Obama Does Not Understand The Constitution

I have heard time and again that Barack Obama was a Constitutional law professor and this was supposed to mean that his word held some kind of weight on issues regarding the Constitution. I have written before that Obama is no scholar when it comes to that important document and he has discussed how the courts should have undone constraints the Founder’s placed on government. Obama is a believer in judicial activism and thinks the courts should decide in favor of undoing what the Constitution enumerates.

Barack Obama has nominated a pal from the University of Chicago Law School to be his “regulatory czar.” Cass Sunstein is an anti Constitution moron who wants to enact things that he admits violate the Constitution. Sunstein is interested in regulating the Internet because, to him:

“A system of limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government,” he wrote. “Democratic efforts to reduce the resulting problems ought not be rejected in freedom’s name.” World Net Daily

Perhaps this Chicago thug and absolute moron is unaware but America is all about limitless individual choices whether it is in communications or any other arena and that this is absolutely in the best interest of citizenship and self-government. To this schmuck, we should ignore freedom in order to regulate FREE SPEECH. I wonder if he feels that burning a Flag is OK or if that is not in the interest of citizenship…

This moron is also in favor of a system that would not allow emails to be sent for a 24 hour “cooling off period” in order to regulate the nasty emails that sometimes get sent. I agree that people often send emails when they are mad and regret it later but that is a decision with which they have to live. It is not up to government to regulate how we communicate in the name of civility.

He is also in favor or requiring posts on the Internet to have links to OPPOSING views. Call it the Internet Fairness Doctrine. He does not believe that you have the right to seek out only the opinions that you desire. In other words, you should be required to look for differing views. This guy is an idiot and has admitted as much when he stated that this view would “almost certainly [be] unconstitutional.”

This guy is an absolute disaster and as anti American as they come. He should not be confirmed to run anything and should be locked up in Gitmo for his anti American activities and beliefs. Here are a few other things this Communist, anti American believes:

  • In a 2007 speech at Harvard he called for banning hunting in the U.S.
  • In his book “Radicals in Robes,” he wrote: “[A]lmost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine. And if the Court is right, then fundamentalism does not justify the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms.”
  • In his 2004 book, “Animal Rights,” he wrote: “Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …”
  • In “Animal Rights: A Very Short Primer,” he wrote “[T]here should be extensive regulation of the use of animals in entertainment, in scientific experiments, and in agriculture.”

This guy believes that all gun control legislation is in agreement with the Constitution and believes that the Second Amendment does not confirm an individual right to bear arms. He is absolutely WRONG on this. The guys who wrote the Constitution had a big discussion on this and they all said that the right to keep and bear arms was an individual one. That settles the issue. We do not need revisionists changing the Constitution. We need to stick to the Founder’s intent and we will have no problems. What kind of Constitutional scholar is unaware of this?

This guy also believes that hunting should be banned and that animals have the right to sue and have humans as their representatives. Is this man on some of Obama’s leftover stash? The guy is out of his ever loving mind and if he is confirmed we will have all kinds of unconstitutional things flying around.

Why should this guy surprise us? He is no different than Obama who believes the Constitution is too restrictive. Hell, Obama must agree with this brain dead parasite because Obama selected him and then praised him:

“As one of America’s leading constitutional scholars, Cass Sunstein has distinguished himself in a range of fields, including administrative law and policy, environmental law, and behavioral economics,” said Obama at his nomination of his regulatory czar. “He is uniquely qualified to lead my administration’s regulatory reform agenda at this crucial stage in our history. Cass is not only a valued adviser, he is a dear friend and I am proud to have him on my team.”

All one needs to do is read what this guy wrote and listen to what he beleives and it will be clear that he is not a Constitutional scholar, he is not distinguished, and that he is not uniquely qualified.

He is anti American and he is an idiot. His brain is rotted from too many drugs.

I don’t know if he will be confirmed or not but if he makes it in I intend to ignore anything he wants to regulate.

No dissenting links, no ban on hunting and no gun control for me.

And if he and Obama do not like it they can go back to law school and learn what the real Constitution says.

Big Dog

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Maybe Obama Is Passing This Bill To His Grandchildren

Barack Obama plans on spending more money on our economic downturn than FDR spent on the New Deal (or Raw Deal, as it were). The Generational Theft Plan that he has come up with (OK, Pelosi and Reid came up with it and he signed it) spends money we do not have and there is no indication as to how we will pay off the huge debt that is piling up.

Somewhere along the way taxes and fees will increase and the taxpayer will foot the bill for lavish spending, new government programs (that will never go away) and pork projects to protect mice. When this economy gets back on track, which it would do regardless of the intervention (though the plan might slow recovery), Obama and the Democrats will come to taxpayers with a bill for all that was done. That bill will be paid for by an increase in taxes and fees. I would not be surprised if the tax code is rewritten to disallow many deductions so that taxpayers end up with even more of their money confiscated by the government.

Obama still owes Chicago 1.7 million dollars for his post victory celebration that was held in that city. The DNC says it is reviewing the bills for accuracy but the DNC has had since November to get this taken care of. Certainly the Democrats cannot be worried that they are getting shafted by the honorable folks who run Chicago.

This late bill looks like the way Obama has run government so far. Rack up bills with little or no regard as to how, or if, they will get paid. Just live in the moment and worry about the costs later on.

Then again, maybe he plans of passing the cost of his party on to his grandchildren.

That seems to be the way he does business.

Big Dog

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Obama Wants Our Guns

It didn’t take long. The Sainted One is not even the president yet and already a bill has been introduced to control gun ownership in this country. Representative Bobby Rush (D-IL) has introduced legislation that would make it very difficult for people to obtain firearms. His plan calls for the Attorney General to manage a gun control program which requires gun owners to obtain a license, with picture and thumbprint, in order to be considered. The Attorney General will decide if the person may be issued the license and failure to have or renew a license is a felony punishable by up to 2 years in jail.

This is a blatant assault on the Second Amendment rights of the people in this country. If this makes it to Obama and he signs it then millions of gun owners will be required to apply for a license to own guns. There is no doubt in my military mind that this will also have a cost associated with it. The Attorney General will, if this bill passes, have a database of all gun owners including those who applied and were rejected. The Nazis had such a system and then they disarmed the Jews. This led to the Holocaust. A people disarmed become slaves. This bill will create a national ID for gun owners. Liberals are opposed to a national ID in general but I guess it is OK if it keeps track of the evil gun owners. The bill is in honor a a Chicago kid who was killed on a school bus:

[O]n the afternoon of May 10, 2007, Blair Holt, a junior at Julian High School in Chicago, was killed on a public bus riding home from school when he used his body to shield a girl who was in the line of fire after a young man boarded the bus and started shooting. (In the Findings and Purpose portion)

Chicago already has some of the nation’s most stringent gun control laws. Those laws did not prevent this tragedy because criminals do not obey the law. Does Rush actually think that a criminal will apply for a license and does he think a criminal is worried about a 2 year sentence for owning one when the crimes they commit will lead to more time than that? Keep in mind folks, this law will only affect law abiding citizens and they do not go around using guns illegally.

If you are a gun owner and you voted for Obama then you should turn your guns in and join the peace movement. The warnings were there and they were made public for anyone who paid attention. Barack Obama is a Socialist and the way Socialists rule is to take away the people’s means to resist.

I know that Obama did not write this (at least his name is not on it) but it is odd it came from a politician from his home state and he will most assuredly sign it if it makes it to his desk. He has already stated that the right to bear arms is subject to common sense regulation. In his little mind, this will be common sense. The Democrats are in control and they want to remove any means of resistance that the citizens have available to them and that means that we are in danger of losing our guns.

If this bill gets traction we gun owners are in for a fight. The person that Obama has nominated for Attorney General believes in gun control. He does not believe that gun ownership is an individual right and he will not easily approve any license. For those who might have forgotten, the Second Amendment states:

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

This bill infringes on the right to keep and bear arms. What part of SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED do they have trouble understanding? It is also important to note that gun ownership is necessary for the security of a free state. It would appear they don’t quite want that.

If this bill passes the idea of a peaceful transition of government might become a thing of the past.

As for Bobby Rush, he deserves the firing squad.

The Bill (H.R. 45)

Big Dog Salute: Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

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Now That He’s Elected They Will Cover Scandals

All during the campaign, from the primaries to the general election, Barack Obama was plagued with one scandal after another. The issues were legitimate and they were worthy of mention but they were dismissed by the left and its media wing as nothing. The idiots at the Daily Kos and assorted other Democratic mouthpieces, the very same groups who see scandal every time George Bush passes gas, remained silent or attributed the revelations to a right wing smear job. Of course, most of the “smear” came from Democrats during their primary.

Now that the media have ensured that Obama was elected they are now free to investigate scandals and they are, to their own amazement, finding that Obama had questionable associations. Imagine that? The governor of Illinois has been arrested in a scandal that might have long reaching arms and involve Jesse Jackson Jr as well as various members of Obama’s dream team and the media are suddenly interested in particulars (but not too many).

Rahm Emanuel is one such member and things are looking bleak for him. The so called heavy weight with the foul mouth and the mean temper has been reduced to hiding in his home and sneaking out to work because he is likely smack dab in the middle of the corruption.

When the story about Governor Blagojevich broke Barack Obama expressed his surprise and disappointment and indicated that this was the first that he had heard of the pay for play scheme. He assured us that none of his people were involved in the “sale” of his Senate seat. Looks like Obama might have been a bit premature in his assessment because it is now reported that Emanuel was recorded discussing the Senate seat.

As of now there is no indication that he was involved in any of the illegal activities. The recording of him has not been released so we don’t know what was discussed but we do know that the fact he was discussing the matter is contrary to what Obama said about the issue. Obama’s statement that he had not spoken or met with the governor has also been shown to be false because there are pictures of the two together.

Obama and his team are in the middle of a scandal and they have circled the wagons. They are not discussing much, if anything at all, with the media. The man who would bring transparency to government has closed ranks and is anything but transparent. Obama has also shown that he is not above politics as usual and that his rhetoric about reforming DC was nothing more than campaign promises he never intended to keep. How could he bring a new brand of politics when he is a Chicago politician and, as seen in the Blagojevich scandal, there is nothing new or clean bout that?

Perhaps Obama should have made Hillary Clinton his Chief of Staff. She has many years experience covering up scandals. Obama is a babe in the woods when compared to the Clintons.

Then again, it was the Clinton kind of politics that Obama promised to get rid of.

What a difference an election makes

Prior to the election Obama could murder babies in Times Square and the media would ignore it. They would rationalize his acts and the Daily Kos would attribute it to a Right Wing Conspiracy and blame it on Bush.

Well moonbats, Bush had nothing to do with this. All the scandal, all the attention, and all the dirt is on your guy. George Bush had nothing to do with it though I bet he is getting a bit of a chuckle out of seeing the anointed One get the third degree.

Bush probably finds some humor in the fact that when the Plame issue was being investigated the left was in full attack mode and convicting people before they ever had a trial. Despite his insistence that he was not aware of what had taken place and who “leaked” Plame’s so called secret identity, he was branded a liar. The left was calling for investigations day after day and Bush’s people were the object of ridicule.

Now, one of Obama’s people (at least) is right in the thick of an investigation and the left is not calling for him to be frog marched out in chains. They are not calling Obama a liar because he denied knowledge and they are defending him. Why, he is a victim here. Someone did something to make him look bad or bring discredit upon him. He is getting consideration that George Bush never got.

Did Obama know anything? Who knows? However, he came from the crooked politics of Illinois and he has used questionable tactics and had questionable associations in the past so it is not beyond reason that he is involved.

However, given Obama’s past, it is likely that he sent surrogates to do the dirty work so he could stay “clean” should the deification hit the cooling device.

How long will it be before Rahm Emanuel joins the many others located under the bus?

Regardless of what happens, this scandal will no doubt haunt and hinder Obama for some time to come.

Maybe if it gets bad enough he will show that Birth Certificate so that he does not have to take office…

Chicago Tribune

Big Dog

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The Story Change We Can Believe In

This is our time, this is the our moment, change is on the way. And with words like these Barack Obama rode a wave of excitement all the way to an election victory marking the first time a black person has won that office and demonstrating that the Constitution means little to him.

Barack Obama’s change we need seems to be everything but what he promised people. The change they thought they were getting is a change of politics as usual in DC but it turns out that Obama is more of the same. He has selected a bunch of retreads from the Clinton years and he has backtracked on a number of his promises. The moonbats are very upset with him because he is now saying different things than he did when he wanted votes.

It also seems that the change he meant was that his people would change their stories in order to keep him from being further linked to bad things like the corruption that Illinois, particularly Chicago, is famous for. Twenty percent of the governors from that state have been indicted or convicted and the current criminal chief executive is no different. Governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested yesterday after FBI agents used a LEGAL wiretap to intercept his calls. Seems the Governor was holding an auction for the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama. The governor made it clear that Obama has sex with mothers and that the seat was open to the highest bidder. Blagojevich made it clear that he wanted money.

One of the candidates for the seat was a person Obama wanted to get it but the governor was not happy about that stating that Obama would only give him some appreciation instead of a position in his administration. One would have to believe that Obama had spoken with the governor about his [Obama’s] preference and since the governor knew Obama was only offering praise it only makes sense to conclude that it must have been discussed. In other words, how did Blagojevich know he would only get gratitude if he had not discussed it?

But hold on now. There is no way that we are going to tie Obama to any of this. As a matter of fact, Obama said he had not spoken with the Governor and that he was not involved in any of it.

The problem is, a few weeks ago David Axelrod, Obama’s senior adviser, told Fox News Chicago that Barry had spoken with the governor:

While insisting that the President-elect had not expressed a favorite to replace him, and his inclination was to avoid being a “kingmaker,” Axelrod said, “I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.” [emphasis mine]

As is usual, the Obama team came out and denied this. They say that Axelrod merely misspoke when he was on Fox. Axlerod himself confirmed this. Yes, since it disputes what The One has said then it must have been a misstatement.

The problem is, Axlerod said I KNOW he’s talked to him. He did not say I think he did, or he might have, or I am unsure, he said I KNOW. How can this be a misstatement? If he said that Obama had spoken with him and then it turns out that he did not then he could have misspoken but in this case he said he knew it.

I believe that he did know it because nothing that Obama does happens without Axelrod knowing. This is exactly how he KNEW it. But, the story has to change because if it does not then Obama is a liar and we can’t have that when it comes to the Messiah. Obama, as is his pattern, threw Axelrod under the bus. Axelrod had to fall on his sword to ensure Obama was not caught in a lie.

When he said that he would bring change to Washington he meant that they would change their stories to whatever is convenient. Instead of change we can believe in we have changed stories that are hard to believe.

Obama spoke with disgraced governor Rod Blagojevich about this issue but The Sainted One is trying to distance himself from the controversy and he did that with a lie. Obama backed Blagojevich each time he ran for office and had good things to say about him. Turns out that he was not such a great guy after all. When will we hear; “Rod Blagojevich is not the governor I knew”? Hey you, get under the bus.

What did Barack Obama know and when did he know it? The governor already said that Obama would not pay to play so that means Obama knew about the game Blagojevich was playing. Why did Obama not go to the authorities? Of course it is because it is Illinois and this is how politics is done there so for Obama it was business as usual.

The guy is not even really the president elect yet. He has won the election but the Electors do not meet until the 15th to cast their votes. At that time he will be the PE. No, he is nothing yet and already we have scandals coming out that involve him even if it is in some tangential fashion. At the least it is a distraction and at the most it demonstrates the climate from which he came (and will undoubtedly take to the White House).

I wonder, at what point in his term will he surpass the number of scandals Clinton had? I also wonder if Axelrod feels stung by having to call himself a liar. If you are working for The One you had better get used to it because everyone else goes down before Obama.

Axelrod demonstrated that we can never trust his words again and he showed us that Obama is a liar who will cover his tracks at the expense of others.

As a challenge, someone find where anyone mentions that the governor is a DEMOCRAT…

As an aside, today is the day all the gays are calling out of work to protest the success of Proposition 8. They call it “A day without a gay.” To me that sounds great. We should have those everyday…

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Big Dog