California Taxpayers Fund Welfare Casino Visits
Jun 25, 2010 Political
California is in financial trouble and that is an understatement. The state is near bankruptcy and has no viable plan for reducing debt and getting back on sound financial ground. Generous pension plans, unions and out of control spending as well as a welfare mentality has led this state to the precipice of insolvency.
Welfare should be for those who absolutely need a helping hand, or a hand up as opposed to a hand out. It should be sufficient to help people get on their feet and it should be short in duration. The longer people are on welfare the less likely they are to actually go out and make their own money. This leads to generational welfare where the entitlement mentality is passed from one generation the the next.
One would think that people who receive benefits because of the generosity of taxpayers (as if taxpayers actually have a say) would be responsible as to how the money is spent but that is just a pipe dream. Those who receive something for nothing usually care little about how they get “their checks” as long as they get them.
The aftermath of Katrina demonstrated the welfare entitlement mentality as the federal government issued $5000 ATM cards so that people could get necessities and make it during the turmoil. Instead of taking care of their families, many folks used the money to buy alcohol, tobacco products and other non necessities. Some folks spent the money are bars and strip clubs.
Why not? After all, it is free money…
California is experiencing the same issue with its welfare program. At least 1.8 million taxpayer welfare dollars were withdrawn from casino ATM machines. While one can argue that there is no evidence that the money was spent in the casinos a thinking person would have to ask why use the casino ATM when there are plenty of ATM machines around?
Welfare recipients used taxpayer money to gamble, that is the only conclusion that can be reached and while $1.8 million is a small amount of money when compared to California’s entire welfare expenditures, it is a substantial misuse of the money and puts a huge burden on an insolvent system.
The fraud is also not the only that is in the system. How many people use the welfare money to buy booze or cigarettes? Elaborate scams have been developed by welfare recipients and unscrupulous business people to circumvent the system and allow taxpayer provided money to be used for things that are not permitted by law.
Taxpayers in California should be outraged at the fraud in the system and should demand change. Governor Schwarzenegger has put a halt to use of welfare cards in casinos but this will not prevent people who can get cash for the cards from getting the cash and going to the casinos anyway (or from participating in the myriad of fraud schemes that run rampant in such a system).
The state needs to reevaluate the situation of every person on welfare and tighten up on those who should not be in the system or are abusing it. People should sign a contract when entering welfare so that they are clear on what is allowed and what the penalties will be if they defraud the system. Start by removing illegal aliens from the system and working to get them deported.
In addition, people who can work should be forced to get a job. If a job is advertised and they are able to do it (NO MATTER WHAT IT IS) they should be forced to take it. If they get fired or quit they are ineligible for welfare. People on welfare should be randomly tested for drug use and if they test positive they should be removed from the program. People who use welfare money for alcohol, tobacco, or gambling (and this is not an all inclusive list) should be removed and prosecuted. All fraud should be prosecuted in order to foster an environment of fear. People on welfare should fear being caught doing something wrong.
In addition, business people who assist in defrauding the system must be prosecuted. If workers in a business devise a scheme to defraud then they must serve mandatory jail time. If business owners are knowingly part of the scheme they should have their business licenses revoked and their businesses seized and sold to pay restitution. Obviously, they should serve jail time.
Continually rewarding people with “free” money makes them less willing to work and more willing to devise schemes to keep that money coming. They lose the desire to work for something and to contribute to society. Ignoring the illegal things that take place in the welfare system helps to foster this attitude and further degrades the system. It also makes it much tougher for people who actually need welfare assistance.
One more thing that should be considered. California should require people on welfare to work for the money. Obviously there are some people who will not be able (the truly disabled) but most will be able to participate. The state has plenty of roads and parks that need to be cleaned of litter. There are plenty of housing projects and parks that need the grass cut. There is a lot that can be done to earn the money from taxpayers and it is time we forced welfare recipients to do something to earn the money.
Sitting on the couch watching Jerry Springer or Oprah while waiting to squirt out another entitlement baby is not productive work.
And California is not the only state that should be doing these things.
Imagine how much money could have been saved if welfare recipients were required to shovel all the snow from this past winter’s brutal storms…
If we make welfare an uncomfortable way of life fewer people will be willing to go on it.
Who knows, maybe they can get a job at one of the casinos…
LA Times
The Desert Sun
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Tags: abuse, bankrupts, california, casinos, entitlement, fraud, schwarzenegger, welfare
Cut Off Their Federal Funds
May 30, 2010 Political
A college in California is offering a scholarship to immigrants and the criteria recognizes ILLEGAL immigrants. That is right folks, an illegal immigrant is eligible for a scholarship that your citizen children are not.
A public community college in California has set up a scholarship fund for immigrant students — including illegal immigrants. The $2,500 scholarship has sparked anger by some, including at least one lawmaker who is threatening to cut off federal funding to the school. FOX News
This school receives federal funding and it is time for them to drop the eligibility of illegals or lose federal money. End of story.
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Tags: california, illegal immigrant, law, scholarship
Fighting Back
May 20, 2010 Political
The new immigration law in Arizona has the panties of liberals tied up in knots and they spare nothing to tell us how evil the law is and how it might lead to racial profiling. Ignoring the fact that Hispanic (the group most concerned) is not a race, why is a law bad because it might lead to an undesired consequence? All laws COULD have consequences we do not like but we handle them as they occur. If a police officer profiles a person illegally then the officer should suffer the consequences. We cannot ignore the people actually breaking the law because those who enforce the law might also break the law. How about we give the benefit of the doubt to the people who are enforcing the law instead of those breaking it?
The most disturbing thing about this is that many of the people in Obama’s regime who have spoken against the law have not read it.
The president of Mexico, Felipe Calderon, is not happy with the law because it cracks down on the people he sends here and he views this as bad, as if he has a say in the matter.
Obama showed solidarity with his guest of honor, Mexican President Felipe Calderon, who called Arizona’s law discriminatory and warned Mexico would reject any effort to “criminalize migration.” The United States and Mexico share a significant economic and political relationship that stands to be damaged the more the nations are at odds over immigration, which affects millions of people on both sides of the border. My Way News
This guy is doing the same thing that all the proponents of the invasion of illegals do and that is refer to illegals entering this country as migration or immigration. It is neither of these, it is ILLEGAL entry into our country. It is that simple.
Calderon is right when he says this affects millions on both sides of the border. However, he gives the impression that Americans are somehow affected when they sneak into Mexico. We know that millions of Americans are not illegally entering Mexico. Millions of Mexicans are however, coming here. He is right because the law will affect millions of illegal aliens by getting rid of them and it will affect millions of Americans because they will not be bothered by all the crime and the drain on our economy. Calderon wants his Mexican amigos to come here because they send billions of dollars back to his country. He does not care if the people sending the money are in America illegally as long as they continue to send money to Mexico.
Besides, who is Calderon to oppose this law and why do we care if he opposes it? He needs to go back to Mexico and clean up that craphole he has for a country and mind is own business. He has NO say so, to put it politely, shut up.
Some cities in America are boycotting Arizona because they would rather side with lawbreakers than with a sovereign state. I think there will be serous fallout from this because there are many more Americans who oppose illegal entry and who will begin to boycott companies based in cities that boycott Arizona. Those cities had better understand that the illegals will not be the ones keeping companies afloat.
Arizona is fighting back in its own way. The city of Los Angeles voted to end some contracts with Arizona. The contracts total about 7 million dollars which might hurt the state a little but Arizona might decide to end a contract of its own. Arizona power companies supply LA with about 25% of its electricity. There is a threat to end that contract and cut power to LA. This would be devastating to LA because it consumes a great deal of power and would likely suffer blackouts.
Good for Arizona. Next thing Arizona should do is end the contracts it has for holding California criminals in Arizona jails. Then the state could place those criminals in buses and ship them back to California. I recommend dropping them off in LA.
While they are at it, perhaps police in Arizona should place pamphlets (written in Spanish) in all places where illegals would likely do business. The pamphlets would inform them of the cities in California that are sanctuary cities and give them directions on how to get to each of them.
It is time for Arizona to fight back and that means it is time for those of us fed up with illegal aliens to fight alongside them.
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Tags: arizona, calderon, california, ILLEGAL immigration, laws, los angeles, Mexico, Obama
What Country Are We In?
May 8, 2010 Political
Five students at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill (California) were sent home on 5 May because they had clothing with the American Flag on it. The students were asked to turn their shirts inside out or remove the clothing and when they said they would not they were told they had to leave and if they tried to attend class they would be suspended. It seems that the Mexican students at the school were upset that the boys would display the American Flag on Cinco de Mayo. The principal told them the Flags offended the Mexican students and that it would be OK to wear them on any other day.
First of all it is appropriate to display the American Flag ANY day and second of all Cinco de Mayo is not a holiday in Mexico except in a few places. The hype over it is a concoction of the American beer companies to give people another reason to celebrate.
I have a problem with the kids wearing the American Flag as clothing because this is a violation of the Flag Code and though I would prefer them to display it properly, I do not think they should have been sent home.
The Mexican students demanded an apology but the five say there is no way that will happen, nor should it.
These students were not the only victims of the anti American sentiment. A student has been suspended because he removed a Mexican Flag that was prominently displayed in his school in Texas and the school is making him pay for the flag. If he did not damage it then why would he have to pay for it? The appropriate Flag to display in an American school is the American Flag. The flag of no other country should get any prominence.
Imagine the uproar that would occur if a Confederate Flag were hung in a school on Robert E Lee’s birthday?
Several students at Vintage High School in Napa California were suspended because they burned a Mexican Flag. There is no indication that the flag was burned on school property but the charred remains of the flag were found in a school trash can. How do they know the kids did not find it and threw it away as a “green” gesture?
If these kids burned an American Flag they would be hailed as heroes for upholding their First Amendment right to burn the thing. Burn a Mexican Flag and you get suspended. This is not the first time this has happened. Several years ago a man was arrested for burning a Mexican Flag.
Do you ever see people get arrested for burning an American Flag? The left wing radicals can gather and burn American Flags (as can any other group) and they are left alone (unless a veteran or two happens to be around) but burn a Mexican Flag and you get in trouble.
When I read these news stories I had to wonder for a moment what country we were in and obviously there are a number of people who have that problem all the time so let me clear it up:
This is the United States of America and there is only one Flag that represents this country and it is the American Flag. You Mexican students who want to fly the Mexican Flag can fly it at your home and if that is not good enough you can go back to Mexico and fly it there. To the school administrators, the only flag that should be flying in a position of prominence at your school is the American Flag and if you prominently display any other you need to get a different job. If you send children home for displaying the American Flag you should be removed from your position.
Those who are opposed to a Mexican Flag being burned, I can sympathize with you because I do not like the American Flag burned but the Supreme Court in this Country has decided that doing so is protected speech. I can promise you that if it is OK to burn an American Flag then is it damn sure OK to burn any other flag.
I have a feeling that the Arizona law and the reaction to it has awakened a bunch of people who are tired of being told how to act with regard to illegal immigration and there will be a lot of action on this issue in the near future.
It might get ugly for illegals and for those who want amnesty for them.
Of course, the illegals could go home and save themselves the trouble.
And the up side to leaving is you can fly your country’s flag all you want.
Thank you for calling Big Dog. For English press one. If you don’t speak English hang up and call back when you do.
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Tags: american flag, california, cinco de mayo, illegals, Mexican, mexican flag, suspensions, tesax
Climate Bill Grows Government Power
Jul 6, 2009 Political
The massive climate bill that passed the House is a monster that gives the federal government even more power and allows it to be more intrusive in our lives. This bill, that passed even though NOT ONE member read the 1200 pages, is the government’s reaction to a trace gas called CO2. The environmental wackos and other assorted tree huggers (trees need CO2) are pushing for passage of this so that Obama can sign it into law.
This is another bill that needs to be rejected. It gives government a huge amount of power. The bill allows government to redistribute wealth, requires builders to meet California standards, and will require homeowners to make their houses compliant with the requirements of the bill before they can sell. If your house is not up to the California standard you will be required to get it that way before you can sell. This bill will also cost us jobs:
An analysis of the legislation by scholars at the Heritage Foundation think tank estimated that U.S. unemployment will increase by nearly 2 million — including over 52,000 Michigan jobs lost — in 2012, the first year of the program.
In addition, the assessment estimates a loss of $9.4 trillion in U.S. Gross Domestic Product by 2035.
~And it will have little effect on the climate;
While the bill does not specify the impact of its carbon dioxide cap-and-trade elements on the earth’s temperatures, John Christy — a climate scientist who once led the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change assessment — told me the bill’s effects would, at best, reduce our planet’s average warmth by an undistinguishable[sic] two tenths of one degree.
John Christy who once led the UN’s IPCC (the thing climate alarmists always point to as a consensus) is saying it will have an effect of dropping the temperature 0.2 degrees. It won’t be cheap, it will cost us lots of jobs and it will not work.
That is Obama and his administration in a nutshell. From stimulus to health care to cap and trade, the results are all the same. More government and fewer results.
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Tags: california, cap and trade, climate, homeowners, job losses