Obama and Clinton Ignore Facts

While making a point about the loss of jobs during a speech in San Francisco, Barack Obama not only insulted a bunch of small town people but he demonstrated elitism and his belief that people who believe the Constitution and who practice religion are out of touch. Obama was making his speech when he said:

“You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them,” Obama said.

“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.” al-Reuters

What Barry is saying here is that losing jobs is a problem and that people get upset by these problems. Nothing wrong so far but then he says that because there are problems people cling to guns or religion and become racists. This is no different than saying that people get upset and turn to alcohol and other drugs. To Obama, people only cling to religion or guns when there is badness in their lives as if it is a bad thing to cling to any of these things, especially religion. The only people I worry about clinging to religion are the Muslims and people who attend churches like the one Obama belongs to. Attending a racist and hate filled church for 20 years is a better definition of clinging.

In any event, there is nothing wrong in clinging to religion in good times and bad. There is nothing wrong with people wanting to own guns. I have to assume he meant owning guns and not clinging to guns for violence because he was talking about small towns. There are very few gun crimes in small towns. Most of the gun violence, if that is what he meant, is in the large, mostly black and Hispanic, cities. The small rural towns are mostly white and people don’t go around shooting each other and they have a strong religious conviction.

And yes, Obama was calling people racists when he described antipathy for those who are not like them. I can certainly see why people have anti immigrant (ILLEGAL immigrant) feelings and I can understand why they are suspicious of outsiders. There is nothing inherently wrong with these feelings. Obama has antipathy for those who do not look like him.

All Barry did was vocally express his actual feelings and how he envisions society. He wants to remove religion, guns and bring in more ILLEGALS.

As for Hillary, she laid into Obama for his elitist views. She discussed how important the Second Amendment is and that it conveys an individual right, something that conservatives have known since the thing was written. The problem is that Hillary vehemently opposes guns and she worked very hard in 1999 to get strict gun control laws passed. Hillary Clinton was getting ready to run for the Senate in New York where they like gun control (at least the most populous city does) so she was right with them. Pennsylvania has more gun owners and conceal carry permits than just about any other state (and none of them are running around shooting each other). It only follows suit that Hillary would have to pander to the beliefs of the people in PA even if her words were at odds with her feelings and past actions.

There is not a measurable bit of difference between these two. They are both big government Socialists who believe that the common person is unable to run his own life. They believe that people can only accomplish things when the government is involved.

I met a woman recently who is 60 years old. She told me that she used to pick through the dump for clothes for her family. Now she is a millionaire because of hard work and perseverance and none of it involved welfare or government intervention. People are most successful when they are unencumbered by government.

Hillary and Barry do not understand this. To them, we are a bunch of rubes who can’t breathe without their interventions.

In either case, Obama is pandering to those in San Fran at the expense of those in PA and Hillary was for gun control before she was against it. With either one we get Socialism and government intervention that will stifle growth. The last thing we need is for them to run our lives. I am pretty sure I can do a much better job of it.

I have so far…

Queen Elton Pimps for Queen Hillary

As anyone knows by now Hillary Clinton is running for the presidency but is having a hard time getting the nomination. Ms. inevitable ran into a freight train known as Obamamania and unless things go very wrong, she will lose to a junior upstart with little time serving at the federal level. Queen Hillary is pulling out all the stops and she recently had Queen Elton John pimping for her. John believes that Hillary is losing because people in this country have a hatred for women.

“I never cease to be amazed at the misogynist attitude of some of the people in this country,” he said. “I say to hell with them.” Politico

Since Hilary is running in the Democratic primary it is important to note that those who he thinks hate women are, for the most part, Democrats. The Democrats have a hard time of it in this primary because those who do not support Obama are racists and those who do not support Clinton are misogynists. They are truly between Barack and a hard place.

Of course, there are plenty of Republicans who do not like Hillary but to be fair they don’t like Obama either. This does not make them racists or misogynists, it just means they do not like the political views of the two candidates. Elton John has trouble with all this because to him there is no reason not to like Hillary except that we are all women haters.

John is not capable of seeing any other reason for not electing Clinton because he must find an excuse for failure and the blame must be placed on anyone but the person who is actually at fault. Hillary Clinton has run a miserable campaign and she is a terrible candidate. She is not a leader and she has terrible ideas for our country. Elton John cannot see all this because to him there must be a reason for all the dislike of the candidate and that reason must be misogyny. Elton John goes from Crocodile Rock to Crocodile Tears…

Elton John is not a citizen of this country and though he is entitled to his opinions, he is not entitled to label Americans as anything regardless of the reason.

Any non citizen, like Elton John, who comes here and talks badly about Americans is an American hater and I say to hell with them.

If one hates Elton John is that person a misogynist as well?

Big Dog

The bias of ABC

It is no secret that the MSM has fallen in love with Barack Obama. Chris Matthews gets chills down his leg listening to Obama talk a lot but say nothing. He is not the only one to go ga ga over the Obamination that could be our next president as many in the media have dropped off the Clinton bandwagon and climbed aboard the hope express. The MSM helped decide the Republican nomination and now it is working on ensuring Obama wins the primary and the general election by using biased reporting to make Obama appear more popular among certain groups than he really is.

This is the case with ABC’s recent report on the military and the presidential race. ABC reported that many of the troops were supporting Barack Obama (with one Hillary supporter) because the troops wanted out of Iraq. About 80% of the people in the military vote Republican so 20% of them vote for some other party. It is not surprising that ABC could find people that support a candidate who is not Republican. What is surprising is that ABC was unable to find one single John McCain supporter. Assuming that 20% of the military has switched due to the prolonged war ABC would still stand a better chance statistically of finding a McCain supporter than supporters of Obama and Clinton.

And yet ABC could not find even one. I suspect that they found quite a few members of the military who are supporting the Republican candidate but only reported on those who were supporting Democrats and they pushed the ones supporting Obama to boot. They did this to give him credibility with the military because Obama is not military friendly. He is a blame America first racist who has no use for the military. He wants to bring them home in defeat just like his party did to those who served in Vietnam.

I cannot believe that members of the military would support a person who will hand them a loss. Make no mistake about it, withdrawal would be a loss and Obama will never allow that loss to be placed on him or his co conspirators in the Democratic party. They will place the blame squarely on the military and use loss as an excuse to restrict future use of military power regardless of the circumstances.

ABC News is directing the show and it is picking the candidate that it wants to win the primary and the general elections. ABC is using biased reporting to influence the election rather than reporting the facts and allowing people to decide for themselves as a reputable news outlet would.

I know a lot of members of the military and very few of them support either Democratic candidate. That is not to say that none are, just that most are not. I am certainly biased (and not a news source) but I was fair about my findings.

Big Dog

Hillary Might Be Learning

Hilary Clinton found out the hard way that it is not a good idea to lie about something if there is credible evidence to the contrary. She stated that she went to Bosnia and was under sniper fire and she had to duck her head and run. This story was told several times until CBS aired a video of the trip that contradicts everything Hillary claimed. Despite her assertions that she was tired or that it was her first misstatement in 12 years or that she really was under fire but it was somewhere else (where was that exactly) the fact is she lied and she got caught.

It was reported earlier this week that Hilary Clinton and her First Husband in waiting have had conversations with the super delegates and have told them that Barack Obama cannot win the nomination. Hillary was asked if she had said that to Bill Richardson and she answered by saying that there was a lot of back and forth about who said what and that she did not discuss private conversations. When pressed by a reporter who asked if her answer meant “no” she said it did.

Most people would take that to mean the answer to whether or not she had told Richardson that Obama could not win was no but the Clinton campaign issued a statement later indicating that Hillary meant no to the issue of her discussing private conversations. Hillary, it seems, took the “is that a no” question to mean that she would not discuss private conversations, not that she ever told Richardson Obama could not win.

The conventional thinking is that Hillary (or at least her people) realized that Richardson could say that he was in fact told that by the Clintonistas. Richardson has more credibility than the Clintons and many are happy with him because he endorsed Obama. The last thing that Hillary needed was Richardson calling her a liar a week after she was caught in a whopper of a lie.

It appears as if Hillary is learning from her mistakes. But the sad thing is that Hillary lies so easily that the truth cannot come from her mouth. She lied about snipers and instead of just refusing to answer or perhaps trying something novel like telling the truth, Hillary lied about what was said. It is not good when your people have to explain what you meant to cover a lie. At least she did not defend the lie a million times only to have it bite her in the behind like she did with the Bosnia trip.

Her actions and the ease with which she lies should provide a stark reminder to people of what the Clintons are like and that a second Clinton administration would be no different than the first.

CBS News

Big Dog

Bill Clinton Gone Wild; Again

Bill Clinton unleashed his fury on several California super delegates while attempting to garner their support for his wife’s bid for the presidency. The meeting started out as an affable gathering with Bill working the room. Then, Rachel Binah mentioned how she was sorry to hear that James Carville had referred to Bill Richardson as Judas. This seems to have been the trigger that sent Clinton into a rage. Clinton, who has a short flash to bang time anyway, went from a congenial fellow to a red faced, finger pointing lunatic accusing the media of unfair treatment and saying that Richardson had promised not to endorse at least five times.

The tirade left many of the super delegates feeling ill at ease and many indicated that this was a different Bill than seen in earlier campaigns. After Clinton lost his mind he told the gathering that the party needed to “chill out” and keep unity.

This incident comes on the heels of information that the Clintons have been telling the super delegates that Barack Obama cannot beat John McCain in the general election. It appears as if the Clintons are becoming quite aggressive in their pursuit of power and they are now pulling no punches with regard to the super delegates because neither candidate can win without them.

It appears to me that if one is trying to gain the support of a particular group, it might not be wise to throw a tantrum in front of that group. But this is classic Clinton. Bill has always had a temper and Hillary’s violence is well known. People who work with or for the Clintons are particularly afraid of Hilary and what she can do to them.

The Democratic establishment is turning on the Clintons and they are finally finding out that their tired old tactics have worn thin. They no longer get the same affection and support they once enjoyed. They have become yesterday’s news and that does not sit well with them or their egos. The Clintons are on the way down and those who once supported them are berating them in the political blogs of the left. The MSM pays attention to them but now protects Obama in a fashion similar to the protection once afforded the mighty pair from Arkansas.

If the MSM had done its job back then the lies, corruption and crimes of the Clinton crime family would have buried then. Instead, they must now be dealt with once again and they are taking no prisoners.

It is nice to see the big happy Democratic family fall apart. It is equally nice to see the Clintons fall from grace.


Big Dog