People Vote With Their Feet

New York has lost residents whose income amounts to almost 46 BILLION dollars as people vote with their feet to avoid taxes. New York has lost millions (if not billions) in tax revenue because people got tired of forking over their hard earned money to pay for ever increasing social programs and union payoffs.

New York saw a net outflow of about 1.3 million people, about half of whom moved to Florida. Yes, Florida has nicer weather but, more importantly, it has no state income tax and it has no estate or inheritance tax.

New York is not the only state that has seen a decrease in population as other heavily taxed states have lost citizens as well.

Additionally, Florida is not the only state that has seen an inflow of people. The states of Arizona and Texas, both low or no tax states, have seen an increase in residents particularly from California.

People who are able to move from high tax states do so. Those who will not move are either unable because of finances or their jobs or are on the welfare rolls.

From 2000-2010 the states of Texas and Florida have seen a net increase of nearly a million people each, many of whom left their high tax states for tax relief.

Yes, the people have figured that they can’t effect change at the ballot box so they must vote with their feet and move to where they get to keep more of the money they earn. You can only rob people so many times before they decide to pack up and go.

Maryland is seeing this kind of movement as it continues to raise taxes on everything possible. The Democrats in charge, led by Martin O’Moron, think the money belongs to them and that the people should be happy they get to keep some of it.

This will continue to happen until the states change their positions. Look at what Scott Walker is doing in Wisconsin. He brought them to fiscal sanity (and the liberals want to remove him and go back to the losing policies that caused their problems).

We can’t vote with our feet at the national level unless we give up citizenship and that is not an option, at least not for me. The change there must come at the ballot box and we must replace Obama, the liberals and the RINOs.

It is November or never.

Until then, look for Texas and Florida to keep gaining Congressional seats while New York and California continue to lose them.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Moonbeam Reports Greater Budget Deficit

In January, Governor Moonbeam Brown of California reported a budget deficit of 9.2 BILLION dollars. After the important month of April, the month that taxes owed must be paid, the deficit is much worse. The deficit for California is 16 BILLION dollars.

California is a huge state with lots of very wealthy people and yet it has budget problems. Part of that is because the wealthy liberal elites like to talk about tax increases or paying more but they find ways not to actually do that.

Another part of the problem is that California is a welfare state and it is a sanctuary state. California has a lot of people sucking at the teat of government and quite a few of them are illegal aliens.

Governor Moonbeam is worried that he will have to make cuts from social services and from the state employees if, wait for it, tax increases are not approved by voters.

[note]Moonbeam wants temporary increases in the sales tax and on incomes over $250,000. Those tax increases will not be temporary for very long. Once the increases do not solve the problem they will look to raise taxes even more.[/note]

Why would voters approve tax hikes when the government has shown time and again that it is not capable of managing a budget? Why would people vote to pay more into a corrupt system that has demonstrated it is not capable of cutting spending of managing programs? Why would anyone want to pay more in taxes to support a growing population of welfare recipients and illegal aliens (also known as new Democrat voters)?

Moonbeam Brown needs to cut, cut, and cut.

Why worry if you are not in California? If voters reject tax increases how long will it be before California becomes too big to fail and is bailed out with tax dollars from the rest of the country?

Maybe the voters should approve a tax increase on all wealthy liberal actors. They should have to pay 90% of their salaries in taxes to help the state out.

Want to bet the “please tax us more” liberal actors would be screaming bloody murder and looking for ways to hide their assets.

Want to bet they would be looking to move to a more tax friendly state?

Pay close attention America. California’s economic woes are a sentinel event that portends the future of the country. Moonbeam is doing there what Obama and the rest of our “leaders” are doing at the national level.

The result of liberals in charge is always higher deficits, more welfare and higher taxes.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Where Are The Defenders Of Women From The Left?

The left champions itself as the defenders of women and their causes and NOW is as far left as it gets. These people on the left are ready to pounce on any allegation of wrongdoing toward women but only if the allegation is against a conservative.

Anita Hill made allegations against Clarence Thomas and the woman’s groups and the left were all over it. Bill Clinton had sex with a subordinate in his office and these people defended HIM.

Now we have Jerry Brown of California or a member of his staff calling Meg Whitman a whore. Brown made a call to discuss the support of a group and he got voice mail. He left a message and then he hung up the phone, or at least he thought he did. The phone did not hang up and the voice mail kept recording. Here is what was heard:

“Do we want to put an ad out? … That I have been warned if I crack down on pensions, I will be – that they’ll go to Whitman, and that’s where they’ll go because they know Whitman will give ‘em, will cut them a deal, but I won’t,” Brown said.

At that point, what appears to be a second voice interjects: “What about saying she’s a whore?”

“Well, I’m going to use that,” Brown responds. “It proves you’ve cut a secret deal to protect the pensions.” LA Times Blog

Where is NOW and the liberals who claim to be the defenders of women?

They are basically silent on this issue. Meg Whitman is a Republican and they really do not care. In fact, the left and NOW probably believe Brown or his staffer was correct in the assessment of Whitman.

You can bet if this were John McCain calling Hillary Clinton that name (had she won the nomination) the left and the NOW gals would be all over it.

This is why these groups cannot be taken seriously. They are a politically biased group that has no concern for women in general and only care about liberal issues.

This is no different than the NAACP which, as its name suggests, is for the advancement of colored people (why do they keep that name) but they are only concerned when liberal “colored people” have a problem.

These groups are a joke and do not uphold their stated purposes. They are partisan and will abandon their alleged mission in favor of political gain.

You might say they are the liberals’ whores…

More LA Times

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Maybe If They Were Less Worried About Gay Marriage

Looks like California is going further down the tubes. While an activist judge with a homosexual bias (he is gay) disregarded the wishes of over 7 million people and while people are sashaying around celebrating the shredding of Constitutional Law (at either the state or federal level) the state of California is falling off the planet.

California is home to lots of very rich people and the state taxes everything imaginable. Unfortunately, it has a plethora of union workers (particularly public sector workers) who suckle the teat of government and have bankrupted the system. California has too many unions, too many public sector employees, too many illegal aliens and too many welfare programs. It cannot afford all of this.

The state intends to issue IOUs to those who are owed money:

State Controller John Chiang said Tuesday that without a state budget, California’s government would be unable to pay its bills in late August (or maybe early September). That means issuing IOUs to some people. Possible dates for IOUs could be either Aug. 27 or Aug. 31, when big payments to schools are due, according to this schedule on the controller’s website. NBC Los Angeles

The IOUs are a result of not having a budget but the reason there is no budget is because they cannot balance one. They owe more than they take in and they have not figured out how to cut what needs to be cut in order to get out of debt.

While the Governor and the courts are occupying their time worrying about gay marriage, the state is drowning and there is no hope in sight.

But like the passengers of the Titanic, they will have a gay ole time while the ship sinks…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Let Them Eat Birthday Cake

Michelle My Belle Obama is on a four day vacation with her youngest daughter while hubby Barry spends time away from family but with his friends, in Chicago. Barack Hussein Obama (mmm, mmm, mmm) spent his birthday in Chicago while the rest of his family did something else. While Barry told the country to visit the Gulf for vacation his wife, Michelle, evidently did not get the memo. She is spending time in Spain at a posh $2500 a night hotel.

Yes, while millions of people are unemployed, while her husband destroys the economy, while the near future is bleak, Michelle Obama is spending time at a hotel in which her room will cost $10,000 for the four days. That is more money than some people make a year. You’ve gotta love royalty…

And it gets worse because MO took up 60 rooms for 40 of her friends. I assume the other 20 rooms were for Secret Service Agents. Don’t be fooled by anything you read in the MSM. Michelle Obama is on a political trip paying off political friends and looking for more support. Hubby is sinking in the polls and most Democrats are avoiding him like the plague so MO is the one to garner support.

The big question is, who is paying for this? We know that part of the bill is being paid for by taxpayers. The plane ride over was on the taxpayer and the 20 or so Secret Service Agents are being paid for by the taxpayer. I don’t know who paid for the rest but if it is her vacation she shouild be paying for the entire trip out of her pocket (with the exception of reasonable items afforded her position as First Lady).

Somehow I feel like the bill will go to the taxpayer.

I do not begrudge anyone a vacation. I don’t really care how people spend their money (if she is indeed spending her money on this) but I can’t stand hypocrites and elitist pigs who tell us one thing and do another. The Clintons bash rich people all the time and discuss how terrible they are and how they should be giving more and why do they need so much and then they spend $5 million dollars on their daughter’s wedding. Think of how many of the poor folks and children that kind of money would have helped.

MO is the same way. She and her husband are liberal elitists who think that the government can decide how much a person can make. They believe that government should provide cradle to grave care for people. They think the evil rich make too much and spend it on lavish things. Then MO spends tens of thousands of dollars on a vacation. What do you expect from a woman whose husband eats $100 a pound steak?

To top all this off, MO did not spend the tens of thousands of dollars here in the United States. She could have gone to California where they could certainly use the money. She could show that she believes what her husband says and vacationed in the Gulf. Think of how welcomed that kind of spending would have been in an area devestated by the oil spill and the ensuing ineptitude of the Obama regime. The people down there are hurting and could have used an influx of money. The presence of MO could have sparked the rest of the country to vacation in the Gulf and help out our fellow Americans.

No, MO went to Spain where the State Department had determined that racist cops were arresting people for being black. Fortunately for Michelle, the State Department lifted the look out black folks memo in time for her to walk around Spain without worry (as if a platoon of Secret Service would ever let anything happen).

With more people claiming unemployment benefits (unexpectedly, of course), and more people using food stamps it would have been nice to see the First Lady spend money at home.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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