Clintons Are Loyal, to Money
Feb 25, 2007 Political
Hillary Clinton took her tour to Liberal San Francisco where supporters swooned all over her. Five people were removed from the event for protesting US involvement in Iraq (a shot at Hillary’s war vote). Funny how no one will make a big deal about that and say she only lets in people who agree with her, like they did when Bush ran for his second term. There was some discussion about the recent fracas. Here is what one kool aid drinker said:
“(Geffen) sucked up every benefit he could when Bill Clinton was president. He spent the night in the White House, and he had private briefings with the president,” said attorney Martha Whetstone, a longtime friend of the Clintons from Arkansas. “The values of loyalty are important, and the Clintons have that in spades … and to try to go after them on a national scale to settle a personal vendetta is unconscionable.” SF Gate
How is it that Geffen sucked up every benefit? Geffen raised 18 million dollars for Bill Clinton. So he got a few private audiences with the president and he slept in the Lincoln bedroom twice. Seems like he did not get too much for the amount of money he raised for Bill. The truth is, the Clintons were very loyal when Geffen was bringing money in for them. Hell, Bill pardoned people in exchange for cash. They only care about the almighty dollar and if you can’t or won’t raise it for them then they do not want to have anything to do with you. They are not loyal to anyone except themselves. Look how Geffen was treated for endorsing Obama. You want to see how they value loyalty, wait until the first friend of theirs becomes a liability. She will distance herself and make sure that person is never a part of anything.
Geffen has every right, as a private citizen, to say what he wants. He has every right to donate his money and to raise money for whomever he sees fit. If this guy was in Clinton’s camp and raising money for her she would be praising him for his work.
Just ask Vince Foster about loyalty. Remember, if Foster really had a gun he would still be alive today.
Tags: Commentary, Political
I Apologize For World War II
Feb 25, 2007 Uncategorized
I was not born then and could not have influenced what happened, but nonetheless, I apologize for World War II. My Friend GM Roper has a great post up about the apology that the State of Virginia issued. Virginia apologized and expressed “profound regret” for the state’s role in slavery. GM makes the point that the politicians in Virginia are apologizing for something they had no control over. They are apologizing for something that people who are alive today DID NOT DO!
There is no doubt that slavery was a terrible thing and the period of our history that allowed slavery (it was legal) to take place. The fact that our nation allowed other human beings to be owned, sold and traded is one of the lowest points in our short existence. GM is right though, those alive today can not apologize for the acts of the past. They can not do this any more than the people who are alive today can take credit for ending slavery. If we believe that Virginia is able to apologize as it has then I demand that they issue a Thank You to people for ending slavery. Virginia needs to issue a Thanks to the Republican Party and all the residents of the North for ending slavery. Hell, since it was a President who signed the proclamation, Virginia needs to thank George W. Bush, as President, for ending slavery.
I want to know what good the apology does, regardless of the logic of making it. There are no people in this country who are legally owned by others. Blacks (in this country) have not been held as slaves for longer than any of us have been alive. I understand the idea that the black population needs to remember the history of slavery but to dwell on the past is counter productive and allows people, who were unaffected by slavery, to harbor ill will towards others. Instead of dwelling on the slavery of the past, the black population in this country would do well to tackle the modern day slavery in which they are entangled.
Blacks in America are overwhelmingly enslaved to the Democratic Party. Democrats promise to take care of them so long as they provide votes. Never mind the fact that the Democratic policies of the last 40 years have been unsuccessful and have impoverished more and more minorities, just so long as the vote is given to the Master known as the Democratic Party.
Stop dwelling on the past and start weening off government dependence and things will be much better. The blacks in this country did not come this far to remain enslaved, even if there are no shackles. Virginia is not helping the situation by stirring up emotion over a situation which has long passed and over which they have no control.
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Mexico’s Ironic Position on Border Incursions
Feb 25, 2007 Immigration
The Mexican Congress, position near their symbol of freedom; the Taco Bell, has condemned the crossing of its border by US workers who are erecting a wall to keep Mexicans from crossing into our country. Mexico claims that US workers and their equipment crossed over the border and violated their turf. Mexico is outraged that some US workers allegedly violated their precious land. With millions of Mexicans crossing OUR border every year and with some 11-20 million of them living here ILLEGALLY, it smacks just a bit hypocritical for them to complain.
You see Mexico, there is a big difference between the incursion you are complaining about and what your citizens do on a regular basis. That difference is that the Americans went back into their own country. I guess to the Mexican government, their people crossing our border and staying here ILLEGALLY is perfectly OK, in fact they have said as much, but when a few of our workers cross over while doing their jobs but then return back to their own country, it is a travesty. If the Mexican government watched the border and was a diligent at keeping its people home where they belong there would not be any workers on our border to begin with.
What the Mexican government seems to be missing here is that we are building the wall because Mexico can not, or more accurately, will not keep its citizens at home. Mexico sanctions its people breaking our laws and taking up roots here in America. What we need is for our President to tell them to shut the hell up. We need Bush to tell them to worry about their own people and there will be no problems. But Bush will not do that because he is in favor of granting these ILLEGALS amnesty and allowing them to become citizens of the country whose laws they so blatantly, and with the help of their government, violated.
I have an idea for border security that is sure to work and will piss of Mexico even more. Put a bunch of good ole boy hunters from the South down on the border and tell them it is open season on Mexicans who are crossing our border and that there is no limit on the number they may bag. That will decrease the number of incursion taking place and it will surely solve a problem that our own government is unwilling to do, despite their Constitutional obligation.
Remember, it is an incursion if a person building a wall that keeps Mexicans out crosses into Mexico but it is only someone looking for a better life if people from Mexico come here ILLEGALLY. It all depends upon whose ox is being gored.
BBC News
ADDENDUM: Fox News is reporting the man who abducted a Florida teen is believed to be an ILLEGAL who has been deported from the US before. How many Americans have crossed Mexico’s border and abducted its citizens? Clean up your own house, Mexico.
Tags: Commentary
The Winner is…Algore
Feb 24, 2007 Political
The Academy Awards occur this weekend and Al Gore is up for an award for his fictional piece “An Inconvenient Truth.” That is fine and Hollywood is free to honor whomever they want. The thing is, many people are saying that Gore’s recent nomination for a Nobel coupled with an Oscar might make his stock go way up and propel him into the race for the White House. I think Gore will sit back and wait for Hussein Obama to burn our or get beaten up by Hillary Clinton. Then, Gore can appear from the wings fresh and with new liberal credentials. Couple all this with the fact that there are many retards who actually still believe that Gore won in 2000, and he might just be a viable candidate:
“I think there are still an awful lot of Democrats who rightly believe Gore won in 2000,” said Roger Salazar, a Democratic strategist and former Gore spokesman. “With this movie and the Oscar nomination, people are taking another look at him and feel more warmly about him than they have in some time.” Breitbart
Only in the world of liberal lunacy can a person lose the initial vote, lose every recount and lose every count that has occurred since and still be considered the winner. While many say that Bush used the court to win it was Al Gore who filed the first suit. Now Al is trying to get the Academy to break rules for him. He is on another crusade to get things his way. Seems that Gore is not listed as a director for the movie so he can not go up on stage and he can not speak. The Academy, in an effort to keep groups from going to stage, has set limits. Unfortunately for Gore, he is not allowed to go up on stage. However, given how the left has fallen in love with this guy I am sure they will make a concession and allow him to speak. Of course, this is all moot if he does not win (though he is the odds on favorite). Wouldn’t that be funny? Gore does not win this one either even when he is again the odds on favorite. He might commit suicide!
Nah, he would just find a court to file a suit. After all, he is Al Gore and he is entitled…He will also have another group of retards (from Hollywood this time) believing (and “Rightly so”) that he won.
BTW, look for the Limos and other means of transit at the Award Program. I wonder how green they are being? It does not matter, those rules only apply to we rubes.
Tags: Commentary, Political
Maryland Governor and the Old Boy Network
Feb 24, 2007 Uncategorized
Martin O’Malley is a real piece of work. Last year when there was a “crisis” because electricity rates were going to increase about 70% he went on his “I have to help the poor people” crusade and he, along with the Democrats in Annapolis, were able to delay any increases until after the November election. They got a modest 15% and people were happy because most of them are ignorant and that is a blissful state. These folks have been underpaying for electricity for years under a deal that O’Malley’s brother in law helped broker when he was on the Public Service Commission (PSC). Former Governor Bob Ehrlich had worked out a package that would have the increase take place but would have offered many plans so people had options. Under the Democratic plan everyone had to accept the deal. Those who had the means were not allowed to just pay for the increase because Marty and his idiots in Annapolis know better than you, how your money should be spent.
All during the campaign O’Malley said he would fire the PSC if he was elected. He said that the members of that time were to beholden to business and that Ehrlich was looking out for the interests of business and not the poor people (it is always about the poor from Saint Martin). O’Malley has been in office for about a month and he is already spending like a drunken Kennedy (which is redundant). Before he took the state oath he raised the City State’s Attorney salary to over 200k a year. Now he has appointed members to the PSC and he wants to raise their salaries as well. The new chairman WHO HAS NO EXPERIENCE WITH ELECTRICAL UTILITIES will receive 185k a year and O’Malley also wants to raise the salary of the other four members from 99k to around 160k a year. Marty says he needs to attract quality. Well, if quality is someone who has never worked in this kind of job before then we are in for a rough ride.
I think I know what this is all about. This is Saint Martin trying to get a pay raise. He will make 155k a year for his job as the head of the state. Now he can whine (and whine is all he does) that the City State’s Attorney makes more than he does and that the Chair of the PSC and its members make more and that he needs a pay raise. All this money will come from the taxpayer and will increase a deficit that has been growing because of Democratic unfunded mandates. But Marty will fix this.
He is a Democrat so he will raise taxes. The state tax on gas will increase. There will be an increase in property taxes so those of us who own property and pay for it (unlike the governor) will have to foot the bills. We will also see a graduated income tax where households that make more than 100k a year will pay a higher tax rate than households under that number. We so called rich people will be paying for the stupidity of the Maryland legislature and its desire to pay for everything in the world for those “poor” folk.
And no matter what, that Electric rate hike is going to hit everyone who Marty says he saved prior to the election. In June, the rate will go up about 50% (add that to the 15% already in place and you are right where we were prior to the election). The only real difference is that prior to November this was an electricity rate crisis (because politicians could be held accountable for bringing this on) and now it is an electricity rate event and that is because they have all been reelected and Saint Martin took over the state. They do not care now if poor people get screwed because they are in office and they do not have to worry about lying and pandering again for another 4 years. By then they will have screwed so much up that it will not matter.
And the sad part is the IDIOTS in Maryland will continue to elect these crooked politicians who get wealthy while pilfering from the “rich” and spending on the “poor.” The uneducated electorate in the City and the largest Counties in the DC suburbs of Maryland continually elect Democrats to office and allow this state to be dragged further into the abyss. They vote with their hands out trying to figure what they can get next because, after all, they are entitled.
It will be interesting here for the next four years but no matter how hard people get screwed they will reelect most of these criminals. I will be forced to pay more income taxes to subsidize the idiot electorate who like being led around like sheep. I can only hope that the electrical rates go sky high and the idiots who voted for Saint Martin have to pay through the nose for their mistake. My electric company had rate increases all along and is not regulated by the Saint’s PSC. Guess that is one break I will get.
Good luck sheeple, take care going out to slaughter….
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