Arianna Huffington Drinks The Party Kool Aid

Arianna Huffington wrote a piece about last night’s debate and shock of all shocks, she thought Palin was outclassed and lost. This should come as no surprise because Huffington is a far left lunatic liberal who used her MA in economics to earn a lot of money by marrying a rich oil man (say it isn’t so). Yep, she used her economic degree to gain money by divorcing her rich husband. She is kind enough to let him blog at her left wing nuthouse. She is an opportunistic liberal as well. Her bisexual ex hubby was a Republican and she ran as an Independent to try and beat Governor Arnold. She was a lousy candidate (as opposed to Palin) and she dropped out. She worked to stop the recall election putting her desire to stop RINO Arnold Schwarzenegger ahead of the state’s needs. He won despite her efforts.

Huffington writes:

Watching the debate at a Fortune women’s conference, I asked Meg Whitman, the co-chair of McCain’s campaign, what she thought of Palin’s performance. “Good enough,” she said. But good enough for what, exactly? After Thursday night, the only thing Palin proved herself good enough for is starring in her own reality show. Watching Biden and Palin on the same stage was like watching a tennis champion walk onto Centre [sic] Court at Wimbledon only to find himself facing an over-eager amateur from the local high school. The only subject on which Palin displayed superior knowledge was when she corrected Biden on the proper delivery of “Drill, baby, drill!” Christie Hefner thought Palin’s sex-tinged twist on the chant should be appropriated for a commercial. Perhaps for Viagra. My patience with Sarah Palin is waving the white flag of surrender.

Notice the outright sexism where Palin’s “sex tinged twist” would be good for a Viagra commercial. Was not Huffington in a snit during that recall election because of claims that Schwarzenegger has sexually harassed young women in the past? Imagine if during that campaign Arnold had said that she was better suited to doing Victoria’s Secrets commercials.

Huffington equates this debate to a tennis match so let’s keep that going. This match was like the Billie Jean/King Bobby Riggs battle of the sexes match. Palin kept attacking with hard shots and Biden committed a bunch of unforced errors. The newcomer to national politics kept pace with the crafty old veteran and was able to either return his best shots or parry them with evasive maneuvers.

Palin won, game-set-match.

I don’t know what debate Huffington was watching but the truth is that Palin could have been on stage by herself with a cardboard cutout of Biden and the wingnuts would have said that she lost. They are so deranged and have so much hatred that they refuse to see anything but bad in people from the other side. They have a failed political ideology that espouses murder of the unborn and they believe that those of us who do not agree with them are stupid rubes who don’t know any better. The Vatican refers to them as the party of death. Regardless of what Huffington says, Palin did well and Biden was not as good as he needed to be.

If Huffington knows so much how did she fail to be elected Governor in a state that is full of liberals? She might have helped California out with that economic degree of hers.

She could have erased the deficit by raising money the way she made hers.

On her back. Tennis at Wimbledon is played on the grass…

Big Dog

Gov. Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) on Global Warming Hoax

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (RINO-CA) is criticizing the Bush Administration for failing to recognize global warming and for not acting on it because the Chinese and Indians did not act. Schwarzenegger’s remarks came after the EPA decided not to pursue further action against global warming during the Bush presidency. It would appear as if the Terminator has swallowed the global warming Kool-Aid by the barrel.

Hey Arnold, what science exists that proves global warming is a man made issue? How do you explain the warming and cooling cycles that the Earth has experienced for centuries, long before man was emitting huge amounts of carbon? How do you explain the fact that warming and cooling coincide with sunspot activity and finally, how do we explain the global warming that the planet Mars has experienced since no life has been discovered there and humans certainly do not live there?

What exactly would you and the global warming toadies have us do about a problem that man has very little to do with? There is very little evidence to suggest that mankind is responsible for the warming trend that is taking place just as there was no evidence that mankind was responsible for the cooling trend that took place. The Earth has heated and cooled for centuries and will continue to do so even if all life on it ceased to exist.

Global warming scientists make money from research on that very subject and it is unlikely they will dispute it since the subject gives them a paycheck. Global warming is a huge money making venture for Al Gore and others who sell carbon offsets to idiots who have more money than brains. The government has jumped on the global warming bandwagon to show people how green we can be and many companies are trying to out-green each other. It costs a lot of money and is a wasted effort. Al Gore and all the green celebrities use more electricity and fossil fuels than most people will in a lifetime. They can’t be taking it too seriously because they are laughing all the way to the bank.

Arnold finished by telling the reporter how far ahead of the country California was in the effort to combat global warming:

He also highlighted the strides taken by California to counter global warming.

“I’m very happy that California is in the forefront,” he said. “We are very aggressive. We have made a commitment to roll back our greenhouse gas emissions to the 1990 level … We didn’t wait for Washington. I just felt that the administration and the federal government have been terrific partners in a lot of things for us and we have worked together very well, but environmental issues was not one of them.” Political Radar [ABC]

California has all those movie studios and sets that blow things up and burn things down. They continue to produce TV shows and movies that emit tons of pollutants into the air. Has anyone shut them down yet? California also has a huge problem with wildfires right now. These were caused by lightning and have been burning for weeks. The amount of pollution [or greenhouse gases if you will] released into the atmosphere is more than some small countries will emit in decades. If one were to believe that man causes global warming where do we put the blame for this?

How exactly is California in the forefront when it blows up and burns stuff to make money and every time one turns around the place is on fire?

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a RINO. He is a Republican by registration but he is not conservative by any means. He has bought into the global warming hoax and wants his state as well as the country to spend money on something that is, as yet, unproven and certainly not attributable to man. Of course, Arnold is not alone, just listen to John McCain and some of the others. It is amazing what kinds of scams people will fall for.

Arnold made a lot of films where things blew up or burned and he flies back and forth to work everyday (or did until recently). How exactly does that make him any different than the rest of the “do as I say and not as I do” elitists who run this country?

Big Dog

40th District California; Don’t Vote for Ken Sherman

This is from my friend Kender’s site. He lives in California and he wants the word to get out about Ken Sherman. If you live in California’s 40th district don’t vote for the guy. If you don’t live there but know someone who does, tell them not to vote for him. Now for Kender’s piece:

By Kender of Kender’s Musings
The title* of this post is specifically to get it shown at the top of searches on Google so that when people search for Ken Sherman they find it and know why I think he shouldn’t be running for the Assembly seat in the 40th District of California which he is seeking.

Ken Sherman is a piano teacher, which while being a noble and decent profession, in no way qualifies him for a political office.

You can see the first post I did on Sherman here. I explain in that post why he shouldn’t even be consider by anyone that considers themselves a conservative, but I want to recap that and tell you why I am posting about this again.

Ken Sherman has posted (and taken down when it was pointed out what he did) anti-semitic videos on his only website, a myspace page. Any candidate for an office higher than Student Council at a high school should have an actual website. I have no idea if Ken is running a campaign on the cheap, he doesn’t know any better or he is simply thinking that only a myspace page is good enough, because Ken won’t return calls.

Ken has also promoted events sponsored by Move On Dot Org, an extremely far left group. The event he promoted on his myspace page was a candle light vigil against the war, which by default means he is against the troops.

Ken’s campaign manager has posted lies about Ken’s opponent, Armineh Chelebian, while at the same time failing to divulge his position in the campaign. While it may not be illegal to post comments without divulging your position in a campaign, it is extremely unethical to do so, especially when you are posting comments in favor of your employer and posting lies about your employers opponent.

Theer has been some speculation amongst some activists here that Ken Sherman is a mole from the Democrat party, and is only running to secure the nomination so he can drop out and leave the seat uncontested for the Democrats. If Ken Sherman does win next Tuesday, and drops out of the race I’d like to see the Attorney General of California open an investigation into Ken’s finances and those close to him. I’d be willing to bet that if he is a mole, he has a handshake deal with the Dems to get paid for securing the seat for them. But that’s just a theory of mine.

I tried several times to speak with Ken, and after reaching him on his cell he said he’d call me later. His steadfast refusal to get together for a one on one so he could present his side of the issues is proof positive to me that he is hoping to ride this out until Tuesday.

So spread the word. Don’t vote for Ken Sherman if you live in the 40th district in California. If you do and by some stretch of the imagination he wins you will be getting what you voted for. An unresponsive person of questionable character.

*DISCLAIMER; These are my thoughts only. I am not connected in any official capacity with any campaign for any office.

Additionally, this website is not affiliated with any politician or political campaign.

*I changed the title from his original.

Big Dog

Why California Gay Marriage Ruling is Bad

A California Court overturned the state’s ban on gay marriage and it is a very bad thing for our society. I will not get into the debate on gay marriage. People who read this blog know that I am opposed to it. Part of my opposition is based upon my religious beliefs and part on the idea that government can overturn centuries of tradition and run counter to most religions. I have never understood why government is involved in the marriage business because it is a religious union and having government regulate it seems to run counter to keeping government out of religion. Despite my feelings, the ruling is bad for a much more sinister reason.

The court overturned the will of the people. Californians voted not to allow gay marriage. The people of the state voted on a referendum and the people determined they did not want to allow gay marriage and yet, a court has overturned this. The courts are in place to rule on matters of law. By overturning a law voted on by the people, the court overstepped its bounds and went counter to the people’s will.

There are procedures in place. The initiative was in place and people voted and in the end the gay marriage advocates lost. Instead of accepting the will of the people they turned to the courts thus leading to a court making law instead of interpreting it. Californians voted to make marriage a union between one man and one woman. The court decided it knew better than the people and, in effect, ignored centuries of precedent and tradition in order to give marriage a new meaning.

Our society has been on a downward spiral for about 100 years and the federal government is helping it along by following in the footsteps of other great civilizations that fell by the wayside. Gay marriage is one more item of decadence that helps keep the spiral turning.

But more insidious is the breakdown of our system of government where the judicial branch assumes legislative responsibility and, worse yet, thwarts the will of the people. The court was dominated by Republicans who demonstrated that our once great party is in its final stages of life. When the end finally arrives the country will be dominated by liberals in both parties and this can only mean the end will come even sooner.

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Big Dog