It Sure Was Challenging For Hillary

Hillary Clinton, fresh off her tie in Iowa, is in New Hampshire to discuss why she should be the Democrat nominee for president. At the end of an event she was asked about cyber security and she was actually able to answer it with a straight face.

Hillary stated that cyber security is one of the most important challenges the next president faces and that there are nations constantly attacking our cyber networks and that we, among other things, have to let them know we will not tolerate their cyber evasiveness.

The very same woman who used an unsecured personal server for official emails, a server that was undoubtedly hacked by the very nations she mentioned, and who was very evasive with her cyber footprint wants us to believe that she is able to handle cyber security.

Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information and put it at risk of disclosure, particularly to hostile nations. She broke the law and she did this in order to avoid having her email archived in accordance with federal law (cyber evasiveness).

Hillary Clinton said that cyber security would be an important challenge for the next president.

She should know since cyber security was very challenging for her. In fact it was so challenging that she failed it miserably and will only avoid indictment if the hacks in DC play politics and give her a pass.

Loretta Lynch is unlikely to prosecute any Democrat particularly the one running for the presidency.

In any event, Hillary broke many laws.

During the last election Hillary asked us who we wanted to answer the 3 am phone call. Turns out she was not the right choice as demonstrated by her response to the events in Benghazi. She failed the 3 am test miserably.

[note]Obama proved to be equally unqualified to answer a 3 am phone call.[/note]

Hillary is no more qualified to handle cyber security than she is to handle a 3 am phone call.

We don’t need Hillary in cyber security, we need her in maximum security.

Cave canem!
Never surrender, never submit.
Big Dog


Joe Biden Will Hide At A Disclosed Location

After 9/11 a special, secure place was built for the Vice President to go to in the event of an emergency so that if something happened to the President he would be safe and ready to take over. The MSM frequently stated that VP Cheney was at an undisclosed location. That was a big joke with the liberals.

Jow Biden is now the VP and if there is ever an emergency and he is whisked off he will not be taken to an undisclosed location, he will be taken to a disclosed one. This is not because anyone wants him to be exposed to harm, it is because Biden is a moron who cannot keep his mouth shut.

When Biden attended the Gridiron Club dinner in DC he told people about the secret place.

According to Clift’s report on the Newsweek blog, Biden “said a young naval officer giving him a tour of the residence showed him the hideaway, which is behind a massive steel door secured by an elaborate lock with a narrow connecting hallway lined with shelves filled with communications equipment.”

Clift continued: “The officer explained that when Cheney was in lock down, this was where his most trusted aides were stationed, an image that Biden conveyed in a way that suggested we shouldn’t be surprised that the policies that emerged were off the wall.” Fox News

Biden’s office is denying the story and saying that Big Mouth Joe was talking about an upstairs room that is believed to have been used by Cheney as an office. How many upstairs offices have huge steel doors? Biden’s description does not sound like any upstairs room I have ever seen.

Neighbors complained sometime after 9/11 about construction (at the VP residence) that included digging deep into the ground which would be more in line with what Biden said than the spin coming out of his office. Why would a second story room have a huge steel door with an elaborate lock, a connecting narrow hallway and shelves of communications equipment?

Biden is so full of himself and thinks he is so wonderful that he feels the need to go around and describe his importance. He makes claims that come from a deeply troubled mind. He is a scatter brain and he cannot keep his yap shut.

Disclosing secrets seems to be a common theme in this administration. Obama releases classified memos and Biden discloses his secret shelter’s location. If something bad happens the enemy will know where to find this moron. Fortunately for Biden if the enemy ever captures him they will pay us to take him back. A half an hour with his yap running would make the most hardened terrorist cry.

Here is a little hint that can help Obama and his peeps keep secrets.

Pretend they are all his birth certificate.

That is one document he has successfully kept under wraps.

What kind of country is this where classified information is freely released and a birth certificate is locked up tighter than Fort Knox?

Big Dog

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