Tancredo Says What Others Think
Jan 25, 2007 Political
Tom Tancredo, a Congressman from Colorado, has taken some tough stands on issues. He is real tough on ILLEGAL immigration and he wants to get rid of the ILLEGALS. I admire the fact that he believes that they are a problem that needs to be dealt with. Today he decided to take on racism in the Congress.
Tancredo called for abolishing the racist caucuses that exist in the Congress. He wants to do away with the Congressional Black Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus and any other race based caucus. It is about time these racist organizations were taken to task. Tancredo believes that it is hard to portray an image of a diverse, color blind America, with race based caucuses in the Congress.
I have been saying this for years. While we are at it we can get rid of the Black Miss America Pageant, The United Negro College Fund, and the NAACP. These groups do nothing more than widen the racial divide in this country. There are those who will call Tancredo racist. In one of life’s ironies, the organizations that have membership based on race, will call him a racist for trying to abolish their groups.
White only organizations always come under fire especially if a politician uses their organization. Let a country club that has a white only membership be used for a white politician’s party (wedding reception etc.) and that politician is forced to apologize, and account for his actions. Let some group that is a white organization refuse membership to blacks and Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are marching in the streets. I imagine if they had a Congressional White Caucus there would be real problems and Jackson would tell us how terrible white America is.
Imagine how it would be if a Jesse Jackson’s son, who serves in Congress, were denied admission to the white caucus. “Sorry Mr. Jackson, membership is restricted to whites only.” Enter daddy:
I can’t believe that this kind of racism is present in the Congress of the younited states. We must unite, fight, be right, delight and ignite the flames of power to truth as we get rid of this shameful practice of discrimination. I will devote, emote, and quote until this travesty is removed. It is not bad enough those whities are running the country into the ground and oppressing our people by shooting them down in cold blood as their jackbooted Nazi police under orders from that Nazi George Bush laugh. It is a travesty and we can not stand for it. My son will work hard like a retard playing with lard in the yard to make sure he is admitted to the good ole boy’s KKK club. He will not let a McKinney happen to him! Poor girl beaten half to death by a white cop.
Uh, Mr. Jackson, are you aware your son belongs to the Congressional Black Caucus and they have a policy of only admitting blacks?”
That is different because we were oppressed, regressed, digressed, unimpressed at the hands of slave owners. Whites do not belong in black organizations. The entire Congress is the white caucus and you whiteys have the power. The Hymies are running a close second and then somewhere lower you find my brothers and sisters who have worked through discrimination to be treated like they are on a plantation. My son had to prioritize, stylize, realize, simonize and acclimatize in order to make it where he is and now that he is there no damned whitey is gonna join the group but you can bet he is gonna get in that racist white caucus and break up that clan meeting. He will break the clan with a plan to be a fan again and again to make it happen.
And there you have the dirty little secret. Racism is alive and well in America and it is OK so long as you are a minority racist. Have you ever noticed that when a white candidate is being questioned (especially a Republican) for a position like the Supreme Court there are always questions about belonging to groups in college that would not allow blacks (or women)? I wonder if it would count if a black Congressman was nominated for one of these positions and was asked about belonging to a racist organization that did not admit whites. Would he have to say yes, the Congressional Black Caucus is such an organization or would he get a pass because it is OK to be a racist if you are a minority. Just a thought.
Go Tancredo, get them all abolished or start a Congressional White Caucus.
Tags: Commentary, Political
Global Warming Expected to Hit Soon
Jan 24, 2007 Uncategorized
In another global warming update, experts are predicting a colder than usual weather pattern that will last longer than expected in late January and through February. Al Gore was right and ice caps will begin to melt as these frigid temperatures cause snow and ice to change to liquid.
Someone call Robert Kennedy Jr and ask him to write another blog like the one he wrote about the birds being out and the flowers in bloom as proof of global warming. he is surely not going to want to miss the chance to blame colder than usual temperatures on man made global warming.
This global warming report brought to you by the back to back blizzards that hit the Denver area and the Weather Channel where we only want to accept meteorologists who succumb to global warming brainwashing…
Tags: Commentary
A Business Gives Our GIs the Business
Jan 21, 2007 Military
My friend Heidi over at Euphoric Reality, a site that is always on top of things, reports about a supposedly American Company that refused to sell items to a Sergeant who is stationed in Iraq. Now, I have no problem with any business that does not ship to an APO (Army Posy Office) address or does not ship overseas. No one expects businesses to change how they normally do business just because we are at war. However, this business went a little beyond stating that they do not deliver to an APO address (from Euphoric Reality):
From: SGT Jason Hess
Sent: Tue Jan 16 3:25Do you ship to APO address? I’m in the 1st Cavalry Division stationed in Iraq and we are trying to order some mats but we are looking for who ships to APO first.
From: contact@discount-mats.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2007 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: Feedback: from discount-mats.comSGT Hess,
We do not ship to APO addresses, and even if we did, we would NEVER ship to Iraq. If you were sensible, you and your troops would pull out of Iraq.Bargain Suppliers
This answer went a little beyond what was necessary and it shows outright contempt for our soldiers who are in harm’s way so that the jackass who owns this business can make such statements. Interestingly, the domain is registered to Faisal Khetani. I don’t know if this is the same person who owns the business but the attitude fits with the name. This is America so any company is free to say what they want about war and to deny shipping to anyone they want. I also know that we are free to never patronize their business so I am asking anyone who reads this who does business with this company or is thinking about it to go to another company. This person is too busy shipping prayer mats to Gitmo and Osama bin Laden in the hills of Pakistan.
It is beyond me how people can move here from these third world sand pits (or in some cases be second and third generations of people who moved from sand pits) and still act like America is not a good place or that there is some allegiance to a Middle Eastern country. If you don’t like America being in Iraq that is fine but to treat service members like that is just plain wrong. I am fed up with people who are here living a much better life than they could ever have hoped for in the cesspool country they came from trashing this country and the way we run it. It belongs to us real Americans and if your allegiance is not to this country get the hell out before we boot your sand flea asses out.
They come here, set up shop, make money, go to good schools, drive nice cars, live in nice homes, are free to worship as they please, say and do what they want and then they have the nerve to insult the people who fight for and provide the very blanket of freedom and safety under which they live. Well they can all go straight to hell and they can take their business with them.
Visit Euphoric Reality to get contact information for this company (al-Qaeda west) and send them a nice email letting them know how much you appreciate their freedom of speech and how you intend to exercise yours. I already sent my email. I expect it will be perceived as hat mail, and they might be right because I hate it when they screw with our troops.
My hunch is they are a company with ties to the name but if not, it still applies to the liberal jackasses who spread this kind of stupidity all the time.
Tags: Commentary
Wicked Witch in the Race
Jan 20, 2007 Political
For quite some time I have been saying that Hillary Clinton was going to run for the White House, the building she and her husband allowed to become the best little whorehouse in DC. I was told by many liberals who commented and untold numbers that emailed that I did not know what I was talking about. I predicted she was preparing for the White House as she was swearing in for her first jaunt in the Senate and while she was saying that she was only focused on that job. I have a saying about the Big Dog always being right and I have that saying for a reason.
Pushed by Obama, the person who wants to be the first half black half white person to hold the Presidency and anticipating the man who wants to be the first Hispanic to hold the Presidency, Hillary Clinton announced today that she was setting up an exploratory committee to become the first woman to hold the office. The timing is unusual but she was forced to play her cards by the others who jumped in very quickly and Obama’s early support by people like the Reverend Jackson.
Hillary is using the occasion of her announcement to make statements like after six years of Bush we need someone ready to do things right or clean up his mess or whatever. There will be a lot of Bush bashing over the next two years but he is not running for office. It worked well in the last election for Democrats to avoid who they are and just say they are not Bush. A lot of people were elected without actually saying that they would do anything or telling anyone specifics of what they would do. They just said, vote for me because I am not George Bush and America did. People who want to be president will have to have a bit more than that in order to win.
Hillary has a lot of baggage but there are people in this country who are in love with her. I know people who said they would vote for her just because she is a woman. I know people who have said that she would make a great president because we would get Bill back in the White House (as if she would view her presidency as a jointly held office this time). I know people who said they think she is wonderful and would make a great president but none of them can name one great thing she has done. There are a few who said “well, she stuck by Bill when he cheated.” That makes a lot of women qualified for the office.
I have heard a few people say it was time to have a woman in the White House (which Bill did quite a bit) just like it was time to have a black in there. This upcoming race will cause some division among the ranks of the Democrats because they will not know which way to turn. If Obama does not make it in the primary they will say it was because the party is not ready for a black guy and if she does not make it they will say it is because the party is not ready for a woman. I would not be surprised to see Obama pressured to get out by the Clinton machine. I would also wager, assuming that one of these two gets the nomination, that person will pick the other to be a running mate in order to cover all the bases (black, white , half black half white, woman and lesbian).
I am wondering if there are any people who the Clinton’s have crossed over the years who have dirt on them and who are still alive. People who know bad things about the Clintons tend to end up dead under unusual circumstances so any who remain might be afraid. However, it would be great to have some closure on those billing records, what she knew about Bill and Monica and when she knew it, how involved she was in the bad things that happened when her hubby was the prez. There will be a lot of dirt thrown around but the Clintons are always able to deflect it. Bill was accused of having that affair with Gennifer Flowers before he ran and it was dismissed as a lie by the machine only to surface again when Bill had to admit it was the truth during Monicagate.
They are crafty but there will be items that people will use against her. The hard left is sure to use her war position (if they have not been duped by her changing positions) against her. She will canter back (as she is now) away from the war and hope that Cindy Sheehan and the others can forgive her for being fooled by George Bush. Which brings a side note: How is it any of them can campaign on the idea that Bush is an idiot and inept and does not know what he is doing and yet they can continue to claim that he fooled them? If they are so smart, and smarter than Bush, how does he keep fooling them and do we really need people who are that stupid, by their own admission, in office?
It will be interesting to see what happens between now and the primaries. I know this much, none of these people will be getting much done in Congress. They have all been working on the White House since the day after the election and they will spend much more time on that than on their duties. Hill will be out raising obscene amounts of money and will be working very hard to get the job as Commander in Chief.
There is a lot of time to go but if America goes down this path it will be the path to destruction. Though she will get a pass on everything from the MSM, she will drive this country into the ground and will ruin us. The Roman Empire ended and so, one day, might this great experiment called America. If Hillary gets elected, we will be well on our way.
My Way News
ABC News
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway | Is It Just Me? | The Random Yak | Adam’s Blog | basil’s blog | Stuck On Stupid | Phastidio.net | Thought Alarm | Rightwing Guy | Wake Up America | 123 Beta | The HILL Chronicles | third world county | Faultline USA | Woman Honor Thyself | The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns | The Uncooperative Blogger ® | stikNstein… has no mercy | The World According to Carl, Pirate’s Cove | The Right Nation | The Pink Flamingo | Diggers Realm | Right Voices
Thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.
[tags]Hillary, Clinton, war, President, politics, White House, Obama, announcement, campaign, Senate, Senator[/tags]
Tags: Commentary, Link Fest, Political
Pelosi Abuses Power with Regard to Military
Jan 15, 2007 Political
Nancy Pelosi had a stern warning for President Bush. She said he should not abuse his power with regard to troop levels and that Congress had an oversight authority. Sorry Ms. Pelosi, it is you and the Congress who are abusing power. You have not let Republicans be involved in any of the early legislation and several of the idiots in your party are trying to pass illegal legislation to limit the President’s role as Commander in Chief. It would do Nancy and her gang a bit of good to review the Constitution and to speak with a few lawyers. The President has command authority over the military, not the Congress. The Congress controls the budget for and laws governing the military but the President exercises command authority over the armed forces.
For years we have heard the Democrats cry and whine about Mr. Bush’s abuse of power. He spied, he listened, he did this and he did that. Yet, the first opportunity the Democrats got, they moved in to usurp the Constitutional authority of the President. Several, including Teddy the Boozer, have introduced legislation designed to make the President have to run everything past them and get approval. This is illegal. The President has the sole authority and does not need the permission of the Congress to move troops. The Congress has authority to declare war on other nations but the President is in charge of running the military. He, in concert with military experts, decide when and how to use the military.
The Congress has legislative and appropriations authority over the military. The Congress shall have the power to:
- Declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning Captures on Land and Water
- To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years
- To provide and maintain a Navy
- To make rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces
- To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrection, and repel invasions
- To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the appointment of officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress
The militia are the National Guard so the portion on the militia describes how they are handled when called into active service. The militia is not the active military. Each of these items deals with either providing money or legislative authority. The rules governing the military are nothing more than the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It has been written by Congress and is the law that governs the military. The founders designed coequal branches of government. The President can not make laws governing the military and the Congress can not infringe on the President’s command authority. This system helps keep one branch of government from taking over through a military coup and it ensures that at least two branches have oversight. They must work together to make things happen. Congress voted to authorize the use of force so now the use of that force is governed by the President.
I am getting sick of Pelosi and her thugs trying to hamstring the President with illegal tactics and toothless warnings. They need to stay in their own lane and stop trying to exercise control they do not have. If they really think they can solve the problems by cutting the money for the military then let them do so. That will really play well the next time they want to be elected. If they give up that misguided idea that the election was a referendum on the war they might find it a bit easier to stick to what the Constitution says they are supposed to do. They should also consider the stupidity of trying to pass legislation that restricts the President. Besides being unconstitutional, the President can veto it and they do not have enough votes to override such a veto. It is a waste of time and a show to the people in this country who actually think we would be better off by leaving Iraq.
She said that in the last election, “the American people spoke out for change,” and “nowhere was that voice more clear than in the war in Iraq.” Today, “Democrats oppose the escalation of the war,” she said to cheers. “Let me repeat that: Democrats oppose the escalation of the war.
“We have said to the president … we want you to have a plan, and this is what we suggest,” said Pelosi, “a redeployment of our troops out of Iraq” to help “make the region more stable and make America safer.” SFGate
As stated, the last election had little to do with the war and we are not going to rehash that. As for Pelosi and their plan? Retreat is not a plan. You can not win by running away from a fight. There is no way the President is going to consider retreat. We will not cut and run so Pelosi should get it through her thick skull. We will not cut and run! This, America is what you elected to Congress. People who believe that surrender is a plan. I have an idea. Why don’t the Democrats surrender control of the Congress to people who actually know what they are doing. I would love to have a discussion with Pelosi. I would love to have this discussion with Pelosi. I would have grandma moonbat so flustered she would not know what to do.
The Democrats are doing nothing but laying the groundwork for the next election. Part of that plan involves America losing the war, because without defeat, it is likely they will not win the White House in 2008.
To Nancy and her fellow moonbats, see Article I, Section 8 and Article II, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Of course, I am no Constitutional scholar and I am not an attorney but it seems clear when I read it. That does not mean some activist judge will see it the same way. We allow abortions in this country and that word [abortion] does not appear in the Constitution and somehow, the act of Flag burning became speech so anything is possible. I only hope that if we are overrun by the enemy the first place they seize is the Capital. Congress would get what it deserves and those of us who KNOW what the Second Amendment says can take it from there.
[tags]Pelosi, war, President Bush, terror, Congress, retreat, surrender, inept, corruption, Constitution, second amendment[/tags]
Tags: Commentary, Political