What to Expect Next from the Clintons
Jan 9, 2008 Political
The next few weeks will be very interesting with regard to the Democratic Primary race. John Edwards has vowed to stay in and he will continue to pester Hillary. Obama, who must be somewhat stunned to lose after a “10 point lead” was predicted a few days ago, will probably take off the gloves and start striking Hilary. I think he learned from the pros this past week when the Clintonista mafia gang spread nasty stories about Obama and abortion just before the vote leaving little time for rebuttal. No matter what anyone thinks about the Clintons, they are a political machine and they know how to get dirty, very dirty. So what should we expect to come from them next?
Playing on the perceived strength of their action not talk remodeling, they will continue to attack Obama as a man who talks a good game while Hillary has lived that game. If this were their only plan it would fail but I expect we will be hit with a softer side of Hillary where she feigns a few tears every once in awhile and where Bill cries for his beastly wife like he did last evening. Bill will go around biting his lip (as opposed to biting the lips of his rape victims) and will tell us how hard Hillary works and how proud he is of her. He will also tell us lies about her record.
There will also be a healthy dose of the word comeback. The Clintons will try to get comeback into everything they can because it will wax nostalgic for the retread hippies who supported him as president. It will also bring back memories of the drug induced euphoria the Clinton supporters felt during his time in office. The Clintonista gang will use comeback quite a bit to make Hilary look like a fighter while she musters up a few tears to seem human. Make no mistake, her tears were as phony as a three dollar bill and she will use them if she thinks they provide an advantage.
I expect that Obama and Clinton will be in through Super Tuesday. I doubt Edwards will last that long but as long as he is in he will harass Clinton and Clinton, the “comeback kid” will harass Obama while turning on her tears of a clown. I was hoping she would lose yesterday and meltdown so that she could drop out and we could finally be rid of the vermin known as Clinton.
Hillary Clinton is Satan.
Bill Clinton is Spinning Lies
Jan 8, 2008 Political
This video from ABC is Bill Clinton answering some questions on behalf of his wife. During this video he calls Obama’s campaign the biggest fairy tale out there and insinuates that Obama has gotten an easy ride from the press. Clinton also said that he [Bill] had been attacked as a crook. He then said that Ken Starr spent 70 million dollars to indict a bunch of innocent people and to find out I [Bill] would not take a nickel.
Now that whopper Bill just told was the biggest fairy tale out there. Ken Starr did not indict anyone who was innocent and no one ever determined that Bill and Hillary were honest people. There is a big difference between not having enough evidence or not getting indicted and being innocent. Bill Clinton is in no way innocent. He took a whole lot of nickels from the Chinese. He took lots of money from the folks at Tyson foods and he took lots of money from drug dealers bringing drugs in through the Mena airport in Arkansas.
Bill Clinton is certainly a criminal and the real problem he has is that he has told the same lies for so long that he believes them to be true. Anyone with any sense what so ever knows that Clinton and his wife have been neck deep in crime since they started out in public life. The country went through eight years of dishonesty from these people and now they want us to put them back in there as if nothing ever went wrong. Their White House was filled with scandal after scandal from the day they moved in until the day they moved out. Bill and Hillary can claim that they were found innocent but they are lying in an attempt to rewrite history.
Anyone who believes that these two are honest needs to have his head examined. They are criminals of the highest order and they will take money from anywhere, say anything, and change history in order to get more power.
We have to hope that Hillary gets beaten badly in New Hampshire and in all other states for as long as she stays in the race. If she keeps losing her money will dry up and we will finally be rid of the Clinton crime family.
Remember, when Hillary was crying and said she did not want us to go backwards the us she was talking about is she and Bill.
Maybe she cried because Bill screwed things up for her when he was taking his turn. Maybe he is fighting fiercely for her and telling those fairy tale lies because he knows that she would have been a shoo in had he acted like an adult when he was president.
Nah, they have been criminals all along and he is lying because it is what he does best…
Tags: Clinton, criminal, lies, rewriting history
Clinton Campaign: Unthinking Iowans Picked Obama
Jan 4, 2008 Political
This is the message out of the Clinton camp today as Hillary suffered a stinging defeat in Iowa. The caucuses were held yesterday and on the Democratic side it was Obama, Edwards and then Clinton. The Republicans selected Huckabee, Romney and Thompson as their win, place and show horses. Interestingly, Ron Paul garnered 10% of the vote, more than Giuliani (3%).
Today has to be a bad day for both Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney. Both spent a fortune in Iowa and did not do as well as they had hoped or expected. Clinton, who was supposed to be the shoe in for the Democrats was smacked hard by an upstart Senator named Obama who handed her a 9 point loss. Clinton’s people have a few problems. When this all started she was inevitable and then people actually got to see her and meet her and she lost. First she had experience and when that was not working it was decided that Hillary needed a make over. Her campaign needed to get her out and let America see who she really is. Evidently, at least in Iowa, they did not like what they saw. Her campaign blames this on unthinking voters:
“Everyone underestimated this conflagration,†said a former Clinton administration official.
“If people think he’s electable, they’ll vote with their hearts and not their minds.†The Politico
This statement just shows the arrogance of anything Clinton. Even this defeat was not her fault because people did not vote with their heads, they voted with their hearts. To me this says, if you had brains you would have voted for Hillary. Hillary has vowed to push on and she should. One state is not the end for her because she has a huge organization and lots of money. A one state loss means the end for candidates who have little money even if they are most experienced. Such was the case with Dodd and Biden who both threw in the towel last night.
The remarks of the Clinton campaign show how much disdain they have for the American people. They believe that only thinking people will select Clinton and any other pick is an event that did not involve a thought process. I would make the argument that voting for any Democrat involves no thought process but with regard to this situation, the Clinton campaign remark shows contempt for the American electorate.
People from every state should remember that if they vote for someone other than Hillary they are unthinking rubes who are getting in the way of Hillary’s birthright. You people, and you know who you are, are not worthy of the Queen…But please vote for her, K?
“We’re going to keep pushing as hard as we can,” she said, with former President Bill Clinton and their daughter Chelsea at her side. “I am so ready for the rest of this campaign and I am so ready to lead.” Breitbart
It is too bad that they could not be gracious losers and move on to the next contest. Instead they chose to take a swipe at the people who get to decide in this process. therein lies the problem. Clinton does not believe you should have a choice. Her platform involves a number of things that people or companies have no choice in. She will mandate any number of things involving our lives, if only she can win the big prize.
Remember America, she cannot mandate what you do and how you do it unless you give her a mandate by voting for her.
Think about it…
Others with similar items:
Nuke’s, Outside the Beltway, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Virtuous Republic, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Allie is Wired, Adam’s Blog, Shadowscope, Pirate’s Cove, The Pink Flamingo, Cao’s Blog, and Wolf Pangloss, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: caucus, Clinton, dumb people, iowa, loser, Obama, ron paul
Obama’s Change Politics as Usual
Jan 3, 2008 Political
The Iowa caucus process is archaic and cumbersome not to mention that it disenfranchises people who are unable to make it to the caucus sites. This might be an attempt to only have those who are serious be part of the process but it disenfranchises those who cannot leave their lives for a few hours to be part of the process. Since absentee ballots are not allowed members of the military, who protect the freedom to vote, are excluded from the process.
The caucus process involves a series of votes and candidates who do not carry at least 15% of the votes are knocked out of the process and their supporters may then go to another candidate. This process continues until the winner is selected. This process also involves some politicking as demonstrated this week when Dennis Kucinich told his supporters to support B. Hussein Obama if he [Kucinich] should fail to obtain the requisite 15%. This was an open request and does not appear to have been requested by Obama.
The other kind of politics are the back room deals that have candidates swapping votes in precincts where they lack support for votes in precincts where a person has overwhelming support. It is alleged that Senator Joe Biden has worked a deal with Obama to throw support his way in areas where Biden lacks the 15% and where it might be close for Obama in return for Obama sending votes Biden’s way in areas where Obama has a huge advantage. The same kind of deal is reported to have taken place between Governor Bill Richardson and Obama. I could have sworn Richardson was pandering to Clinton so he could be selected as her VP.
These kinds of back room deals serve many purposes. In this case it might mean that Hillary Clinton, the national front-runner, would get knocked down quite a few pegs and begin the rapid demise of her campaign. If Obama wins and Edwards and Hillary place much lower or with quite a few less votes then Obama might get a big surge in New Hampshire and nationally. This might also help the others who will most likely not be around by the time super Tuesday comes because a good showing will garner donations of cash to pay off campaign debt. These kind of deals also forge later alliances when a newly elected president, say Obama, needs to fill his cabinet.
This is politics as usual and it is not uncommon in a Iowa’s unusual caucus process. The problem is, it is politics as usual and Obama is involved in it. B. Hussein Obama has sold himself as the candidate of change. He claims that he is not a DC insider and has not lived Washington politics like his rivals, chiefly Hillary Clinton. He has told us that we cannot accomplish change by putting the same old people in the positions of leadership. It is his take on the definition of insanity; continually doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
For a man who claims to be a different kind of politician, one who is not there to play politics as usual, it seems he is doing just that. Obama is working the back room deals like a seasoned DC insider and he is playing politics as usual. This is contrary to everything he says he stands for and it shows him to be no different than the rest of the politicians in the field. I wonder what Obama would say if all the deals were going in favor of Clinton. Would he say that she is playing the same old politics?
B. Hussein Obama is a fresh face in the crowd of has beens and 60s retreads from the Democratic Party and he is a symbol of hope for a lot of members of that party but he is no champion of change from politics as usual.
In reality he is another politician who will say and do what it takes to get elected, principles be damned.
For clarity, I realize these are allegations but they are all denying it. A sure sign that a politician is doing something is when he denies it.
Washington Post
The New York Times
The Page [Time]
Others with similar items:
Right Pundits, Rosemary’s Thoughts, Adam’s Blog, Right Truth, Shadowscope, The Amboy Times, Conservative Cat, Adeline and Hazel, Faultline USA, Allie is Wired, Woman Honor Thyself, The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns, The World According to Carl, Blue Star Chronicles, Pirate’s Cove, Celebrity Smack, The Pink Flamingo, Gulf Coast Hurricane Tracker, and
Tags: biden, caucus, Clinton, iowa, Obama, richardson, second tier