Clinton Tactic, Deny, Deny, Deny
Feb 26, 2008 Political
I don’t honestly know why people ask either Clinton a question and expect to get an honest answer. They have shown time and again that they will deny everything and then attack the person making the claims. It is ingrained in their DNA and they and their mindless drones are the only ones who think they are telling the truth. Yesterday, a photo of Barack Obama in the clothing of a Somali elder was posted on Drudge and the caption stated it was being circulated around the Clinton camp. The story further states that the email contained the question; any doubt this would be on the cover of all the magazines if it were HRC (Hillary Rodham Clinton). I think this is a valid question and when asked about it the campaign could certainly have taken that approach. Indicate that even though the garb was not offensive they have no doubt if Hillary had worn it she would have gotten more attention. For their part, the Obama campaign overreacted to the photo.
Instead of saying that the photo was sent around with the question, Hillary denies knowing about it. I find it hard to believe that she does not get email from her campaign and I find it even harder to believe that she knew nothing about the controversy since it was on Drudge. If someone posts a picture of an ant getting fried under a magnifying lens to Drudge, the world knows about it in minutes. Mitt Romney indicated he checked Drudge several times a day, rush Limbaugh is on Drudge all the time and Obama’s campaign picked it up from Drudge very quickly. By denying, Hillary looks like a fool because it clearly indicates that it came from her campaign.
This kind of behavior has to remind people of her husband’s time in office. Time and again he deceived the public. He was not going to raise taxes and then no one told him how bad things were so he had to do it (he intended to all along because that is what Democrats do). He lied about “that woman” and he continued to lie about every scandal that hit his administration. The left has spent years convincing its blind followers that Bill Clinton got in trouble for having an inappropriate sexual relationship when in fact he was convicted of perjury. he did not lose his law license for sex, he lost it for lying under oath.
Obama has been pointing out politics as usual and says he is not part of the DC crowd and will do things differently. Even though his ideas and plans are all rehashes of tired and worn out Democratic platforms, he is pulling ahead because Clinton continually looks like a DC insider who plays politics as usual. She trows the mud and then tries to clean it up with lies and innuendo. She is doing the same by saying that she has worn the garb of many countries when she traveled the world and that this should be no big deal. Since the Obama camp jumped on this quickly, they played right into it and could look foolish. By defending it and calling it divisive the camp made it appear as if Obama did something wrong.
I will say this, I think that it is appropriate to print these kinds of photos. The media has printed photos of George Bush in some outlandish clothing worn in other countries (and don’t forget the dancing) and the drones at Kos have had a field day with it. John Kerry did not get good press when he wore that white spacesuit looking thing where he looked like a sperm cell moving around. In any respect, it is not a big deal. It receives attention because of Obama’s ties to Muslims and his perceived softness on national security. It makes him look like he sympathizes with the people who want to kill us. Perhaps that was the goal but by attaching the question to it the Clinton camp made a valid observation.
It is obvious that the media loves Obama and he gets much more favorable press than does Clinton. The spoof that opened Saturday Night Live pointed that out quite nicely. The Clintons and their supporters are crying and whining about this disparity.
Welcome to the world of the conservatives. Our guys get unfavorable press no matter what. The NYT endorsed McCain and then blasted him with a hit piece. They endorsed Obama and had some negative things to say about Hillary. Is there any doubt that if Hillary were to win the nomination the NYT would endorse her over McCain?
Now the Clintons and their supporters see what Bush has had to go through for the last 7 years as the media and the left bashed him for doing nothing differently than the previous occupant of the White House.
I like to see the left get upset about this and it could not have happened to a “nicer” person.
Early Hillary; Practice for Marriage to Bill
Feb 25, 2008 Political
There is a story about when Hillary was a young lawyer and her assignment to a case involving the rape of a 12 year old girl. Hillary was assigned as the defendant’s attorney so it is expected that she would do whatever it took (within the bounds of the legal system) to either get her client exonerated or get a deal favorable to him. I have never been a fan of plea bargains when they are used as an easy method to win a case or allow a criminal to serve less time for a serious offense. I have a friend in New Jersey who has been accused of something he did not do and they are continually offering him a deal to end the case. He refuses to capitulate because he is innocent, but that does not stop them from using the deal as a method to win a conviction, truth be damned.
Hillary is reported to have been very aggressive and to have badgered the 12 year old rape victim. She tried hard to question the integrity of the victim and insinuated that she sought out older men for sex. Hillary tried to indicate the girl was lying because she had told lies in the past. All of this has been deemed ethical by legal scholars and I am in no position to question that view. I figure a defense attorney has an obligation to do what it takes on behalf of the client.
The article indicates that Hillary approached that case in a manner that has been a reflection of her life indicating that she immerses herself in unpleasant tasks with a will to win. I don’t doubt that as it has been demonstrated time and again in her public life. She will do whatever it takes to win and she does not care what mess she leaves or who gets destroyed in her wake.
However, I believe that the badgering of a rape victim gave her the experience needed to confront the many women who have had sex, either consensually or against their will, with her husband. Bill Clinton has a long history of sleeping around and there have been accusations of rape. This was so prominent that Hillary had a group whose job was to handle the “bimbo eruptions.” Hillary, in addition to being the enabler of her husband’s sexual misdeeds, was the enforcer when it came to dealing with the women. She used intimidation to ensure they remained silent. Hillary approached every bimbo eruption with a desire to destroy the woman making the claims even if it meant that a victim of rape would be victimized again.
Hillary’s early life experiences molded her into the person she is today. One can make the argument that she immerses herself in any task with a desire to win and that is an admirable trait. However, when that desire to win is a driving force in destroying lives in the name of obtaining power then it becomes obsessive rather than admirable.
Both Clintons are obsessed with obtaining power and they will destroy anyone who gets in the way. There are still those who find themselves in the path or hurricane Hillary and her overbearing nature. The only difference, as far as we know, is that they are not 12 years old.
As an aside, Barack Obama seems to agree with what I wrote earlier.
Hillary and Her Experience
Feb 23, 2008 Political
When it comes to experience, Hillary Clinton is happy to claim it all. She says that she has 35 years of experience making change and she says that eight of those years were during her husband’s time in office. Hillary likes to lay claim to the good things that happened then but kind of forget the bad ones. She does not want credit for any event that could make her look bad but she is very happy to lay claim to the good events.
Hillary is quite upset at an Obama mailer that trashes her health care plan by stating she would force people to buy it. She says it is inaccurate but she specifically said that the government would garnish wages to force compliance which sounds like people would be forced. There is one other thing Hillary is a bit upset about. B. Hussein O-BOMB-us has taken Hillary to task for NAFTA. That (so called) free trade agreement was signed by her husband and it has been a problem for folks who believe they lost jobs because of it (though lost jobs is due to many dynamics). Hillary has distanced herself from this whole ordeal by stating:
“I am fighting to change NAFTA,” she insisted. “Neither of us were in the Senate when NAFTA passed. Neither voted one way or the other.”
So in this instance, she lays no claim to the experience her husband gained while president. If NAFTA was a big hit Hillary would be claiming that she helped push Bill to sign it. She is all about the us when it suits her cause but, as we see here, she disavows any involvement in the problematic items from their co-presidency.
I also find it interesting that she says neither of them were in the Senate therefore neither of them voted for it as a way to deflect criticism of the agreement but, she and her hubby called Obama’s position on the Iraq war a Fairy Tale because he was not in office to vote for or against it. In other words, it is OK for her to say she was not in the Senate when asked about a particular item but it is NOT OK for Obama to do that. For the record, I have maintained that his position on the war is irrelevant because he was not a member of the Senate so we will never know how he would have voted. Since we have seen both of them wait until the other voted on legislation before voting, it is not beyond reason that he would have gone along so as not to look weak on national security. Frankly, his word on the matter is not good enough for me.
As for Hillary, she wants it both ways (and I am not talking about her love life). She wants credit for the good things that happened and to stay away from the bad things. Either her eight years were experience or they were not. Since she has claimed they were and has taken credit for items from that time, she is responsible for NAFTA.
Hillary, release your records from the eight years and while you are at it, release your tax records…
An experienced politician would have thought about this before running for the presidency.
Tags: Clinton, experience, fairy tale, nafta, Obama
The Obama Phenomena
Feb 20, 2008 Political
Barack Obama won Wisconsin and Hawaii yesterday and extended his delegate lead by 20. The Clinton campaign is in a downward spiral after losing 10 contests in a row. Why is Obama beating the woman who would be Queen (from Drudge)?
Obama Won:
Women (51-49)
All age groups under 65
All education levels
All regions of the state — urban, suburban and rural
Voters without college degrees (50-48)
Democrats (50-49)
Whites (53-46)
White men (59-38)
Voters who decided in the last week (58-42)Won or tied voters of all income levels
Tied among white women
Tied among union members
Tied among union households
It would appear as if just about every demographic is moving toward Obama and leaving Clinton behind. Her firewall states are Texas and Ohio. She might win Texas though Obama is inching closer. The large Hispanic population gives her the edge but the Texas method of dividing delegates might favor Obama. it is based upon turn out from the last election and Hispanics did not show up in large numbers in 2004.
There are few states left with huge Hispanic populations (the only demographic Clinton seems to be able to hold) and certainly there are no populations large enough to counter the defections from the other groups. Clinton is in trouble because even though the possibility of a brokered convention exists, there are still enough outstanding delegates to give Obama the win outright. Clinton’s only hope is a brokered convention or the theft of committed delegates.
It would appear now that if Clinton ends up the nominee there will be a riot within the DNC. She either has to win it outright or the DNC risks being torn apart by infighting.
They must also be weary of awarding the nomination to Clinton and having Obama decide to run as an independent. He and Clinton would split votes and the Republican would likely win the presidency.
Howard Dean will have a huge ulcer when this is all said and done.
Tags: Clinton, convention, delegate, dnc, Obama
Teacher, Barack Cheated
Feb 19, 2008 Political
Yesterday the news was in bold letters across Drudge with follow up red letter links. Hillary Clinton’s campaign accused Barack Obama of plagiarism. There were side by side shots of Deval Patrick and Barack Obama and Obama’s words were nearly identical to those of the Massachusetts Governor. It was later revealed by Obama that he used Patrick’s words and that he should have attributed them and for his part, Patrick said that he encouraged Obama to use them. Obama is correct, he should have attributed them to the source but he did have permission to use them. There are newer allegations today by the Clinton campaign showing that Obama has used Patrick’s words at other times.
The use of the words of others without attribution is disturbing even though Obama had permission to use them because without attribution he is giving the appearance that he came up with them and they are his thoughts. Joe Biden was forced from the presidential race years ago for using someone’s words without attribution (he did not have permission either). Certainly some words and phrases are so famous they need no attribution because people know the source but for the most part, borrowed words and phrases should be attributed to the source.
While it is disturbing it also appears as an act of desperation on the part of the Clinton camp. These kinds of claims basically tell the world that you are not able to attack the substance of the candidate’s positions so you are going after these types of issues. The major problem is that someone will pour over Clinton’s words and find where she has used something without attribution. Of course, this is not uncommon in politics because many of the buzz words are used by everyone. Change is the theme of a lot of people but until Obama started parading it around the others did not make it central. Once it was working for him Hillary became the candidate of change. Then, they all became change agents of some sort. Catch phrases are just that and none of these candidates has a copyright on them even though Obama played tit for tat by saying Hillary had used his words.
This whole issue looks more like the squabbles of kids on the playground rather than the actions of people who want to have the the most important job in this country. Clinton might have been better off not addressing it (she will wish she had not if they find she did the same thing) and leaving it for the media (she certainly knows how to leak things to them) and Obama would have been better off to just say he should have attributed it and then moved on. As it stands now, they both look like children trying to play an adult’s game.
Each of their supporters will use this episode to spin things in favor of their candidate but in the end they both end up looking like immature school kids playing games where Hillary looks like a whiner (teacher, Barack said so and so) and he looks disingenuous (I am saying this from the bottom of Patrick’s heart).
I guess one cannot blame Hillary because she is dropping like a rock and she needs something to throw him off track. In the end, this will end up being more divisive for the Democrats and since the Clinton campaign is out with new allegations, it looks like this will not blow over any time soon. The only thing Obama has going for him is that words are the only thing put in his mouth unlike what happens with a certain Clinton in office…
I can only hope it puts a big enough dent in his armor to force a brokered convention. That is where the real fun will be.
Tags: brokered convention, Clinton, crying, Democrats, Obama, plagiarism, whining