Why Bush’s Legacy Will Be Failure

There are many on the left today who believe he is one now and that is their right. I think the guy has done good things and bad and I have expressed those opinions here. I know that he was a hell of a lot better choice than either Gore or Kerry and I know we are better off because he won. Our economy is the strongest it has been in a very long time, despite what the Democrats say. Unemployment is low and jobs are being created. No President has ever had a stock market with so many consecutive records. There have been troubles along the way but all in all we are better off then the left wants you to believe.

What will be the undoing of President Bush and what will make him go down in history as the third worst President of all time (Carter, Clinton) is the issue of ILLEGAL immigration and this amnesty bill that is close to passing. Bush and Ted Kennedy are working together and that in and of itself is a disaster but this bill will be our undoing. It will basically provide amnesty for all the ILLEGALS who are here including their spouses and their children (even if those people are not currently here). Kennedy helped give us the last amnesty and promised it would curb ILLEGAL immigration. There are five times more ILLEGALS here now then when he sold us that bill of goods.

If George Bush signs off on this it will be the beginning of the end for this country. Mexico will be well on its way to retaking this country and it will not have to fire a single shot. Bush and Kennedy will have sold us out to the Mexicans and we will be bankrupt from the sponges who come here to live off the backs of others. It is stuff like this that causes racism and groups to resent others. People break the law to get here and we reward them. Then people act surprised when no one wants anything to do with the thieves. The GOP as we know it has stopped doing its job and has dropped its drawers and bent over. It is allowing the Democrats and President Bush to screw them without even fighting back. This is pathetic and I only hope that we have 41 Republicans in the Senate with the balls to stop this.

If this goes through we will be one step closer to the armed revolution that will one day take place in this country. It might be after I am gone but one day people will be fed up with the criminal activity that takes place in DC and they will take up arms and take this country back. I use to believe that the process worked and at one time in our history it did but it is very broken now and soon the only way to fix it will be with a revolution.

We used armed aggression to get out of tyrannical rule before and I am all for doing it again. If they will not do what we tell them and they will not follow the law then we need to take the country by force and install a new government. The founding documents of this country make it our duty.

Maybe we will get lucky and the Mexicans will decide they need to fire a shot after all and take care of it for us, you know, work Americans won’t do…

Red State

Big Dog

No One Ever Said Terrorists Were Responsible People…

…And most of us don’t even think they are people, but rather animals who need to be taken out and shot.

Hamas fired rockets into Israel striking a house and injuring two people. Were they attacked or threatened you ask? No, which is usually the case anyway. No the reason they fired the rockets was to mark a day of reflection and to refocus attention away from their internal strife:

The armed wing of the ruling Hamas movement said it had fired several rockets at Sderot to mark the “Nakba,” an annual day of national reflection over shared suffering in the conflict with Israel.

Hamas’s armed wing said the rocket attack was also designed to shift the focus to Israel after days of deadly factional fighting in Gaza between Hamas and President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah faction. al-Reuters

The animals in the religion of peace fired rockets into Israel for no good reason and they injured people in the process. I guess it is OK to attack people to mark certain milestones and remembrances so I have an idea. How about if the Jews launch rockets into Palestine and Lebanon to commemorate Passover, and all the other Jewish days of celebration or reflection? Why don’t we get in on the act and launch a few cruise missiles into Iran, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine to celebrate the 4th of July?

Now that would be a fireworks display worth watching! Damned animals.

Gavin Newsom Responds

I wrote a post about Gavin Newsom, Mayor of San Francisco, and his blatant disregard of immigration law and I sent a link to him. He wrote me back:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Thank you for contacting my office recently with your thoughts and ideas regarding San Francisco’s status as a Sanctuary City. We always appreciate hearing from pro-active people like yourself.

Since the time of the Gold Rush, immigrants have come to San Francisco from every country in the world, opening businesses, creating jobs, paying taxes, taking leadership in government, and rebuilding San Francisco after the 1906 and 1989 earthquakes. Today 1 in 3 San Franciscans were born overseas and are a vital part of our economy and culture

In my first Executive Directive of 2007, I reaffirmed the City and County of San Francisco’s commitment to its Sanctuary City status, originally established in 1989. As a Sanctuary City, San Francisco has and will continue to provide compassionate services to all immigrants, regardless of status. I want to make it clear that no city resources will be used in immigration detention or arrest proceedings unless required by federal law.
When certain people are targeted and denied access to vital social services, the health and safety of the entire city is compromised. .

Federal immigration raids are hindering the well-being of San Francisco.
Countless crimes have gone unreported over concerns that by contacting local police, good citizens could put their family and livelihood at risk.
This risk also encourages parents from sending their children to school or seeking medical treatment when in desperate need of care. We can not, under good conscience, endorse any policy that would be counter-productive to affluence of working families.

San Francisco joins with over 20 other cities, including Detroit, New York, Boston, and Chicago, by continuing its traditional role as a Sanctuary City. I strongly oppose any effort to require public safety officials, teachers, doctors, and any other City employee to report the immigration status of anyone seeking help.

Thank you again for contacting me. I hope together that we can create common-sense immigration policy that will benefit everyone.


Gavin Newsom

You will notice that he reaffirms his commitment to help break the law and he tries this mumbo jumbo about immigrants coming here for a long time blah, blah. He also tries to tell me about crime not reported because of fear. How about the crime that arrived with the ILLEGALS? How about if they were not there it would not be an issue. He is obviously not bright enough to figure all that out. I replied to his email:

Well thank you for responding sir. I have to disagree with you. It is a violation of the United States Code for you not to assist with immigration enforcement. Perhaps you should learn the law.

I know full well that immigrants have come to San Fran (and the rest of our country for that matter) for a long time and nearly all of them came here legally. I will tell you what Sir, how about you don’t get any federal money as long as you harbor criminals? How about those of us who work and pay taxes refuse to allow our money to go to your city until you get your head out of your rectal cavity and obey the law.

If I rob a bank in Vegas and come there will you harbor me as well? Or are you a selective enforcer of the law? Perhaps you harbor ILLEGALS so you can have more voters. Pathetic, truly pathetic.

I am glad I do not live in San Fran but if I did I would report ILLEGALS every day and I would run against you and take your job. They need a real man who can follow the law and it just isn’t you.

He will not like that but who cares. I am serious about our taxes. We should demand that sanctuary cities not get any federal money. Taxpayer money should not go to the cities that help people break the law and that refuse to uphold their duties under the law. The US Code is pretty clear about what they are supposed to do.

Newsom is another loser politician who panders to ILLEGALS. These kinds of things usually happen to guys who have concerns about the size of their anatomy.

Do We Need This Specific Law?

Legislators in New Jersey are set to put the finishing touches on a law that would make it illegal to text message while driving. I would assume that inattentive driving is already against the law and that if a police officer saw a person texting while driving that he could write a ticket. But, given the stupidity of the general public and the nanny state of government, NJ is about to get a law that will soon be picked up by other states looking for a way to increase revenue under the guise of public safety.

Perhaps the NJ law comes because of allegations that the Governor’s driver was using a Blackberry when he wrecked the car (the fact he was doing over 90 mph contributed nothing to the accident?). I don’t know but I will agree that people who use text messaging while driving are nuisances and are dangerous. It does not mean there should be a separate law for them. Is there a separate law that says a person may not read while driving, or have sex while driving, or any other thing that causes people to lose focus?

I remember driving from Anniston to Birmingham to catch a plane. As I was driving along I noticed that up ahead all traffic was moving to the left lane and it looked like there was some problem with the right. That lane was really moving slowly as people tried to move over. I made my way past the obstacle which turned out to be a jackass driving 30 mph with his hands over the steering wheel typing on a Blackberry. I really don’t think a special law was needed to hammer this guy for what he was doing. The thing that is needed is for people to get caught. All the laws in the world would have made no difference that day (unless he had an accident and they could prove what he was doing) because there was no cop to stop him.

We do not need laws for stuff like this. Common Sense indicates that one should not text message while driving so people should not be doing that.

Unfortunately, common sense is not that common.

Big Dog

How Iraqi Civilian Casulaty Estimates Get Inflated

We have all heard the anti war crowd and its claim that 600,000 Iraqi civilians had been killed in the war. These numbers persist despite no evidence to support the claims. Now I know how these numbers get inflated. It is just a matter of creative math by Democrats. Nine people have died in the tornadoes this past week but according to one presidential hopeful the number was more than 1000 times that.

“In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died—an entire town destroyed,” the Democratic presidential candidate said in a speech to 500 people packed into a sweltering Richmond art studio for a fundraiser. Breitbart

Though Obama claims to be tired and weary it would appear that he was in such a rush to get to the part where he gets to talk badly about the president and the deployment of the national guard that he misspoke.

Liberals opening opening their mouths before their brains are engaged is how we get inflated war numbers (as well as any of the large number of misstated “facts”).

And we let politicians take our money and spend it…