A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney…
Mar 21, 2007 Uncategorized
Andy Rooney of 60 minutes has segments where he rants about this and that. Though I have not watched him in years, his rants were usually funny though they usually reflected his view of the world from high atop the Ivory Tower. In any event, I have never cared much for him because of his liberal views and now he has insulted the volunteer Army. This comes from the Federalist Patriot (to which you should subscribe):
“I think a draft produces a better army than the one we would have with all volunteers…[I]f it’s an all volunteer army, you get people who join up because of some problem in their own lives. They don’t have anything else to do, they don’t have a job, or they can’t find what they want to do, so they join the Army. And it doesn’t produce the best army.†—CBS’s Andy Rooney
Andy Rooney was drafted in 1941 and spent his time in WWII as a newspaper reporter. Now I am not denigrating what he did but this is not Battle of the Bulge stuff here. The only bulge a newspaper guy gets is around his waist from not getting up enough. Rooney was there to report on some really important stuff and no one can take that from him but he has a different perspective about the draft. People who were conscripted in WWII were patriots who went to fight a great enemy. This was well before the politically correct liberalism that is rampant today so these veterans did not have to worry about being spat upon when they returned home because they were treated like heroes. This was long before Jane Fonda and John Kerry got into the business of fighting against America.
Most of the brave men who were drafted and fought in Vietnam were great guys who did what their country asked. Unfortunately, a lot of draftees became draft dodgers and went to Canada. They disgraced this country and they had allies in Fonda, Kerry and a plethora of other dissidents who are part of the hate America first crowd. With a volunteer army it is unlikely a large number will go to Canada to avoid service. Sure, there are those who join and then when they are expected to earn their paychecks they run but for the most part Andy, these people are here because they want to be.
The brave men and women who join the service do not do so because of some problem in their lives as you contend Mr. Rooney. You assert that they do not have anything else to do. How about the Pat Tillmans in the world who give up a lot of money to fight for our freedoms. Tillman is the name you heard but there are countless others who put their lives on hold to join the service and defend this country. In case you were still being bathed by your home health aid at the home for the aged, America was attacked. Yes sir, right in the city where you work. I know that it is hard for you to believe but some people actually took offense to this attack and decided to do something about it. While you were trying to figure out what we did to offend them, the patriots went to war.
Granted, they did not grab word processors (today’s version of your old typewriter) and head off to be a newspaper reporter but they did actually go off to fight and win. The US Army (all the services) is full of the best and the brightest AND THE BRAVEST this generation has to offer. I understand that they are not smoking dope or doing bongs for Jesus on a college campus somewhere but many of them have a college education just the same. Many are great athletes and they really can’t be as worthless as you might think given that they operate equipment that is very sophisticated and would probably baffle even you, a legend in your own mind.
I sir am educated and make a good living. I served and I did so by joining, not because I had problems in my life but because I wanted to give back to my country. That is a difficult concept for your 88 year old brain to grasp because the only thing you liberals like us to give back is half our paycheck. I understand you are successful and make good money. It is beyond me why See BS or any other company would pay you for what you do (or pay you as much as they do) but the fact is they do. I have not seen you in years and have no interest in what you have to say, though I used to think you were pretty funny. Now you are just a pathetic old man who has no real worth to this country. Let’s face it, if we are ever attacked someone will have to protect you because you are not capable of protecting yourself. You still think Depends is the first line of defense.
I really don’t care about your views but I have this to say about your attack on my soldiers. Keep your foul, no good, liberal, candy-ass, mouth shut and leave the men and women who are much better than you have ever been or could hope to be, alone. Stick to picking on Halliburton or some other evil bogey man of the left and leave the troops alone. You are not going to pull a Cronkite on them so keep your mouth shut.
Care to discuss it? I will hand you your ass…..
Tags: Commentary
A Few Cowardly Visitors to My Site
Mar 20, 2007 Uncategorized
I received an email via my contact form at my site from a real hero who must be a bit upset with me because I believe in America. Now this is not the same person who is a Muslim and comes here to drop comments questioning my dislike for Islam in general. As many of you know, I would be just as happy if all religions got along just fine but it would appear that everything we needed to know about Islam we learned on 9/11. As an aside, this Muslim came here and then wrote a piece based on my article about killing all the Muslims who are over there and do the slightest thing wrong. The post was in response to the Muslim animals who butchered several American soldiers and my pointing out that CAIR demands an apology when someone draws the child molester Mohammad but they say nary a word when American Soldiers are butchered. True to form, this coward cut and pasted my article but left out the entire section about Muslims animals butchering our troops. He mocks my wanting to kill the Muslims and posts a picture of dead Muslim kids that were “ALLEGEDLY” killed by coalition forces. His alleged picture is there to make me look like a bad guy while he conveniently omits the real killing done at the hands of a bunch of sub human pieces of waste.
No, not the same guy at all, but a similar attack. Here is the comment from a site visitor:
I feel sorry for people like you, but still want someone other than myself to put a bullet in your head. Ya nazi.
Don’t like being called a NAZI?
I’ll apologize if you call me. Kidding! Of course I wouldn’t because I would be apologizing to a NAZI.
During Marshall Law you’ll be right on cue, NAZI.
I went to the site listed for him and it was for a notary public and I am not going to post the url in case this is some jackass baiting me in order to get me to post his url for advertisement or something. In any event, I might like to address these one at a time.
- I feel sorry for people like you, but still want someone other than myself to put a bullet in your head.
- Ya nazi. Don’t like being called a NAZI?
- I’ll apologize if you call me. Kidding! Of course I wouldn’t because I would be apologizing to a NAZI.
- During Marshall Law you’ll be right on cue, NAZI.
You are the one who people should feel sorry for. You call me a Nazi but then advocate someone putting a bullet in my head. Unfortunately, you make it clear that you are much too cowardly to do it yourself. As is typical of people like you, you want someone else to do your job.
Calling someone a Nazi is a tactic that is employed by the left to make a person appear evil. I doubt you know that a Nazi (the word is an alliteration of Nationalsozialist) was a person who belonged to a political party and it happened to be the party that Hitler was head of. The party espoused a dictatorial relationship and used harsh punishment while preaching about racial superiority. There are many leaders today who have very similar stances as people from the Nazi party but we call them by different names and unfortunately, most of the liberals in this country love them. As for whether or not I like being called Nazi, it does not bother me. I believe in the freedom of speech and you are free to say what you want. I served 24 years so that cowardly little twerps everywhere could say what they want. All the Eagles served so that pukes could make statements such as yours. You do not have the intellect to insult me.
No need to apologize, kidding or not. You should at least have the courage of your convictions, even if you lack any other courage. Since I do not follow the political party of 1930-1945 Germany I can not be a Nazi. I am a Republican.
I am going to go out on a limb and assume you mean MARTIAL LAW which is law enforced by the military when enacted by a government because local police forces are not adequate or unable to maintain public safety. You see, instead of spending your time in moonbat camp learning the talking points, you should have stayed in school and learned a few more words. You could have increased your vocabulary and then when you wrote a comment to an educated person who has educated readers you would not show your self to be a fool. Unfortunately, not only are you uninformed as to what a Nazi is, you are also ignorant of the fact that it is martial as in of or relating to the military and not Marshall as in a surname or a man’s first name.
I wonder if the moon is full? There are so many barking moonbats that want to kill me. I have a Muslim talking about someone should shoot me and I have some twerp saying that he wants me shot in the head so long as he does not have to do it. I never let people like this bother me but as Misha has pointed out, always take a threat on your life seriously (which I have, I just never let it bother me). If it is my day to go then it is a glorious day to die. But if one of these twerps shows up here messing with the Dog, there might be a hole in them big enough to walk through.
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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
Tags: Commentary, Link Fest
This is Why the Eagles Came
Mar 20, 2007 Military
I and many others have written about the Gathering of Eagles. We landed in Washington DC in response to threats against our nation’s monuments, the ones that honor the brave men and women who have paid the ultimate price for the freedoms we enjoy. There are many nicer, and much warmer, places the Eagles could have been on Saturday March 17th, but there was no place any of us would have rather been. We answered the call, once again, to defend against an enemy only this time it was a domestic enemy that we confronted. It was an enemy who loudly proclaimed that it would desecrate the monuments. That did not happen because the Eagles were there. There are those who will proclaim that there was no success because the enemy had no intention of doing anything illegal. This fails to hold water because this enemy has done so on many occasions and, given the opportunity, would have again. Ask Congressman Mike Rogers.
Mike Rogers is a Republican who represents the 8th Congressional District in Michigan. He supports the troops and he supports the mission but he is opposed to the troop increase and has introduced a bill to allow commanders to decide what troop strength they need and to change the rules of engagement to allow us to engage the enemy more effectively. It would appear that Rogers could have used some Eagles at his home Congressional office. Vandals tore his office up, broke windows, destroyed security cameras and spray painted the place, especially his support the troops sign.
For those who think that there was no threat, you only need to read the news. Those of us who support the troops and their mission are targets of a radical wing of idiots in this country who claim to be for non violence but use terror as their method of coercion. They believe that if they chant long enough, if they rally enough times, and if they vandalize enough things they will be listened to. Well to all those vandals out there who claim to love America and who claim to be for peace, let me make one thing clear; THIS IS NOT YOU FATHER’S WAR PROTEST and the silent majority will remain silent NO LONGER.
You will notice that these cowards attacked Rogers’ office in the dead of night when no one was around. These people are far too cowardly to attack in the daylight and when there are people around. You will notice that they did not do anything wrong at their commie peace rally and that is because better people than they were standing guard and we would have hurt them and hurt them badly if they tried that crap. They were afraid and they were intimidated because warriors were on their doorstep. Like I said before, if you don’t like it here we have two words for you:
There is a new sheriff in town and your days are numbered.
WXYZ Detroit
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One-Third of DC Population is Illiterate
Mar 19, 2007 Uncategorized
From Breitbart:
WASHINGTON (AP) – About one-third of the people living in the national’s [sic] capital are functionally illiterate, compared with about one-fifth nationally, according to a report on the District of Columbia.
Adults are considered functionally illiterate if they have trouble doing such things as comprehending bus schedules, reading maps and filling out job applications.
These people should not be hard to pick out, they are addressed as “Congressman”, “Congresswoman”, or “Senator”. The balance are those who work for one of the aforementioned people. Since they have not held real jobs they do not know how to fill out an application and their limo drivers are literate enough to get them around. Thus, they do not know how to read bus schedules or maps.
The population of illiterate people in DC jumped dramatically over the weekend when the anti war crowd showed up. Fortunately, the large numbers of Eagles kept the statistics from hitting the stratosphere by infusing a bunch of fully literate people into the general population.
Tags: Commentary
Gathering of Eagles the Day After
Mar 18, 2007 Uncategorized
As many of you know, I attended the Gathering of Eagles yesterday. I enjoyed the event and I think a lot came out of it. On Friday evening I met Kit and Heidi from Euphoric Reality and I was really impressed with how committed and genuine they are. So often you meet a fellow blogger and they turn out completely different than what you expected but these two are class acts. No doubt they were disappointed by meeting the Dog because I probably turned out exactly as they expected, much to their horror. I met Bushwack from American and Proud. I also met his wife and son and they are genuinely nice, patriotic, and decent folks. I am really fortunate to have these kinds of friends. I was unable to meet Always on Watch from the web site of the same name but was able to speak to her on Friday evening via cell phone. It would have been great to meet her. I was also unable to meet Justin from Right on the Right. I look forward to meeting these friends the next time. There were also many friends there in spirit and I hope to meet them in the future as well.
The GOE allowed a group of people who are seldom heard from to let America know that we are here and we are here in numbers. The GOE website is reporting an unofficial number of 30,000 veterans and their supporters. This is a group of people who have been silent for decades while carrying out the work required to keep this country safe and free. While we remained silent and did our jobs the America hating anti war crowd grew stronger and became emboldened because for way too long their voices were the only ones being heard. I am sure they were quite surprised at our turn out and now the President and Congress know we are here and we will remain silent no longer. Like children who have always gotten their way, the anti war crowd seemed indignant that we would dare to invade their space. They would do well to remember they have space because we fought to keep it.

I believe the Park Police and the other police agencies did a great job of keeping order. I also believe that they were quite a bit apprehensive about this particular gathering because this is the first time anyone knows of that so many veterans got together to demonstrate in favor of America and in direct contrast to the kind of people John Kerry associated with. The police knew that veterans are disciplined and will follow orders but they also knew that anti war protesters get violent and an act of aggression toward a group of veterans might turn into a bloodbath that the police would be powerless to control. The group of veterans featured people highly trained to fight and to win and we could have removed quite a bit of vermin from our society in a matter of minutes. But, true to our training and in concert with our belief that we defend the Constitution, we expressed pride that the anti war protesters were able to say what they wanted because that means we did our jobs and we did them well. We do not agree with what they had to say but we would fight to our deaths protecting their right to say it. The names on that Wall are the names of people who did just that and we honor their memory by ensuring people are free to speak. We vowed that this would remain the case so long as the anti war crowd did not threaten us or attempt to harm us. It would seem that those people had enough sense to leave us alone.
I saw a sea of red, white, and blue on our side and aside from a passing flag here and there saw non of the same in their camp. They had a sea of yellow signs (an appropriate color for them) criticizing every thing that America stands for. Fine, that is their right but they also learned a very valuable lesson yesterday. The silent majority is silent no more and the anti war crowd is no longer the only game in town. It must have made the President feel good when Marine 1 flew over that sea of American Flags, I know it made me feel good to be in that sea.
The American left has learned that there is a new sheriff in town and we will no longer accept their cowardice. We will not allow the appeasers in Congress who snatched defeat from victory in Vietnam to do the same to our troops who are fighting the war on terror.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Eagles have landed.
Don’t forget to Digg this post.
UPDATE: Maverick News Media has a great post about the day.
Justin at Right on the Right almost converts an anti war protester
Speed of Thought tells us about Tuscon
A Soldier’s Perspective talks about the GOE
Old War Dogs has their round-up
Captain’s Quarters Chimes in
Click on a thumbnail to view the photos. You can open them one at a time or click through them once the first one is opened.
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