How Hillary Will Leave Our Country

Hillary Clinton claims that she has the most experience is the best qualified person for the job. If John McCain wins the Republican nomination then that is out the door because he has been there a lot longer and has more qualifications. Make no mistake, I am no McCain fan but I felt a comparison, based on Hillary’s claims, was warranted. In any event, she claims that she will lead us to prosperity and that she will give everyone everything (mostly by coercion) by taxing rich people to pay the poor. A genuine Robbing Hood, she is.

I believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency will leave this country weaker and in economic ruin. Sure, she will lob a few missiles around to show she is tough but eventually she will be cutting the defense budget to increase social programs. She learned from the best though he lobbed missiles to keep the focus away from his various transgressions.

If you want to know how Hillary will leave this country you only need to look at how her campaign left a rented office in New Hampshire. The office was rented for $100 a day for five days. The place had a warehouse and office space as well as a full kitchen and shower. Keep in mind, it was only rented for five days.

The man who rented it out to the campaign stated that he has not been paid the rent for the use of the property (I guess Hillary’s staffers are not the only ones not getting paid). Dr. Terry Bennett rented the property out but the campaign did not pay the money due when they turned the keys into the rental agent. In addition, the place was left a filthy mess. The place was trashed and there were campaign signs all over. Trashed is how the Clintons left the White House. The Clintons and their supporters believe that cleaning up is best left to the minions (or the ILLEGALS) because they are far too important to clean up after themselves.

This building represents a microcosm of a Hillary Clinton presidency. She will leave us trashed and unpaid for. To think, Hillary said it would take a Clinton to clean up after a Bush (at least there will not be stains on the rug). How interesting that the Clinton folks can’t clean up after themselves.

First they don’t leave a tip and now they don’t pay the rent.

She couldn’t keep her own house in order and she can’t keep her campaign in order. How in the name of God is she going to keep the country in order?


Big Dog

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Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Midnight Sun, The Random Yak, Right Truth, Shadowscope, A Newt One- BIG THURSDAY GUEST!, , Cao’s Blog,, , Adeline and Hazel, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, Allie is Wired, third world county, Nuke Gingrich, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove, Blue Star Chronicles, , The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Pimp My Daughter

Bill and Hillary Clinton are upset at a remark made by MSNBC’s David Shuster who said that the Clintons had “pimped out their daughter” by having her call the Super Delegates on her mother’s behalf. Shuster has been suspended from his on-air duties at the network and the Clinton campaign said it does not see how it can have any debates on the network. A debate is scheduled for 26 February.

I know the Clintons have tried to keep their daughter out of the limelight through the years but now they are using her to campaign for Hillary. There is nothing wrong with that and it is only natural for family to help out in campaigns. However, if they are going to put her out there then she is going to be mentioned. I find no problem with what Shuster said because it is accurate. They are pimping their daughter out (I won’t be suspended for that).

Chelsea Clinton has been an untouchable for years and she has gotten much better treatment from the media than the Bush twins have. If she wanted to remain private then she should not be out campaigning for her mother. If you are campaigning for someone you will be open game. Oprah Winfrey has been the object of scorn by women who think she abandoned the feminists by not supporting Hillary. It is going to happen unless they do not put her before the public. It is important to realize that Chelsea would hardly be mentioned if she were not out trying to snag the young vote from the Obama camp.

I just don’t think the “pimping out” remark was a big deal. Certainly we have heard much worse said about people in this campaign and we have most assuredly heard a lot of bad things about the Bush girls.

I also find it disingenuous that the Clintons would get upset over someone saying something in reference to their daughter especially when one stops to consider what Bill Clinton did to another man’s daughter, who by the way, was younger than Chelsea at the time.

Daily News
Stop the ACLU

Big Dog

Hillary Health Care Plan Must Really Work

Yesterday morning Hillary Clinton was to do an interview on KTVU-TV in San Francisco. She was asked a question about her husband’s role in her campaign and she suddenly started coughing and the coughing continued so that she was unable to complete the interview. I know she has been around screeching all over the place and she was probably screaming quite a bit during the Super Bowl (she has always been a Giants fan) so i am sure she had some throat issues. Still, I could not help wondering if the coughs were forced to avoid tough questions about her hubby.

I realize this is cynical but the Clintons will do anything to avoid tough issues and to win so it is not beyond belief that she would have a coughing fit so that she could skip the interview and move on. However, since she had similar problems leading George Stephanopoulos to tell her to get some tea and honey for a similar coughing fit. Why the skepticism then?

I watched the election results last night and listened to Hillary give her “victory” speech and I noticed that she did not cough during it. She was able to screech and yell and point to people and praise them without a coughing fit that would force her to stop. Drudge billed the KTVU episode as a “Hillary Health Scare” (he has a flair for the dramatic) and it was serious enough to delay taping 48 hours earlier and stop an interview. How did she heal so rapidly that she did not have a coughing spell during her speech which required much more talking than the prior interviews?

I guess her health care plan really does work…

Big Dog

Others with interesting posts:
Outside the Beltway, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, A Newt One, Conservative Cat, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Make Obama and Clinton Live by the Rules They Want for Us

We need to make Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama run their campaigns by the very same rules they want to impose upon us. I heard Obama say that he is not ashamed to proclaim that he wants to raise the cap on which people pay social security to make the rich will pay more so that the average guy will be able to draw social security benefits. This is nothing more than wealth redistribution, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. I would not have a problem with them raising the cap if rich people could draw social security. Once you have a certain amount of retirement income you are not entitled to SS benefits. Therefore, all the money a person pays in ends up going to someone else. Basically, what they gave us was Socialism Security.

Hillary Clinton has stated that she wants to give health care to every person in this country and she will raise taxes on the rich in order to do it. The money taken in will be used to pay for health care for those who cannot afford it. Rich people will still have to pay for their own. This again, is redistribution of wealth. To top it off, Hillary will garnish wages to gain compliance.

Here is my plan. They both have to run their campaigns on the same terms they want for us. Obama received $32 million in January and that is more than Hillary took in. So, in order to make things fair we need to raise the cap on what she is allowed to take from a donor and we need to cut in half the amount he is allowed to take in. This will level the playing field so that his rich campaign will not have an advantage over her not as rich campaign. And, since they both want equality in life where there is no gap between the rich and the poor, Obama will have to give the Clinton campaign enough money to make their war chests exactly even. This is fair and I am not ashamed to say that we need to cap Obama, the rich campaign, so that Hillary, the average campaign, will have campaign money.

Here is how it goes for Hillary. Hillary leads in the delegate count. It is not fair that Obama works just as hard as she does and does not have as many delegates as she so Hillary will have to give Obama enough delegates so that they will be even. Also, there will be a penalty if Hillary gets more of the popular vote in any state. If she gets more votes then we will garnish her total and give him extra delegates. It is not fair for two people who work just as hard as each other to not get the same exact thing for their efforts so we will penalize Hillary if she gets more votes or more delegates. Also, since it is discrimination for the Super Delegates to take sides in this issue (it must be discrimination because a black guy is on the short end) the Super Delegates will be divided by giving Obama three quarters and Hillary one quarter. This is affirmative action for the primary and it ensures Obama is compensated for the slavery that occurred a long time ago. He will be compensated for that and if it hurts Hillary, well she will have to suck it up.

I am willing to bet that neither of them would agree to such terms but they have no choice in the matter because I have mandated that it be so.

After all, these kinds of plans are what they want to do to us and they will achieve them by force.

Big Dog

A Peek at the News; Clinton, Football, and Flatus

What do all items in the title have in common? They are all full of air, one hot, one fresh and one stinky.

Chelsea Clinton is calling the super delegates

This would not be news except for the fact that Bill and Hillary have always stated that they wanted their daughter to be a private person and not involved in the process. That is why she is off limits to the media to such a degree she refused to answer the question of a school kid. Hillary must be worried because she knows that without super delegates she won’t win and since Bill has pissed most of them off she has Chelsea calling. I don’t see an issue with an adult child helping a parent but to me that makes her fair game and the media should start asking her questions. She has already been out campaigning and she has Hillary’s talking points down pat so the people who attend should be able to ask her questions. “Hi, this is Chelsea, will you vote for my… hello? hello?”

BTW, there was a story on Drudge, that said Chelsea told people they were not voting for the Clintons, they were voting for her “mawm.” Sorry Chelsea, your daddy (Bill not Web) made it clear that you get two for the price of one. We can’t stand the idea of that rapist being in the White House without a job to distract him. The media following her were not allowed to ask questions.

Bob Dole Scolds Limbaugh

Bob Dole sent a letter to Rush Limbaugh in an effort to get the talk show host to stop attacking John McCain for being a liberal. Dole gave his assurance that McCain was a true conservative and that Rush had it all wrong and that it would be best for the party if ole’ Rush could jump on board. Just what we need about now, an old crusty politician who lost to a Clinton assuring us about another old crusty politician running against another Clinton. There are many things about John McCain that bother me and chief among them is his dismissal of the POWs left behind in Vietnam. What Dole needs to learn is that free speech goes both ways. you see, when Dole was running and Rush was wall to wall Clinton bashing Dole never sent a letter asking him to leave Clinton alone. When Rush, or any of the conservative talk hosts, bash the left the Republican politicians love it and will call the shows talking about the issue. During those times they have faith in Rush’s assessment and believe what he says and now, all of the sudden, Rush is wrong because he opposes John McCain? Bob Dole should go back to hawking Viagra and leave politics in the same ash heap as his presidential campaign.

Hillary Clinton brings back the tears

It worked in New Hampshire so why not in Connecticut. In NH she brought out the waterworks prior to the election and miraculously wiped out a double digit Obama lead and now that he is gaining on her in many states and pulling even in the nationwide polling, Hillary needed to do something so back to the tears it was. Hillary was at an event where some liberal pansy named Penn Rhodeen was introducing her and he choked up and she got misty and had to wipe a tear. Penn Rhodeen said one thing I agree with. He told the audience that Hillary would say what needs to be said and that is true because she will say (and do) anything to get elected. Sniff, sniff, but its my turn. I want my turn and that dark fella is making it hard, boo hoo. I read some comments by people who said she was human and crying is a human emotion. Since when did she get classified as human? Also, this was some event for children’s services and Penn Rhodeen talked about how she was such an advocate for the kids and protecting them and all that. She seems to have missed protecting Mr. Lewinsky’s child from her sexual predator husband. She protected her hubby though…

Middle school boys not allowed to intentionally fart

This from Knox County Maine, 8th grade boys have been warned about intentionally passing flatus. It seems the boys have had a gas at passing gas on purpose. The school is not happy about it so anyone who intentionally farts will be suspended. I wonder how they will know if it was intentional. What if a kid has to pass gas and lets one rip. Will he be suspended. What if he holds it in and explodes? Will the school be in trouble? There is no word on recent efforts to ban intentionally laughing, crying (Hillary would get suspended), or smiling. Burping and borborygmi are definitely in trouble.

Finally, there was some football game on yesterday

The Super Bowl was played yesterday and the Patriots and their perfect record were defeated by the Giants and their not so perfect record. The Patriots end the season 18-1 and there is nothing wrong with that kind of record depending on when the 1 comes. The Giants were relentless in their defense and attacked Tom Brady from all sides. They beat him like a tied yard dog and disrupted the rhythm of the entire team. Eli Manning played well enough to win and he stepped it up at the end when he needed to. He was solid and kept to the game plan and allowed his team to win. I am glad the Pats lost because I can’t stand their Head Coach and the smug players who took this game for granted. I also wonder how long it will be before Hillary tells us she has always been a Giants fan.

Big Dog

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Right Pundits, Rosemary’s Thoughts, A Blog For All, 123beta, Right Truth, A Newt One- Shared News!, DragonLady’s World, Cao’s Blog, Leaning Straight Up, Nuke Gingrich, Faultline USA, third world county, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Wolf Pangloss, Dumb Ox Daily News, A Newt One, Right Voices, Stageleft, and The Yankee Sailor, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.