Wrap Up For 14 January 2021

Representative Dan Crenshaw was a shining star in GOP circles and among those who follow politics. He is a veteran who seemed to have conservative principles. There was talk among the people that they might want him to run for president. I do not think that would be a good idea. He was photographed with the moms demand action group of gun control ladies and he supported red flag laws. Imagine if someone said he was a veteran who might have PTSD so he should have his guns taken away. This week as Democrats were having a grudge impeachment Liz Cheney, a despicable spawn of a war mongering father, voted to impeach the President. Crenshaw said she showed courage and he supports her though many Republicans are calling for her to step down from her leadership position. Seems to me she is posturing for the future. Crenshaw supports her and says she has courage. Courage is going against the mob to do the right thing. Impeachment was not the right thing. Dan likes to have battles with people on social media. I was banned from Twitter Dan but we can debate any time you want. I doubt it would do you any good. You have that disease that seems to affect people who get elected. They forget what got them there and their core values disappear.

Lil Kim in North Korea is rattling sabers again as he threatens to take out America. He says the US is oppressive and needs to be shown who is the boss, and all that. For four years that little criminal didn’t say much because he knew that Donald J Trump would drop a bomb on his head. He was afraid of Trump and tried to at least look like he was making nice. But a Xiden Chairmanship is allegedly on the horizon and Lil Kim is not afraid of Xiden. China controls Xiden and his family and China is North Korea’s best trading partner. People might think that we are better off but when a runt like Kim changes his tune from fear to outright confrontation it is obvious our “leader” is not respected or feared.

Louie Gohmert of Texas had his chance to speak at the grudge impeachment yesterday and he took issue with the articles which claim Donald Trump incited insurrection by challenging the election and claiming it was rigged and stolen. Gohmert then read some quotes from Nancy Pelosi from a few years ago. He said they were words that could incite violence but no one impeached her because they did nto take her to be inciting violence. He basically pointed out the hypocrisy of the left. To make things more hilarious, the Marxist Media listened to Gohmert, did not know he was quoting Pelosi and became apoplectic. They all could not believe he was calling for violence. Even the MSM thought the words were a call to violence. When they realized he was quoting Pelosi they deleted their Tweets and acted like it never happened. You will never hear them call her out. Pelosi also questioned the validity of the 2016 election and said there was no question it was illegitimate and that Congress had a duty to investigate. There were plenty of riots when Trump was inaugurated. Can we impeach Pelosi for inciting riots by claiming an election was dirty?

A Texas lawmaker wants the topic of secession put on the ballot. He is interested in the possibility of the state of Texas leaving the union and becoming its own country. The last time states tried that the federal government attacked them and a lot of people died. I know that the courts have ruled the Union is an unbreakable bond but I disagree. The states entered willingly and they have a right to leave if they want. Xiden is not strong enough to fight Texas and many Democrats might be happy to see it go because its dozens of electoral votes that go to Republicans would disappear. Of course if Texas left that would set a precedent and you can be sure other states would follow suit. Imagine if the conservative states formed a union. We grow the food and have plenty of manufacturing. It would be great to rid ourselves of the tyrannical government in DC. I might consider moving to Texas if it became a free nation. Hell, I would be happy moving to any in a union of free states that followed the Constitution. Face it folks, we had a good run but sometimes breaking up is the best option.

Back to Liz Cheney. She is the third most powerful Republican in the House but she needs to go. Her leadership position needs to be stripped from her and she needs to be benched. She is toxic to the party and to conservatism. She is a war hawk like her father (it is easy to send people to war when you have never had to serve yourself). I imagine if she got disgraced enough she might switch parties but as far as I am concerned once she voted to impeach President Trump she already switched. She is a vile worthless waste of flesh and an oxygen thief. If Crenshaw does not like that assessment he can suck wind.

Well folks, that wraps up another day. Washington DC has fencing all around with guards all over to keep people from causing trouble. It is almost as if Democrats are admitting that walls work…

Say a prayer for the troops. Pray they follow their oath. Against all enemies foreign and domestic. The domestic enemies have the title Congressman (or woman) and Senator…

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


When Gas Was High Under Bush He Was A Big Oil Man

Gas prices went up under George Bush’s presidency and the left went nuts. They blamed it on Bush and Cheney because, as Nancy Pelosi attributed it, two oil men were in the White House. Yes, Pelosi and the rest of the brain dead liberals (but I repeat myself) blamed the high prices on Bush, Cheney and oil companies gouging consumers. The left initiated a few investigations into this so called gouging only to find out that it never took place.

As an aside, I made the point then and I make it again now, the only one gouging in all this is the government. State and federal government get many multiples of oil company profits in gasoline taxes. We pay them a lot of money and they do nothing to earn it. Martin O’Malley of Maryland is looking to raise gas taxes even higher to fuel (pun intended) his welfare state initiatives and big spending programs.

Bush has been out of office for more than three years but the left continues to blame him for everything. No matter the problem, to the left it is Bush’s fault.

Ironically, the left never gives him credit for anything he put in place that worked out well for them (like getting Bin Laden).

Gas prices are at an all time high for the month of March. The average is near $4.00 a gallon and the price has topped five (and is close to six) dollars in some places in the country.

Now the left, which was quick to blame Bush for the high prices under his tenure, is just as quick to tell us that presidents have little control over the cost of gasoline. It is amazing how quickly their tune changed when a Democrat suffers high prices.

As another aside, the high prices under Bush took place when Democrats controlled Congress.

The price people pay for gas is skyrocketing (something Obama and his regime want) and it is now an anchor around his neck. He keeps claiming that things are getting better and he saved the world from collapse but people on the ground, those whose children can’t jet off to a holiday in Mexico on taxpayer money, can see what things cost and how the cost is impacting their lives.

Obama falsely claims that drilling is up during his watch. The drilling is taking place on private lands as a result of what Bush did. Obama banned drilling in the Gulf, refused a pipeline, and has kept our oil rich lands off limits to oil drilling.

Obama’s policies have hampered our efforts to get more of our oil on the market.

He is doing it to force us into the green energies that he keeps wasting taxpayer money on.

Who will the left blame for the rising gasoline prices? It is not Bush’s fault and the left insists that presidents (at least Democrat presidents) can’t control gas prices so who will the left blame?

The left can set its sights on speculators but it loses credibility when one considers that the left discounted them and continued to blame Bush during his time in office.

Obama and his dim witted Democrats are playing politics at a time when the price of gas is hitting all time highs. They are desperately looking for scapegoats so they can keep Obama in office.

But the reality is that Obama is to blame. His policies have damaged the economy even further and he is rocketing us toward a Socialist state where government controls everything.

He is working us into a frenzy using the Cloward-Piven strategy.

It is time to work hard to dump this man before we end up living like Obama’s brother.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


You Know It Is Bad For Obama When…

You know it is bad for Obama and the Democrats when the talk of the weekend is the dueling Vice Presidents. Dick Cheney and Joe Biden traded shots at each other over the weekend over a number of things. Joe Biden said that he did not believe another 9/11 size terrorist attack on us (here at home) was likely.

“Look, let me put it this way. The idea of there being a massive attack in the United States like 9/11 is unlikely, in my view,” the vice president said. Info Wars

Biden accused Cheney of rewriting history or not being aware of what happened and then rewrote history himself when describing how wonderful the Obama administration has been. Listening to Biden one would think that a successful war was not waged during the Bush years and that the victory was entirely the result of Obama. Of course, one has to expect this as Biden and Obama have a game plan and that is to whine and blame Bush for everything.

Rudy Giuliani has been described as 9/11 plus a verb. Obama and Biden are best described as whine plus blame Bush. Thirty seconds into his speech today Obama blamed Bush. Obama blamed Bush and then lied about his own record (the stimulus created or saved 2 million jobs, it worked, blah, blah). It is the pattern. They figure if they keep blaming the last guy and lying about it on top, they will keep the attention off their failed policies (like the stimulus).

I happen to believe that blaming the last guy for every bad thing is a sign of poor leadership. Obama blames Bush and will not give him credit for any of the good that has been passed on (he certainly is quick to take credit for it). It is a shame because they sound like whining babies. George Bush did not blame Clinton for any problems that were passed on. Bill Clinton did not blame H W Bush for his problems and Reagan did not blame Carter for his problems. And to be fair, Carter did not blame Ford. They did all the blaming on the campaign trail, pointed out the problems in the beginning, maybe took a few veiled shots while explaining their plans and then moved on. None of the previous presidents have whined like Obama. He is a huge crybaby and not fit to lead.

As bad as it is to have all the headlines discussing a war of words between the old and new VPs, you know things are really going bad when the media points out things like the rising number of homeless on Obama’s watch. Usually, homelessness ceases to exist when a Democrat is in office. When Republicans are in office the newspapers print the stories about the number of homeless and how terrible it is. When a Democrat gets elected the MSM stops reporting on the homeless as if they magically got places to live. The tide is turning if the AP is reporting this:

Homelessness in rural and suburban America is straining shelters this winter as the economy founders and joblessness hovers near double digits—a “perfect storm of foreclosures, unemployment and a shortage of affordable housing,” in one official’s eyes.

The AP must not have gotten the “don’t mess with the messiah” memo because it reported this. The MSM got Obama elected. They were behind him, ignored his radical past, refused to vet him, and painted a better than reality picture of him. They have skin in the game and cannot lose their man. This is why you rarely see them reporting the number of war dead. When Bush was in office twits like Olberman and Matthews would have segments about the number of US service members killed. The names of the war dead would be scrolled on the TV screen. People had to be reminded of this day in and day out.

The military members who die on Obama’s watch are quietly reported. No names scrolled, no body count, no nothing. They must protect the messiah.

So it is very strange indeed that the AP would report on the homeless.

Then again, maybe they are Bush’s fault as well.


Big Dog


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Obama’s Response To Attack Is Amazingly Quick

The United States was attacked on Christmas Day in what turned out to be a failed attempt at blowing up an aircraft. The response from the Obama people was disjointed and insincere. Obama was informed of the attack a few hours after it happened and he responded three days later. Some folks have made a big deal about the time it took to respond but that is not as important as what was said when the response actually arrived. Obama contradicted his Homeland Defense Secretary and became increasingly irate at the accusations that he was weak. Regardless of how long Obama waited to respond the real problem was that his response looked more like damage control than national security.

George Bush did not respond until six days after the shoe bomber made his fatal attempt. I do not know if there were legal reasons (the shoe bomber is an American citizen and perhaps they could not make statements that would jeopardize the investigation) or if the White House Press Secretary said anything prior to Bush. When Bush finally addressed it I don’t recall it being about damage control. I just remember that I had to start taking my shoes off every time I went through airport security.

News for TSP, I am not taking my underwear off because of this incident…

Regardless of the time involved, Obama should have been more concerned with the incident and not worried about damage control and he should not have had to clean up the gaffes of his DHS Secretary. Obama and his people (including his media wing at the MSM) should have spent less time defending how long it took Obama to say something with childish comparisons to how long it took Bush and spent more time telling people how they would be kept safe and at the same time inconvenienced as little as possible during the heavy holiday travel period.

One thing that Obama and his people were quick about responding to were the attacks on Obama. Team Obama responded nearly instantaneously when Dick Cheney came out with his criticisms of Obama. Dick Cheney is not a threat to airline safety, terrorists with underpants bombs are. If it took three days to address the real threat it should have taken longer to address Cheney. It should have taken longer to address the other criticisms leveled at the Obama administration. I think Cheney was spot on but that does not mean he could not be ignored by the administration until after they addressed the threat.

By taking its time with addressing the threat but responding in near real time to criticisms the Obama team comes off as being in campaign mode and not in leadership mode. Being president is a tough job no matter who is in there and if it takes them a while to address a situation then when they do address it they should look like they know what is going on. Obama was hurt by the ineptitude of Napolitano. That made them look more inept and added fuel to the fire.

We have already figured out that Obama does not do anything regarding leading the country quickly. It has taken him days or months to come to decisions (except for the crisis spending bills) and while his supporters like to claim he is a deliberative person he does not appear as such when he is able to immediately respond to criticism.

It also did not help the cause for Obama to say; “We will not rest until we find all who were involved and hold them accountable” and then leave his press conference to play golf. I realize he is on vacation so it might have been prudent to maybe leave that “we will not rest” part out of the speech and save it for a time when he is not, you know, resting…

The left was quick to point out George Bush discussing the seriousness of the terrorism threat while playing golf but remain silent about Obama’s very similar situation.

Washington Examiner
Swamp Politics

UPDATE: Excellent article by Charles Krauthammer.

Big Dog


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Democrats And National Security

The Democrats are quick to point out that 9/11 happened on Bush’s watch and therefore he is responsible for it. Fair enough though it is just as true that the policies of the Clinton Administration led to the attacks of that day. Bush was tagged with it but Clinton made it happen.

The failed terrorist attack of Christmas Day took place on Obama’s watch and he is responsible for it. Democrats believe that it is our belligerence that causes us to be attacked and that their methods of diplomacy are the correct ones. I think it is safe to put that myth to rest. Despite the Obama view that he will usher in a new world and that people will like us if we extend an open hand the attacks continue. The people who want to do us harm do not care much about the nice talk. They have a goal and that goal is to destroy us.

No external force can defeat us. Our defeat, if we suffer one, will come from forces within and those forces are manifested in the Obama Administration and the Democrat Congress. Their policies and their positions make us weaker and will get Americans killed.

David Horowitz has a piece out at FrontPageMag.com which is entitled; “Who Will Be Responsible for the American Dead?” He answers the title’s question as follows:

The answer to the question posed above is that liberals will be responsible when the next bomber actually succeeds in killing Americans. Liberals have fought the very idea that we are at war (and should use security measures appropriate in wartime) although our enemies have declared war on us. Liberals have fought to close the Guantanamo Bay holding center and to release its terrorists back onto the battlefield.

Liberals have fought the idea that we are at war. This is a true statement and is reflected by the replacement of the phrase “War on Terror” with the phrase “Overseas Contingency Operations” and “Terrorism” with “Man Made Disaster.” This is a mindset that will get people killed and is a mindset that demonstrates weakness. The Christmas Day bomber felt no love for America or Obama and his open hand. This person felt a hatred for us and everything we believe in and felt so strongly that he was willing to take his own life in order to murder a bunch of innocent people.

Dick Cheney says that Obama is pretending that this does not exist but that pretending will not make it go away. Politico reports these words from the former Vice President:

“As I’ve watched the events of the last few days it is clear once again that President Obama is trying to pretend we are not at war. He seems to think if he has a low key response to an attempt to blow up an airliner and kill hundreds of people, we won’t be at war. He seems to think if he gives terrorists the rights of Americans, lets them lawyer up and reads them their Miranda rights, we won’t be at war. He seems to think if we bring the mastermind of 9/11 to New York, give him a lawyer and trial in civilian court, we won’t be at war.

“He seems to think if he closes Guantanamo and releases the hard-core al Qaeda trained terrorists still there, we won’t be at war. He seems to think if he gets rid of the words, ‘war on terror,’ we won’t be at war. But we are at war and when President Obama pretends we aren’t, it makes us less safe. Why doesn’t he want to admit we’re at war? It doesn’t fit with the view of the world he brought with him to the Oval Office. It doesn’t fit with what seems to be the goal of his presidency – social transformation—the restructuring of American society. President Obama’s first object and his highest responsibility must be to defend us against an enemy that knows we are at war.”

This is a very astute observation by Mr. Cheney. He has Obama completely pegged and his assessment is spot on. Obama pretends that things do not exist because they do not fit into the view he has of the world. Obama is like a child who believes that if something is not seen (or in his case acknowledged) then it does not exist. The saying that what you can’t see can’t harm you is a dangerous one indeed. While Obama pretends that there are no enemies and that we are not at war we are being targeted by those who are at war with us.

Recently, Obama gave himself a B+ grade for his work so far. Toby Harnden of the Telegraph UK has a post up indicating that Obama gets an F for protecting Americans. Mr. Harnden states:

There is no more solemn duty for an American commander-in-chief than the martialling of “all elements of American power” – the phrase Obama himself used on Monday – to protect the people of the United States. In that key respect, Obama failed on Christmas Day, just as President George W. Bush failed on September 11th (though he succeeded in the seven years after that).

Yes, the buck stops in the Oval Office. Obama may have rather smugly given himself a “B+” for his 2008 performance but he gets an F for the events that led to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab boarding a Detroit-bound plane in Amsterdam with a PETN bomb sewn into his underpants. He said today that a “systemic failure has occurred”. Well, he’s in charge of that system.

Yes, Obama is in charge of the system that failed and he is in charge of securing this country. Unfortunately, while he pretends that all is well the wolves are at the door.

The sad truth is that the door leads to a house made of straw.


Big Dog


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