How Do They Explain the Evidence of the Holocaust?

Holocaust DeadIran’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is hosting a conference about the Holocaust and the main theme of the event is that the Holocaust never happened, or at least not to the degree with which it has been reported throughout history. The event was attended by many people who deny the Holocaust and who believe that Israel should not be allowed to exist. It is interesting to read about the people who deny an event that was witnessed by so many and that left a profound impact on the world. The pictures and the stories as well as the first hand accounts by people who were there are proof enough that there was indeed the mass killing of Jews. Officials claim that six million Jews were killed by the Germans. I do not know how they came up with that figure but I know that there is no evidence to refute the claim and all the evidence in the world to support it.

Ahmadinejad took the opportunity to once again claim that Israel will cease to exist in the near future by stating that it would be gone just as the former USSR had disappeared. I imagine that means that he believes that Israel will be broken up and divided among the Muslim nations of the region. Regardless of what he meant, that kind of rhetoric is dangerous and does not bode well for the security of the region.

Former KKK member and politician attended the meeting and indicated that the Germans did not use gas chambers to kill Jews. Duke is a White Supremacist and former Imperial Wizard of the KKK so it is only natural for a man filled with his hatred for anyone not white to be at such a meeting. The balance of the attendees were from many nations and some of them had been jailed for openly denying the Holocaust, a crime in some countries. I do not think that a person should be charged with a crime for denying the Holocaust and I do not think this meeting should be a concern if it were not for the incessant rantings of Ahmadinejad about wiping Israel off the map. People are entitled to their opinions but advocating for the extinction of an entire people is way over the line.

What makes this particularly alarming is the increasing frequency with which Ahmadinejad predicts the demise of Israel. Each time he mentions it he indicates the eventuality is getting closer. What makes this an alarming matter is Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons. They claim their nuclear program is for peaceful purposes but that is an outright lie. Islamic leaders can not be trusted when they speak because to them it is OK to lie in order to further the advancement of Islam. Ahmadinejad is lying. His people kept working on their nuclear program while telling the world it had stopped and then when they got closer to enrichment they announced that they had continued to work on the program right under the world’s collective noses. My fear is that Iran will develop a nuclear weapon and the first test shot will be aimed right at Israel.

God help Iran and the entire Middle East should this happen.

For David Duke, Ahmadinejad and the rest, here are some things for you to explain:
Entrance Door to Dachau gas chamber
Entrance door to Auschwitz gas chamber (note what the sign says)
384 pounds of gold and silver teeth (how many people does it take to get that much?)
Children used for medical experiments
Letter indicating that 4756 people could be cremated every 24 hours
Letter requesting Zyklon-B, the gas used to kill the Jews
These are just a few of the many horrifying pictures I found here and here.

Mr. Duke, if they did not get gassed why did the Germans order the poison and why are there gas chambers? If people were not killed how does one explain the photos with innumerable dead bodies shown strewn about? Anyone who does not have enough sense to know that the Holocaust did take place and uses blind hatred for a particular race to disregard overwhelming evidence is not mentally stable and is a threat to the world. Ahmadinejad needs to be wiped off the face the Earth. While we are at it can we take David Duke with him?

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Wishing Senator Tim Johnson a Speedy Recovery

Democratic Senator Tim Johnson of South Dakota suddenly fell ill yesterday during a conference call. He became disoriented during the session but appeared to get better. After seeing the Capitol physician it was decided that he should be taken to the hospital. He underwent surgery for an undisclosed condition though spokespeople have stated he did not have a stroke or cardiac event. He was not even settled in the hospital before rumors started to fly about the possibility that if he could not continue to serve, for whatever reason, he would probably be replaced by a Republican thereby giving Republicans control of the Senate.

On any given day the control of the Senate is an issue with me and I write about it. Today is not one of those days. I don’t care about something so trivial when compared to the life or health of another human being. Tim Johnson is not just a Senator, he is a father, husband and too many, a friend. His health is far more important than what party controls the Senate. People who only think of those things at a time like this are really pathetic individuals and should be ashamed.

I know there are a lot of people like this. There are people who cheered when President Bush gets assassinated in a movie and there are those who hoped he would be killed. Every time Dick Cheney goes to the hospital the fervor grows to fevered pitch as the death watchers come out in droves. People who think this way are totally absorbed in their own pathetic lives and can only think far enough ahead to worry about how something affects them or the party.

It has been said that party trumps race and religion and that might be true but party does not trump a human being and no party is worth the life or health of anyone. I wish Mr. Johnson a speedy recovery and I hope he can return to his duties to represent the people who elected him. I will keep him and his family in my prayers.

New York Times

US Has More People in Prison than Anyone Else

A recent study showed that the US had more people in prison than any other country. This is based on numbers per 100,000 people and not raw figures. One in every 32 people is in jail, or on parole or probation. This is attributed to stricter laws and tough drug policies. Some groups are using this study to try and show that people should be released from jail and that we need to take a look at why we lock people up.

“The United States has 5 percent of the world’s population and 25 percent of the world’s incarcerated population. We rank first in the world in locking up our fellow citizens,” said Ethan Nadelmann of the Drug Policy Alliance, which supports alternatives in the war on drugs.

“We now imprison more people for drug law violations than all of western Europe, with a much larger population, incarcerates for all offenses.”

Ryan King, a policy analyst at The Sentencing Project, a group advocating sentencing reform, said the United States has a more punitive criminal justice system than other countries. Yahoo News

All of this might be true but I do not think we put enough people in jail. The liberals have fostered a do what you want atmosphere and it has prompted people to do what they desire regardless of the consequences. Then, judges allow people to walk free a half a dozen times or so before they actually hand out jail time. The recidivism rate for violent crime is around 63% which means out of every 100 violent criminals released tot he streets, 63 of them will commit another violent crime. If we kept them in jail we could reduce violent crime by that very 63%.

The study does not indicate the incidence of crime for each of the nations. For nations that actually report crime figures and do so accurately, the rate is higher for them than in the US. The crime rate in Europe is higher in many categories and I am willing to bet that the crimes are committed by people who have been arrested before.

One thing we do not need to do is to fall into the trap of believing that we can reform people and that they should be released. For non-violent offenses I agree that a person would better serve society with community service than a year in jail but in crimes where violence occurs or a firearm is used then people should spend a lot of time in jail. This also holds true for those who abuse children and the elderly (sexual or otherwise), those who steal identity and those involved in gangs and organized crime. These folks should all go to jail for a long time and it really does not matter how that makes us rank in the world.

The idea that people can go unpunished for crime is how societies crumble. People commit more crime and they soon learn that the punishment will not be bad. The profit from the crime is greater than the punishment. In order to stop this trend there needs to be stiff jail sentences. When getting caught is very painful and costs more than what was made from the crime, then criminals will think again before being bad.

One other thing we should do is hold judges accountable for the criminals they release. If a jury finds someone not guilty it is a different story, but for these judges who refuse to put violent criminals behind bars, there should be accountability. Too often there is news of a judge releasing some criminal only to have the criminal commit an even worse crime. It happens with child sex predators all the time and the tragedy is that often children die before anything with real consequence is done. If a judge releases a person who committed a violent crime and then that criminal rapes, maims, or kills someone, the judge should have to go to jail for the rest of his life. That might make them think before they carelessly release animals back into the population.

Cross Posted at America’s Victory 08

Who is Kofi Annan to Criticize?

Outgoing UN Secretary General Kofi Annan gave his farewell speech on Monday and he used the end of his ten year tenure as a forum in which to throw spears at George Bush and the United States. Annan did not mention Bush by name but there were many veiled references to the President in the speech where Annan criticized policies of the world’s only remaining super power. Annan discussed human rights, global security and discussed how nations should not make themselves secure by exerting supremacy over others.

This is the same Kofi Annan who got rich while working at the UN by taking money from countries for looking the other way. The same guy who became wealthy and has a Summer home in France while the people of the nations the UN is involved in are dying of starvation because the UN forces are afraid to protect the people and instead rape and exploit them. This is the same Kofi Anus who was involved up to his neck in the oil for food scandal and who has blocked efforts to force rogue nations to comply with the toothless resolutions that come out of the UN building in New York. This is also the same Kofi Anus who is an anti-Semite and always sides with Muslim terrorists over the nation of Israel and who holds Israel’s feet to the fire with regard to the resolutions while turning a blind eye to the terrorists who routinely break them.

It is about time this worthless waste of human flesh left the UN and it is time for him to get his blood stained hands out of our country. He needs to go back to whatever sand pit he crawled out of and live among the people he allowed to be exploited all these years. He needs to go anywhere but here and once he leaves our airspace we need to revoke his visa and keep him out of here. Of course, if I had my way we would get out of the UN all together and tear the building down so we can use the bricks to build a wall on the Southern border.

The last thing the United States needs is a corrupt man who could not lead the United Nations telling us how to do things. If we wanted advice on how to rape and pillage from third world nations then we could get it from him but when it comes to leadership Annan could not lead a group of people out of a burning building so we certainly do not need his sorry self telling us how we should do things. Hell, if it were not for the ten years he spent in the UN he would not have been able to illegally obtain enough money to live this life of comfort. He would either be digging diamonds out of mines or washing car windows in New York.

We need to get out of the UN. That will not happen any time soon but at least Kofi Anus is gone. Let’s just hope the new guy is not as corrupt…


Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler

US Airways has a Choice to Make

Five of the six Imams who were removed from a US Airways flight are seeking an out of court cash settlement from the airlines. The five are getting help from the terrorist front group, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The Imams were removed for legitimate security concerns and they should not get a red cent.

If US Airways pays these inconsiderate thugs any amount of money the rest of the country should boycott the airline and put it out of business. Additionally, every passenger on that plane should sue the Imams for causing the nearly four hour delay by acting inappropriately on the aircraft. Reports, including from a passenger who understands the language they were speaking, indicate these guys were doing things they should not have, were saying things against the US and in support of bin Laden and Hussein, and were mimicking the acts of the 9/11 hijackers. If anyone is due compensation it would be the folks who had to endure that long delay because of these inconsiderate worshipers of the pedophile Mohammad.

As I see it, the choice is either stand up for what you believe in or cave to pressure and allow these idiots to get away with inappropriate behavior on an airplane. Think carefully because complacency will eventually lead to another 9/11.
