Remember-Al Gore Lies

In his movie, “An Inconvenient Truth”, Al spews so much misinformation about the climate and man’s alleged part in the heating of the planet, that I have never been able to look at him as more than a cheap and talentless comedian, like a poor man’s Steven Wright, without the good delivery on a punchline. There is just so much BS a man can take before he feels compelled to call Al out on it.

First, these people said the Globe was cooling, in the 70s and 80s- we were going to have a new ice age– when all that did was cause people to stock up on firewood, they felt that they had to rethink their method of propaganda, and indeed the message itself- after all, there were no glaciers sliding down to swallow up Minneapolis- St. Paul, or Fargo. Too bad- that sure would have sealed the deal- but no- so they then said it was global warming, which seemed to work, especially after the summer of ’98- where we in Texas suffered through the hottest May on record, and the rest of the summer was fairly warm also.

But then we had the Hurricanes- now, we have always had hurricanes, and as someone who has grown up on the Gulf Coast, I have gone through many- and I know there will always be hurricanes. Cooling, warming, it doesn’t matter- there will always be some. That is a part of the climate on the Gulf Coast- Deal with it.

But after the year of Katrina and Rita, Al and his posse ramped up their Warming rhetoric- then it was the next year, and as luck would have it it was one of the quietest hurricane seasons on record. Al & Co. were floored– the devastation did not occur- even worse, the climate was cooling- bad news when your message is Global Warming, so in a flash, they changed their brand yet again, this time to one that was ambiguous enough to be valid, no matter what the climate did.

And climate does what it wants, indeed it can be argued that Co2, a trace gas, is not responsible for global anything- but a needed and vital part of the cycle of life, as plants use this gas to breathe. We need Co2– if there are any culprits, it is not this gas.

The Washington Post’s own Meteorologist Matt Rogers had this to say about “settled science” and human intervention:
My belief is that they are over-estimating anthropogenic (human) forcing influences and under-estimating natural variability (like the current cold-phase Pacific Decadal Oscillation; To be blunt, the computer models that policy-makers are using to make key decisions failed to collectively inform us of the flat global land-sea temperatures seen in the 2000s. The argument that the air we currently exhale is a bona fide pollutant due to potential impacts on climate change flummoxes me. CO2 is also plant food. As a meteorologist, verification is very important for guiding my work and improving future forecasts. The verification for global warming is struggling. Three of four major datasets that track global estimates show 1998 as the warmest year on record with temperatures flat or falling since then. Even climate change researchers now admit that global temperature has been flat since that peak.  The coincident timing of major solar minimums with cooler global temperatures (such as during the Little Ice Age) suggests that maybe the sun is underestimated as a component for influencing climate.  Indeed, recent research has suggested the solar factor is underestimated. Perhaps one day, we’ll have a different version of James Carville’s famous political quote…something like “It’s the sun, stupid!” Does climate change hysteria represent another bubble waiting to burst? From the perspective of the alarmism and the saturation of the message, the answer could be yes.

Whether the climate is cooling, or warming is an argument one can go round and round about- each side  can present figures and graphs that show what they want- the fact that so many scientists have now questioned the validity of this incomplete study, and alarmist BS, should cause every Senator to say, “Whoa”, when thinking about passing the enormously wasteful and unnecessary Waxman- Markey Bill on” Climate Change”- the costs are huge, and the benefits almost non- existent except as a means of controlling and taxing people. With the progressives, it’s all about the taxes. It’s never about the truth- that really would be inconvenient, wouldn’t it?

Joe Bastardi, a meteorologist at Accuweather, has held views that man might not be the primary causal agent in any climate change-

In addressing the case of Arctic ice, Bastardi displayed a photograph of a U.S. Navy submarine surfaced at the North Pole on March 17, 1954. The vessel is not surrounded by ice but by open water. Bastardi said, “Because earth was warmer before man, it can certainly be warmer with man.”

Bastardi pressed for a more open and honest debate on the climate change theory. He explained that he did not dismiss arguments contrary to his and he in fact welcomed them. He said however, “I don’t want to drive all this off the table. I just don’t want all this nonsense going on that every single weather event is because of global warming. This is preposterous.”

Acknowledging that the views he expressed have become controversial, Bastardi said, “I am not, nor do I seek, to be a spokesman on the AGW [Anthropogenic Global Warming] issue.” Rather he said he simply wanted people to “be informed and not simply throw stones.”

Bastardi joined a growing line of meteorologists and scientists that are questioning the manmade climate change theory. Dr. William Gray, Professor Emeritus of Colorado State University who is best known for his hurricane forecasts, has long railed against the manmade climate change theory and specifically against the outrageous claims of its advocates like James Hansen. John Coleman, one of the founders of the Weather Channel, has long said that he believed global warming was “the greatest scam in history.”

He posts more on his thoughts, but the upshot is that this Waxman- Markey bill should not be passed- not until we have objectively looked at ALL of the evidence, not just the “evidence” presented by those paid to deliver said opinions.

Everyone is familiar with the fact that in a courtroom, each side can and do present their side, with so- called “experts” that produce divergent points of view. So why would our government just listen to one side before crafting a bill that will destroy jobs, and communities, and make us less secure?

Our future deserves a better hearing, a fairer hearing.

Stop this very bad bill now.

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Obama Breaks Another Of His Pledges

Barack Obama is finding that it is one thing to campaign on big ideas and it is easy to promise to do things differently but quite another thing to put those ideas into practice once one gets in office. He made a number of pledges during his campaign and he even tried to fulfill some of them once he got into office but he has been forced to change his position on a number of them because the view is different when one is looking out than it is when one is looking in.

The latest change (you can believe in) is the Obama stance on contact with lobbyists by people in his administration. In March, Obama said that his people could not have contact with lobbyists except under certain conditions. Now the restriction has been lifted or, shall we say, eased.

The lobbyists were having fits because they wanted access. I imagine that it is hard to find anyone in DC, inside or outside the government, who has not been a lobbyist (or is married to one). These people were lined up trying to help direct stimulus money and now they have more direct access in order to help decide where the money we do not have is spent. I would not be surprised if someone reported that this was done in exchange for political donations. I am not saying it happened that way, only that it would not surprise me.

Obama should have taken a little time when he first arrived to see how things run. He should have reviewed the things he wanted to change and ensured that the change was possible and that whatever was changed would not, for some reason, be changed back. Instead, Obama rushed in confident that he was doing the right thing and that he did not need to see how things worked because he knows it all.

His arrogance is beginning to be his undoing.

Of course this change was released on the weekend when fewer people are paying attention. Obama does not like to have his flip flops receive widespread attention because it shows that he cannot keep his word, does not know what he is doing, and that he is no different than most other politicians (despite his claims to the contrary).

Stay tuned because I bet we will see him change his mind on many more of his plans to reinvent America.

I somehow don’t think this is what people had in mind when Obama said if America elected him he would bring change to DC.

How can he be change we can believe in when he continually shows us that we can’t believe him in the first place?

Funny thing how this works. George Bush would have been called a liar…

The Hill

Big Dog

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The Entitled

I have discussions with all manner of people, both in this post site, and in the physical world, and sometimes I just have to shake my head at the sheer stupidity of some of these people.

These are the people who wanted “Change” without thinking through just what “Change” meant. Be very, very careful what you wish for in this world. You might get something you never wanted in your life- a muslim president comes to mind. Oh, the religion of the president wouldn’t be the deal- killer, but putting muslims ahead of the rest of the citizens of this country would.

What led to this? What was the thing that was so bad that we needed to be punished in this fashion? There was a poll that indicated that 67% of this country felt we were moving in the wrong direction. Really? Could this have been the direction where 95.4% of our population had a job? Could all the myriad selection in grocery stores be a bad thing? Or perhaps the thousands of different restaurants with many, many types of cuisine just isn’t good enough for you.

Perhaps the fact that we have running water and power consistently was something we were unhappy with. Or maybe our road system, you know, the one that would allow us to travel from one end of this country to the other needed “Change”.

There are so many spoiled brats in this country, and all of them need to strangle their “inner child”- we have  neighborhoods where there are no militias or constant IEDs to be aware of. Almost all of our teenagers have their own cell phones and blackberries, and computers. Many of these same teens have their own cars.  What is it about any of those things needed “Change”?

We have complete religious, social, and political freedom in this country- the rest of the world is envious of this- could you protest in many of the other countries in this world without persecution? I think not. You would be jailed for an indeterminate time, as we can see in Iran and N. Korea.  This is what you want “Changed”? 

We have become, unfortunately, a nation of ungrateful, spoiled brats- probably because schools no longer teach History as they should. Many in America no longer know what we, as a Nation, have sacrificed in the past, so we could get to this point. It is no wonder the rest of the world looks at us with distain-We are quite probably the most blessed people in this world, and yet we bitch about the things we do not have, and how bad our conditions are. Really?

At least three billion people in this world will never know what a hot, clean shower feels like. That seems like such a simple thing- something we take completely for granted, never thinking twice about turning the spigot on and having hot water come out. Many do not know where their next meal will come from, or have a secure place to sleep.

We have a military- a volunteer military– there is no draft- and there are many who curse the military, or say there is no need for them. In many cases they have died so you could complain on your high horse. They have done the difficult and dangerous work so you can sleep safely, so you can eat supper with your families, and take vacations. Would you really want this to “Change”? Every man (and woman) for themselves? That’s not a good scenario.

Yes, we have Hurricanes, we have floods and tornados- come on, grow a spine- there is always something, and despite all its flaws, we do have FEMA- there is not its equivalent anywhere else. Everywhere else, people dig themselves out. We have insurance, as bad as it may sometimes be. Many other nations have no recourse at all if their house disappears. Is this something that we should “Change”? I think not, although it needs tweaking, we should never throw the baby out with the bathwater. 

We have, contrary to all the detractors, the best health care in the world- yes, there are always parts that need fixing- name me anything that you believe is perfect, and I can probably find something it could do better. We are free to criticize, and boy oh boy do we do it- there are blogs of every type and stripe, from extreme left to extreme right, and even some I am not sure how to classify. The freedom we have is truly unbelievable. And yet there are those who want to “Change” these things.

Really? Because if you did not get a memo on just what specifically would change, you are quite likely to lose things you really, really liked, and in some cases can’t do without, like rights and freedoms.

Are we truly sure now is a real good time to consider taking God out of our Pledge of Allegiance, or our lives? 

Or would that be “Change” you could not believe?
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Just A Little Chicken

Well, now we know that politicians are whores who have no taste, and no morals- it shouldn’t come as a surprise, I guess. It’s just disappointing to see the dissolution front and center.

The latest example to come to light is that of Arlen Specter, a Pennsylvania RINO (Republican in name only). This should not come as a surprise to anyone who has observed his voting record over the years, where it has become painfully apparent that he, like all Democrats suffered from Lubner’s Disease, first diagnosed in 1976, on Saturday Night Live. In a skit with Bill Murray and Gilda Radner, it was explained that Lubner’s Disease was when one was born without a spine- a perfect description of Sen. Specter and the rest of the Liberals in the House and Senate.

Arlie knew that he wouldn’t win re- election as a Republican, with competition against a real conservative. He was too limp on contentious problems, and probably has “issues” with wanting approval from others.

Well Gee Whiz, he can play with all the “In” people and go to the “A” class parties, and I guess that might be important to Arlie Boy, but his constituents might just be feeling a bit betrayed- or not, as they are also home to Jackie “Our Army is Murdering Scum” Murtha, and I understand that Joe “Job Security” Biden is from Scranton, so perhaps Pennsylvania does have aberrant people in their political world. Perhaps they elect intellectually “challenged” people in order to get them out of the state. That certainly would make more sense than electing these mokes, believing that these people would have a moral or ethical center that might guide them in their decisions.

Now, I guess, we wait for the other shoe to drop regarding Olympia Snowe, and/ or Susan Collins, two more “moderate”, or spineless Republicrats who can’t seem to decide who to dance with, in terms of their party.
I have a bias against what consider betrayal- if he felt that way, he should have run as a Democrat the last time he was up for election- I mean, come on, this wasn’t like having a bad hair day- he had to have thought it out for more than a day or so. Heck, his decisions for the past six years alone have indicated that he would roll over for anyone willing to scratch his belly, as long as the person scratching was liberal.

Arlie has a problem- he might like the manly feel of calling himself a conservative, but in the end, he couldn’t hang with making the hard decisions needed to BE a conservative. He likes to be liked too much for that to happen, and besides, he is old and probably feels that if the country goes down the toilet, he won’t be around to see it.

What a coward.

Big Dog

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The More Things Change

There is really no change in DC except for which party is in power. That and how Democrats act about certain things. For instance, when Republicans were the majority the Democrats complained that they felt left out of the process even though the right wrote rules that included them. Now that the left is in charge they completely exclude the right and make no bones about it. Nancy Pelosi basically said, yeah we wrote the stimulus package because we won the election and the rules she wrote excludes Republicans. Remember that Nancy. You have full responsibility like you did for the financial meltdown but on this you will not be able to say you are blameless.

When Republicans do something wrong the Democrats make sure it is on the front pages. When Democrats do bad things they are put into positions of responsibility. Timothy Geithner did not pay his taxes. It was not a mistake, an oversite, a tax software glitch, an invasion by Martians, or an interruption by Bigfoot. The fact is he knew he was supposed to pay them and he did not. He signed papers saying he would take the money given to pay them and do so but he did not. Now he is the nominee to be the Treasury Secretary. I have heard it said on several occasions that he is the smartest man out there and the only one who can fix the mess. So, if this guy is so smart, how did he make this “mistake” and fail to pay taxes? Do you really want a person who can’t figure out his taxes running Treasury?

When George Bush was president the Democrats loved to bust his chops for deficit spending. Of course the Democrats continue to tell this lie that we had a balanced budget and a surplus of cash when Clinton left office. This is a lie. We had a deficit per the government’s numbers. A surplus means we had extra money. We owed so there could be no surplus. Still I have heard how Bush spent the “surplus” and then spent more than we had and ran up a huge deficit. I am not disputing that he spent and ran up a deficit because it is true. I do not like the increased spending but my not liking it does not mean it did not happen. Now, of course, Obama and the Democrats are spending TRILLIONS of dollars and will run up the largest deficit in our history. None of them are railing about deficit spending like they did when Bush was in power. They say it is necessary to stimulate the economy.

[note]If deficit spending or spending more money were the answer we would not be having problems because they have done nothing but spend for a very long time.[/note]

Liberals are holding hands and singing Kumbaya while telling the rest of us that we are all Americans and we need to give Obama a chance to do his job. They tell us that we all need to work together and that if we would only put aside our differences and do just that we would solve our problems. Hollywood stars are making little public service announcements about how we should be working together. Suddenly being patriotic and waving a flag is cool. For years they disavowed that behavior and discussed dissent. They told us the country was founded on dissent and that it was patriotic to dissent and oppose government [Bush]. These are the low life maggots who NEVER gave Bush a chance. In 2000 George Bush won the election and every recount conducted by the partisan media showed that. Still, liberals said he stole it. They protested at his inauguration and pelted his limo with eggs. This is how day one started and it got worse over the next 8 years. To these idiots coming together only works if their guy is in office.

I will say that they will get what they gave. Some who comment here call it whining and crying by Republicans but they fail to recognize that they acted horribly for 8 years. It is a typical method for the left. They rewrite history. However, we know how they acted and we saw more of it when Bush left town. Even Nancy Pelosi said the best thing about inauguration was watching the helicopter take Bush away. She said it felt like a 10 pound anvil lifted off her head. I thought she looked more like she got hit by a bag of nickels. I actually think it would be good if an anvil landed on her head.

One last thing. When a person from the right makes an observation about an issue involving race then he is a racist. Criticize Obama and you are a racist. Question affirmative action, racist. Just about anything will get you labeled a racist regardless of your intention or how you live your life. If you do not plug into the collective then you are a racist and that is that. But let a black guy make an absolutely racist statement and the left keeps its mouth shut. Reverend Lowery did it on inauguration day and no one from the left called him a racist or demanded an apology. Don Imus lost his job over the uproar over some comments he made but Lowery is praised. I read a comment today (I think at the WaPo) where a guy said that Rick Warren was a disgrace and should not have been there but Lowery was wonderful. This is the kind of claptrap you get from liberals. They will not condemn their own until it becomes a political liability.

Yep, we are in for an interesting 4 years. Already some of the things I said would happen are. I said that when Obama was criticized for the same things Bush did we would be called haters or told to give him a chance or that the left would embrace the very thing they attacked Bush for. I said that every criticism would be considered racist. I even said that if he won we would all be expected to get along while ignoring the behavior of the left for the last 8 years.

These people have no shame.

And the more things supposedly change, the more they stay the same.

Big Dog

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