Global Freezing in Iceland
Feb 5, 2007 Uncategorized
The talk of the town is global warming. It is the thousand pound gorilla in the corner, or so we have been told. Global warming is supposed to be responsible for a number of natural maladies including the fact that some poor polar bears could not hibernate. Robert Kennedy wrote a nice piece about the warmth causing flowers to bloom and birds to come out in the middle of winter. He cited this as proof of global warming and said that this should help those who still do not believe. John Kerry told us that all reputable scientists are on board with global warming.
A couple of interesting things happened on the way to the global warming rally. First, Iceland is experiencing thick pack ice the likes of which have not been seen for decades. This is likely to cause a polar bear problem because the polar bears get on the ice and pieces of it break off and they end up in Iceland where they are promptly shot. Not good for an animal that is endangered. Nevertheless, the fact is it is colder there and they are getting thicker ice. Perhaps this will take up the extra water caused by Gore’s melting ice scenario and keep us from being flooded. The coldest temperatures of the year are happening all over and there have been back to back blizzards. Interestingly, some lunatic will find a way to blame this on global warming. [Source: Telegraph UK]
The second thing is that many scientists are bucking the trend and denying that global warming exists. I am sure they do not fit John Kerry’s definition of a reputable scientist, but they have done research and have come to different conclusions.
Dr. Shariv’s digging led him to the surprising discovery that there is no concrete evidence — only speculation — that man-made greenhouse gases cause global warming. Even research from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change– the United Nations agency that heads the worldwide effort to combat global warming — is bereft of anything here inspiring confidence. In fact, according to the IPCC’s own findings, man’s role is so uncertain that there is a strong possibility that we have been cooling, not warming, the Earth. National Post
So this guy says that there is only speculation and hard evidence. He states that the UN’s information is bereft of anything that inspires confidence and says that according to their own finding we might be cooling, not warming. Why do you suppose Kerry’s reputable scientists did not point this out? Perhaps their research grants and jobs would go away if the truth were told. One thing is for certain, there is not enough evidence (in fact there is NO evidence) to support this idea of global warming and it is certainly premature to spend billions of dollars to fix a problem that might not even exist.
Say no to Kyoto and say not to increased spending (and certainly increased taxes to support) for global warming until someone can show proof positive. Let us hear the dissenting voices and let us enter into honest debate without all the politics attached. Let’s get to the truth for a change.
Tags: Commentary
Could Europe Survive without Our Goods?
Feb 2, 2007 Uncategorized
French President Jacques Chirac is indicating that Europe might try to blackmail use extortion to get the United States to sign the Kyoto climate protocol. Chirac indicated that The European Union might impose a carbon tax on countries that have not signed on in an effort to coerce them into signing.
This country better not bow down to him or any other jackass. Whether we sign or not is our business and not his. It is not in our best interest to sign a protocol that has provided little if any relief and that costs a fortune. We should not sign on to this and we should tell Chirac to stuff it.
I wonder if Europe could survive without our money and goods. If they impose the tariff we should stop providing any European nation with money, we should stop providing them with military goods, and we should stop sending anything that we are not required to by some treaty. It might hurt our economy a bit for a while but it will not be long before they realize that they can not live without our goods and especially without the money we send all over.
It is also important for them to keep in mind that they also send goods here and we could just as easily stop importing things like French wine. If they want to play hardball they better be sure they are big league caliber or we can make life miserable for them.
New York Times
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Muslims Decry Nazi State in Britain
Feb 2, 2007 Uncategorized
A Muslim leader in Britain has warned that the country is moving toward a police state comparable to Nazi Germany after nine Muslims were rounded up for plotting to kidnap and kill a British Muslim soldier. The leader asked that Muslims exercise restraint and allow dialogue to bring people together.
I am amazed that the Muslims are not out rioting threatening to cut off heads. Any group of people who react violently to cartoons would certainly riot to protest the arrest of KILLERS. What this Muslim jackass needs to explain is why he did not condemn the actions of the criminals. Why is it he is crying because people were arrested for plotting to commit a murder? This is typical for the Muslim world. They decry the rules of society and ignore the antisocial behavior of the Zealots who follow their religion.
Also, how bad can it be to live under a Nazi state? The Muslims already deny the Holocaust and act like rule under Hitler was wonderful. Perhaps if they showed as much attention to the actual atrocities committed instead of those perceived by their deluded leaders they might be taken seriously. Instead, they continue to defend twisted ideals and murderous thugs.
The police arrested criminals suspected of plotting to kill a soldier. That should be the end of that. You can bet if the police failed to arrest a group of people (non Muslim) threatening to kill a Muslim cleric they would be demanding answers. Muslims will never be taken seriously as players on the world stage so long as they espouse thousand year old stupidity.
Send them all back to the Middle East and make them stay there.
Tags: Commentary, Terrorism
John Kerry Now Insults Scientists
Feb 2, 2007 Uncategorized
The United nations report on Global Warming is out and it has the Democrats salivating like Pavlov’s dog in a bell factory. The report indicates that man is most likely the cause of increased global temperatures and this is proof positive, to them, that something needs to be done (something that will have a huge price tag and increase taxes). John Kerry made a statement about this:
“Although President Bush just noticed that the earth is heating up, the American public, every reputable scientist and other world leaders have long recognized that global warming is real and it’s serious. The time to act is now,” said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who with GOP Sen. Olympia Snowe of Maine crafted one of a half-dozen competing bills to address global warming. AP (via Comcast)
To John Kerry the only reputable scientists are those who endorse global warming. There are as many scientists who disagree with the theory as who espouse it and yet John Kerry said that every reputable scientist have long recognized. What he basically said is, if you are a scientist who does not agree with this then you are not reputable. You would think that after ruining his chances to run for the White house by opening his big mouth, he would take a bit more time to think before he speaks.
While many Democrats view the UN report as a smoking gun that gives irrefutable evidence to support their beliefs, I do not. I can find as many scientists who disagree and they are no less reputable than those who agree. The left will counter that the only scientists who disagree are paid by the oil companies. This would be incorrect but we could just as easily say that the only scientists who agree are paid big research dollars to say global warming is a problem.
I do not believe global warming is a problem and I do not think we should devote billions of dollars to it. The UN report will support the idea so that they can compel wealthy countries like the US to pay billions and billions of dollars to fix it (as if we actually could). They will use this to try to force us to sign onto Kyoto, an item that would be a disaster to us and would provide minimal if any results.
If these pompous Liberals who are on the global warming bandwagon really want to decrease fossil fuel use why do they not allow us to build nuclear reactors all over the country to supply our energy needs. The French have a lot of reactors and have done very well with them. We could do the same here. Hell, nuclear reactors in California would solve their electrical problems nearly overnight and would decrease the amount of fossil fuels consumed there. We, of course, will not completely eliminate fossil fuels for quite some time. God put them here for us to use and we are using them.
It is just unfortunate that the global warming zealots can not just worry about the pollution they produce. They have to impose their beliefs on all of us and when they do it always costs money. I will, of course, not get rid of my SUV no matter what they do.
Tags: Commentary
No More Troops and Give Me a Plane
Feb 1, 2007 Uncategorized
Screecher of the House Nancy Bella Pelosi has put in a request for her own military aircraft. This is a practice that started after 9/11 to allow the top House leader to travel in relative security. It would seem though, that Bella is pressing her new position into a travel agency to cater to her family and staff.
The sources, who include those in Congress and in the administration, said the Democrat is seeking regular military flights not only for herself and her staff, but also for relatives and for other members of the California delegation. A knowledgeable source called the request “carte blanche for an aircraft any time.”
It is one thing for her to say that she is the Screecher and she needs an airplane to take her around especially since a precedent has been set for that. But this idea of having it available any time she wants to fly and to allow her family and staff the same privilege is absolutely criminal. It is not cheap to fly these things and members of our military can not have a plane when ever they want. They must sign up on a space available basis which means if the plane is going there and there is a seat they can get on. It is also worthy to note that our military members do not fly in luxury. Perhaps though, this is why Bella wants a military aircraft to fly her family and friends:
U.S. Air Force travel for VIPs such as members of Congress is first-rate. The planes are staffed with stewards who serve meals and tend an open bar. Communications suites allow members to conduct business while traveling.
Such flights are one of Congress’ cherished perquisites, providing lawmakers a chance to visit foreign lands at government expense. Official duties are often mixed with sightseeing and fine dining.
This is absolutely criminal and needs to stop. We have bloggers worrying about Ney getting his pension of 29 grand a year and the screecher is going to waste who knows how much in tax dollars flying in style. In case someone did not tell her SHE IS NOT THE PRESIDENT. I think it is criminal that these pious jackasses (and I mean all of them) are treated like royalty on military aircraft when our troops sit in cargo net seats, drink water and eat MREs. [As an aside, Ney earned the pension, unlike the ILLEGALS who can be paid Social Security. Bill Clinton still gets his pension and he was guilty of a crime.]
Bella Pelosi is no one special and the President had better consider this request very carefully. If she deserves a plane based upon 9/11 precedent then fine, but there had better be some tight constraints like no family, limited staff and NO FIRST CLASS BS. Here is a woman who opposes us winning the war, who opposes sending more troops, who opposes any more money for the effort but wants to waste money having the military fly her and her family around like she is the Queen of the country. Absolutely not!
I guess it is obvious that the culture of corruption runs across the aisles, as I have said many times. First she exempts a constituent company from the minimum wage and now she wants to abuse her power and make the military her personal taxi service. It is even more obvious that the jackasses who serve in Congress think they are more important than they really are and they consider themselves the elitist class here to lead we peons around. I also assume this will lay to rest any talk about Pelosi NOT being a San Francisco Liberal elitist. She has demonstrated that she is way out of the mainstream and she definitely considers herself to be among the elite.
Shame on you Bella Pelosi, you overblown windbag. You should have stayed home keeping house because you certainly do not belong in Congress. If I had a say they would send you in a cargo plane with a parachute. If that method of leaving the plane is good enough for the troops, it is good enough for you.
Washington Times
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