NAACP Decries Voter ID As Racist

The debate is raging about voter ID laws. The left continues to claim that they are racist and the intention is to disenfranchise Democrat voters because too many of the Democrat voters don’t have IDs. They ignore the reality that many of these folks need an ID to get government services and that most states requiring IDs will provide them for FREE to those who cannot afford one.

No, this is not good enough for Democrats who conjure up memories of Jim Crow (a Democrat initiative) and scream bloody murder about the poor folks who won’t be able to vote.

Those evil Republicans want to keep people who vote Democrat from voting.

Let’s stop a minute. Are Democrats the only constituency that has people without IDs? Is it commonplace in 2011 (hours from 2012) for that many people to not have an ID? How many people without IDs don’t bother to vote anyway?

The racist folks in Georgia enacted voter ID laws and Democrats saw an INCREASE in the number of people who voted, more so than any other state. Hmm, seems the voter ID requirements did not keep people from voting despite claims by the NAACP that ID laws are designed to suppress the vote.

Still, there are folks on the left who want to scream racism and deny that voter fraud exists. These are the same folks who screamed that voter fraud allowed George Bush to win in Florida in 2000 and in Ohio in 2004. Michael Moore discussed the alleged voter fraud and worked to get people at all the polls in 2004 with video cameras to catch the voter fraud. But, but, but, it does not exist.

I guess there is only voter fraud when a Republican wins. One only needs to look at the elections in Washington State and Minnesota to see how Democrats “find” ballots when their guy loses the first count.

Benjamin Jealous of the NAACP is out stumping for Obama and the Democrats and toeing the party line with the charge of racism. Why, there is little evidence of mass voter fraud. This while the head of the NAACP in Mississippi was sentenced to jail for … wait for it… voter fraud. Ben needs to look within before making stupid statements.

Or was it stupid. He did claim massive voter fraud. Does it matter how massive it is if it turns an election? If only ONE person voted illegally and that allowed a Republican to win would Ben say it was OK?

There are documented cases of voter fraud where people were convicted. Is this list massive? No, but how many more fraudulent votes were cast that no one knows about? How many people voted more than once because they did not have to show an ID? If you know your neighbor is out of town or has died it would be pretty easy to walk into a busy polling place and say you were that person. It has been done and it has been documented. It is not on the scale of massive because we have not caught them all. Too often, these crimes go unnoticed and it is virtually impossible to prove it after the fact. Besides, one court has ruled that the fraud is null and void once someone takes office. Why pursue the illegal votes when it does not matter?

Requiring an ID will take away the votes of dead people and of those who have been voted for by another person. Requiring an ID will take away the possibility of it happening so it will drop the number of fraudulent votes and it will ensure the process is cleaner. Only the person who has the proper ID will cast a vote in that name.

It is pretty simple.

But not simple enough for the race baiters who scream that it hurts people. Maybe more people voted in Georgia because they finally felt their vote would count and that the system had some integrity.

Not good enough for some who think throwing more money at the problem will fix it. This is typical liberal pablum. We have thrown trillions of dollars at poverty and there are as many people (or more) in poverty as when the war on poverty started. The percentage of people in poverty has been about the same since the war on it started and has risen over the last few years. money did not solve that problem.

We throw a lot of money at education. The scores for our children continue to lag behind other nations that spend far less than we do on education. Most of the money does not hit the classroom because it lines the pockets of unions thugs. It goes to teacher’s pensions and to benefits and the children are left behind. Throwing money at this problem has not fixed it.

We have a war on drugs and have spent billions on it. We still have a drug problem in this country and the money has not stopped it.

The money spent on programs never goes to where it is supposed to. We create more bureaucracies and pay more and more people to provide worse and worse results.

Throwing more money at the election process will not fix the problem. People will still be able to vote fraudulently. The motor voter law allows anyone to register to vote when getting a license. Given the number of illegal aliens with a license one can only imagine how many are registered to vote.

The solution is to require IDs and to prosecute any illegal act that escapes the ID requirement. Are there illegal acts that IDs will not prevent? Sure, there are plenty but those are another part of the problem and we need to address them as well.

Polling places should have cameras in place to ensure the poll workers are not tampering with machines. There should be a team of people who verify the machines have no votes cast and each machine is at zero prior to opening the doors. Chicago is well known for its fraud. One of the things they do is vote for all the dead people in town an hour or so before the polls officially open. A former Chicago poll worker told me this in an airport one day. He revealed several things that were done to ensure the “right guy” won.

We can keep this from happening by ensuring the integrity of the system is intact when the polls open. We can also be sure that New Black Panther thugs are not standing out front with sticks intimidating voters.

Pursue these problems even after the election and put the offenders in jail for a long period of time. Then, take away their ability to ever vote again and put them on a registry of convicted voter fraud felons (like the sex offender registry).

Democrats decry voter IDs because they claim those kinds of laws keep Democrats from voting. What they really mean is that they prevent Democrats from voting illegally. They are not worried that people might not vote, they are worried they might lose because the illegal vote was stopped.

Don’t fall for the hype and the hysteria. Require voter IDs.

As a final thought I read where one person (not sure who it was or who they were with) who said that there were no IDs when the Constitution was written and that they can’t be required now. Let’s ignore the reality that we could then not require ID for anything and look at the issue on its face. When the Constitution was written blacks, women and a number of other people could not vote.

Not sure we want to go back there so best not to argue what it was like back then.

There are a number of problems in our voting system that allow fraud. Requiring voter ID will fix one part of the problem. We need to have total reform in order to stop fraud.

If one thinks it is asking to much or putting a hurdle in the way of people to get and use an ID to vote perhaps they should spend some time in the boots of the men and women who die protecting the vote. They don’t think it is too much to ask them to do what they do so it should not be asking too much to ask people to get an ID to vote.

Even if the NAACP thinks otherwise.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Didn’t The Left Hate No Bid Contracts?

When George Bush was president the left went nuts over no bid contracts to Halliburton despite the fact that Halliburton was the only company able to provide the services needed. The name Halliburton is used as a vulgarity by the left because former VP Dick Cheney was, at one time, employed by them. The left looked at the no bid contracts as a way for Cheney to enrich his life even though he did not profit from the contracts.

Bill Clinton awarded no bid contracts but the left ignored them (I think one was to, wait for it, Halliburton).

Barack Obama took office promising to end politics as usual and to be more transparent than anyone in history. He has been anything but transparent and has played politics as usual even before he actually took office. Solyndra was nothing more than a payout to supporters (much like the Stimulus) and it ended up costing taxpayers billions of dollars.

Now Obama has awarded a no bid contract to a company of a heavy Democrat supporter for a drug that we do not need and that cannot be tested. The drug is a pill to treat people exposed to Smallpox and who are too far into the disease to be treated by the conventional medicine which the US has stockpiled. In fact, we have enough to treat every person in the country and it costs about $3 a dose compared to $255 a dose for the new drug.

The process was changed and new people put in place so that the contract would be awarded. In other words, the Obama regime did everything possible in order to get the contract awarded.

The cost of the contract is $443 million. That is nearly a half a billion dollars that we do not have spent for a drug we do not need and done in a fashion that smacks of Chicago style politics.

November 2012 cannot come soon enough.

The next time liberals scream about Halliburton mention Siga Technologies. I doubt they will know what it means and if they do they will find some way to rationalize the contract.

Remember, Obama is their messiah and can do no wrong.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Long August Brings Out Best, And Worst, In America

August was a stressful month for members of Congress as they had to go home and face their constituents. They did not want to face them because a large number of them do not want government run health care and they do not want the government to completely overhaul the health care system. Most people want the problems with the system to be addressed while leaving those things that work, alone. Anti capitalists want the government to run the whole shebang and drive private insurance companies out of business.

Speaking of anti capitalist, and completely off topic, Michael Moore has a new movie out that is against capitalism. He claims that it is bad, causes people to be poor and is evil (and has members of the clergy agree with him). Isn’t it rather funny that this moron, who makes his fortune off capitalism, has a movie against it? Michael Moore owns stocks in companies (including Halliburton) and he invests his money in order to make more money. Yet, this slob (who really should have been aborted) is railing against capitalism. The real way to have lots of poverty is to attempt to redistribute people’s money. Socialism is fun until you run out of someone else’s money. al Reuters

Back to the health care debate. The town hall meetings were pretty contentious. Yes people raised their voices and some of them became extremely vocal but they were not violent and for the most part, were respectful (at least they were as respectful as the person deserved). I cannot blame some folks for getting pretty peeved because their Senator or Representative lied to them or tried to blow smoke in a dark place. Frank Kratovil’s office told me he had not made up his mind and a few days later he was out hawking the Obama plan. Obviously, his office lied.

As people became more vocal members of Congress became more reclusive. Many of them did not hold town hall meetings and some, including Harry Reid, held events that were by invitation only and that cost money to get in. As things heated up, Barack Obama mobilized his army of thugs in the unions and in his other groups and asked them to get in the game and bust a few heads. Then, union thugs began taking up many of the seats at town hall meetings. They began harassing those who disagreed with the health care overhaul. Obama’s jack booted thugs became physical and tried to intimidate the opposition, Chicago style.

People were threatened, people were beaten and there was a lot of bad behavior. This was perpetrated by the thugs Obama mobilized to “get in our faces.”

Then a funny thing happened. People started bringing guns to these events. This was done in accordance with the law and no one broke any law whatsoever when carrying a weapon despite the panic of those on the left and in the media (but I repeat myself). Chris Matthews lost the tingle in his leg and became upset that someone would carry a gun to this kind of event. One media outlet cropped a video and made and issue of white people carrying guns to events now that we have a black man in the White House, you know racist Republicans and all that. Turns out the guy with the gun was black and the video was doctored to deliberately deceive the public. Propaganda from the media wing of the Democratic Party.

While all these bed wetters were crying about guns being carried at events they ignored the Obama thugs who had beaten people for opposing health care overhaul. Kenneth Gladney is a black man who was so severely beaten by Obama’s thugs that he had to use a wheelchair for a while after the beating. Where was Matthews and the rest of the media decrying this beating? They were nowhere to be found because Obama’s thugs were doing the beating. You can bet that if it had been a liberal black guy beaten by conservative whites the news would have played it 24/7.

After this beating people began carrying guns and there were relatively few incidents. John Hawkins at Town Hall has an article up with the 7 most embarrassing town hall moments for the Democrats. One of the items he writes about is the Gladney beating:

A black man [Gladney] at a political rally was assaulted by white thugs who used racial epithets. The man was beaten so badly that he was forced to use a wheelchair and the response from liberals was…well, we’re actually still waiting for a response. The conservative response was to start bringing guns to the town hall meetings. Since then, for the most part, the unions have decided to behave themselves. It’s just more proof than an armed society is a polite society.

The conservative response was to bring guns. Notice how the Obama union thugs did not beat anyone else after conservatives started bringing guns. I know the liberal bed wetters were all upset about the guns and how horrible it was but the reality is that people have a right to protect themselves and if Obama is going to send his goons out then people need to have protection. It was Obama who said if they bring a knife, we bring a gun and in that light I say if they send union thugs, we take a gun.

Remember, there were no other incidents of union thugs beating people up after conservatives started carrying guns. The thugs think twice about bullying people if there is actually a chance that there will be resistance.

There was however, an incident where a man lost his finger. A man who is opposed to government run health care got into a fight with a man who supports it and the deranged lunatic bit off the man’s little finger. There is no telling if the perpetrator was a union thug because he ran away but all indications are that he was some half baked liberal in the crowd of Move On supporters who did not like the fact that a citizen opposed the sainted one’s health care plans. The lunatic violated the personal space of William Rice who says he felt threatened and popped the guy in the nose. The fight ensued and Rice lost a finger (which could not be reattached) and the coward ran away.

If Rice had a gun strapped to his side it is doubtful the lunatic would have harassed him.

September is here and on Tuesday the Congress reconvenes after its month long recess. The recess was anything but the peaceful vacation they expected to have as in years past. This time they (those who actually ventured out in public) got an earful from constituents who know that it is unconstitutional for the government to get involved in health care and who know that any involvement by the government will be a disaster.

Government run Social Security is nearly out of money. Government run Medicare and Medicaid are broke and spending more than they take in. Government run programs are always over budget and poorly run and there is no reason to believe that the government can run health care any better than private companies could if they were unencumbered by ridiculous regulations and mandates that drive up the cost of the plans they offer.

Health care needs to be fixed but not in the way the Democrats want to “fix” it. They want to control your lives and taking over health care is the best way for them to do it.

If they get control of health care we will need to carry guns to the doctor in order to get properly treated…

Of course, gun control is also on their list. Though I think they should try union control instead.

Big Dog

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The Obama Chicago Mafia Strikes The IG

When George W. Bush fired a handful of attorneys, something he is allowed to do, there was a big uproar because of claims that he fired them for political reasons. The attorneys serve at the president’s discretion but the appearance of impropriety is often enough to cause problems. Bush’s mistake was not firing them all. Bill Clinton fired them all in order to get rid of one investigating a political friend and nothing was said about it.

Remember, it is often the appearance of impropriety that causes the problem. Of course in the case of Republicans the left will keep spreading falsehoods to perpetuate and exaggerate the issue. Look at how they trumped up the Plame issue and look how they claim the economic downturn was all Bush’s fault when the record clearly shows that Democrats developed and defended the very programs that caused the problem. They paid their buddies lots of money to run businesses into the ground but they continue to blame it on Bush.

How will the media handle the firing, by Barack Obama, of an inspector general, Gerald Walpin? Walpin was fired by Obama and the trumped up reasons say that Obama needed someone he could trust. Does he mean someone he can trust to help cover up crime and corruption, the Chicago way? You see, Walprin was investigating and had discovered fraud in AmeriCorps. Particularly, one of Obama’s supporters was at the heart of the investigation and he been shown to have misappropriated money. Obama released Walprin saying he had lost confidence in him but this is not in accordance with the law which states that Congress must be given reasons that an inspector general is fired in order to prevent removal for political reasons. This appears to be the case with Walprin:

Obama’s move follows an investigation by Walpin finding misuse of federal grants by a nonprofit education group led by Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who is an Obama supporter and former NBA basketball star. Johnson and a nonprofit education academy he founded ultimately agree to repay half of $847,000 in grants it had received from AmeriCorps. [emphasis mine]

An Obama supporter is involved in misuse of federal grant money and agrees to pay half of it back and the guy who found the problem is fired. Why did Obama lose confidence in him? Was he looking for someone who could help cover up the crimes? Even if there were plenty of reasons, the appearance is of a political firing. It appears as if they played politics, the Chicago way.

The inspector general found that Johnson, a former all-star point guard for the Phoenix Suns, had used AmeriCorps grants to pay volunteers to engage in school-board political activities, run personal errands for Johnson and even wash his car.

In August 2008, Walpin referred the matter to the local U.S. attorney’s office, which said the watchdog’s conclusions seemed overstated and did not accurately reflect all the information gathered in the investigation.

“We also highlighted numerous questions and further investigation they needed to conduct, including the fact that they had not done an audit to establish how much AmeriCorps money was actually misspent,” Acting U.S. Attorney Lawrence Brown said in an April 29 letter to the federal counsel of inspectors general.

Walpin’s office made repeated public comments just before the Sacramento mayoral election, prompting the U.S. attorney’s office to inform the media that it did not intend to file any criminal charges.

In settling the case, the government agreed to lift its suspension of any future grants to the academy and Johnson agreed to immediately repay $73,000 in past grants. The academy was given 10 years to repay the remaining $350,000.

Brown said at the time of the settlement that prosecutors determined there was no fraud, but rather a culture of “sloppiness” in St. HOPE’s record-keeping.

Kevin Hiestand, chairman of the board of St. HOPE Academy, said in a statement it was “about time” Walpin was removed. “Mr. Walpin’s allegations were meritless and clearly motivated by matters beyond an honest assessment of our program,” he said. Yahoo News

There appears to be a difference of opinion in this matter but Walprin found money that was misspent. Brown calls it sloppiness but that is what all politicians and other criminals do when they get caught. They claim to have made a mistake, they claim to have been sloppy, they claim that it is all an unfortunate misunderstanding.

Assuming that it was just an oversight, do we want people this sloppy with our tax dollars actually having access to them?

They called the allegations meritless but it seems to me Walprin found enough that this was not meritless and it was not sloppy. It was corruption at its finest and the guy who found it was fired for political reasons.

That is how it looks to me and appearance is often reality.

If this were on the up and up Obama would have provided Congress with the reasons. Losing confidence is not one because, as it applies to this case, it looks political.

Expect to see more of this as people who fail to toe the line for Obama are kicked out of their jobs.

UPDATE: Ms Underestimated has a great video with more about the Obama Chicgo Mafia. Part of the transcript:

Robert Manzo, Chrysler restructuring expert: “I hope you think it’s worth giving this one more shot.”

Matthew Feldman, attorney on the President’s Auto Task Force: “I’m now not talking to you. You went where you shouldn’t.”

Manzo: “Sorry. I didn’t mean to say the wrong thing and I obviously did. I was trying to make sure that if we had to contribute to the solution you knew we had some room. Sorry I did not realize the mistake!!”

Feldman: “It’s over. The President doesn’t negotiate second rounds. We’ve given and lent billions of dollars so your team could manage this properly….And now you’re telling me to bend over to a terrorist like Lauria? That’s B.S.”

I’m sorry Godfather, please give me one more chance. Godfather Obama does not give second chances. Put your feet in the cement…

Big Dog

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