America: Love It, or Please Leave It
Dec 4, 2006 Uncategorized
There are a number of celebrities who threatened (promised) to leave America if George Bush were reelected. He was reelected and none of them left. The only ones I am aware are gone are Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow, both of whom live in England and more as a practical matter. I saw after the 2004 election where the left drew up a map and had the red areas labeled Jesus Land and the blue areas were supposed to be the real US. The cried that they either wanted to leave or wanted their blue enclaves to break off into their own country.
I remember during that time when another blogger said something about leaving and I told him I would pay for the ticket but he had to give up his US citizenship and the ticket was only one way. Someone from the left posted the part where I would pay for the ticket but left out the part where it was an offer to one person. I had a number of inquiries about free tickets and could I pay for the families and the moving trucks and all that but no one offered to give up citizenship. The thing is, if a person hates this country and wants to leave they are free to do so but we should strip that person of citizenship.
Gwyneth Paltrow recently did an interview where she discussed how she was so infatuated with life in the UK and how much more sophisticated the people there are:
Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.
“I love the English lifestyle, it’s not as capitalistic as America. People don’t talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner,” she told “NS,” the weekend magazine supplement of daily Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias on Saturday.
“I like living here because I don’t fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans,” the 34-year-old added. Breitbart
I will not take issue over much of this. Intelligence is a matter of the individual, not necessarily the country. I have met dumb Brits just as I have met dumb Americans. I have met smart people from both countries as well. So that is a moot point. Gwyneth did say that English lifestyle is not as capitalistic. Ya think? They are very socialized there. They pay taxes to provide for everything for everybody. They do not have a true capitalist system where a lot of people make good money and the cost of living is through the roof. However, it is funny that she would say they do not talk about money. Why would a person like Gwyneth, who makes $15 million per movie, would need to talk about money. The rest of us would sit at dinner and discuss how much a car, or food costs. Gwyneth does not have to worry about such menial things because she makes $15 million every time they film her reciting words someone else wrote.
Well, she is entitled to her opinion but if she really feels like this why does she not give up her American citizenship and get a British one? She could live with the folks she likes to have dinner conversation with and she could film all her movies in the English studios where they make all those block buster movies, oh wait, that is done in her native land. We don’t need or want people in America if they do not want to be here. They should do us a favor and leave for good.
When the stuff hits the fan they will all be running back to America. Of course, after her remarks, it will be lonely for Gwyneth at the restaurant.
Cross Posted at America’s Victory 08
Tags: Commentary
Beating the Rap with Rap
Dec 4, 2006 Uncategorized
I am getting just a bit sick of black people screaming and hollering over every little thing as if they are being slapped in leg irons and placed on slave ships. Every time something happens it is blown out of proportion and the NAACP along with Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton go on the news and act as if some terrible thing has happened. It does not even matter if the black person was entirely in the wrong, there is always some racial spin to the story.
In Arizona there is a show called Tempe StreetBeat that is produced by police officers. The police have suspended the show because a police officer on one of the films tells two black guys they can beat a littering ticket by rapping. Now littering is not good and I am surprised Al Gore and Green Peace have not asked for these young men to be executed but in any event, they were caught throwing paper out of their car. A cop stopped them and told them they could avoid a ticket by singing a rap.
Both men made up some stupid little rap song, the men and the cop laughed and then they started talking about football. As far as I can tell from the story, no one threw them down and beat them or arrested them and certainly, no one shot them to death. But the NAACP is up in arms about this and they are upset because they say that black people do not speak hip-hop. Yes, the NAACP is upset because the men were asked to rap, a medium made popular by black men, in order to avoid a ticket.
“It’s important for police officers to realize that black people do not speak hip hop,” Maupin said. “We’re not all rappers and thugs and gangbangers. We speak the English language and we’re entitled to the same amount of respect.” Yahoo News
Now for this Reverend (who is not NAACP and is instead part of the National Action Network) to say categorically that black people do not speak hip hop is an incorrect and misleading statement. I will admit that the vast majority of blacks do not but an overwhelming number of young black men do indeed speak hip hop. One only needs to watch the music channels, or pull up next to a car with loud speakers blaring to understand. In addition, the cop did not make any assertion that they were rappers, thugs, or gangbangers (though the rap world is rife with gangbangers).
Just because the cop asked them to rap does not mean he disrespected them. All of the men laughed about it. It seemed like it was in good spirit and that they were having fun. The men were clearly free to say no thanks and just pay the fine. Regardless, none of this is any reason for the NAACP or any one else to make a stink. It seems that if anyone breaks wind now days some group is yelling racist. I imagine if the cop would have just given the ticket the NAACP would be upset that two black guys were being targeted by the cops.
What people ought to be upset with is the idea that someone could do something to get out of a ticket. This is no different than saying $50 would make it go away or asking a young woman for sex in order to beat a ticket. It is all the same in my book. The police are not the court system. They write the tickets or make arrests based on their perception that someone broke a law. The person then may go to court and have a judge determine if he did in fact break a law. This officer made decisions about how the men could avoid the ticket and that is wrong. This is where time and energy should be focused.
Of course, this could have all been set up in advance for the show. That would make it hilarious. Regardless, the focus needs to remain on the real issue, not some contrived issue by a bunch of race baiters.
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Democrats Are Oblivious To Their Own Corruption
Dec 1, 2006 Political
To this day Jack Murtha denies any wrong doing in his attempt to take a bribe. In the 57 minute film of the episode it is so obvious that Stevie Wonder could see it. The Congressional Black Caucus is upset that William Jefferson of Louisiana was removed from a committee after federal agents found $90,000 in his freezer and compiled evidence that he was involved in criminal activity. All members of Congress expressed outrage that Jefferson’s office was searched because they misapply the speech and debate clause of the Constitution.
Nancy Pelosi, stinging from her first slap in the face (there will be many more), decided against instilling Alcee Hastings as chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Hastings has a background of corruption but that did not stop Pelosi, who vowed to clean up the culture of corruption, from considering him. Pelosi has decided against it because it is now obvious to her that she ignored corruption when she supported Murtha and that this failing along with her support of hastings was seen as Democratic acceptance of corruption among its ranks.
Hastings was found not guilty of soliciting bribes while a Federal Judge after lying when giving his testimony. He was referred to the Congress where he was impeached. Evidence showed that he lied and that he was trying to get paid to be easy on felons. The evidence also showed that hastings tried to influence what other people said when they testified. The Congressional Black Caucus is upset that Pelosi has decided that she will not elevate hasting to the Chairmanship so it is obvious that they are willing to overlook crime in favor of race.
Hastings, like Murtha, still denies all wrongdoing and says that people are influenced by the Conservatives who are dredging this up. Hastings quickly points to the fact that he was found not guilty. Of course, so was OJ Simpson:
Hastings himself suggested that a decision against him would be a victory for “Newt Gingrich, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Michael Barone, Drudge, anonymous bloggers, and other assorted misinformed fools.” Washington post
I am one of the anonymous bloggers that was lumped in with the other “misinformed fools.” I am informed enough to know that the story indicates that fiver federal judges with strong civil rights credentials and more than three dozen others concluded that hastings lied to the jury. Regardless of what the verdict was, he lied. Why he was not charged with perjury, I do not know (the misinformed part of me, I guess). Two of the judges filed an administrative complaint and hastings was impeached by the Congress.
I am informed enough to know that Hastings was impeached by a vote of 413-3. I also know that many of the 413 were Democrats so this was not merely a partisan attack on a judge. John Conyers, a Democrat from Michigan, gave a very impassioned speech calling for the impeachment and Hastings was convicted by the Senate on 11 counts. These are things he conveniently forgets to include when he tells people that he was found not guilty by a jury in Miami.
The Democratic Party is not as squeaky clean as Nancy Pelosi and the rest would have people believe. There is no place in Congress for anyone, regardless of party, who is not ethical. The interesting thing is, while many Democrats believe that Hastings’ removal from the bench disqualifies him from holding the Intelligence Chair, they think it is OK for him to be in the Congress. This should come as no surprise. John Kerry committed treason against this country and has been a Senator for a long time, despite the Constitutional bar on those committing treason from holding office.
This so called “Republican Culture of Corruption” seems to now be rearing its ugly head in the Democratic Party. It is not new, it has just been ignored by those so determined to get power they would sell their souls to the devil. Even a misinformed fool can see that.
Cross posted at America’s Victory 08
Tags: Commentary, Political
Could They Put Snoop Dogg Away for about Ten Years, Please?
Nov 30, 2006 Uncategorized
Snoop Dogg, the 35 year old rap artist, has been arrested yet again on drug and gun possession charges. Dogg, whose real name is Calvin Broadus, is a convicted felon and as such he is not allowed to carry a gun and carrying drugs is illegal regardless of who you happen to be.
Broadus was arrested after taping an appearance on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno. He had drugs and a gun in his possession. This arrest stems from an earlier incident where he was arrested for having a gun and marijuana in his car at the Bob Hope Airport. Broadus has a court date of 12 December for that offense. He also has a court date on 4 December for carrying a deadly weapon (a baton the rapper claims was a prop) at the John Wayne Airport.
What is it with this idiot and airports? He was arrested in the UK when he and his posse got mad and broke a bunch of stuff at the airport. I am unsure about that case but he is probably not allowed in the UK any more. This guy is the embodiment of a gangster rapper. He was one of the people who begged for the life of Tookie Williams to be spared because the gangster, who murdered at least four people, had been a big influence in Snoop’s life. I guess exactly what kind of influence is now showing up in the acts and deeds of Snoop Dogg.
Here is how it stands:
- 1990 convicted of cocaine possession
- 1993 charged with gun possession. Pled guilty in exchange for three years probation and a promise to make anti-violence public service announcements
- 1996 Acquitted of murder following the killing of a gang member who was shot from Dogg’s car
- 2006 busts up Heathrow Airport, arrested and eventually sent back to US
- 9/27/2006 Arrested for gun and drug possession pending arraignment
- 10/272006 Arrested for carrying a deadly weapon, pending arraignment
- 11/29/2006 arrested for drug and gun possession, pending arraignment
Snoop Dogg is a convicted felon who has been arrested a number of times for carrying a handgun. He has also been arrested a number of times for possession of illegal drugs. Surely they have enough charges and incidents to send him to jail for at least ten years. This guy is still a gang banger who thinks the rules do not apply to him especially since he now has money to afford fancy lawyers. He needs to be tried and convicted of all these crimes and then he needs to get a long jail sentence. No more PSAs, no more probation, no more Mr. Nice Guy. This guy needs to be put in jail with all the other animals who do not know how to follow the rules of our society.
If Snoop Dogg was a white supremacist who had been arrested on charges of killing someone and for carrying drugs and guns, he would be put under the jail with no hope of release. The justice system needs to be not only blind but color blind. The color green (as in money) and the color black (as in poor oppressed black guy) are clouding the judgement of the courts. Dogg is wrong and he should have to pay with time.
If a judge fails to give him jail time and he ends up killing someone then the judge should be executed. That would make the next judge think twice before misapplying the law.
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Do We Want Another Wake Up Call?
Nov 24, 2006 Uncategorized
Why is it that the United States requires a catastrophic event before it wakes up? There were plenty of people in this country in the early part of the last century who believed that we should ignore the war in Europe. It did not involve us and we should keep our noses out of it. Isolationism is what many people preferred. Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese, and though the attack was based on economic reasons rather than any link to the ongoing war, we were still caught by surprise and many Americans died. Most of the dead were sailors from the Pearl harbor Naval Base and though today the death of military men makes people yawn as if it is not important, back then an attack on our military was a serious issue.
In 2001 an avowed enemy of America, one that had been attacking us for decades, launched a violent attack on this country. For the briefest moment people came together as a united country and vowed to get the people who had done this. Many politicians from the left abandoned their anything but war attitude and agreed that we needed to take out the animals who attacked us. Interestingly, during that period of time, they agreed with intelligence and agreed with attacking Iraq in support of the statements they had all made about Iraq as a threat. Those statements, made while Clinton was President, reaffirmed the danger that Hussein presented and that he truly possessed Weapons of Mass Destruction. Remember, these statements were all based on intelligence obtained from the Clinton Administration and to a person, the donks talked about how dangerous Hussein was. Their beliefs were given even more credence on 9/11.
Unfortunately, those who were targets on 9/11 (the Capitol was a target) have forgotten that we have enemies. They would be more committed had one of those planes hit the Capitol. At least, those responsible for giving us the attack in the first place would be the ones paying the price. It is likely that those in Congress were only solidly behind the effort at first because they were in fact a target. Now that there is air defense in place and DC is a virtual “no-fly” zone, they have little to worry about. Democrats live and die by polls so when their friends in the media were able to influence public opinion, they immediately jumped on the anti-war bandwagon.
It is not a difficult leap for most of them considering their dope smoking hippie days of protests and love-ins. John Kerry had an orgasm thinking about dusting off his anti-war clothes and throwing someone else’s medals over the White House fence. These people are now telling us we would be better off by bringing our troops home. They are willing to tell the troops, who they claim to support, that they have accomplished nothing and that they are coming home again without completing the mission. Jack Murtha wants out troops home but that was probably not an original thought. Someone probably paid him $50,000 to say it.
We are not too far away from the next Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Our enemy is planning that very thing as our politicians sit around doing the first digit rectal interface. Now that Democrats are in charge and conspiring for our defeat it will not be long before we have another massacre. I only hope that if it comes, it effects those who deserve to feel the effects of it.
When we are attacked again, who will we call? Our men and women in uniform will be leaving the service in droves if they are forced to withdraw before they are done. Many more young men and women will decide against military service because they do not want to fight for a government that does not fight for them. We should pass a law that if we cut and run and are attacked again, every single member of Congress has to go into the Armed Forces and must be sent to the battlefield to fight. Those who refuse will be executed by firing squad in the middle of DC. Let us pass this law and then see how many of them believe that we should cut and run.
As an aside, it is possible the Democrats want another attack. It would give them a chance to show us how tough they are in dealing with our enemies. By then, it will be too late. We will be at the mercy of the bad guys. The bright spot for the Dems, they can blame it on George Bush.
Stop the ACLU
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