Illinois Scalps Chief for More Tickets

The University of Illinois has gotten rid of its Indian Mascot, Chief Illiniwek, in order to be eligible to host post season events and earn more money from ticket sales. The UOI gave in to the NCAA and its insane rule that forbids an institution from hosting post season events if it has a mascot that is insensitive to certain groups of people. In this case, the Chief was determined to be a negative symbol for the University and shed a bad light on Indians. I do not know how having a warrior chief as a mascot is a negative thing but evidently a bunch of feel good people felt that it was.

I do not believe that the NCAA should involve itself in politics. They should stay in their own lane and leave politics to politicians. It is not up to the NCAA to decide if an Indian or any other symbol is derogatory or not and it is certainly not up to them to sanction an institution because they do not like the mascot. How far will this go? What if people protest about the use of animals as mascots? Will they have to ban the Florida gators? What will happen if people show some sensitivity to the name the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame? Now that has got to be, on the scale of things, more offensive than an Indian chief. The fact is though, mascots are supposed to inspire people and teams want fierce mascots to demonstrate toughness. Before long the teams will be the daisies and the lilies. How inspiring is that?

Since the NCAA felt compelled to throw its weight around i would like to register my formal complaint against the entire city of Peoria in Illinois and I want action or I want all government funding cut off from the state. You see, the word Peoria comes from an Indian word meaning “place of fat beasts.” This has to be an insult to the people who live there and it needs to be ended right away.

Matter of fact they need to rename the whole state because the state is named after an Indian tribe:

The state is named for the Illinois River which was named by French explorers after the indigenous Illiniwek people, a consortium of Algonquian tribes that thrived in the area. The word Illiniwek means “tribe of superior men.”Wikipedia

And would you look at that? The name Illiniwek (the name of the mascot) means tribe of superior men. How in the name of all that is good can this possibly be an insult to anyone. Perhaps the indians and others who protest do not view these Indians as superior. Perhaps it just is no longer good to have spirit and be considered a warrior. It looks as if the pansy attitude of Congress has been passed down through the NCAA to this institution, the latest to receive an orchiectomy. We are becoming a nation of limp-wristed pansies who do not honor or praise strength and the warrior spirit.

What a waste. I hope the UOI never has an opportunity to play in the post season and anything they host involves teams other than theirs, perhaps teams with testicular fortitude.

STL Today

Jack Murtha: Double Talking Idiot

Jack Murtha seems to think that he is in charge of the world. He must feel pretty unstoppable because he was able to dodge that huge bullet regarding taking a bribe. Any guy who is on a film trying to find a way to take $50,000 and then avoids prosecution while his cohorts get nailed must feel a little cocky. Being an unindicted co-conspirator must be a badge of honor.

Murtha is hell bent on helping the terrorists win the war on terror in Iraq. He is drafting legislation that will keep the President from deploying troops and will place restrictions on what the President can do. It would appear that ABSCAM Murtha is trying to usurp the Constitutional authority that the President has to wage a war that Congress overwhelmingly approved.

The Bush administration “won’t be able to continue. They won’t be able to do the deployment. They won’t have the equipment. They don’t have the training and they won’t be able to do the work,” Murtha said in the post on the Democrat-friendly Web site “This vote will limit the options of the president and should stop this surge.”
“We need to make sure that everybody understands we’re going to support the troops. We’re going to give the troops everything they need. We’re not going to .. make any of them vulnerable,” Murtha said. “But we’re going to make darn sure that they have what they need before they go over.” Fox News

So what this jackass is saying is that his legislation will limit the administration’s ability to prosecute the war. The troops will not have equipment or training to go into combat. Murtha will also stop more troops from going to the combat zone. Then, in the next breath he says that they support the troops and the troops will have everything they need. What they need you bloviating criminal are more people to fight the war. Ideally, we need ten times what is being sent so we can crush the opposition. How can this idiot say they will have everything they need when his bill would, according to his own words, take away what they need? Additionally, this moonbat used Move On’s website to get his message out. What does it say about this man that he used an anti American organization’s website to get his message out?

This is pure double talk and smacks of Bush Derangement Syndrome. Murtha will do whatever he can to hurt President Bush regardless of how it affects our troops. Murtha is a disgrace to this country and the way he is using our military as pawns in the game of Presidential chess is nothing short of treason. In earlier times he would have been taken out back and hanged.

There is another classic line from ABSCAM Jack:

The Pennsylvania Democrat added that he is also considering language in the legislation that would close the military prisons at Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib, and the bill might include a provision requiring the president to get approval from Congress before taking any military action against Iran.

Murtha will close down two prisons in order to protect the poor terrorist bastards that want to kill us while screwing the brave men and women of our armed forces. This guy is truly worthless and should have been voted out of office. The people in Pennsylvania should really feel proud right about now. Interestingly, his legislation will require the President to get Congressional approval before any military action against Iran. Screecher of the House Bella Pelosi has already stated that the President does not have the authority to use the military against Iran without Congressional approval. If this is the case, why do we need that legislation?

The ace in the hole here is that any bill that they want to make a law has to be signed by the very president they are trying to screw. If George Bush does not veto any such bill that hits his desk I would have to question whether or not he has lost his mind.

Al Gore Will Say This is a Lie

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

There is an Inconvenient Truth out there for Al Gore and all the other tree hugging environmentalists who believe that the Global Warming debate has been settled and talk about the theory as if it is proven fact. An interesting article appeared today and the environmental wackos are not going to like it:

A new report on climate over the world’s southernmost continent shows that temperatures during the late 20th century did not climb as had been predicted by many global climate models.

This comes soon after the latest report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that strongly supports the conclusion that the Earth’s climate as a whole is warming, largely due to human activity.

It also follows a similar finding from last summer by the same research group that showed no increase in precipitation over Antarctica in the last 50 years. Most models predict that both precipitation and temperature will increase over Antarctica with a warming of the planet. EurekAlert

Be sure to read the rest of the story, it will “warm you all over.”

Congressional Genitals in the News

A former Republican Congressman was issued a citation for exposing his genitals to two women at a Florida beach resort. Joseph M. McDade who is 75 was charged with a crime that carries a $1000 fine and up to a year in jail.

In other news, Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota demonstrated that he has no genitals when he called the police on Congressman Tom Tancredo for smoking a cigar in his office. While I do not agree with the rules, members of Congress are allowed to smoke in their offices. To me, that rule is another example of how they make rules that apply to everyone else but them. No other Federal employees are allowed to smoke in their offices. Regardless, this is allowed so there should be no problem with it.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

That is until Keith Ellison, who occupies an office next to Tancredo, decided he did not like the smell of the cigar smoke. Instead of being a man and walking next door or picking up the phone and calling Tancredo, one of his staffers called the Capitol Police. The officer made it clear he did not want to be there but was obligated to investigate the call. He informed Ellison’s office that Tancredo was allowed to smoke in his office but had to investigate it nonetheless. Ellison should have acted like a man but instead chose to show the world he has no balls.

So here we have this freshman Congressman who is a Muslim crying about the smoke smell. I do not know if this is based on the smell, his religious convictions, or both but the fact is, members are allowed to smoke and there really is nothing he could do about it. Nothing that is, except maybe be neighborly. I am willing to bet that if he had contacted Tancredo and told him that the smoke bothered him they could have worked something out. I imagine it will be a cold day in hell before Tancredo worries about whether or not his cigar smoke bothers Ellison.

This is typical for a Muslim. Show up and demand that people do things your way. Demand that they change things because you do not like it. I imagine the call to the police was the preemptive strike so he can have CAIR and the other terrorist supporters have a rally for him and decry how he is being treated badly because he is a Muslim. If I were Tancredo I would smoke 4 or 5 cigars a day whenever Ellison was in his office.

I have an even better idea. Once a week Tancredo should have a pork BBQ in his office with a buffet set up for his staff. They could have pork ribs, pork BBQ, pork chops, pork rinds, and anything else they can think of. That smell wafting through the place should drive Ellison absolutely nuts. Before long he will declare a full scale jihad against Tancredo.

Perhaps they could use a Koran to set the hot plates on.

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Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.

Global Warming Hearing Cancelled Due to Ice Storm

There was supposed to be a hearing today on Global Warming at the Rayburn House Office Building in DC. The hearing is entitled “Climate Change: Are Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Human Activities Contributing to a Warming of the Planet?”

The hearing was cancelled because a snowstorm was followed by an ice storm and the entire region is covered with a wintry mix of nastiness. All area schools are closed, colleges are closed and government offices are closed or on a reduced work schedule.

Traffic is tied up, accidents are every where and people have decided to stay home for the day.

All of this on the day a Global Warming Hearing was set to begin. It is amazing how many people blindly follow this Global Warming idea even with contradictory evidence slapping them in the face like a cold northeastern wind.
