When Did Penn Get Elected?

Sean Penn is not content sticking to his chosen profession. He has decided that he needs to get involved in politics. He went to the Middle East and “reported” from there in an effort to show how terrible the US is, especially under the leadership of George Bush. Pen was in New Orleans and tried to be a real hero by getting in a boat to rescue people. Unfortunately, he was more like Gilligan than any hero and got into a boat with a hole in it and promptly sunk.

Penn was in New York Monday to receive the Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from The Creative Coalition. Penn took that opportunity to again blast the President and to call for his impeachment. Penn compared the decision of the Democrats not to seek impeachment to the judicial system not seeking charges against someone who broke the law:

Turning to his views of President Bush, Penn said, “Now, there’s been a lot of talk lately on Capitol Hill about how impeachment should be ‘off the table.’ We’re told that it’s time to look ahead – not back…

“Can you imagine how far that argument would go for the defense at an arraignment on charges of grand larceny, or large-scale distribution of methamphetamines? How about the arranging of a contract killing on a pregnant mother? ‘Indictment should be off the table.’ Or ‘Let’s look forward, not backward.’ Or ‘We can’t afford another failed defendant.’

“Our country has a legal system, not of men and women, but of laws. Why then are we so willing to put inconvenient provisions of the U.S. constitution and federal law ‘off the table?’”

I would imagine that Penn is under the impression that the President broke some law. You see, the examples he cites involve individuals who broke the law. The President used available information to take a decision. Whether or not the decision was correct is open to interpretation but the fact is, Bush did not manufacture evidence to go to war. He used the same intelligence that the Democrats (and everyone else in government) used to come to a conclusion. Just because Democrats are running from their decision to authorize the use of force does not mean they were not well informed. They can claim they were lied to but then they have to explain the intelligence they viewed. Perhaps this is why they have decided that not to pursue impeachment. They know that if there is testimony it will be shown that they used the same information. In addition, all the war talk they did and all the statements they made about Hussein and WMD during the Clinton reign will be used to show that their acts are politically motivated.

Penn said that people need to obey the law. In that light, how did it work out for him in Canada. As I recall, he broke the law there by smoking in public. I have not heard if he was required to pay the fine. If he was not then he should go back and pay it as a matter of principle. Penn also seems to think that entry into this country by ILLEGALS is OK. Sean, we have laws and they need to be followed.

Penn is really a pathetic little man. In a letter he wrote in October of this year he called people who believed we should stay in Iraq cowards. Many of our military believe we should stay in Iraq and NONE of them are cowards. Sean Penn is not fit to shine their boots and the smallest woman in the military could probably smack the hell out of him. Penn should stick to acting though if I were an actor and was as pathetic at it as he is I would consider a career change as well. Shoot, all actors have to do is recite the lines someone else wrote for them.

I pray that we are never attacked again. I pray every day that we end this war on terror with the complete destruction of the terrorists. But, if we are ever attacked again I hope that Penn is affected by it in some tragic way. Maybe then he will wise up and stop playing games. The only thing that Penn knows about being president is that he could never do the job.

Editor and Publisher

Marion Barry is a Victim

Marion Barry, the drug using corrupt former Mayor of DC, was arrested recently and he says he was racially profiled. Barry was on his way to a holiday party on Saturday when the police pulled him over. Seems that Barry’s driver’s license was suspended, a fact that Barry claims is incorrect and it was an administrative error. The police however, have a different story and say there was no error. Barry has decided that he needs to play his race card so he said that he was racially profiled.

Barry said the officers asked him for his license and registration and then said that his license was suspended.

Barry told NBC4 the suspension was a clerical mistake, and he accused the U.S. Park police of racial profiling.

Park Police said Barry’s license was in fact suspended, and that’s why he was arrested.

Barry was cuffed and taken to a park police station for processing.

Barry said the incident took several hours to work out and he was humiliated and severely inconvenienced. He said he wasn’t able to drive all weekend due to a mistake by the D.C. government. NBC4

So Barry was inconvenienced by the DC government, a government he helped to make more corrupt when he was in office. Isn’t that just too bad? I understand Marion Barry and he might actually have some valid points except for a few little problems in his past:

* November 14, 2006: Barry Pleads Not Guilty To DUI
* September 11, 2006: Marion Barry Detained By Police
* August 7, 2006: Barry Facing More Legal Woes
* May 12, 2006: Police: Former Mayor Fails Field Sobriety Test
* March 9, 2006: Marion Barry Sentenced On Tax Charges
* February 27, 2006: Barry Shows Off Gasifier Machine
* February 8, 2006: Federal Judge Postpones Barry Sentencing
* February 7, 2006: Marion Barry Heads Back To Court
* January 11, 2006: Marion Barry Fails Drug Test
* January 3, 2006: Marion Barry Robbed At Gunpoint
* November 11, 2005: Gasification Machine Removed From Anacostia Parking Lot
* November 10, 2005: Energy Machine Demonstration Held Without Fireworks
* November 10, 2005: D.C. Leaders Almost Go Toe-To-Toe
* October 28, 2005: Marion Barry Pleads Guilty To Tax Charges
* October 5, 2005: Mayor Offers Words Of Support For Barry
* October 4, 2005: Barry To Plead Guilty For Failing To File Tax Returns

The source for this information is NBC4 in DC. Since they have a disclaimer on their site you need to go there for links to the above references.

Time Should Have Picked A Yenta

Time Magazine selected You as the person of the year so let me congratulate You. Now that I have gotten that out of the way I think it is time to see who they should have selected. There are many opinions. Joy Behar of “The View”, a gabfest show featuring a bunch of meddling women who have nothing better to do than sit around and talk about others (when not interviewing drunken guests), stated that Time should have selected a Hitler like person such as Donald Rumsfeld. This is about par for the course because everyone in the Bush Administration has been described as Hitler. The novelty has sort of worn off and when you consider that Jimmy Carter (and a plethora of others) was described as Hitler like then it loses its luster. If that bumbling idiot can be Hitler like then what is the benefit of the comparison.

It is likely that Joy Behar suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome. I would like to send her and most of the rest of her co-workers to one of the Muslim countries and have them live under Sharia Law for a while so they might get a better understanding of what Hitler like really is. But, this is America and people (especially liberals and non-Christians) have freedom of speech. Behar is entitled to her opinion no matter how stupid it is.

I think Time Magazine should have selected a Yenta Like person, you know, someone like Joy Behar, to be person of the year.

FBLA is surprised Behar or the audience knew who Hitler was.

John Edwards Must Enjoy Defeat

Unprecedented - The 2000 Presidential Election - 2004 Campaign Edition

John Edwards, the man Rush Limbaugh refers to as “The Breck Girl” has not let his defeat in 2004 extinguish the ember of desire he has to lead this country. Edwards was the number 2 (appropriate for an ambulance chaser) man on the Democratic ticket that lost miserably. There are some who might claim that Edwards would have done OK if he did not have the Kerry baggage tied to him but that might be a stretch.

Edwards will announce soon that he intends to run for president in 2008. Edwards will revive his “Two Americas” theme that he believes endeared him to the voters. The theme, for those unfamiliar, is that there are two Americas, on that is poor and one that is full of wealthy elitists. Edwards might make some headway if not for the fact he lives in the America of wealthy elitists.

John Edwards is a lawyer who chases ambulances and has made a fortune exploiting the judicial system in order to garner huge settlements and pad his bank accounts. His courtroom tactics have involved theatrics like invoking the spirit of a dead child, one Edwards claims spoke to him. The antics are more appropriate for a carnival but Edwards makes lots of money with the ruse.

In Edwards theme, people would all be treated equally and there would be a distribution of income and opportunity. Unfortunately, that does not square with real life and it does not square with how Edwards lives his life. John Edwards has spent some of his time on an anti-Wal Mart crusade and yet, the elitist in him saw fit to have a staffer try to circumvent the system to obtain a hard to get Christmas present for his children from, of all places, Wal Mart. Edwards lives in a nice house, wears fine clothes and his family does not live paycheck to paycheck.

He believes that he is the answer for America. I believe he will experience another stunning defeat and, maybe, he will finally understand that we rejected him as well in 2004.


Cross posted at America’s Victory 08

GM’s Corner

CAIR and Killing Muslim Kids, A Study in Contrasts

CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations wants people to believe that their mission is to promote goodwill between Muslims and non-Muslims. In reality, they are a front group for radical Muslims and other terrorists and their purpose is to make excuses for bad behavior on the part of Muslims while condemning every little thing they perceive as wrong. Here is what CAIR puts out:

CAIR, America’s largest Islamic civil liberties group, has 32 offices and chapters nationwide and in Canada. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. US Newswire

This sounds real nice but in reality, CAIR goes around making trouble every time someone shoots a Koran or calls a Muslim a name and then turns a blind eye to Muslims who cut off people’s heads or shoot Jews in American cities. CAIR has no trouble causing a scene when six Imams act suspiciously on an airplane and cause concern. CAIR is encouraging them to seek money from the airlines when in fact the Imams should be forced to pay people for causing the delay.

Mohammed Cartoon

Now CAIR, who defends the Imams right to free speech and to pray publicly, has requested that a web site be taken down because the person who runs the site called for killing Muslim children as a way to prevent them from being exploited by their parents and becoming suicide bombers. CAIR indicated that this was hate speech and it violated the terms of service of the hosting service. If it violated the terms then so be it, but the Imams violated rules of flying by switching seats and acting suspiciously. CAIR defends them. CAIR defends all the thugs and killers Islam has to offer and makes a great big deal out of anything they do not like.

They want to turn this country into a third world nations like the sand pits these flea infested cretins live in back home. CAIR is a hate organization. They are not fair and in reality they only want Muslim relations, the American part of their organization is so long as America does what we say.

Now, I don’t agree with the guy who runs the website. Those children are brought up poorly and their heads are filled with hatred by their uneducated backwards, archaic parents and their desire for world domination. Those kids would be fine if they could live in a normal home, not one infested with Muslim hate mongers. And that is the irony here; CAIR wants a web site taken down because a guy talks about killing Muslim children but CAIR does not speak out against the Muslims who teach their kids to kill themselves! I say, if we want to end the problem kill all the adult Muslims so they can not reproduce and so they will not be around long enough to teach existing children to be hate mongers. Don’t worry about the little Muslim orphans, Madonna and Angelina Jolie will adopt them.

As I stated, I do not agree with what the guy wrote but I believe he has every right to say it. He has every right unless he violated an agreement. I am surprised that a hosting service would take down a site considering how most of them allow child predators and other deviants to host web sites with blatant articles describing sex with children. Seems to me if they will allow that then they will allow anything. Hell, there are many Liberal sites that routinely call for death to Republicans and the demise of Bush and Cheney. If you want real hate speech go to one of those sites.

I think that if CAIR is going to do this then we should help them. We need to search the web for sites run by Muslims and search for hate speech against America. Then we need to send the link to CAIR and demand that they ask for the site to be taken down. Then Matt Drudge, Little Green Footballs and all the other high traffic sites need to be made aware so they can report on the hypocrisy of CAIR when they fail to act. I am sure there are thousands of sites out there that are run by hate filled Muslims. Perhaps, instead of asking CAIR to handle it, we should contact the hosting company and demand they remove the site and see if the twerps at CAIR get their towels in an uproar.

As of this writing the website in question has been suspended. That is what we need to have as a goal for all hate filled Muslim sites.

BTW, the hosting company is Hostgator so if you are looking for a service, avoid them.