Clinton Spied, People Died

For a couple of years now we have been deluged with story after story about how George Bush (or king George as the moonbats call him) has been chipping away at out civil liberties by listening to the phone conversations of people with terrorist ties. The New York Times has printed each classified program and revealed exactly what we are doing and thereby helping the enemy. For a group of people who went batty over the disclosure of Plame’s “Secret” they sure do not mind telling the rest of our secrets.

Former Presidents Clinton and Carter have weighed in on this and of course they are opposed to the supposed violation of civil liberties. The moonbats on the left have gone bonkers with the whole idea that Bush is listening to all their sordid phone conversations. Despite several court rulings that explicitly stated the President has the authority to do this and despite the fact that Clinton and Carter both did this the left refuses to view this as any thing but an invasion of privacy. The left and its friends in the ACLU have sued to get the program halted and they work daily in order to take this valuable, and legal, tool out of the President’s hands.

Interestingly, Bill Clinton who is a critic of Bush, intercepted the conversations of Princess Diana without the permission of the intelligence services in the UK. The accounts indicate that it was the people to whom Diana was speaking rather than she that were the targets of the surveillance. Regardless, where are the FISA warrants and where are all the other things the left is demanding that Bush produce before he tramples on their rights? How exactly did Clinton get away with this in a time of peace while the NYT is disclosing it in a time of war?

I believe that Clinton was well within his rights as President to authorize the surveillance though he was probably just interested in getting to hear Diana, a woman that some have indicated he was interested in. The thing is, the surveillance involved an American here in the US on one end of the call. Under the rules that the libs have established for Bush, Clinton broke the law and should be impeached again. Should we start calling him King William?

An odd portion of the story indicates that the intelligence folks listened in on Diana on the night that she was killed in a car accident. Therefore, it is safe to say that Clinton spied and people died.

Daily Mail UK

Covert Attack on Christianity; Time to Strike Back

The attack on Christians gets more brazen every year and yet it is often disguised in so subtle ways. For the past few years Christmas Trees were renamed Holiday Trees so as to not hurt the sensitivities of others who were not Christian and did not celebrate a holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Christians realized right away that this was an attack that was dismissed by the MSM. The removal of nativity scenes from towns has also been a grand demonstration of how we are supposed to be tolerant of every religion except those who worship Christ.

Case in point, it was not bad enough that some dumb ass named the tree a holiday tree but now those holiday trees were removed from Sea-Tac airport in Seattle Washington. Here is the entire article from 710 Kiro:

All Holiday trees at Sea-Tac Airport were removed this morning after several community member complaints. They say the trees don’t represent all cultures and religions…The trees will not go up again…the airport policy on decorations will be reviewed after the holidays.

So, holiday trees do not represent all cultures so they have to come down. I have a news flash for the idiots at this airport and those who complained, rarely does anything in life convey sensitivities to all cultures. In a time when airports are trying to make prayer rooms for the Muslim bastards who disrupt everything they are taking down the trees that represent the birth of a man who believed in peace and love. God knows we can’t have that so we will give the Muzzies their own prayer room so they can plot bomb attacks in airplanes.

I guess next we will be calling the Menorah a candle holder and then making them take it down so some Muzzie is not upset that a symbol of the Zionist pigs is present, you know, in that peaceful tolerant manner the Muzzies are famous for. Maybe we need to stop referring to Kwanzaa and Hanukkah. The only holiday that we dare not say anything about is Ramadan. We would not want the bomb wearers and pedophile worshipers to get upset at us.

This kind of thing makes me sick. I am tired of the political correctness and I am tired of the attack on Christianity. I used to be one of those live and let live kind of people. You worship how you want and i will do the same. Now, screw that, I am out for blood. I have a few suggestions for all Christians out there to help. First of all, whenever you see any display of any other religion’s symbols complain to management. No matter what it is, if it depicts the slightest symbol of another religion then complain. Record your complaint and what you were told and then go to the press. Make sure everyone knows that there is a religious item up when the rest of the world is demanding that Christian symbols come down. This is particularly true for the EID thing. Refuse stamps that have that on it. Do not allow the Muzzies to have any of that EID thing or any other reference to their religion to be displayed. Screw them. This goes for praying in public. If I hear one Muzzie bastard complain that he can not pray in public or is being persecuted I will punch him right in his mouth. The bastard will not be able to pray when I get done with him.

I am not tolerating their crap any longer. I advocate violence if necessary to ensure that our rights as Christians stop being trampled on. We can no longer allow politically correct jackasses to take down symbols that have been a part of our tradition for a long time. Remember folks, complain every time you are denied and every time someone else’s stuff is displayed. I will be looking at all the airports. If I find a Muslim prayer room I am going to bring a pork sandwich in there and eat it in front of them and i will rub the grease all over the walls. It is time to get dirty and fight back against the jackasses who are ruining this country. We need to start tying them to truck bumpers and driving down the street.

I realize the article did not specifically mention Muslims, and they might not be the ones the article refers to, though I find it hard to believe. We did not have as much of this before we started being invaded by them and now we have to be so sensitive so they are my target. Jews and Christians have lived here in harmony for a very long time and neither group complained about displays of the other. It was not until the Muzzies started making waves (along with the idiots in the ACLU) that we started having all these problems.

Well folks, it is time to wage war and I am ready to take my country back. If you are with me, let’s rock.

Cynthia McKinney Throws A Parting Shot (and not at a cop)


Cynthia McKinney, the ousted Congresswoman from Georgia, has fired a parting shot at the President and at the new Democratic leadership by introducing a bill to impeach the President. The bill has no chance of passing but the moonbat racist, anti-Semite from Georgia had to try and stir up more controversy and make it tough for the incoming leaders.

McKinney maintains that Bush is not the legitimately elected President (she still can not get over the fact that he won) because she suffers from Bush Derangement Syndrome. She believes that Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks prior to the event and kept quiet so his business buddies could profit from the event. Of course, this is all mindless prattle from an idiot who thinks the world owes her because she is black. She is a thug, a criminal, and probably a gang banger (as in the street gang). She is absolutely enthralled with Tupac Shakur, the idiot rapper who was gunned down by rival gang members. McKinney has tried to establish a collection of the trash he sold as music in the National Archives and she tried to get a federal investigation into the death of Shakur.

I can clear this up for McKinney. Tupac was a gang member, thug, dope smoking, law breaking, thieving, murdering, waste of human flesh and he was killed because those were his good qualities. Obviously, McKinney likes that lifestyle and that is why she felt it was OK to punch a cop. She, of course, played the race card and charges were never filed and one has to wonder why. She is lucky that I was not he cop she punched. She would have found herself face down on the concrete with cuffs on having her rights read to her.

But what can anyone expect from a race baiter? McKinney uses the thugs from the Nation of Islam as body guards. These are a bunch of Islamic thugs who hate Jews and white people. When McKinney lost they spewed anti-Semitic and anti white words in front of the cameras and they threatened a Jewish news worker. McKinney is an idiot and she is a racist idiot at that. She hates white people and Jews and everything that happens, to her, is an act of oppression by whitey.

The article indicates that McKinney’s post Congress plans have not been revealed. I have an idea, she can join the circus and be a clown. With that hair of hers and that goofy look on her face she would not even need make-up. She could even get a role as Buckwheat if they remake the Little Rascals show. Look at that picture in the article and tell me she would not make a great Buckwheat (Otay Panky). It is interesting that it took the people for Georgia this long to can this stupid racist but at least she is gone. Now if we can only make that permanent.


In Order to be a Democrat

The Final Days: The Last, Desperate Abuses of Power by the Clinton White HouseIn order to be a Democrat you must posses the ability to hold two opposing thoughts on the same set of circumstances. The key to success is that you actually believe that you are right in both cases and can not see the stupidity of your acts. Additionally, you must ensure that it is good when your party does it and bad when the other party does it. Here are some examples to get started:

  • You must believe and spout off as much as possible that George Bush avoided service in Vietnam by using his connections to get in the National Guard and you must scream, every chance you get, that he was AWOL. You must also believe he is a liar and that everyone else is lying when they say he volunteered to go over. However, in order to be a true Democrat you must believe that Bill Clinton was absolutely just and right when he used his connections to secure a slot in the ROTC in order to avoid service in Vietnam and then you must absolutely say that he was not trying to avoid service or the draft even though he wormed out of the ROTC when he saw his number would not come up in the lottery. In order to have complete Democratic Sainthood, you must excuse Clinton for his behavior by saying it was an unpopular war and that no one can blame him all the while castigating Bush for not serving in that same unpopular war.
  • You must absolutely believe that George Bush lied about WMD and that Hussein never had any and you must believe your elected Democrats when they tell you this. You must believe that Bush exaggerated the intelligence to trump up a war and that a preemptive war is illegal. You must also disregard the fact that every member of Congress saying Hussein had no WMD and was not a threat, said the exact opposite during the Clinton Administration and many of these people argued that Hussein needed to be removed and that he was a terrible threat. You must also believe that a preemptive strike on an aspirin factory based on a false positive nerve agent by product was not a result of faulty intelligence and had nothing to do with Clinton’s trouble at home.
  • You must believe that George Bush is a damned liar and that when he lied people died. You must hold it near and dear to your heart that George Bush has not told the truth and that the man is an insufferable liar even though he has not been caught in nor has he admitted to lying. Then, to ice the cake, you must believe that Bill Clinton deserves forgiveness for lying to a nationwide audience about having a sexual affair with “that woman” and believe he is an honest man for coming on TV and saying that he lied, after he got caught. In order to hit full fledged moonbat status you must believe that Hillary knew nothing of this affair even though she was told about it a year earlier.
  • In order to be a Democrat you must hold the belief that the Bushes have been in office too long and that they are a dynasty and yet, you must support Hillary Clinton 150% for the presidency because too many Clintons will never be a dynasty.
  • One thing that is absolutely important in order to be a Democrat is that you must believe that Michael Moore’s film F 9/11 was true. You have to disregard the fact that he filmed out of sequence and tricked people and that he used creative editing and focus only on the message. You must fall hook, line, and sinker for the story line and ignore the 59 or so factual errors of the movie and any other item that has been proven a lie. You have to believe it with all your heart and soul especially since President Bush did not go on TV and lose his mind over it, so it must be true. You must, with as much passion, not believe anything that is portrayed in The Path to 9/11 because it shows the failure of Bill Clinton so it must be wrong. Disregard the people who were there, disregard anything that shows Clinton did nothing in eight years because everyone with an elitist brain knows it all cooked up in the eight months of Bush’s presidency and that it is his fault. It must absolutely be a lie because Bill Clinton went on TV and defended his honor, but you must ignore the lies he told when defending his honor and disregard that wagging finger, he only used that once to lie and he apologized.

There, now we have a start as to what it takes to be a Democrat. There are many other examples of this kind of brain damage out there so chime in with a comment telling everyone your opinion.

If You Pay, They Will Come

When Hurricane Katrina made landfall and caused the damage to New Orleans the left was quick to jump on the Bush Administration as inept and unable to respond or help. They completely ignored the fact that FEMA is not a first responder and that the local officials, that is; Democrats, completely blew it. All blame was laid on the President by a well aimed effort of the media and the Democrats. The entertainment industry chipped in with the famous line by Kanye West, “Bush hates black people.” These are all pipe dreams and the President should have stood his ground. It might have been helpful if Republicans and people who know how to handle the media had gotten out and informed people of the truth. The images of stupid people who either did not have the sense to leave or were abandoned by their elected Democrats like Ray Nagin were too much for America and eventually people bought into the idea that the government is the savior and should be there on a moment’s notice and that personal responsibility was unimportant.

Bush rushed in with pledges of billions of dollars, money no one balked about spending like they do the money for the war, and he did this to appease people. The message was, we will throw money at this to help you. I wrote several posts at the time and indicated that not one red cent should go to the region until there was a method to account for the taxpayer money that was being spent on something that taxpayer money is not meant for. I was the voice calling for oversight because I know what happens when the government tries to be nice and give away other’s hard earned money. The conditions were set up for massive fraud and I hit that nail on the head. There is a report out today that at least a BILLION dollars has been lost to fraud. One thousand million dollars has been lost to fraud because the government, in its haste to appease people by throwing cash at them, had no method of oversight. This is how the government handles our money each and every day when they are not in crisis mode so anyone with a brain could see it was going to be a disaster.

The GAO cited incidents in which FEMA gave $17 million in housing assistance to individuals who had already obtained free housing in the form of trailers or apartments and $20 million that went to people who improperly claimed for help for both storms that ravaged the U.S. Gulf Coast area. al-Reuters

There were people who received money for housing even though they already had free places to live. They knew they were not entitled to the money and yet they took it. The government should find these people, get the money back and then give them free housing in a federal penitentiary. There were some who claimed to be victims of both hurricanes (Katrina and Rita) so they collected money for both. They need new accommodations as well. FEMA is not blameless in this fiasco but they have a hard situation to deal with. As soon as they try to cut funds or delay they are challenged in court and people clamor for their gubmint check. The public outcry and the lawsuits make it easier for them to just give up the money and forget about it.

FEMA needs to stop all assistance right now. They need to regroup and get a handle on how money is doled out and how it is accounted for. They need to ensure that they stop giving out our money to people who do not deserve it. This is the kind of corruption you get when people are made to believe they are entitled to something for nothing. This is what happens when an administration rushes to appease rather than assessing the situation and handling it properly (with regard to rebuilding and helping people). FEMA needs to involve the FBI and other law enforcement to track down the people who committed fraud and bring them to justice. FEMA also needs to hold off on any more hand outs until every penny is accounted for.

Put me in charge of the effort and I will fire people who are inept, be tough with slugs looking for handouts and I will make the people who lived in New Orleans go back there and work to rebuild it in return for the money they want. You want fiscal responsibility you keep politics and emotion out of the arena and you handle it like a business. All the Democrats in the world, the MSM, and the entertainment industry (especially Kanye) can call me any name they want while I am conducting business because as far as I am concerned, they can all get in line, behind the last person in line, to kiss my tail.

I recommend each of you contact your elected officials and let them know that you don’t appreciate having your hard earned money wasted.

The Dog has spoken.