaged the economy even further and he is rocketing us toward a Socialist state where government controls everything.

He is working us into a frenzy using the Cloward-Piven strategy.

It is time to work hard to dump this man before we end up living like Obama’s brother.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog
