Our Budget Explained And Other Tid Bits

This video explains what is happening in DC and how they play games with our budget in order to keep spending. It makes it quite simple for those among us who think that the government has an unending supply of money or that the money comes from Obama’s “stash.” Though to be quite honest Congress has given Obama a stash of money called the stimulus and it was used to pay off those to whom he owed favors…

When you are done watching that it should be obvious that the recent vote to increase the debt did not do us any good. Since this has been going on for about 100 years it should also come as no shock that they will not fix it and they will not work to fix it. They will continue to use budget gimmicks and accounting tricks to hide the problem until it bites us in the rear end.

At that time we will not be able to fix things and the social programs that liberals love to spend on will go away. Once we can no longer afford them and once we can no longer borrow to pay for them they will have to go away. It is that simple and there will be a lot of unhappy people who have been clueless and do not see it coming. Whether we default or not is a matter of whether we can pay our creditors. As long as we can pay them we are not in default but we will end up eliminating a lot of social programs that we can no longer afford because these morons and their enablers in the hands out crowd did nothing to rein in spending.

Thanks to what they did this week our borrowing immediately surpassed 100% of GDP. That is a recipe for disaster.

Liberals talk about the need to raise the debt ceiling and continue to borrow as a matter of national security. Al Franken and the other morons say that the GOP stance was an invitation to terrorists but the reality is that these people are inviting our enemies in the door. If China decided to cash in what we owe them and demand payment we would be in serious trouble and they could bankrupt us. We would default on that debt and we would have real issues that make the last Obama invented crisis look like a carnival. China will continue to take on more of our debt until the right time for it to pounce on us by demanding payment.

Then we will see how the politicians betrayed us and Franken can stand at the door of the Capitol and hold the welcome sign.

The market will be unsettled through all this and we are either in or heading for a second (or double dip) recession. Some like to claim that this claim has been made so much that if it happens it would be a see I told you so (like predicting rain every day, eventually you would be right) but I said last year that we would hit a double dip in the latter part of this year. It was not a monthly or daily prediction, it was a prediction of what would happen later in 2012 and it looks like we are heading in that direction. The reason for this is the Obama policies.

They are job and economy killers. It is that simple because the policies of Obama have been tried by other big government politicians in the past and they have failed. The New Deal did not fix things (it made them worse) and WW II was the only thing that pulled us out of the Depression. The New Deal helped to add to our present day miseries because it created a class of people dependent on government (this was by design) and LBJ completed this by enslaving minorities to government.

All at a cost to the taxpayers. All at a cost to our national security and all at the eventual risk of our sovereignty.

I do think though, that we can help with some of the budget. They should pass a law that all of the millionaires and billionaires (the real ones not the phony definition Obama uses to sock the middle class) who support Obama with money or by attending his birthday party should be taxed at 100%. Congress should pass a law that those millionaires and billionaires and only those should be required to turn in 100% of their income to pay off the debt.

They claim they want to pay more and they are rich enough. They can afford it and it is their patriotic duty. Yes, I like it. Only the Obama supporting rich will be taxed at 100%.

This will solve our problems and how could any liberal object, the liberal rich need to pay their fair share.

It is for the children…

UPDATE: Look who endorsed Obama for reelection.

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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It Would Certainly Be Easier On Us

According to The Weekly Standard; “Mr. Obama has told people that it would be so much easier to be the president of China. As one official put it, ‘No one is scrutinizing Hu Jintao’s words in Tahrir Square.’”

Well certainly it would be easier for Obama. He wants to be a dictator and he would love to be able to say it and have it happen. He would love to be able to quash an uprising like say, those pesky Tea Party folks. He would love to be a part of the ruling elite that steps on the throats of those who are not on board with his agenda. As Bill Kristol put it in the article:

Mr. Obama is right.

If you’re president of China, people around the world who are fighting for freedom don’t really expect you to help. If you’re president of China, you don’t have to put up with annoying off-year congressional elections, and then negotiate your budget with a bunch of gun-and-religion-clinging congressmen and senators. If you’re president of China, you can fund your national public radio to your heart’s content. And if you’re president of China, when you host a conference on bullying in schools, people take you seriously.

I imagine that being the president of any country is a pretty hard job though the way some countries are run it is easier. I imagine for Obama it would be easier to be the president of a Communist country because he has sympathies toward that ideology.

One thing I am absolutely certain of is that it would be easier on the US if Mr. Obama was the president of China.

And if we keep going the way we are he might just get his wish…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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What Does Obama Know That We Don’t?

The United States is in debt to the Chinese. Their president came to DC for a meeting with Barack Obama and he threw a state dinner for him. Obama had to do it because this guy is our landlord. He came to check on his holdings and the serfs attended to his needs.

Looks like Obama is raising his children to live under Chinese Communist rule (and the way we are going, they will probably rule us someday) as he had one of his daughters out there waving a Chinese Flag to honor Hu Jintao. Obama’s daughter Sasha is also learning the Chinese language (we have to have a ruling class even under Chinese rule) and she wanted to practice it by speaking to our landlord.

Sasha attended Hu’s welcoming ceremony on the White House lawn on Wednesday morning with friends and could be seen waving a Chinese flag excitedly as her father and Hu walked around the grounds.

The two presidents paused to visit when they reached the nine-year-old and her friends behind the rope line.

“Not every (child) has the opportunity to try out their first phrases of Chinese with the president of China, but she had that chance,” Rhodes said.

He said the anecdote illustrated Americans’ desire to get to know China better with more people studying the country and doing business there. al-Reuters via Yahoo

The last paragraph is misleading. What this really says is that Obama and his Democrats are selling us down the river to the Chinese with their out of control spending and that he is raising his daughter to be a ruler for the Chinese here in America.

I still believe that Spanish would be the best second language to learn because the way our government is handling the immigration crisis that is the only language that will be spoken here.

But I guess it is important to have a ruling elite who can communicate with our landlords…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Caterpillar To Build New Factory

Looks like Obama was right when he said the stimulus money would allow Caterpillar to put people to work (though the leader of the company denied he made that claim). Caterpillar is building a new factory to build mini hydraulic excavators.

The only problem is that Caterpillar will be building the factory in China.

I wonder if Obama will add all the Chinese workers who are employed to build the factory and those who will be employed to work at it in his jobs created number.

I mean, this is Obama, the master of double talk, and he did not say that the jobs the stimulus would create would be in America…

Cave Canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


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Hillary Then And Now

In 1998 when Bill Clinton’s sex scandal was the big news, news that broke because Matt Drudge posted it after it was quashed in the MSM, Hilary had an opinion about the Internet. Hillary said she did not know what she was in favor of but it sounded like she favored some kind of regulation.

…I don’t know what — that’s why I said I don’t know what I’m in favor of. And I don’t know enough to know what to be in favor of, because I think it’s one of those new issues we’ve got to address. We’ve got to see whether our existing laws protect people’s right of privacy, protect them against defamation. And if they can, how do you do that when you can press a button and you can’t take it back. So I think we have to tread carefully. Drudge Report

Hillary said that without some kind of gatekeeping function it was difficult to defend a reputation. It probably did not occur to her that Bill’s reputation was hurt when he had the affair and then lied about it. If he had been telling the truth then it would have been Drudge’s reputation that needed to be defended.

Thirteen years later and with news of China continuing to censor the Internet, Ms. Clinton still has an opinion though it is different than it was back then.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Thursday called for an unfettered worldwide Internet and urged global condemnation of those who conduct cyber attacks, as China sought to contain tension with the United States over the hacking and censorship of Google.

“A new information curtain is descending across much of the world,” she said, calling growing Internet curbs the modern equivalent of the Berlin Wall.

“We stand for a single Internet where all of humanity has equal access to knowledge and ideas,” said Clinton in a major address that cited China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt among countries that censored the Internet or harassed bloggers. Yahoo News

Well things have certainly changed with regard to her position on this.

Did it change because the scandal left Bill relatively unscathed and now China is the focus?

What do you think prompted her position reversal? I would be interested to read your opinions in the comment section.

Big Dog


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