Ferraro Dreams; If Only Obama Were White

Former VP candidate and Hillary backer Geraldine Ferraro has thrown down the race card with regard to Barack Obama. In this high stakes game of political poker Ferraro threw down the Ace of Spades by stating that if Obama were not black he would not be where he is.

“If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept.”

I do not disagree with her because if Obama were a white man he would not be drawing 85% of the black vote. Hillary would be getting it as the wife of the first black president. Most black people are voting for him for two reasons, he is black and he is a Democrat.

I will take Ferraro’s statement further and say that if Obama were a black Republican he would not be getting the votes that he is. he would have been out of this race a long time ago having been shunned by the black community as an Uncle Tom. The Democrats have so thoroughly put a strangle hold on the black community that they will not vote Republican unless Obama gets screwed by his party and the nomination goes to Hillary. Ms. Ferraro made a valid point but she was too narrow in her focus. His being black is only part of the equation but his being a Democrat is the other part. Blacks support him for those two reasons. God knows it is not because he actually says anything of substance. Amazingly, if whites voted for someone solely because he was white they would be labeled racists.

Now I want to turn Ferraro’s words inward. Hillary Clinton would not be where she is if she were a man. She would not be where she is if it were not for the fact that she is married to a former president. Clinton was elected to the Senate by an electorate that felt sorry for her because her husband cheated on her. She had no qualifications for the job. He life has been spent as a First Lady of one sort or another and she has had NO leadership experience in the real world.

She was elected because of her last name and she was the heir apparent because of her last name and for no other reason. People figured that if she were elected it would be a back door third term for Bubba and the prospect of him back in the White House excited people (except for parents of young interns). Hillary has no major accomplishments, she has a thin resume, and she was a carpetbagger in New York.

Yes, Ms. Ferraro is correct that Obama would not be where he is if he were white but Hillary would not be where she is if it were not for her last name. If Bill Clinton had never been elected to the presidency she would never have been elected to the Senate and she would not have been seen as a viable candidate for the White House.

ABC Political Punch

Big Dog

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Campaign Double Talk, from Both Sides

By now most people know that loyal Obama supporter and campaign worker Samantha Power has resigned after she made some nasty remarks about Hillary Clinton. Power called Clinton a monster and had a few other choice things to say about her. Power resigned and apologized for the incident. However, this is the apology:

In her statement, Power said her comments “do not reflect my feelings about Sen. Clinton, whose leadership and public service I have long admired.”

She said she apologizes to both Clinton and Obama.

“I should not have made these comments, and I deeply regret them. It is wrong for anyone to pursue this campaign in such negative and personal terms.”

Obama spokesman Bill Burton said, “Sen. Obama decries such characterizations, which have no place in this campaign.”

If these words do not reflect her feelings then why the hell did she say them. This is not like an easily misinterpreted phrase we are talking about. This woman was pretty clear about what she said and what she meant. For what it is worth, I agree with her that Hillary is a monster but most of us know that monster by its proper name; Satan.

Also, what is this stuff from Burton saying that Obama decries such characterizations? Obama has made it clear that he plans to go negative and hit Hillary hard on her claimed experience. Perhaps Obama is not into name calling but he probably agrees that Clinton is a monster.

Satan herself is not clear if campaign babble. She is defending statements she made about Mississippi earlier in the campaign. She said that the comment is not exactly what she said even though they have what she said on tape. I suppose one could argue semantics on this issue but it is clear that Hillary is rewriting history once again. Despite what many Hillary supporters believe, she figured she would have this thing wrapped up on Super Tuesday. The fact that she insulted Mississippi shows that she felt the state would not be important. Now she is in a real fight and needs the delegates from that state.

What a wonderful campaign season. Clinton is rewriting history and Obama is using volunteers who say things that they do not mean.

Sort of like the candidates…..

Daily News

Big Dog

I Thought it was About the Clintons

I saw a headline at Drudge that read; “Man struck in head with bat during argument over politics” and I naturally assumed it was about Bill and Hillary Clinton. Her temper is well known and she has thrown ashtrays and other items at Bill while they infested the White House so I figured she must have been ticked about how she is getting her butt kicked and decided to take it out on slick Willy.

Unfortunately, the story is about two friends (that leaves the Clintons out) who got in an argument during the Clinton/Obama debate when one whacked the other in the head with a bat. After he whacked his buddy, the guy took him to the hospital so his pal could get fixed up. After he told the police what happened he was arrested. The victim is in Intensive Care.

If the elections in Texas and Ohio today go badly for Hillary we might just be reading a story about Bill getting beat half to death with something…

Big Dog

Wesley Clark: Hillary More Qualified than McCain on Military Matters

General Wesley Clark, a man who has had his nose up the Clinton’s rear ends (he must be hoping for the SECDEF job) has made a completely asinine statement with regard to John McCain and Hilary Clinton. According to Clark, Clinton is better qualified to be the Commander in Chief by virtue of her jet setting around the world while First Lady than is McCain who actually served for several decades.

In the national security business, the question is, do you have — when you have served in uniform, do you really have the relevant experience for making the decisions at the top that have to be made? Everybody admires John McCain’s service as a fighter pilot, his courage as a prisoner of war. There’s no issue there. He’s a great man and an honorable man. But having served as a fighter pilot — and I know my experience as a company commander in Vietnam — that doesn’t prepare you to be commander-in-chief in terms of dealing with the national strategic issues that are involved. It may give you a feeling for what the troops are going through in the process, but it doesn’t give you the experience first hand of the national strategic issues.

If you look at what Hillary Clinton has done during her time as the First Lady of the United States, her travel to 80 countries, her representing the U.S. abroad, plus her years in the Senate, I think she’s the most experienced and capable person in the race, not only for representing am abroad, but for dealing with the tough issues of national security. NRO

Now, according to Clark, the issue is having relevant experience to make the decisions at the top that have to be made. Clark believes that McCain had the wrong kind of military experience so he would not be good s the CINC. Hillary, on the other hand, would be wonderful because she has NO MILITARY EXPERIENCE. Instead, she gained her qualifications by visiting 80 countries while First Lady. General Clark was a military man and he believed that he had what it takes to be the CINC. That is why he ran for the presidency in the last election. However, using his criteria, every First Lady in modern history would be more qualified than Clark, McCain or any other military man simply because they jetted around to other countries. By this standard, Laura Bush is just as qualified as Hillary so we should ask her to run because she is evidently more qualified than McCain and a hell of a lot more pleasant than Clinton.

I wonder if this jackass ever thinks before he speaks. He was with that dipstick Captain at the Kos convention trying to intimidate a soldier who happened to attend while in uniform. The soldier was not participating in a rally or supporting a candidate and Clark was unaware of military regulation. Now he is saying that McCain’s military experience makes him less qualified than Hillary who has absolutely no military experience and has spent her life with a general loathing of the military. She treated the military working in her husband”s White House horribly and somehow Clark thinks this makes her more qualified than McCain.

I am not saying McCain would be the best president in the word or that he does not have flaws. I am sure there are issues the other candidates might have a better grasp of than he but one thing is absolutely certain. John McCain has more experience than both of the others put together and he has far more experience needed to be the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. John McCain has forgotten more about the military than these two will ever know so if they want to pick on him they should try something that actually makes sense.

Having Wesley Clark make stupid statements about the right kind of military service is not helpful and should Hillary miraculously win and decide that Clark will be the SECDEF we would have to question any statement he made because he has already proven he is incompetent and, like the Clinton’s, will say anything to get a win.

Wesley Clark is a moron who has no clue as to what it takes to lead as demonstrated by his ridiculous statements regarding McCain and Clinton.
Big Dog

Obama’s Positions are Rather Queer

The Clintons were the darlings of the gay community when he was running for president because he promised to open the military to gays and to give them about anything they wanted. He quickly found out the military establishment did not like the idea and Clinton eventually forced “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (DADT) on the military. He was a gay friendly president but they were disillusioned because he did not go far enough in forcing their agenda on the rest of the country. Of course, now the issue is gay marriage and a small portion of the population, the gay part, wants to impose this on the majority. More than half the country opposes gay marriage but that does not stop the gays and their comrades in Congress from pushing the agenda.

Considering that the Clintons were the gay darlings, it is surprising that the gay community is backing Obama for president. Interesting, that is, until one explores Obama’s position on the gay lifestyle. Barack Obama will impose the will of the gay community on the rest of the country whether the country likes it or not. He claims to want equality but states he will keep is mind opened to those who still need to be convinced. What he is saying is that people who do not agree with the gay lifestyle are on the wrong side of the equation and need to be educated so we will accept it. Fat chance with that one Obamination.

I agree with him that this should be a state issue and that is why I think it should be introduced as a Constitutional Amendment. In that process each state gets to vote to ratify the amendment and that would mean that states have the right to decide. I know there are those who say to push it back to the states and let them handle it and normally I would agree. The only problem with that is the Congress would begin to penalize states that did not quite get convinced. You see, Congress has the power of the purse and they can use that power to coerce states to do the bidding of the government. Look at how they control states with regard to highway speed. Congress wants a certain speed but states may set their own limits so Congress threatens to withhold highway funds if states raise their speed limits. They use this method of extortion for a lot of things.

I can see a day, if Obama is successful, where a state will reject gay marriage and the feds will withhold some sort of funding until the state capitulates. Pretty soon states will fall in line in order to get the money that the federal government has extorted from the occupants of said state.

Obama is also in favor of eliminating DADT and the implication is he will allow gays to openly serve in the military. This was greatly opposed by the military when Clinton tried it and DADT was the compromise. Unless every gay signs a contract indicating that they will all serve if the military is open to gays then Obama better rethink this idea. There will already be people leaving the military if he gets elected and pulls our troops out of Iraq. If he opens it to gays he will need all of them to have any kind of military. Perhaps they can wear pink berets. The military is not a place for social engineering.

Unfortunately, Obama does not understand this. He thinks he does because some members of his family were in the military or worked for the military. Obama made that clear when he attacked a new ad from the Clinton campaign showing that Obama would be weak on national security. The ad shows a family sleeping and the announcers says that the family is safe but it is 3 am and the phone at the White House is ringing. Who do you trust to handle the emergency? Obama says he is best equipped because McCain and Clinton took the same decision that George Bush took and that it was the wrong one. He is entitled to that opinion but it does not mean he is correct. His mindless prattle about opposition is irrelevant because he was not there and did not face the prospect of sending troops to war. Sure, he can say he opposed it, but how do we really know.

In any respect, the article reads:

Obama did not serve in the military, but told his audience that he comes from a military heritage, as does McCain, a Navy pilot and Vietnam War prisoner of war whose father and grandfather were Navy officers.

Said Obama: “My grandfather enlisted after Pearl Harbor and marched in Patton’s Army. My mother was born at Fort Leavenworth, and my grandmother worked on a bomber assembly line.After his service, America stood by my grandfather. He went to college on the GI Bill, and bought his first home with help from the Federal Housing Authority. Then he moved his family west to Hawaii, where I was born. Today, he is buried in the Punchbowl Cemetery, where 776 victims of Pearl Harbor are laid to rest.” CBS

The difference here is that McCain ACTUALLY served in the military. Obama had family that served or worked with the military but Obama did not. Having family in the military gives him about as much experience to be Commander in Chief as Hillary’s eight years as First Lady does. My grandfather was an excellent carpenter but that does not qualify me to be a building inspector.

Obama is weak on the military and he is going out on a limb by pandering to the gay community in order to get its votes. The closer this guy gets to the nomination the farther left he goes. He is basically trying to turn our country into a haven for lewd and criminal behavior where there are no consequences for actions. Here is a guy who claims to be a Christian but he is in favor of murdering unborn children and allowing gay people to tarnish the religious institution of marriage. How much clearer can it get that this guy is out to destroy the American family structure? Of course, right about now I bet Hillary wishes Obama’s mommy had considered abortion…

From what I see, she did. She had a partial birth abortion where they threw away the baby and kept the afterbirth…

Big Dog