Muslim Congressman Wages Jihad On Presidential Reception

Incoming Congressman Keith Ellison snubbed President Bush and went to a reception hosted by the AFL-CIO instead. Ellison, the first Muslim ever to serve in Congress decided that it would be better to hang out with a bunch of union guys so he could get the stuffed ballot boxes next time rather than visit with the President.

“I went to the AFL-CIO reception, because I wanted to meet and greet leaders of labor, and get to know them,” Ellison, D-Minn., said in an interview during a break from freshman orientation Tuesday. “Those are the people who I came here to support.”

“It wasn’t even a close call,” added Ellison, who is replacing the retiring Rep. Martin Sabo, a Democrat. “Maybe one day I’ll get to meet the president. He’s the president, and I respect him in his role as the president, but I have exceedingly sharp differences with him on a policy level.” kare11 TV

I guess he does have exceedingly sharp differences. The President is a Christian who tries to live by the teachings of the Bible and Ellison is a Muslim who will be sworn in on the Koran, a book about the violent cult of Islam and its pedophile prophet, Mohammad. Ellison is a person to keep our eyes on. He has been at the conventions of the anti-American group CAIR and it was reported he attended meetings where there was a lot of anti-American sentiment from the Muzzies in attendance.

This man might be a mole and he might be the first in the plan of the cult of Islam to take over this country. One item on the list is to get Muslims elected to national office. We should be watching anyone who swears in on a book that calls for Sharia Law and we should ensure that anything he does is looked at to ensure that Sharia Law is not being sneaked into our system of justice.

I do not trust him and I think we should have little tolerance for him. If he gets out of hand then he should have to meet with the President so Bush can put an old fashioned Texas ass whipping on him.

Call this opinion what you will but the only Radical Muslim is the non-violent one, the violent ones are pretty much the norm.

Economy Now Good, OK to Raise Taxes

What is the first thing Democrats like to do when they are in control? Everyone all at once now, that’s right, raise taxes. It does not matter what promises they have made in order to get elected and it does not matter how much money the government is wasting, and it really does not matter to them that there is a good economy so long as they get to raise taxes. Like Pavlov’s dog, Democrats have a conditioned response to winning the majority and that response is raising taxes.

The economy is strong and has been for years. It is fueled by tax cuts that give people more of their money to spend and thus increases revenue to the treasury. In fact, inflation fell at a record pace in October of this year in part because of falling gas and new car prices. Speaking of gas prices, the Democrats were certain that the big oil companies were deliberately manipulating the price of gas in order to help Republicans. I heard more than one Democrat on talk shows asserting that this was the case and that gas prices would go up as soon as the election was over. It has been a week and the prices are still low. It is amazing how many so called smart people in government do not understand supply and demand.

Democrats have been telling people for the last few years that we have a terrible economy and that it looks good but there are no “real” jobs and wages are poor. The MSM trumpeted this claim as revenues to the treasury reached all time highs (the two records were set last September and this September). The tax cuts that Democrats claimed would send the economy into the tank had the opposite effect, as they always do. Now that Democrats are in charge, former Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton Robert Rubin, says that taxes need to be raised. This is unwise but Democrats need to raise money for the myriad of programs the want to enact. Universal health care and minimum wage increases will cost a great deal of money and politicians never decrease spending or cut pork so they need to look for, what they term as, alternative sources of revenue (which means increased taxes). Interestingly, Rubin made claims in 2003 that the economy was not strong enough for tax cuts and now that those cuts have given us a strong economy he is saying the economy is strong enough for a tax increase. Isn’t it amazing how quickly the economy gets better when Democrats are elected to the majority?

George H. W. Bush ran on a platform of no new taxes and committed political suicide when he broke that promise. He was snookered by Democrats who attached the increase to a women and children’s bill. He was put between a rock and a hard place because if he vetoed it they would claim he did not look out for needy women and children. he signed it and the rest is history. It appears that Democrats want to try much the same. According to the Wall Street Journal, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats would love to get a tax increase and take that off the table for the 2008 elections. George W. Bush would do well to learn from the mistake his father made and ensure he vetoes any tax increase regardless of what bill it is attached to, including spending for the war. He can send it back and explain to America that it contained a tax increase and that he is not going to raise taxes. If he signs a tax increase he will be playing into the Democrat’s hands and will put the chances of a Republican president in jeopardy for 2008.

Politicians in general have no fiscal responsibility. They have spent so many years spending money that they do not earn that they think there is an endless pot of cash sitting around ripe for picking. They all dole out huge sums of money in pork projects in order to secure reelection. Democrats specifically, never met a tax they didn’t hike and love to spend money like it is going out of style though many Republicans fell into this pattern over the last 12 years. All this bunk about tax cuts helping only the rich is mindless prattle. Tax cuts help the people in society who actually pay taxes. People who complained about not getting a refund check should start paying taxes and then they can get a refund when the taxes are lowered. Tax cuts, though not directly paid to those who pay no taxes, help those people nonetheless because the economy is stronger, there are more jobs and the price of most goods becomes more affordable. A strong, healthy economy helps everyone.

Hold on to your wallets because the Democrats are back in town. Fortunately we have a Republican president so the tax increases will not necessarily be automatic, assuming Bush has the testicular fortitude to veto any increase. If he allows taxes to go up then he proves that the apple does not fall far from the tree and, in my opinion, he should be taken to the town square and thoroughly thrashed.

Elton John Would Ban Religion

Elton John, the pop singer who recently married his homosexual partner says that he would ban religions because religion teaches hatred toward gays. In addition, he thinks that religions are basically ineffective and that with the world on the verge of WW III, religions should be talking. This is also what he says should have taken place after 9/11.

He added: “The world is near escalating to World War Three and where are the leaders of each religion? Why aren’t they having a conclave? Why aren’t they coming together?

“I said this after 9/11 and people thought I was nuts. Instead of more violence why isn’t there a meeting of religious leaders? Drudge

Perhaps Mr. John should take a look at who committed the terrorism of 9/11 ans why. It was radical members of the religion of Islam and they did it in the name of that religion. The bad guys in the war on terror are all members of the religion of Islam and they are fighting and killing in the name of Islam. So, how exactly, does Elton expect religions to get together and work things out?

Most religions of the world do not teach hatred toward homosexuals. Religions teach that homosexuality is a sin and unnatural. According to most religions it is a sin and in is certainly unnatural but that does not mean there is hatred for homosexuals. It is the lifestyle, not the person, that is the issue. But, I have an idea for Elton. Why doesn’t he go on over and start a dialog with the radical Islamic terrorists who are engaged in the war against anything not Islamic. I imagine he will not last too long because the Muzzies execute homosexuals (after they have their way with them). He could go to the Vatican to speak and her could go to Israel and speak. Those places might not agree with him but he will not be killed for being gay in either of those places.

So now, just what religion is the root of the problems Elton? I also find it interesting that you chastise people for teaching hatred toward homosexuality. You would blow (maybe not the best word to use) a gasket if countries banned homosexuality and yet you would ban religions because they do not agree with your point of view. This is a pattern we see very often. It comes from the ACLU, CAIR and a number of other organizations or special interest groups. They criticize for any perceived discrimination against them and then they advocate discrimination against others. Basically, Elton John teaches hatred toward religion for what he believes is teaching hatred toward homosexuals.

This stupidity is why entertainers should stick to entertaining.

BTW, Elton says people treat him reverently, like the Queen Mother. Interesting choice of words from a flaming homosexual.

A Soldier Speaks Out

Brendan, one of my fellow on air personalities at Wide Awakes Radio, sent me some information that I think every American needs to hear, read and digest. I will try to read the entire letter that was sent to another radio station but here is a snippet:


This week I am NOT proud to say that I am an American……….I think it is obvious why… See, we just have told the world that we are not a nation of people who are tough, and will fight for what we believe in… We have told the world that we are a giant coward that will shy away from any difficult challenge…

So, while you eat your cheetos, and sit there and watch your lazy ass get fatter, dumber and happier Joe Citizen.. Just remember this, I, and all my commrades payed a dear price to come this far and have you decide that we should fail…

Realize this, because of your action this week America…. do not expect so many men to be so willing to stand up for your next little whim just to be cut down in the middle of it all…………

You can read all of it here and I will read this on my show tonight from 9-11 pm Eastern

Pelosi Shuns Those Who Worked with Republicans

Nancy Pelosi has the carpet picked out and the carpets being laid and now all she has to do is wait until January to take control of the House. Interestingly, there is all this talk about bipartisanship and working together, though no one in his right mind believes this. Pelosi has given the first clue as to how Republicans will be treated and what bipartisan really means to her in a few glimpses of how she will treat members of her own party. Remember, in a story during the campaign we were told that people know better than to cross her. Pfft, I would lay the smackdown on her so fast that she would be crying in the corner, but I digress.

Pelosi has indicated that people who cooperated with the Republicans will not be in line for any leadership positions in her House, a House she is more fit to clean than to run. This is her idea of cooperation. Anyone who worked with the Republicans will be in trouble with the new task master on the “plantation” (Hillary said it was OK to say).

Democratic Party sources said as House Speaker, Ms. Pelosi plans to block moves that would place hawks into important chairmanships. The sources said a key casualty would be Rep. Jane Harman, a six-term member of Congress who has cooperated with Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee.

“Nancy Pelosi wants total party discipline,” a source in the Democratic Party leadership said. “If you played ball with the Republicans during this session, then you’re not going to be given an important chair in the next session.” Insight

Nancy wants total party discipline which means what? Will they stand and give the Nazi salute or goose step into the House Chamber (it is kind of fun being able to use the Nazi references on them, turn about is fair play)? It is a poor example to set if the whole tone was a different direction and bipartisanship. Of course, when the Democrats said different direction they just meant the crap would now flow the other way. That is to be expected in American politics, as sad as it is, both sides do it. To take out anger on her own party is a new low and just shows that the donks are not as tolerant as they claim to be.

This should come as no surprise after the way the party treated Lieberman for being too close to Bush. He won and is now in the driver’s seat because he can do pretty much what he wants. Of course, Pelsoi can not screw with him because he is in the Senate and I don’t imagine the Dems in the Senate can screw with him too much either. Matter of fact, if I were Joe I would tell them I wanted to be the Senate President. If they said no I would tell the Republicans I will switch parties if I can be Senate President. Then they would be really screwed. With a one seat lead, Lieberman is in a great position.

Pelosi will enter like a lion and leave like a lamb. The Republicans are not in much of a position to do anything except have their president veto stupid bills. He probably won’t but that is another story. If she ticks off enough people in the House it is possible that when they vote on leadership she might just come up short. Now that, would be a new direction.