Da Money Code

Over at the Huffington Blog Marty Kaplan is having fun at the expense of both George Bushs and the annual “Pardoning of the turkey.” Kaplan uses tired old references to turkeys to indicate that while the President was pardoning the turkey, the former President Bush was pardoning his son the turkey. Kaplan is entitled to write what he wants, as are most of the other idiots at the Huffington Post. An interesting item that shows how the liberals only view what their opposition does as wrong is found in this quote:

The incumbent President won his pardon at a “leadership conference” (is that code for “speaking fee”?) where a staged speech by George H. W. Bush unleashed the opposite of cheers from his audience. [my emphasis]

Why does it matter if the event was an engagement where Bush got paid? Is this supposed to be some veiled reference indicating that speaking fees are a bad thing? If former President Bush got paid to talk there, does that make him a bad man? Finally, why mention this when the left never mentions how much Bill Clinton gets in speaking fees?

If Bush received payment to be there, that is his prerogative just as it is Clinton’s prerogative to earn money when he speaks. The reference to it being code is supposed to conger up images of Bush doing something wrong, as if receiving money for speaking is a bad thing. Kaplan might have credibility if he made the same references when writing of Clinton’s many speaking engagements but then again, it is only a bad thing when a Republican does it. Just to make it clear, so people will now and so Kaplan will have the information the next time he wants to write about a former President and the code speak for fees, here is what Hillary Clinton disclosed on her financial statement for the year 2005:

Serono International Speech $150,000
Jewish Federation Council Speech $125,000
CLSA Speech $100,000
Savage/Rothenberg Speech $125,000
Savage/Rothenberg Speech $125,000
Association of Southern Defense Speech $125,000
Goldman Sachs Speech $125,000
Global Strategic Ventures Speech $150,000
Deutsche Bank Speech $150,000
Lancaster Chamber of Commerce Speech $150,000
National Multi-Housing Speech $150,000
KMD Speech $250,000
Griwa Consulting GMBH Speech $250,000
American Academy of Achievement Speech $150,000
Adam Smith Conferences Speech $125,000
tinePublic Speech $125,000
Int. Cent for Business Info Speech $125,000
The Power Within Speech $350,000
The Power Within Speech $300,000
Leading Minds Speech $125,000
Jewish Federation of Chicago Speech $150,000
YPO Windy City Chapter Speech $100,000
Jewish Federation of Chicago Speech $150,000
Golden Tree Asset Mgmt Speech $150,000
Macklowe Properties Speech $250,000
Global Business Enterprises Speech $300,000
Leading Minds Speech $125,000
Hubert Burda Media Speech $300,000
Leading Minds Speech $125,000

For those of you keeping track at home, that was $4,925,000 in speaking fees for Bill Clinton, just for 2005. Code or not, that is a lot of chump change.

Bullies Must Be Confronted

There is a tragic story out of the UK about a 13 year old boy who was continually bullied at school and on the bus ride home. His property was damaged, his clothes and hair were a mess and he had stains from food that was thrown at him. The boy became depressed and, sadly, he hanged himself. This young man was so upset that he was bullied that he committed suicide. The unfortunate thing is, he could have put an end to being bullied if he had just stood up to the bully or bullies. Generally, bullies are cowards and they do not like confrontation. They would rather move on to an easier target than fight. It does not matter if the bully beats the hell out of you the next time you fight again. He will either kill you or figure you are not worth the effort. In either case, you keep your dignity.

The same holds true in the war against Islam that is being called the war on terror. The terrorists are bullies. They are also cowards. They attack innocent people, avoid direct confrontation and use the media to stir up lies about their cause. They attack and if they get an inch they attack again. The convinced Spain to leave the war in Iraq and the reward was a bomb attack on a train station. Bill Clinton pulled our troops out of Somalia in a cowardly manner and we were rewarded with 9/11. The terrorists are like the school yard bullies and they will keep on attacking until we hurt them badly enough to make them stop. Preferably, they will stop because we killed them.

The biggest complaint I have about the prosecution of this war is not alleged prisoner abuse or collateral damage, the problem I have is we have not been as fierce as we need to be. Shock and Awe was more like flash and yawn. We needed to go in there with every barrel blazing, destroying everything in our paths. We gave plenty of warning so if it stayed behind, it wanted to die. We needed to be extremely brutal and to kill everything with a weapon. We needed to make the sands of Iraq run red with the blood of anyone who remotely resembled a bad person. We needed to be so brutal and ruthless that the people decided not to screw with us. We needed more and more stepped up attacks where we left nothing in our wake. We needed to take out any Imam or other leader who questioned us or incited violence against us. We needed to raze the place in a manner reminiscent of “Jen-Jis” Khan.

It is not too late. We can still go balls to the walls and put a hurting on the bad guys so devastating that they pack up and go home. Ideally, we will be so ferocious that we will kill every last one of them. It is not too late but we need to commit to smashing everything now before the Democrats take over and cut all the funding for the war. We need to make our mark and we need to make it last for a long time. We need to be so vicious that the Iranian President thinks two or three times before he makes threats. We need to be so bad that Lil Kim in North Korea hides in a hole. It is not too late.

But we need to act now…

A Rose By Any Other Name

In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (Act II, Scene 2), Juliet laments at the fact she has fallen in love with a man who happens to belong to a family with whom her family is feuding. During the discussion she asks:

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.”

She was expressing that she wished her lover, Romeo, had a different last name and declares that he would be the same guy she loves with any other name. The government has given the rose another name this week by declaring that in America we will no longer have hungry people. People who go without food will now be referred to as people with “very low food security.”

Regardless of what we call them, people who do not get enough food are still hungry. I am sure that all of the sudden they do not feel better, they have not lost the feeling of hunger, and their health has not suddenly improved. This is the kind of political correctness that puts new names on problems to avoid some social stigma while completely ignoring the issue at hand.

America is the wealthiest nation on this planet and we throw enough food away each day to feed the hungry. Government intervention has been terrible at solving the problem because every time the government gets involved it spends more money and gets bigger problems. Government is even responsible for some charitable contributions being halted. I have friends who have worked in the food business and the businesses use to donate leftover food to shelters and other places. There were threats of lawsuits because someone got a moldy bagel or a hamburger was not cooked just right. This kind of stupidity causes well intentioned people to stop helping. If the bagel has mold, throw it away and get another.

The federal government wastes billions of dollars a year in pork projects. They “bring home the bacon” so that they can get reelected. The amount of money we spend on things named after Robert Byrd or on bridges to nowhere could feed an awful lot of people. Communities can get involved and help out but in the big cities, the largest areas with people who are hungry, do not have a sense of community. How many small towns and rural areas actually have hordes of hungry people?

When I was in the Army we use to sell hot dogs every day to the troops on their break from class. Several times during the year we would take the money and buy cases of food when stores had case lot sales. We then donated the food to the local food bank. During my nearly three year tenure we bought over $5000 worth of food and nearly $2000 worth of presents for needy children during the Christmas toy drive. These are the kinds of efforts that help out and are much more effective than renaming the problem.

The Hollywood stars and politicians who spend millions of dollars on political campaigns and 2 million dollar weddings could certainly help alleviate this problem. The liberals are always talking about rich Republicans who do nothing to help and how tax cuts only help the wealthy (an incorrect statement) so why is it these same wealthy liberals (and face it, most of Hollywood is liberal) do not give millions to help feed the hungry? There is no reason people should go hungry in America. God knows there are enough programs and resources to help out. The problem is, they are not properly managed. There is also that double edged government sword. The government can help people get food but if there is no plan to solve the reason they do not have food then more people become dependent on government.

This is complex but should have been solved years ago. One thing is certain, renaming the problem will not make it go away (though I suppose now the Democrats can claim they ended hunger in America). Shakespeare’s Juliet pointed out that the rose by any other name would smell as sweet. Unfortunately, hunger by any other name still stinks.


More Democratic Infighting

James “Gollum” Carville is now calling for the Democratic Party to dump Howard Dean. Gollum is still out there screaming about what a historic win this Democratic takeover is but that Dean was incompetent or they would have taken 50 seats. This win is so historic that it has happened this way for every two term President since around WW II. In any event, Gollum wants Dean to be dumped.

One of Gollum’s complaints is that Dean did not spend enough money to get the third tier races. It is inconsequential that the Democrats had no money left and had to borrow 10 million dollars to finish up. You folks who voted for them better hope they handle the country’s money a bit better than they handled their campaign money. Of course the big difference is, during the campaign they send out mailers and emails begging for money. Now that they are in office they do not need your generosity because they can just raise taxes.

James Carville is a consultant and nothing else, though I understand he is quite successful all around the world in with his business. He is however, not employed as part of the Democratic establishment so who is he to call for Dean’s head? If we do not all get killed by the terrorists overseas or the terrorists in Congress, this will be a fun two years. I have always liked watching things implode.


Iran Says End Near For Israel

Israel is a mighty nation and they showed how destructive they can be when Hezbollah attacked them. Contrary to the lies told by the Muzzies over there, Lebanon and its puppet masters Hezbollah got the worst end of that fight. If it had not been for the anti-Semites in the UN calling for an end to action there might not be anything left over there. The only mistake Israel made was that they were not fierce enough. This is an enemy who is willing to die to take others out. In order to combat that one must fight with even greater ferocity. Israel should have gone balls to the walls in order to wipe them out before they could pass any more dead babies around and wail in the streets. They had to stop because the terrorist supporting UN got involved.

Now, Iran is saying that the end is near. Of course they are full of lies, as is the custom of the Muslims. Iran claims that 50% of Israel was destroyed by Hezbollah and it will not be long before the other 50% is taken care of. The Muzzies over there are getting ready to mess with Israel again. I said this would happen. I pointed out last year when Israel gave up even more land that they would be fighting again in a year, they were. I said at the end of the last conflict that the terrorists would rearm and attack again, they will and this time they will have Iran and others. This could be bad news for the Israelis because the Democrats are not as supportive of Israel and they might just let them perish. At least the Israelis know Bill Clinton will pick up a rifle and defend them (NOT!).

“The great war is ahead of us, (and will break out) perhaps tomorrow, or in another few days, or in a few months, or even in a few Years… Israel must collapse,” the newspaper said.

It added: “For the first time in the 60 years of its disgraceful life, the Zionist regime – the West’s beloved in the Middle East – tasted the taste of defeat, and the citizens of this regime trembled at the menace of Hizbullah’s missiles… The nation of Muslims must prepare for the great war, so as to completely wipe out the Zionist regime, and remove this cancerous growth. Like the Imam (Ayatollah) Khomeini said: ‘Israel must collapse.'” ynet

It is time for people to start listening. The Donks want to cut and run and we have seen time and again what that gets in return. The Israelis were perceived as weak for following a UN resolution. If they had wiped out every living thing, this would not be an issue. If they are attacked again the Israelis need to unleash the complete fury of its military. They need to put every naval vessel to bear, bring every piece of armor, every aircraft and ground troop and they need to attack, attack, attack. They need to kill everything so there will be no more threat. President Bush needs to make it clear to Congress that we will defend Israel and they had better not try to say otherwise. They can’t mess with the troops but they sure can mess with the money for the effort. If they do, we should take them out early, by whatever means is available.