Stupidity To The Left, More Stupidity From The Left

Oh Boy! How’s that stimulus working out for all you Americans out of work? Seen any “created” jobs lately? Not many, unless you are Chinese- they are getting a large part of stimulus cash to make wind turbines and sell them to the “Gwai-loh”, or barbaric Americans. That’s right, instead of keeping the manufacturing jobs of building the wind turbines and blades here at home, where jobs would actually have been created, (can’t have that- how are you supposed to keep people believing that they are victims, if you help them?), the administration has chosen to send all that money and jobs overseas, where it helps us not at all.

A consortium of Chinese and American companies announced a joint venture Thursday to construct a massive 600-megawatt wind farm in West Texas, using wind turbines manufactured in China.

$1.5 billion wind farm would be funded largely by Chinese financiers, with an assist from the United States government in the form of loan guarantees and grants from the federal stimulus package.

“This wind farm project came about thanks to the openness of the United States for investments in the field of renewable energy,” said John Lin, the chief operating officer of Shenyang Power Group, an industrial group in China focused on renewable energy projects.

No, actually the project came about because our feckless leader is a traitor who lies as easily as waking up- all of these jobs could have stayed here in the US, but since we (actually Nobama’s administration) owe China sooooooooooooooo much money, the pressure was applied, and everyone in the WH began learning Mandarin- all the better for talking whilst being bent over and driven to Shanghai by the Chinese.

“Created or saved jobs”- the big lie. There are no jobs created here by this venture- certainly no manufacturing jobs. I would think the unions would be howling with outrage- they certainly would if this was done by Dubya. But since they have been getting stroked by the WH for the last several years, like lizards rubbed on the belly, it may take them awhile to wake up.

According to a recent article in The New York Times by Keith Bradsher, China required 80 percent of the materials used to construct its first solar power plant earlier this year come from China.

Foreign manufacturers of wind turbines have struggled to gain entry into the Chinese market, Mr. Bradsher reported.

Well, in this instance, it is not the Chinese market that we are trying to “enter”- it is our own, and we should be able to do this better, with more innovation, and keep the jobs at home. We could do this, but noooooooooooooo.

Instead, (perhaps because all the WH loves Mao) the Chinese get the lion’s share of the work. And as for jobs, well, I will let this article say it all-

The project would mark the first instance of a Chinese manufacturer exporting wind turbines to the United States market, according to the vice mayor of the city of Shenyang, Yang Yazhou, who spoke at a news conference announcing the joint venture.

The farm is to be built on 36,000 acres in western Texas — an exact location was not specified — and will use 240 2.5-megawatt turbines manufactured in China. Construction is expected to begin next March. The project will create an estimated 300 temporary construction jobs, and 30 permanent jobs.

300 temporary jobs and 30 permanent jobs. Somehow, I believe if we were manufacturing these turbines ourselves, there might be more than just *30* permanent jobs. That is not very many, even by the White House’s dubious accounting methods of “saved” jobs. And you know that a bunch of the 300 temporary jobs will go to illegal aliens- that’s a given, considering who is in the White House.

All in all, this deal benefits a select few, most of them either Chinese, or the leeches in the administration, like Jeffery Immelt, the CEO of GE, who gets a cut of this deal. 

The turbines for the Texas wind farm, although slated for construction in China, will use technology from the United States and Europe, including a turbine designed by German wind power manufacturer Fuhrlander and gear box design by General Electric.

Yes, in most logical societies, Jeffery Immelt’s being inside the WH should disqualify him and/ or his company from deals involving him and the government- a conflict of interest, you see. If this was Haliburton and Cheney, the howls of outrage would be heard coast to coast, but not from this liberal crowd- they can’t see the hypocrisy here.

When it comes to liberal hypocrisy, they are blind, deaf, and dumb.
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China Forecloses On DC

China is holding trillions of dollars of US debt and the prospect of getting paid is extremely bleak so China has decided to foreclose on Washington DC.

On September 20th the Communist Flag of China will be raised at the White House as that nation takes possession of the presidential residence. The joy felt throughout China is best expressed in the following statement:

“It was always my dream to raise a Chinese flag in the center of Washington, D.C.,” Chen Ronghua, chief of the U.S.-Fujian Association, told the newspaper. “This year, my motherland’s 60th birthday, is the perfect time for it.” World Net Daily

In addition to the White House, China will take possession of the presidential retreat at Camp David, the Washington Monument, the Jefferson Memorial, the Capitol and the Treasury Building.

China was unsure about taking the Capitol but figured since it already owned most members of Congress it might as well take the building. Representatives of China also decided that the White House was not worth as much as they had anticipated because the current resident smokes there and lowered the value of the building.

The foreclosure does not erase the entire debt and China will likely foreclose on other properties once it sends a delegation here to assess property values.

Van Jones commented that he is unhappy that he will not be a part of the administration that finally embraces Communism as he had done but was proud to be a part of history even if it was for a very brief time.

Big Dog

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Maybe China Can Keep Him

New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin has been quarantined in China after someone on the plane he was on had symptoms of Swine Flu (H1N1) so Nagin (as well as others) was quarantined.

Maybe if we are lucky the Chinese will keep him. That would be best for the people of New Orleans though China might regret keeping him.

But they will have a good spokesperson if a natural disaster strikes and affects a lot of Chinese. Nagin can go on TV and cry that they need Greyhound buses and blame George Bush for the disaster.


Big Dog

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Rights? What Rights?

Oh boy- where to begin?  With Nancy Pelosi and China? With Liberals in general? With the apparently rapidly spreading ignorance of not only english, but definitions of these english words? Perhaps we should begin with the proper definition of the word “rights”.

Right(s)- In politics, implying preservation of existing, established order or of restoring former institutions.

I have to say, I was never aware that ecology of our planet was a right- an obligation, perhaps- but not a “right”.

Responsible caretaking of this planet was first mentioned in the Bible (yes, I know that just the mention that ecology was not the exclusive purview of Liberals just drives them NUTS), and done properly, is not only necessary, but desirable in the grand scheme of things, but to call this “green” ridiculousness a “right” is hyping on a scale that makes a fisherman’s stories sound real.

Nancy Pelosi has gone to China, not to chide them on their Human Rights record ( of which they could justifiably be chided indeed), but to inform them of the NEW right that they might not have been aware of (like those other, pesky rights they already ignore). This new one is a responsible path to a greener world, not the democracy thingie, not the “holding Tibet as a slave state” thingie either, despite the pictures she has of her and the Dalai Lama on her web site.

And for all of you who might think that she might be giving away state secrets by showing the Chinese the new ways to use plastic on one’s face, I am fairly sure they already know that one, although perhaps they use melamine- after all, as we have found out, the Chinese believe melamine is a food group.

The botox, well that might engender some interest, although I am fairly sure they already have “inscrutable” down to an art by now, although they might be just a little unsettled at not being able to see emotion on Pelosi’s face. The fact that she, or anyone from the States, could have the unmitigated gall to lecture them on their country’s behavior when ours is in such disarray, just has to leave them speechless. After all, their cars already get better mileage than ours, even though they use a different set of standards.

The average fuel economy of family vehicles in China is already higher than in the United States, mainly because cars in China tend to be considerably smaller than those in the United States — and are getting even smaller because of recent tax changes.

Cars with small fuel-sipping engines are now subject to a 1 percent sales tax, while sports cars and sport utility vehicles with the largest engines are subject to a 40 percent sales tax. Stricter fuel economy standards have won support from four interest groups within the Chinese government, said a Chinese government official who spoke on the condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the issue.

As they say,their cars are smaller, but the main reason for this miserly usage of oil and gas is fear, because while they had been self- sufficient up ’til 1995, now they import 3/5 of all their oil, and they must do this on seas that are patrolled by the U.S. Navy.  Their navy is not as modern nor is it as large, so their xenophobic paranoia tends to kick in with regard to their energy needs. This doesn’t apply to the coal- fired reactors, for their supply of coal is vast, even though they tend to kill plenty of their citizens doing so.

Still, to have Nancy Pelosi even attempt to lecture them on responsible ethics, green or otherwise, is the height of hypocrisy, and behind their outwardly inscrutable faces, you can bet the farm that they are laughing their butts off. 

Since Barama has been elected, we, as a nation, have no street cred in this world. Is there a single instance of ANYTHING that Barama has gotten done in the international arena? Anything? Bueller? Bueller?

Sending Pelosi might have been effective at scaring their children on Halloween (if they celebrated Halloween), but she, and her message are non- starters. The Chinese will not take her seriously, although for politeness’ sake, they will nod and grin, and soon as she is gone, it will be business as usual.

And they can have a good laugh at her newest “right”.
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Personal Responsibility- What’s That?

Movie history was made this week, as the Governator was slapped down regarding the ballot measures that would have allowed the California Budget to be “reduced” from a staggering 21.5 billion dollar deficit to a mere 15+ billion dollar deficit. Okay- this is where it gets a little strange, because if I have a -21 dollars in my pocket, I can just SAY I have a -15 dollars in my pocket. It’s all the same NOTHING that I have (or not, depending on whether you are Democrat or Republican, I guess) in my pocket. It’s all a shell game, performed unconvincingly by the politicians, first in California, and soon to come to a Capital Dome near you.

The measures, which would have prolonged tax increases, capped state spending, earmarked money for education and involved the state in a complex borrowing scheme against its lottery, were rejected by roughly 60 percent of those who voted. The failure of the measures, combined with falling revenues since the state passed its budget, leaves California with a $21 billion new hole to fill, while foreclosure rates and unemployment remain vexing problems here.
The Pols take non- money, and make more of the non- money to pay for these programs they want so desperately. It is no longer a question of whether the program is even worthy or not. There is just no money to pay for it, or any others either.

When regular folks run low on money, we all have to tighten our belts, but not so the politicians, as we can see. This continues a long and shameful tradition of “borrowing” from every source of money, including the Social Security program, which was never very robust, earning only around 1.5% per year as it was. Now, however, there is no money. Let me say this again.

THERE IS NO MONEY. All of this spending, all this stimulus, all this tarp money is just an illusion that the present government, as have all the past governments dearly wanted you to believe in.

Money has only so much buying power as the government’s word guarantees- and this one is writing checks with his mouth that noone can cash. That’s unfortunate, but true.

The Chinese, who had been buying our bonds, have ceased doing so, and Barama has been trying to get lines of credit at the nearest branch of Saudi Arabia with little luck.

I’ve got an idea- stop every new program, look at all other programs to see whose we can safely cut, and by the way, rescind all of those raises Congress hasn’t earned. Congressional employees are OUR employees, and I know I didn’t okay a raise- did you?

No new “green” programs until we know of a system that works- it’s way too expensive to go charging off in a direction that holds no true promise.

Health care needs to remain private, but I agree that access and affordability are key to the whole process. Cutting costs has to happen for the Insurance Industry, but one thing that needs to change is our habits. Use the insurance for when you need it not just for any old bruise or sprain- that is a part of the rise in costs. The insurance companies need to begin charging real world prices, and the most onerous part of the whole process, paperwork, needs to end.

I know that there will be those who will say that the government needs to regulate health care, but there is nothing government does well, and I wouldn’t expect them to begin now. If government governs best when it governs least, as Thomas Jefferson once said, government health care should be the smallest component of the whole process, and the least intrusive. If government could smooth the process, well and good, but government doesn’t do smooth very well. This would be a new dance for them.

I know Barama has all these really great ideas he wants to try out, but now is not the time to do this, and yet he goes right on ahead, oblivious to the fact that he is holding monoply money, for all the guaranteed value it really has right now.

Only when we institute fiscal responsibility, will we be truly able to do things socially that might or might not need to be done.

I have an idea- Why don’t ALL members of Congress- both parties, and the President too- turn their pockets inside out, just so that reminds them just how broke we really are.

Perhaps then they will get the picture.
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