Perception is Reality Part II

I wrote that Barack Obama said that the arguments of Liberals were based in reason and fact. Interestingly, this does not hold true and Obama and the MSM are a great example. During the 2004 election Dan Rather and CBS took forged documents and ran with them despite the warning signs that were present. There should have been enough red flags to make them stop and think and they did not. Their blind hatred for George Bush caused them to lose focus and run with documents that a blogger debunked in 15 minutes. Most of the Liberal world excused this behavior and indicated that even if the documents were phony the stories were real so that makes it OK. It is obvious that Dan Rather did this with malice.

Contrast this with an error that Fox made in reporting that Obama attended a Madrassa. Someone at Fox got the information from a web site and it was reportedly released from one of Hillary’s folks (that part is probably true). An on air talent aired the information before it could be vetted. Now what Fox did was wrong but it is obvious there was no malice.

Obama is giving the Fox reporters the cold shoulder and will not do interviews with them. This is an unwise move for a guy who is well behind Queen Hillary. In any event, the “reason and fact” in Obama could not allow him to see that someone had made a mistake and that he might be better off venting his anger at the source rather than the messenger especially since the messenger will be needed if he wants to win.

In the world of Liberal reason and fact Dan Rather was duped by Karl Rove who was busy helping George Bush crank up the hurricane machine and aim it at New Orleans so he could flood the blacks (who he hates you know), while simultaneously helping the Swift Boat Veterans screw over John Kerry. Fox News on the other hand is just a bunch of liars who are out to destroy Hussein Obama.

To Protect and Serve

I am in no way a supporter of the anti-war crowd. I believe they are destructive to our nation and they give our enemy resolve. I do, however, believe that they have the right to protest and I will die defending that right regardless of my distaste for their message. A group of nine protesters was arrested for protesting around courtyard pool inside the Rayburn House office building. They were throwing flowers and reciting the names of our war dead. They were arrested because there are laws preventing protests inside Federal buildings in the DC area. This is fine, there are rules that must be followed when exercising First Amendment rights.

What I have a real problem with is the way different groups of protesters are handled. These people, who by all accounts were not hurting anything or anyone, were arrested while the group on Saturday was allowed to vandalize the steps of the Capitol. The Capitol Police stood by and watched as people defaced the property and they arrested absolutely no one. It would seem that if they were going to excuse any behavior it would the behavior of the peaceful protester. The ones who were damaging property should have been arrested. What do we pay the Capitol Police to do? If we are only paying them to watch crime we can get cameras and film it and save the taxpayers a great deal of money.

I can not stand those who protest against the war but the First Amendment is the second most important one we have (without the Second there would be no First) so they should be allowed to peacefully assemble within the limits of the law. However, when they go out of their way to confront the police or to antagonize the opposition voice and when they damage property they should be arrested.

The police indicate that on Saturday they used “measured crowd control practices.” I hope if a crown of terrorists (other than the anti-war type) attacks the Capitol they do a little better job.

Fox News

Anti War Protestors Deface Capitol

Capitol police were ordered to move back and allow protestors access to the Capitol where the hooligans promptly spray painted anti war slogans. They painted the steps with symbols and slogans after the police backed off to allow them access. The police officers working the Capitol were upset with the decisions of their superiors and did not want to allow the protestors to deface the Capitol. The police chief, Phillip Morse, defended the actions by stating that the protestors wanted a confrontation with the police.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

The police are not supposed to be intimidated. They are there to protect the buildings and the people who work there and they can not give in to avoid confrontation. I wonder if this had been the KKK and they wanted to paint Swastikas would they have been permitted to do so. As far as I am concerned the police did not do their jobs and the police chief should be fired. Maybe today a group of protestors can show up and try to steal from the building and the police can just let them do so in order to avoid a confrontation.

Workers had to come in on their days off to clean up the mess. This is a disgrace and it sets a bad precedent. Suppose a few supporters of the war show up today and want to spray paint pro war slogans. Will they be denied and if so, were they discriminated against?

I am all for people exercising their rights in this country. Those rights however, stop with destruction of property or harm to others. The police were wrong here and the police chief needs to be unemployed for taking this terrible decision.

The Hill

[tags]war, protestor, vandal, spray paint, Capitol[/tags]

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Best Judgment Available at the Time

For quite some time the Democrats have told Americans that they were tricked into the war. Bush lied about intelligence reports and tricked people into the war. Many of the people who make this claim are also the ones who call George Bush a stupid man. In one of life’s ironies, they are admitting that they were tricked by a person they believe they are smarter than.

I don’t believe Bush to be a dumb man and I do not believe that he lied us into war. Interestingly, the intelligence from countries around the world all agreed that Hussein had WMD. He had them and there is no evidence that he got rid of them. There are no plants to process them, no secondary wastes and no areas where it appears they were dumped or burned. If Hussein truly destroyed his chemical weapons then the world did a disservice by executing him because he could have told every other nation that is destroying its chemical weapons how to do so in such a quick and inexpensive fashion. Countries like Japan and China could use this information and it would certainly help the US and keep us from spending the billions of dollars we are in order to rid ourselves of the chemicals per international treaty.

The fact is, Hussein had those weapons and he used them on Iran and his own people. Reports indicate they were moved to Syria just before the US invasion. It does not matter where they went, he did not destroy them as everyone claims and he certainly had them. Despite the fact that the resolution to use force only contained three references (out of more than a dozen) mentioning WMD, that has been the focus of the left in their insatiable desire to get elected and to keep America from winning this war. The fat is, and this has been mentioned a number of times, the very members of Congress who now say there were no WMD are on record as saying Hussein had them and they he posed a danger. They said this during Clinton’s term in office, well before Bush took the reigns of power. Yet, this is routinely dismissed because of the pervasive hatred for the President.

In a speech on the campaign trail, a trail that keeps elected members from doing their jobs while they still get paid, Hillary Clinton said:

“I’ve taken responsibility for my vote, but there are no do-overs in life. I wish there were. I acted on the best judgment I had at the time,” she said. “The president took my vote and others’ votes and basically misused the authority we gave him.” al-Reuters

Prior to announcing her candidacy, Clinton said if she knew then what she knows now she would not have voted for the war. Well duh. It is wonderful that everyone allows her that benefit of hindsight. I wonder if Bush said that would he be more loved or portrayed as inept? The fact is Clinton had access to the same information about Iraq and its programs for quite some time and many had access long before Bush was elected. In the latest quote Clinton said she acted on the best judgment she had at the time. Well how wonderful. The fact is, they all acted on the best judgment at the time. They all acted on the same intelligence. Why is it that Hillary acted on the best at the time but Bush lied? Bush has indicated that he acted on the best information available, and yet we are continually told he lied or manipulated that information.

I can not believe that Bush manipulated the intelligence from all those other nations. Many of those nations did not support or actions and yet they provided us with intelligence that showed Hussein was a threat. If the intelligence was single source and ours I could believe it was manipulated but it is hard to imagine that could be done to everyone else’s intelligence without someone stepping up and saying “that is not what our reports said.” During this election Hillary will spend time covering her tracks and trying to have her vote for war excused while bashing the President for the very same thing.

Keep in mind that she is asking for a benefit she herself is unwilling to give. She wants you to know that if she knew then… then she would have acted differently and she wants you to believe that she acted on her best judgment (and I have no reason to doubt that) but she wants you to believe she is a good person for it while Bush is a bad guy for not knowing then what we know now and acting on the best judgment available.

It is not beyond the pale that Hillary’s best judgment was that polls showed overwhelming support for such action. That might very well have been her best judgment. Now that polls show fewer people supporting the war Hillary is squirming around like Houdini trying to get out of a straight jacket. She has to make people believe that she would not have voted a certain way if she had different information because her top opponent was not in elected office so he did not vote on the war. Yes, Hillary needs to remake herself to the anti-war crowd and try to gain their forgiveness for what is now perceived as a bad thing.

It will be interesting to see what Hillary says and does if this thing turns decidedly in the favor of America in the next year. Suppose we really mop up and the country is back in the hands of its leaders and running well, will she then claim her vote was a proper one?

Hillary states that she used the best judgment available at the time. I can accept that so long as the people who will give her a pass because of that statement will do the same for the President.

[tags]war, Iraq, Hillary, Bush, terror, intelligence, election, campaign[/tags]

Child Abuse at War Protest

The liberal idiots who reside in this country decided to exercise their First Amendment right to assemble in protest of the war. There were a number of people there including the very aged Jane Fonda who is a traitor to this country and should have been shot a long time ago. But, she wanted to get out with pals Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins and Danny Glover and try to relive her glory days of protesting like she did during the Vietnam War. The only thing Fonda needs to do to complete the experience is go to Iraq and help a terrorists saw off the head of an American. Then she will have aided the enemy as she did a long time ago when she was not so very old.

Linkfest Haven, the Blogger's Oasis

It is one thing for adults to protest. They have that right and it is one of the only rights liberals actually fight for. They will fight to protest and for Free Speech and Press but they will fight against Freedom of Religion and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. In any event, when adults protest one can at least assume they have taken their own decisions regardless of how misinformed they are. When protesters parade their children up there and have them parrot lies then it borders on child abuse. I mean, it is all for the children, right? I am sure that the following is not something that the child came up with:

Standing on her toes to reach the microphone, 12-year-old Moriah Arnold told the crowd: “Now we know our leaders either lied to us or hid the truth. Because of our actions, the rest of the world sees us as a bully and a liar.” My Way News

This 12 year old did not come up with this on her own. She either learned this from school or her parents or both. Given the liberal indoctrination system that passes for the school system, it is likely that she learned most of it there and it was reinforced by her moonbat parents. It is undeniable that the school system is a liberal indoctrination system. I have never seen a report of a teacher ranting in class about conservative ideas. We do, however, get plenty of stories about liberal teachers going on rants espousing their liberal views. Moriah Arnold has been abused by the system and her two minutes of fame demonstrate the danger of the public school system.

Moriah Arnold is an idiot and she will continue to be an idiot when she is an adult. There is no evidence that we were lied to. A lie is a deliberate deception. The items presented for war were based upon intelligence from many countries and that everyone saw. The Democrats are backsliding because they have no backbone and the easiest way out is to claim they were lied to. They were not, they are just not intelligent or principled enough to take a decision and stick with it. Of all the members of Congress, Maxine Waters of California must be the most stupid. Why is that, you ask? She believes that the country was tricked into war. If she was tricked, it is because she is dumber than the man that all donks think is an idiot. Additionally, Waters indicated she will not vote one dime to the war. Fine, can we as taxpayers decide how much we are willing to send in? Perhaps I do not want to pay one more dime for the crack whores that Waters represents. Maybe I am tired of paying Social Security for other people to retire on. Who the hell is this piece of trash anyway? Does she think the money is hers?

Waters is a liberal racist who believes in the redistribution of wealth and justifies black on white violence. Yes, this racist, welfare whore, thought that the violence during the 1992 riots was righteous and defended the way blacks treated whites and Koreans. It is amazing that this thick skulled, troglodyte can justify violence in America (but only blacks being violent to others) and yet is at an anti war protest because she can not seem to muster her one brain cell to say that it is righteous. I said it before and I will say it again, we would probably been much better off if the planes had skipped the WTC and hit the Capitol instead. Then we would be rid of most of the problems in this country and could start anew.

The odds are that one day we will be hit again, especially if we pull out of Iraq. If we pull out and are attacked again it would be a sweet irony if the attackers could hit these folks when they are gathered to celebrate their cause. Maybe little Moriah could be the only survivor so she can again tell us how they were lied to.

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