Jimmy Carter is a Terrorist Loving Anti-Semite
Jun 19, 2007 Uncategorized
Former President Jimmy Carter is up to his old terrorist appeasing ways as he defends his terrorist buddies in Hamas and it is no surprise that he is blaming the US, the EU and Israel for the woes in Palestine. Carter maintains that the US cut off money after the fair and honest elections put Hamas in power because this is not the government the US wanted in place. What Jimmy fails to understand is that Hamas is a terror organization and if the Palestinians want them in power that is fine but it does not mean we should be providing them with money.
I personally don’t care if Fatah and Hamas kill each other off. In the overall scheme of things Fatah has at least vowed to pursue peace with Israel but that is usually a hollow promise that ends up with rockets landing in Israel. It seems to me that Palestine is always willing to talk peace until they get what they want and then they go about business as usual. True to form, Carter defends the greater of the two evils in Hamas, a group that is designated as a terrorist organization and that has refused to denounce terror.
I expect the Muslims to go around killing each other and threatening Israel. That is basically their entire existence and they generally follow this pattern of behavior. If Fatah is really willing to pursue peace and can get along with Israel then so much the better but I would not be sending any money there until that was taken care of. As far as Hamas goes, I would never send them money and would be happy to see them all die a terrible fiery death.
I guess I should be surprised that a former US President would side with terrorists over his own country but in the case of Carter, it is no surprise. He is an anti-Semite and he favors terrorists over the Jews in Israel. He was their friend when he was in the White House and he continues this friendship today. Unfortunately, Carter is not unlike many in the Democratic Party who shun Israel (except during elections when they court the Jewish vote) and favor terrorist organizations.
Note to Carter; We are not obligated to spend taxpayer money in any other country and it is not our obligation to make things right there. Carter is one of the idiots who believes we can not establish peace in Iraq but believes we can do so in Palestine.
How about we just let them work it all out and then let Israel kill contend with the winner of the fight?
Jerusalem Post
[tags]Jimmy Carter, Hamas, Terror, Palestine, Democrats[/tags]
Tags: Commentary
Terrorists Getting Taste of Own medicine
Jun 14, 2007 Uncategorized
Hamas and Fatah have been fighting for a few weeks and now Hamas has overrun the Fatah security compound. According to reports members of Fatah are being dragged into the street and executed in the name of “justice and Islamic rule.” People are telling these stories as if the world is supposed to be surprised and horrified when in fact, this is Islamic justice and rule.
Fatah officials said seven of their fighters were shot to death in the street outside Preventive Security. A witness, Jihad Abu Ayad, said the men were being killed in front of their wives and children.
“They are executing them one by one,” Abu Ayad said. “They are carrying one of them on their shoulders, putting him on a sand dune, turning him around and shooting.” Breitbart
The people from this part of the world and their terror buddies in organizations like CAIR stand silent when these animals execute people around the world in the name of Allah and his child molesting prophet Mohammad. There was no outrage among them as Americans and others are executed by beheading and the gruesome act is shown all over the Internet. No, now I guess we are supposed to be unhappy that these animals are dragging each other out into the street and ending their lives.
As far as i am concerned we can let these animals kill each other off until there are none left. I am not going to boo hoo over Muslims killing each other when they kill non Muslims regularly and take pride in their acts.
I would just hope our country will not give one cent to these people. Let them figure a way to make it on their own. In the words of Kos, Screw them.
Tags: Commentary, News
Bush Did What Gore Wanted Done
Jun 12, 2007 Uncategorized
A lot has been written about the war on terror and the Iraq phase and some of the issues involved with Iraq were cited as reasons people elected Democrats back to the majority. People are generally followers and most either lack the education or the ability to review history and to learn from the past. In this particular case Democrats were able to blast the war and talk about bringing the troops home in disgrace (how are they doing on that?). This despite the fact that most Democrats in Congress voted to authorize the use of force in Iraq. Americans forgot about that when they cast their ballots. After all, they were told that Bush lied us to war and that the Democrats were deceived. The left derides Bush as the dumbest man on Earth and the leaders in the Democratic Party admit that Bush tricked them. If the dumbest man in the world was able to dupe them it seems to me they are admitting they are not smart enough to be in the Congress.
I have written in the past and a number of others have pointed out as well, the number of Democrats in Congress who said that Hussein had to go, he was pursuing nukes, he was a tyrant, and that he used chemical weapons and would do so again. The number of Democrats in Congress who said that Hussein had to go and that he was a threat made quite an impressive list and included people like Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton. The reason they were able to make these claims is that they made them when Bill Clinton was President. Democrats only see threats and reasons for the use of force when a Democrat is in the White House. Not so surprising is the fact that many Americans chose to ignore this or were too caught up in their own little worlds to know this and they voted for Democrats, the party that promised to have the most ethical government and to clear up all the problems (how is that going?).
Al Gore loves to tell everyone how the world would be different if he had been allowed to cheat Bush out of the Presidency. He has written that we would have more friends, that we would be respected everywhere, and that things would be different with regard to the war. The funny thing is, back when George Bush’s father was in the White House and Clinton/Gore were running to unseat him and Quayle, Gore gave a speech where he blasted HW Bush for not going after Hussein. Gore also points to the many ties to terrorism that Hussein had and that Hussein was trying to obtain nukes. This YouTube video has that speech and I want you to listen to it carefully because all the things Gore blasted HW Bush for were never rectified by Clinton/Gore:
Hussein was still in office when Clinton left, he was still harboring terrorists, he was still committing atrocities, he was still torturing his own people, he was still ignoring UN sanctions and he was doing so because Clinton and Gore did exactly what they accused HW Bush of doing when he was in office. The American people ate this stuff up when Gore said it on the campaign trail and they elected him and Clinton to run the country. One would assume that those on the left who voted for Clinton/Gore did so in part because they talked about being tough on terror and on Hussein. They talked about Bush’s failure to take Hussein out thus indicating they would do something about it. And yet for eight long years they were unwilling to walk the walk after they had talked the talk.
In 2001 GW Bush enters and we are attacked. Bush attacks the Taliban in Afghanistan and then, after getting overwhelming approval from Congress, launches a war into Iraq. He took out Hussein who has since been executed for his crimes and Bush has helped millions of people be liberated from the tyrant. These people have had free elections and we are killing terrorists over there instead of here. His actions ensured that the WMD would not be used by Hussein though they were, unfortunately, moved into Syria before we could get to them. Regardless, GW Bush has done everything that Al Gore attacked HW Bush for not doing. Listen carefully to Gore and then think about what Bush has done and ask yourself if Bush’s actions fulfill what Al Gore thought HW should have been doing. Then ask yourself if Bush did what Clinton/Gore told America they would do but failed to deliver and then ask yourself if Bush should be criticized for the actions he took when America approved of those action by electing Clinton/Gore.
George W Bush is not the greatest president to ever live and his immigration stance practically ensures that he will not be near the top. History looks unkindly on those who ruin their countries and cause the downfall of a civilization. Be that as it may, Bush delivered on those things Gore indicated he and Clinton would do. Like I said though, Americans are not educated enough or do not have the ability to understand these things. Memories are only good fro the last 5 days before an election and most people on the left vote in huge numbers so they can get more government handouts.
I shudder to think what it would have been like if Gore had won. Sheryl Stoned and Leo DiCapretard would be in his cabinet replacing light bulbs in DC and hustling carbon credits on the side. Gore would open the world carbon bank and fight the war on terror by threatening to make terrorists watch An Inconvenient Truth over and over and over.
And people say Gitmo is cruel.
Tags: Commentary
Jefferson Believes in Gun Ownership, but not for You
Jun 10, 2007 Uncategorized
William Jefferson, that is. Thomas Jefferson believed in the right of all citizens to own and carry firearms.
This past week has focused on the folly of Paris Hilton and her great jail time caper. She was in then out and now back in. Her release after three days sparked uproar from across the country as average Americans saw her treatment as drastically different than they would expect if they had been arrested or per their past experience with the judicial system. While I did not agree with Al Sharpton’s characterization about this with regard to race he was correct that the wealthy get over (as he himself has).
This has been true of Congress for quite some time. Congress makes laws or advocate things that they then exempt themselves from or do not practice. Smoking is not allowed in government buildings but members of Congress are allowed to smoke in their offices. This is but one example and there are many others and the one that strikes today was pointed out by my friend GM Roper. He links to an item dealing with William Jefferson, Democrat Louisiana, and his recent court appearance. Jefferson was asked if he had firearms and he stated that he did and that he used them to hunt. He was ordered not to have access to them.
This was reported in passing by the drive by media but what they failed to elaborate upon is why Jefferson has weapons when he is anti gun. Jefferson has voted in favor of all kinds of gun legislation and against gun owners and our exercise of our 2nd Amendment rights a number times and yet he owns firearms. This is in line with a number of Democrats (and probably a few Republicans) who are against those rights expressed by the 2nd Amendment but who own weapons or have armed body guards. Once again, this is a glaring reminder of how the elite among us believe in one set of rules for us and another set for themselves. Truth be told, this is the real two Americas of which John Edwards speaks.
I am not surprised but am disappointed that the media would ignore such a huge discrepancy between Jefferson’s beliefs for others and how he himself lives his life. It goes to show once again that the media will not report on items that runs counter to their agenda and we know that the drive by media is in favor of removing all guns from America (or making ownership so prohibitive that only the elite can posses them).
It is time for Dollar Bill Jefferson to go to jail for his crimes and it is time for us to remove the rest of them from office and replace them with average citizens who will follow the law and do the right thing. Perhaps Lott was on to something when he suggested they dissolve the Congress and wait until the next election. This is the only thing he said that made sense with regard to the immigration bill.
Remember to sign the petition against amnesty!
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Tags: Commentary, Link Fest
Must Keep Pressure On Senate Against Amnesty
Jun 9, 2007 Uncategorized
The Senate bill that would have made millions of ILLEGALS legal with the stroke of a pen has been pulled off the table for a while. There are many who say that it is dead but that is not the case. Those in the Senate, from both parties, who want this bill are going to try and ram it down our throats. I heard them on the news all day Friday talking about how the bill will be back and they will get this done.
We can not let up on them. We must continue to call them and continue to let them know that we are not happy with this bill. They need to know that a smile and a wink from them along with reassurances that they will do the right thing is not enough any more. The American public does not believe what the Congress tells us and for very good reason, they lie. Every time they push a bill down our throat it ends in a disaster and it ends with billions of dollars wasted. This happened in 1965 and 1986 when immigration amnesty bills were passed (each sponsored by Ted Kennedy) and we were promised that these would end ILLEGAL entry into our country. In the 1980s there were four million ILLEGALS and now there are at least three times that many. It looks like their promises were empty once again.
If the Congress of the US wants us to buy in to these things they are going to have to earn our trust once again. They, especially those on the left, love to tell us that the President has low approval ratings but the ratings of Congress are lower than the President’s. This is a clear indication that America does not trust Congress to do a good hob and does not feel Congress is currently doing a good job. This is because time and again Congress fails to do a good job. They introduce bill after bill and enact more and more laws. They need to understand that it is OK not to introduce new legislation. They need to understand that they are not there to make laws for the sake of making laws and that when they do make some law it has to be simple, needed, and enforceable without screwing millions of taxpayers. This is a hard thing for them to do.
If the Congress wants to gain our trust they need to show us they are serious about securing our border. They keep talking about how this bill will accomplish that but the fact is the first thing they will do is strip the provisions that secure the border. Then they will strip the penalty portions and we will end up with amnesty and a still unsecured border. The Senate needs to introduce a bill that requires a wall be built to secure the border between the US and Mexico. We need that done FIRST because we do not trust them to do it last. I would bet that if they put a check box on the tax forms to allow $5 be added to a person’s taxes or deducted from their refund to finance a wall, millions of people would do that so long as the money was strictly dedicated to building the wall. In order to gain our trust they must also have an accurate method for employers to verify the status of an applicant. Any employer caught hiring ILLEGALS must be fined $10,000 PER ILLEGAL employee and ILLEGALS captured must spend 90 days in jail before deportation.
One more thing that will gain our trust is for Congress to revisit the 14th Amendment and ensure that the original intent of the Amendment is carried out and that is people born to non-citizens of the US are NOT citizens of the US and we need to revoke all the citizenships that have been given based upon the erroneous ruling by the SCOTUS and by the misapplication of the 14th. The people who wrote it clearly meant it to mean that a person born to parents who had an allegiance to someplace other than the US were NOT citizens. We must clear this up so that we can stop the jackpot babies from being born here.
After Congress earns our trust by doing these things (which will curb and reduce the number of ILLEGALS here) then we can discuss guest worker programs and what to do with those remaining here. Any provision must include a cut off date so that any ILLEGAL who has not come forward by that date will automatically be permanently ineligible for legal status in this country and will be deported. It must include a provision so that any person caught here after being deported spends time in a jail.
If Congress truly wants reform they need to stop giving us lip service and do the right thing no matter how tough it is. They need to gain our trust again and they need to understand that they work for us not the other way around. They also need to know that those who support the bill in its current form will be a target in the next election. John McCain is already toast and while part of the reason is because he has gone bonkers, his undying support for his bill has been his undoing and he will not be in the Presidential race much longer.
There are others who will be in real danger of losing their jobs in the next election because there is a groundswell and it is going to be like a tsunami by the time November of next year rolls around. If B. Hussein Obama thinks that there is a quiet riot boiling in the black community, he should stick around to see the not so quiet riot in the next election if this bill is reintroduced and passed. George Bush is not running again but there are many of them who are and they are going to pay for this.
If these Bozos need some lessons on how to be tough then they can contact me and I will tell them but I think my plan as outlined above is a great start. And I did that without a lobbyist…
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